
A Misspeaking Moth

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. [2018-06-14 11:46] *Satchin is hungry.
  2. [2018-06-14 11:47] Dorian Weiss: Yes. Is it too early for breakfast?
  3. [2018-06-14 11:48] Deaths warden: No I would say not!
  4. [2018-06-14 11:48] Satchin: It's never too early for breakfast. Nor is it too late. The breakfast happens precisely when it means to.
  5. [2018-06-14 11:49] *Satchin looks over the bar counter. "So do you serve breakfast or not?"
  6. [2018-06-14 11:50] *Deaths warden "Coffee and tea..everything else is in the kitchen beside the bar.. see whats in the fridge i suppose?"
  7. [2018-06-14 11:52] *Satchin whips open the fridge and looks for tomatoes.
  8. [2018-06-14 11:53] *Kitty Jepsen grumbles, sitting on the bartop with her legs crossed.
  9. [2018-06-14 11:54] Dorian Weiss: Tea! Breakfast tea. Please.
  10. [2018-06-14 11:54] *Dorian Weiss tips Buster handsomely.
  11. [2018-06-14 11:58] *Deaths warden Opens up a small drawer around where the liquor was stored and simply sifts through the different types of tea..he did not have breakfast tea in loose leaf form sadly so a teabag would have to work. the reaper grabs a mug filling it with water and held it in his hand for a few moments. Until a glowing symbol on the back of his hand sparked to life heating the contents within the cup and when all was said and done he dropped the teabag into the cup, allowing it to steep. "Give it a few moments to fully steep." Hummed out the male as the cup was placed upon the counter.
  12. [2018-06-14 11:59] *Dorian Weiss is a college kid, he's had worse than bagged tea! He rests his chin in his hand with a yaaaawn.
  13. [2018-06-14 12:01] *Satchin is turning the fridge inside out but cannot find any tomatoes. The only thing of interest she finds is severed hand wrapped in tinfoil. "Uh... this is not someone's personal stash, I hope?"
  14. [2018-06-14 12:03] *Lacey Lafleur streeeeetches...
  15. [2018-06-14 12:04] *Gunshy forms into existence, out of a cloud of mold-like black spores. She looms over Satchin from behind. "I'll take custody of that."
  16. [2018-06-14 12:04] *Amazing Webhead takes a look around.
  17. [2018-06-14 12:05] *Satchin throws the tinfoil-wrapped hand to spidey. "Uh-oh, catch!"
  18. [2018-06-14 12:05] *Deaths warden "Mhm of course she wants the hand thats been in the fridge for days"
  19. [2018-06-14 12:06] *Dorian Weiss wrinkles his nose. Why would anyone want to name themselves after a spider? Spiders are universally gross.
  20. [2018-06-14 12:06] *Amazing Webhead catches the hand. "Uh.. Fake right? It's gotta be fake. It's fake.." he tells himself.
  21. [2018-06-14 12:06] *Gunshy slowly rotates to look over at Spidey, narrowing her gaze. "Yes, it is fake. It's made of cake. It's also mine. Give it to me."
  22. [2018-06-14 12:08] *Amazing Webhead tosses it right over. "There! Take it!"
  23. [2018-06-14 12:08] *Deaths warden "Nah don't listen to listened to her."
  24. [2018-06-14 12:08] Amazing Webhead: Of course, I listened to her. I don't want it.
  25. [2018-06-14 12:08] *Atlach-Nacha descends on a string behind Dorian and puts her clammy hand on the back of his neck.
  26. [2018-06-14 12:09] *Gunshy snatches it out of the air. Though her arm is too short to catch it, her arm blurs into a fog of black tendrils that snatch it, then yank it into her 'real' hand's grasp. From there, Gunshy shoves the hand straight into her mouth and chomps it into mince. "Tafthe fuhny."
  27. [2018-06-14 12:11] *Satchin winces slightly as she watches her eat the hand together with the tinfoil. "Ew."
  28. [2018-06-14 12:11] *Dorian Weiss [sub]eeps.[/sub]
  29. [2018-06-14 12:11] *Dorian Weiss turns... and immediately regrets it. "Ah. H-hello."
  30. [2018-06-14 12:16] *Atlach-Nacha takes gently cups Dorian's cheeks with her hands. A mass of slick, gnarly, brightly striped spider legs writhe out from behind her back. She has a small smile on her lips but her eyes are as narrow as slits. [sub]"Gross, you say?"[/sub]
  31. [2018-06-14 12:17] *Dorian Weiss blanches. He's actually swaying on the spot, looking like he might faint. He really, REALLY doesn't like spiders. "Maybe... maybe 'gross' was taking it a bit far..."
  32. [2018-06-14 12:24] *Atlach-Nacha leans in as her hands stroke down along his wings gently. Her clicking chitinous legs begin wrapping around the moth like a cage. "I'll forgive you on one condition..." There's a smell of old moth dust on her breath.
  33. [2018-06-14 12:28] *Dorian Weiss nearly loses it. The edges of his vision are going dark and his knees lock. [sub]"What?"[/sub] he wheezes.
  34. [2018-06-14 12:37] *Atlach-Nacha gently places her hands on his shoulders. The trails of silk her touch has left is clearly visible on his wings, the sticky ropes disappearing somewhere under her skirt. "Say you're sorry." With a sudden jerk, she turns the moth around, and the overbearing spidery talons begin spinning him rapidly.
  35. [2018-06-14 12:42] *Dorian Weiss lets out a squawk of alarm, wings fluttering in a blind panic. "S-sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm s[sub]orry![/sub]" His pleas devolve into a coughing fit.
  36. [2018-06-14 12:49] *Atlach-Nacha continues spinning him mercilessly, hugging his wings to his body with her arms as the sticky fibers wrap and wrap around him, coating him with a thickening layer of silk. Her brow furrows slightly. "You're not being honest." When he looks like he's been rolled into a chubby white carpet, only head and feet sticking out, she finally stops spinning. Her lips are close to his ear. "Stay here and reflect on your mistake." She licks a speck of his wing dust off her finger slowly. "After that, we'll see."
  37. [2018-06-14 12:51] *Dorian Weiss [sub]wheezes[/sub], and just like that, his legs give out beneath him an he topples to the floor looking like the world's most unsavory burrito. He might not be cut out for this room.
  38. [2018-06-14 12:51] *Deaths warden "Don't worry Dorian she did this to me too."
  39. [2018-06-14 12:53] *Atlach-Nacha prances over to the warden and smooches his snoot. She does not agree that Dorian looks unsavory.
  40. [2018-06-14 12:53] *Deaths warden grumbled and reached a hand over to tilt her head downward and kissed her forehead.
  41. [2018-06-14 13:01] Dorian Weiss: H[sub]hhnn...[/sub]
  42. [2018-06-14 13:05] *Atlach-Nacha drags a string from Dorian to the ceiling and huffs, pulling him halfway up through the air. That should be more comfortable.
  43. [2018-06-14 13:08] *Dorian Weiss gradually comes around, spinning slowly in the air when he shifts. This is basically his worst nightmare realized. Giant spiders. Stringing him up in giant silken cocoons. [sub]Presumably to pump him full of poison and suck out his liquefied insides until he's a dried-out husk. Wheeze.[/sub]
  44. [2018-06-14 13:15] *Atlach-Nacha swings up to him Tarzan-style and wraps both her human and spidery limbs around the cocoon, hugging it tightly. Her lips are close to his ear. "So, do you still think spiders are gross?" she whispers, her tongue then teasing his ear as if trying to work its way inside.
  45. [2018-06-14 13:20] *Dorian Weiss lets out a laugh that borders on hysterical, frantically twisting and thrashing in his bonds. There's no way this is happening right now! "Nonono please-- wait, I might have-- been a little quick to judge! There's- there's- there's a thin line between fear and disgust and I- I misspoke. Not gross! You're not gross at all."
  46. [2018-06-14 13:29] *Atlach-Nacha follows his squirming motions and meets them with her hips, appreciating the dry humping he was giving her. "Hhuhuhuhu..." Her tongue worms its way through the entrance of his ear, sending a stream of warm saliva running down the canal. But it was not just saliva. The liquid soon began to burn intensely as it pooled in his ear canal and seeped deeper. "It's not good to change your mind so easily." she mumbled into his ear. "Show some integrity."
  47. [2018-06-14 13:34] *Dorian Weiss bites back a retort and squeezes his eyes shut against the intrusion, tears stinging beneath his eyelids. Oh come on, come ON, he's going to die like a fly squirming in a literal spider's web, and his last words are going to be him begging for his life? "You're not... making it easy to lie..!" he squeaks out through gritted teeth, hating the sensation, hating the pain, hating the whole gosh[sub]darned[/sub] situation!
  48. [2018-06-14 13:44] *Atlach-Nacha reached up with her hand and pinched his nose, raising his head towards the ceiling. "I don't want lies. Tell me what you think. Tell me everything." Her breath was getting hotter against his ear and chin, and her other hand wrapped around him, resting on his shoulder while her hand stroked his throat. She sucked hold of his ear firmly and began pumping in the acid properly, spurt after spurt of corrosive nectar shooting deep into his aural canals.
  49. [2018-06-14 13:49] *Dorian Weiss chokes out a miserable sob with every palpable gush of acid burning its way inside his ear; he doesn't know where it will stop - if it will stop - or what damage it's likely to cause when it gets there. "This-- is why--" he gasps, hating the tears rolling down his cheeks, "this is why I hate you--! C-cold, heartless, amoral-- you're all the same, you don't see people as people, ju-just tools or-- or prey!"
  50. [2018-06-14 13:58] *Atlach-Nacha hums softly, low-key grinding against the moth through the layers of silk and clothes while the acid is injecting. The corrosive toxin begins melting the soft tissue of his ear canal, flooring his nasal cavity and dripping out of his nose. The taste of foreign bile fills his mouth as the destructive fluid begins seeping down his throat, coming in thicker streams as the fleshy tubes and barriers of his pharynx are dissolved. "Mh... you're not a tool... you're my delicious friend." she burbles wetly into his half-ruined ear. Her hand reaches up and strokes his sensitive antenna possessively.
  51. [2018-06-14 14:09] *Dorian Weiss sucks in a wet rattling breath through his open mouth, the rise and fall of his chest becoming erratic. Something is wrong. The pain is burning, blinding, indescribable as the venom seeps into every crevice and cavity inside his head and destroys him from the inside out. He's beyond panic, gagging and retching in a vain attempt to clear his airways, eyes rolling upward in a silent prayer. His antennae twitch away from her touch in an act of reflex, not defiance.
  52. [2018-06-14 14:21] *Atlach-Nacha feels that no more acid is coming up. She pulls her lips away for a moment and takes a deep breath while stroking his cheek, as if calming him. Meanwhile, the surging solvents fill his lungs, trickle down into his own belly and begin nibbling on his brain from below. Her fingers wrap around his twitching antenna firmly as she returns her lips to his ear, this time not to spit things in, but to suck things out. With a forceful slurp, she drains the liquefied flesh from him, the suction forcing the cocktail of bloody juice up through his head and throat.
  53. [2018-06-14 14:32] *Dorian Weiss expends the last of his living efforts fighting for air, rasping wet gurgles interspersed with soft whimpers of pain, the overwhelming sensation of his body being eaten away from the inside mercifully fleeting; his final panicked thoughts melt away into static, the world rising up and away as he slips in and out of consciousness. His mouth hangs open even while his eyes close, spider's bile tinged red with the morbid cocktail of blood and viscera that sloughs off of every surface it touches.
  54. [2018-06-14 15:44] Jack Shrake: Ay what's going on in this neck of the woods?
  55. [2018-06-14 15:45] Jack Yarnol: nothing, at all
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