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May 19th, 2015
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  2. you can add more shows to this list if you'd like!
  4. Game of Thrones
  5. Jon Snow:
  6. Daenerys Targaryen:
  7. Tyrion Lannister:
  8. Cersei Lannister:
  9. Jaime Lannister:
  10. Sansa Stark:
  11. Arya Stark:
  12. Robb Stark:
  13. Bran Stark:
  14. Rickon Stark:
  15. Catelyn Stark:
  16. Theon Greyjoy:
  17. Margaery Tyrell:
  18. Loras Tyrell:
  19. Joffrey Baratheon:
  20. Brienne of Tarth:
  21. Ramsay Bolton:
  22. Eddard/Ned Stark:
  23. Hodor:
  24. Bronn:
  25. Missandei:
  26. Ygritte:
  27. (add more if you'd like)
  29. Daredevil
  30. Matt Murdock:
  31. Karen Page:
  32. Foggy Nelson:
  33. Claire Temple:
  34. Wilson Fisk:
  35. James Wesley:
  36. Ben Urich:
  37. Vanessa Marianna:
  39. Doctor Who
  40. 10:
  41. 11:
  42. 12:
  43. Rose Tyler:
  44. Amy Pond:
  45. Rory Pond:
  46. Clara Oswald:
  47. Martha Jones:
  48. Dalek:
  50. Arrow
  51. Oliver Queen:
  52. Laurel Lance:
  53. John Diggle:
  54. Thea Queen:
  55. Felicity Smoak:
  56. Roy Harper:
  58. The Flash
  59. Barry Allen:
  60. Iris West:
  61. Caitlin Snow:
  62. Eddie Thawne:
  63. Cisco Ramon:
  65. Grey's Anatomy
  66. Meredith Grey:
  67. Alex Karev:
  68. Miranda Bailey:
  69. Derek Shepherd:
  70. Richard Webber:
  71. Cristina Yang:
  72. Callie Torres:
  73. Owen Hunt:
  74. Mark Sloan:
  75. Izzie Stevens:
  76. Lexie Grey:
  77. George O'Malley
  78. (add more if you'd like)
  80. Scandal
  81. Olivia Pope:
  82. Abby Whelan:
  83. Quinn Perkins:
  84. Huck:
  85. Cyrus Beene:
  86. David Rosen:
  87. Mellie Grant:
  88. President Fitzgerland Grant:
  89. Jake Ballard:
  91. Once Upon a Time
  92. Emma Swan:
  93. Snow White:
  94. Regina Mills:
  95. Prince Charming:
  96. Henry Mills:
  97. Mr. Gold:
  98. Belle French:
  99. Captain Hook:
  100. Ruby:
  101. Neal Cassidy:
  102. Robin Hood:
  103. Tinkerbell:
  104. (add more if you'd like)
  108. Penny Dreadful
  109. Vanessa Ives:
  110. Ethan Chandler:
  111. Dorian Gray:
  112. Brona Croft:
  113. Victor Frankenstein:
  115. The Walking Dead
  116. Rick Grimes:
  117. Glenn:
  118. Carl Grimes:
  119. Daryl Dixon:
  120. Carol Peletier:
  121. Maggie Greene:
  122. Beth Greene:
  123. Sasha Williams:
  124. Michonne:
  125. Hershel Greene:
  126. Lori Grimes:
  127. Tyreese Williams:
  130. Supernatural
  131. Dean Winchester:
  132. Sam Winchester:
  133. Castiel:
  136. The Vampire Diaries
  137. Elena Gilbert:
  138. Stefan Salvatore:
  139. Damon Salvatore:
  140. Bonnie Bennett:
  141. Caroline Forbes:
  142. Matt Donovan:
  143. Tyler Lockwood:
  144. Jeremy Gilbert:
  146. Orange is the New Black
  147. Piper Chapman:
  148. Alex Vause:
  149. Sam Healy:
  150. Nicky Nichols:
  151. Crazy Eyes:
  152. Taystee:
  153. Poussey Washington:
  154. Dayanara Diaz:
  155. Gloria Mendoza:
  156. Lorna Morello:
  157. Pennsatucky:
  158. John Bennett:
  159. Sophia Burset:
  160. Big Boo:
  161. Larry Bloom:
  162. Pornstache:
  165. Breaking Bad
  166. Walter White:
  167. Skyler White:
  168. Jesse Pinkman:
  169. Walter White, Jr.
  170. Saul Goodman:
  171. Marie Schrader:
  172. Hank Schrader:
  175. Hannibal
  176. Hannibal Lecter:
  177. Will Graham:
  178. Alana Bloom:
  179. Jack Crawford:
  180. Beverly Katz:
  181. Bedelia Du Maurier:
  183. The 100
  184. Clarke Griffin:
  185. Bellamy Blake:
  186. Octavia Blake:
  187. Monty Green:
  188. Chancellor Jaha:
  189. Raven Reyes:
  190. Finn Collins:
  191. John Murphy:
  192. Commander Lexa:
  194. Pretty Little Liars
  195. Spencer Hastings:
  196. Hanna Marin:
  197. Aria Montgomery:
  198. Ezra Fitz:
  199. Emily Fields:
  200. Alison DiLaurentis:
  201. Mona:
  202. Caleb:
  203. Toby:
  206. New Girl
  207. Jessica Day:
  208. Nick Miller:
  209. Schmidt:
  210. Cece:
  211. Winston Bishop:
  212. Coach:
  214. Empire
  215. Lucious Lyon:
  216. Hakeem Lyon:
  217. Jamal Lyon:
  218. Andre Lyon:
  219. Rhonda Lyon:
  220. Cookie Lyon:
  221. Porsha:
  222. Becky:
  223. Anika Calhoun:
  225. How to Get Away With Murder:
  226. Annalise Keating:
  227. Wes Gibbins:
  228. Connor Walsh:
  229. Rebecca Sutter:
  230. Michaela Pratt:
  231. Asher Millstone:
  232. Laurel Castillo:
  234. Freaks and Geeks:
  235. Lindsay Weir:
  236. Sam Weir:
  237. Daniel Desario:
  238. Neal Schweiber:
  239. Ken Miller:
  240. Nick Andopolis:
  241. Bill Haverchuck:
  243. Spongebob:
  244. Spongebob:
  245. Patrick:
  246. Squidward:
  247. Plankton:
  248. Mr. Krabs:
  249. Sandy:
  250. Gary:
  252. The Simpsons:
  253. Homer:
  254. Marge:
  255. Bart:
  256. Lisa:
  257. Ned Flanders:
  258. Moe:
  259. Millhouse:
  261. Gilmore Girls:
  262. Lorelai Gilmore:
  263. Rory Gilmore:
  264. Lane Kim:
  265. Luke Danes:
  266. Dean Forester:
  267. Logan Huntzberger:
  268. Sookie St. James:
  270. One Tree Hill:
  271. Haley James Scott:
  272. Brooke Davis:
  273. Nathan Scott:
  274. Lucas Scott:
  275. Peyton Sawyer:
  276. Quinn James:
  277. Julian Baker:
  279. (add more to this if you want to)
  281. Gossip Girl:
  282. Serena van der Woodsen:
  283. Blair Waldorf:
  284. Dan Humphrey:
  285. Nate Archibald:
  286. Chuck Bass:
  288. 90210:
  289. Annie Wilson:
  290. Dixon Wilson:
  291. Naomi Clark:
  292. Erin Silver:
  293. Navid Shirazi:
  294. Adrianna Tate-Duncan:
  295. Liam Court:
  296. Ivy Sullivan:
  297. Teddy Montgomery:
  299. Degrassi:
  301. Glee:
  302. Kurt Hummel:
  303. Blaine Anderson:
  304. Sue Sylvester:
  305. Artie Abrams:
  306. Rachel Berry:
  307. Will Schuester:
  308. Santana Lopez:
  309. Tina Cohen-Chang:
  310. Mercedez Jones:
  311. Puck:
  312. Brittany Pierce:
  313. Finn Hudson:
  314. Mike Chang:
  315. Sam Evans:
  316. Quinn Fabray:
  317. Principal Figgins:
  318. Kitty:
  319. Marley Rose:
  320. (add to this if you want)
  322. American Horror Story:
  323. (just add the characters you want to include)
  325. The Office:
  326. Jim Halpert:
  327. Pam Beesley:
  328. Michael Scott:
  329. Dwight Schrute:
  330. Kevin Malone:
  331. Stanley Hudson:
  332. Angela Martin:
  333. Phyllis Vance:
  334. Meredith Palmer:
  335. Creed:
  336. Oscar Martinez:
  337. Ryan Howard:
  338. Kelly Kapoor:
  339. Andy Bernard:
  342. Parks and Rec:
  343. Leslie Knope:
  344. Ben Wyatt:
  345. Ron Swanson:
  346. April Ludgate:
  347. Andy Dwyer:
  348. Tom Haverford:
  349. Donna Meagle:
  350. Ann Perkins:
  351. Chris Traeger:
  354. FRIENDS:
  355. Rachel Green:
  356. Monica Geller:
  357. Phoebe Buffay:
  358. Joey Tribbiani:
  359. Chandler Bing:
  360. Ross Geller:
  362. Teen Wolf:
  363. Scott McCall:
  364. Lydia Martin:
  365. Stiles:
  366. Allison Argent:
  367. Malia Tate:
  368. Derek Hale:
  369. Isaac Lahey:
  371. True Blood:
  372. Sookie Stackhouse:
  373. Bill Compton:
  374. Sam Merlotte:
  375. Jason Stackhouse:
  376. Tara Thornton:
  377. Eric Northman:
  378. Lafayette:
  379. Pam De Beaufort:
  380. Jessica Hamby:
  382. The Mindy Project:
  383. Mindy Lahiri:
  384. Dany Castellano:
  385. Morgan Tookers:
  386. Jeremy Reed:
  387. Beverly:
  388. Peter Prentice:
  389. Tamra:
  391. Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
  392. Buffy Summers:
  393. Faith Lehane:
  394. Willow Rosenberg:
  395. Tara Maclay:
  396. Xander Harris:
  397. Dawn Summers:
  398. Spike:
  399. Angel:
  400. Rupert Giles:
  401. Anya:
  403. The O.C.:
  404. Ryan Atwood:
  405. Marissa Cooper:
  406. Seth Cohen:
  407. Summer Roberts:
  409. The Originals:
  410. Klaus Mikaelson:
  411. Elijah Mikaelson:
  412. Hayley Marshall:
  413. Marcel Gerard:
  414. Camille O'Connell:
  415. Rebekah Mikaelson:
  416. Davina Claire:
  419. you can add more shows to this list if you'd like!
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