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a guest
Oct 21st, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. Pre-Game
  3. diamant funf: kaisa open
  4. In-Game
  5. diamant funf: thats
  6. diamant funf: good
  7. diamant funf: no exhaust for me or u late game
  8. diamant funf: we have rly tanky team
  9. diamant funf: so need to get carries going
  10. diamant funf: wait
  11. diamant funf: i thought I had ignite lol
  12. diamant funf: ff
  13. diamant funf: 15
  14. diamant funf: ur
  15. diamant funf: trash
  16. diamant funf: hold mid.
  17. diamant funf: please
  18. diamant funf: neck urself
  19. diamant funf: irl
  20. diamant funf: u pick
  21. diamant funf: gank jungler
  22. diamant funf: and u try to powerfarm
  23. diamant funf: in my game
  24. diamant funf: and ur still 50 cs down
  25. diamant funf: lanes
  26. diamant funf: not jungle
  27. diamant funf: retard
  28. diamant funf: zac
  29. diamant funf: please
  30. diamant funf: actually
  31. diamant funf: slit ur wrist
  32. diamant funf: dont
  33. diamant funf: thats toxic
  34. diamant funf: but ur still trash
  35. diamant funf: u literally have
  36. diamant funf: 0 impact
  37. diamant funf: stop fucking farming
  38. diamant funf: tghat was
  39. diamant funf: actually really toxic
  40. diamant funf: didnt meant the wrist thing
  41. diamant funf: soz x
  42. diamant funf: oh
  43. diamant funf: cool
  44. diamant funf: didnt think
  45. diamant funf: it was warded
  46. diamant funf: I get it
  47. diamant funf: next item
  48. diamant funf: in fact
  49. diamant funf: i cant
  50. diamant funf: buy mortal reminder ez
  51. diamant funf: zac
  52. diamant funf: im
  53. diamant funf: gonna
  54. diamant funf: run it down mid
  55. diamant funf: if u dont
  56. diamant funf: fucking
  57. diamant funf: stop farming
  58. diamant funf: the fucking jungle
  59. diamant funf: u dumb bastard
  60. diamant funf: no
  61. diamant funf: ur literally
  62. diamant funf: farming
  63. diamant funf: on ur own
  64. diamant funf: while we try to get objectives
  65. diamant funf: ur champions job
  66. diamant funf: is diving
  67. diamant funf: and teamfights
  68. diamant funf: u literal reprobate
  69. diamant funf: no
  70. diamant funf: ur doing
  71. diamant funf: nothing
  72. diamant funf: i was
  73. diamant funf: with sion
  74. diamant funf: braindead fuck
  75. diamant funf: push mid
  76. diamant funf: zac doesnt deserve win
  77. diamant funf: no
  78. diamant funf: idc
  79. diamant funf: if
  80. diamant funf: ez
  81. diamant funf: wasnt doing good
  82. diamant funf: i'd alt f4
  83. diamant funf: 10 minutes ago
  84. diamant funf: u literally
  85. diamant funf: full clear
  86. diamant funf: on a gank champion
  87. diamant funf: no one
  88. diamant funf: is
  89. diamant funf: tal;king
  90. diamant funf: to
  91. diamant funf: you
  92. diamant funf: im
  93. diamant funf: consistently
  94. diamant funf: ulting
  95. diamant funf: 3 people
  96. diamant funf: and I get 0 follow up
  97. diamant funf: lol
  98. diamant funf: im
  99. diamant funf: making sure
  100. diamant funf: u lose
  101. diamant funf: u scum
  102. diamant funf: idc
  103. diamant funf: will just
  104. diamant funf: go do the same thing
  105. diamant funf: on another account
  106. diamant funf: if I ever see u
  107. diamant funf: this sona
  108. diamant funf: solo ult
  109. diamant funf: me
  110. diamant funf: on cooldown
  111. diamant funf: xd
  112. diamant funf: do u want screenshots so they all believe u
  113. diamant funf: x9 me
  114. diamant funf: hes not lying
  115. diamant funf: se
  116. Post-Game
  117. diamant funf: lol
  118. Game 2
  119. Pre-Game
  120. diamant funf: hes
  121. diamant funf: rly good in soloq right now
  122. diamant funf: lol
  123. diamant funf: play ranked
  124. diamant funf: then
  125. diamant funf: people dont waste bans on lee
  126. diamant funf: lol
  127. diamant funf: are u rly
  128. diamant funf: a diamond 5
  129. diamant funf: with ranked anxiety
  130. diamant funf: xd
  131. In-Game
  132. diamant funf: gragas
  133. diamant funf: we can do stuff top lane
  134. diamant funf: ur playing conq darius
  135. diamant funf: wtih domination too lol
  136. diamant funf: wp
  137. diamant funf: buddy
  138. diamant funf: u need to cover lol
  139. diamant funf: died to cancel his tp
  140. diamant funf: cover next time pls
  141. diamant funf: u let him get 1200 free gold to get ur wolves a bit faster lol
  142. diamant funf: ye
  143. diamant funf: just
  144. diamant funf: establishing dominance
  145. diamant funf: vs darius
  146. diamant funf: idk why u all follow
  147. diamant funf: so not u then
  148. diamant funf: no
  149. diamant funf: this
  150. diamant funf: mid lane
  151. diamant funf: is
  152. diamant funf: so trash
  153. diamant funf: take
  154. diamant funf: I go top
  155. diamant funf: literally
  156. diamant funf: nonexistent
  157. diamant funf: ur literally dead
  158. diamant funf: rly
  159. diamant funf: are u that salty
  160. diamant funf: lol
  161. diamant funf: hmm
  162. diamant funf: im done
  163. diamant funf: w/e
  164. diamant funf: we lose cause ezreal shit pick and perma 500 ms
  165. diamant funf: go next
  166. diamant funf: njo idc
  167. diamant funf: this ezreal
  168. diamant funf: i see that
  169. diamant funf: and I really dont care
  170. diamant funf: wtf
  171. diamant funf: lol
  172. diamant funf: go end
  173. diamant funf: x9 ez
  174. Post-Game
  175. diamant funf: typical game
  176. diamant funf: xd
  177. Game 3
  178. In-Game
  179. diamant funf: whoever bans
  180. diamant funf: anything but irelia urgot akali
  181. diamant funf: good job
  182. diamant funf: neck urself
  183. diamant funf: not only does ur mid pick urgot u also need to wipe his arse for him
  184. diamant funf: pathetic lol
  185. diamant funf: im
  186. diamant funf: done
  187. diamant funf: let me out
  188. diamant funf: i dont intend
  189. diamant funf: to play against urgot
  190. diamant funf: any longer
  191. diamant funf: get
  192. diamant funf: me
  193. diamant funf: OUT
  194. diamant funf: ff
  195. diamant funf: asap
  196. diamant funf: dont talk
  197. diamant funf: just ff
  198. diamant funf: i dont
  199. diamant funf: ask ur opinion
  200. diamant funf: I hard win my lane
  201. diamant funf: just dont want to play against urgot
  202. diamant funf: report me then u virgin
  203. diamant funf: hextech
  204. diamant funf: is what u build
  205. diamant funf: rn
  206. diamant funf: xd
  207. diamant funf: ?
  208. diamant funf: im toxic
  209. diamant funf: cant remember trolling though
  210. diamant funf: :)
  211. diamant funf: HAHAHAHA
  212. diamant funf: ULT
  213. diamant funf: THE VELKOZ
  214. diamant funf: HAHAHAHAHAHA
  215. diamant funf: u just
  216. diamant funf: kill me and nidalee
  217. diamant funf: are u gonna say in all chat to report me now too
  218. diamant funf: xd
  219. diamant funf: dont talk u dog
  220. diamant funf: do u get upset when someone flames ur egirl premade
  221. diamant funf: gg
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