

Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. The Giant had another pretape, this time lounging in a red velvet robe and smoking a pipe.
  3. "Like my new digs? Don't let anybody say I don't go all out when it's necessary. And tonight, of all nights, it is very necessary, as tonight, I'm going to make a starting revelation. I'm gonna take that conniving little never-was, that snake in the grass, that worm who's doing the dirty work for the old men backstage, and I'm gonna drag him into the light. I'm gonna call him out by name.
  5. You see, Jeff Jarret knows he's got a ceiling. He knows the head honchos like him, they want him around, but they want him as a jester. He's the goof-off who goes out, does his shuffle, yaps about the Global Force, puts someone in the Impact Zone, and calls it a night. But he also knows that if he helps out the old guys backstage, and keeps new blood out, once those old guys start saying goodnight or dying off, he'll be the only one left, and he'll finally have his shot at getting to the top, getting a real shot at the title and the big bucks that come with it. I've already told you how he stymied HHH, and he stymied Page and Nick Lovin, but what he did to Rey Mysterio is on a different level entirely. You see, down in San Diego, Rey's hometown, the head honchos had a moment of charity, or maybe just a moment of clarity, and decided to give Rey Mysterio his shot at the big time. They gave him a main event against none other than Lex Luger, a true WCW original if ever there was one. But Luger's been past his prime for a while now, and the head honchos aren't so high on him anymore. When you're young, you've got potential, but when you're close to 40, you need results, and that's one thing Luger didn't have. Jarret has ears everywhere, so when he got the news that his tag team partner was falling down the totem pole, he knew he had to act. So he made a little plan with Luger, and that night in San Diego, Luger acted out, basically playing dead on live TV. His passive resistance ruined the match, ruined those plans in store for Rey, and on top of all that, it made Rey a laughingstock in front of his friends and family, to the point where he's teamed up with Ultimo Dragon, freeing up a spot at singles stardom for old J-E-double-F-J-A-double-R-E-double-T. And Luger didn't even get punished. They needed him for War Games, and after that, he got into an "accident" that got him paid time off until the Mexico tour, where they needed him again. At this point, his position in the main event is basically locked down for another 6 months at least.
  7. Because that's what pests like Jarrett, and Luger, and all the old men backstage do. They take, they take, they take, and they give nothing back. They give nothing back to the company, they give nothing back to the next generation, and they give nothing back to the fans. They're leeches, plain and simple, just waiting for the day they can retire and live off royalty checks, merchandising, or whatever the hell those shoes with the meat pocket are supposed to be."
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