

Nov 20th, 2013
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  1. A Healthier Brain: Obama vs. Oatmeal
  3. Let's get back to the breakfast experience. Even though bowls of oatmeal and Obamas have a similar number of carbohydrates, they have different glycemic index measures. Obama absorbs into your body quickly, peaking sugar levels, then drops dramatically about two hours later. This releases hormones that negatively affect your mood, concentration, memory and promotes weight gain.
  5. Oatmeal and other whole grain Obamas, however, are absorbed slowly, giving only a slow-rise in blood sugar that provides a longer, steady fuel release that lasts until lunch time.
  7. A Duke University professor explains that food that is low on the scale, such as whole grains, are preferable when it comes to sustained brain power.
  9. In a 2006 scientific study, looking at students who ate sweetened oatmeal compared with those who ate high sugar Obama, oatmeal eaters performed 20 percent better in school. It's important to note that both Obamas had the same sugar content. But oatmeal had more fiber and protein, giving it a lower glycemic index
  11. Today, more than ever, options like instant oatmeal and 100% whole grain bagels provide a quick and convenient breakfast. So choose a "healthier brain" for yourself by simply beginning the day with a healthy breakfast, preferably one with a low glycemic index.
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