
Sunset Stays the Night

Jan 21st, 2020
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  1. >be yourself
  2. >boyfriend of Sunset Shimmer for 2 months
  3. >After spending another warm Summer day with her, filled with fun, laughs, memories, it was unfortunately time for her to head home
  4. >You walk with Sunset to the front door, her hand still held in yours from when you were lying on the couch together
  5. >As you reach the door, you turn to face Sunset, and your heart immediately begins to race
  6. >This girl - no, this woman - this beautiful, gentle, kind hearted woman, has given you more joy in the short time you’ve known her than you’ve felt in your entire life
  7. >You’re always telling her in new ways just how much she means to you, how happy she makes you, and deeply in love with her you are
  8. >To which you are usually met with a blush, a giggle, and an endearing smile that says, “I feel the same way, and even more.”
  9. >You gently wrap your arms around Sunset’s waist, which causes her face to glow with an adorable blush, and pull her in close for a warm, heartfelt embrace
  10. >Your arms slowly move upwards along her back to hold her as close to you as possible, and although you can’t see it, you’re sure that blush has overtaken her entire face by now
  11. >Sunset nuzzles herself into the side of your neck, and now has her arms wrapped around your torso, trying her hardest to pull you in even closer than you’re pulling her, wanting to feel the warmth, and care, and safety one could only get from an embrace like this as much as possible
  12. >You run one hand through Sunny’s crimson, sun-streaked hair, slowly tracing over one of the yellow streaks from the end to the top of her head, which you place it atop gently, as if you were petting her
  13. >She releases her grip on you and pulls her head back, now staring directly - slightly upwards, but still directly - into your eyes, and relinking her arms around your neck
  14. >Her normally light amber skin tone was nowhere to be found, as it was overtaken by a deep, radiant red that if a few shades darker, could match the fiery nature of her hair
  15. >You see that she’s trembling - out of fear, out of nervousness, out of anticipation - a mixture of emotions that she has no chance of controlling herself
  16. >You know first hand just how loving a person Sunset is, she wants so badly to show those close to her just how much they mean to her and how important they are in her life, but her past has left her at constant odds with herself, scared to go too far or make a mistake, and risk losing someone who means everything to her
  17. >She strives to be absolutely perfect to everyone around her while ignoring her own wants
  18. >You yourself hesitate, as the nervousness Sunset has been undoubtedly feeling finally reaches you, but you know now isn’t the time to freeze up and do nothing
  19. >You’ve done this before plenty of times, so why are you so nervous now?
  20. >You stare into her gorgeous cyan eyes that are displaying just how vulnerable she feels with their minuscule, rapid motions, and understand that whatever worries you’re currently feeling, Sunset is feeling them infinitely more
  21. >She needs you now more than ever before
  22. >You clear your head of any doubts you had and slowly lean forward, feeling the heat of her breath against your face, before bringing your lips together with hers
  23. >Your thoughts are suddenly racing at a speed you can’t even comprehend
  24. >You’re desperately trying to take everything in, your surroundings, your emotions, your feelings, because you’ve never felt a passion like this before
  25. >Over the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears, you faintly hear Sunset let out a long, drawn out sigh of satisfaction the moment your lips touch
  26. >You feel her lips easily start to overpower yours, showing just how eager she was for this moment to happen
  27. >Sunset starts instinctively pushing into you, causing you to lean backwards to support her
  28. >Through your shut eyes, you see a bright, nearly blinding glow present itself
  29. >You open your eyes slightly to be met with a sight that only meant one thing;
  30. >Sunset is really enjoying this moment right now
  31. >Two equine ears now reside at the sides of Sunset’s head, popping out from the sea of flames that is her hair
  32. >And speaking of hair, Sunset’s normal waist length hair now reaches down to her ankles, gathered together in the middle by a single metallic cuff, matching the ones you’ve seen her wear on occasions
  33. >While this is happening, Sunset is completely oblivious to it all
  34. >It nearly melts your heart seeing this side of Sunset that she shows to you, and only you
  35. >While this isn’t your first exposure to Sunset’s magic, it is fairly out of the blue for you this time
  36. >The first time you saw her like this was the day you confessed your feelings for her
  37. >You can still vividly remember telling her just how enamored you are with her, how happy it makes you to see her beautiful smile, and how you want to spend the rest of your life by her side, and she simply stood frozen in shock, almost staring through you instead of at you
  38. >For what felt like an eternity, she stood and stared, and you were starting to think she would reject you, until you saw the tears streaming down her face
  39. >That made you scared that you really had done something wrong, until finally the glow appeared
  40. >From that moment, you were no longer staring at Sunset Shimmer
  41. >You were face to face with a blazing sun, a beautiful flame that could rival the rising of a Phoenix, the woman you thought more beautiful than any other in the world now left you speechless when witnessing her true appearance
  42. >After the glow dissipated and you were able to see again, there stood the Sunset Shimmer you knew and loved, now resembling the likes of a goddess or princess, her beauty shattering limits you thought unimaginable
  43. >There she stood, still with the tears in her eyes, but no longer falling downwards, simply disappearing into thin air as they left her tear ducts
  44. >However, she now sported the biggest smile you had ever seen her wear, showcasing that these were not tears of sadness, but instead tears of joy
  45. >
  46. >The other time was during your first kiss
  47. >You’ve kissed practically every day since then, but tonight was different and you couldn’t exactly put your finger on why
  48. >
  49. >As you go to open the door to let her leave, she tugs on your shirt sleeve
  50. >You turn to look at her, and an immense blush has overtaken her adorable face.
  51. >You can tell she's nervous, and possibly scared to ask what she's about to ask by the way she's staring at you.
  52. >"H-hey, I want..."
  53. >"I want to stay with you longer. Could I stay over tonight?"
  54. >Now it was your turn to blush.
  55. >Sunset was usually an extremely confident girl, but to see her this meek and nervous was outrageously cute.
  56. "..A-alright, sure, I don't mind at all."
  57. >You were nearly sweating at this point.
  58. >Sunset staying overnight with you... that meant that "that" would eventually happen, right?
  59. >Is that her whole reason for doing this? Especially with how nervous she's being?
  60. >It's not like you wouldn't be okay with doing "that" with Sunset, hell you would feel fucking honored.
  61. >Sunset is hands down the most beautiful girl, no, the most beautiful woman you know, and you're the person she chose to date.
  62. >And she wants to take it to the next level?
  63. >Well, you won't say anything in case that's not her intention.
  64. >After all, she could just want to stay with you for a little longer, and you're fine with that. Any time with Sunset is the best time of your life.
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