

Jan 22nd, 2014
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  1. [X] 2 After school go to the Broadwalk you new pet needs a collars: (spidermounky92k, minuseven)
  2. [X] 4 After school, you chill at Sophia's lair with Taylor and Madison... All your best friends in the world together. And poor Taylor playing maid servant... the poor dear needs to get used to following orders afterall. She also needs to be very careful of mistakes... after all if she's so clumsy that she can't do something right... then clearly its in her best interest for you to make her do it over and over and over and over again until it is perfect. Besides Sophia might enjoy having an extra hand to do homework she isn't keen on for her.: (serra2, WyldCard4, Xicree, Malcolmo)
  3. [X] 1 Call Taylor's dad, tell him Taylor's staying over at your house for a while. So he won't worry.: (Guile)
  4. --[X] 3 Call Taylor's dad, tell him Taylor's staying over at your house for a while. So he won't worry.: (serra2, WyldCard4, Xicree)
  5. ---[X] 2 Call Taylor's dad, tell him Taylor's staying over at your house for a while. So he won't worry.: (spidermounky92k, minuseven)
  6. ------[X] 3 When she finally manages to do something right, clumsy child, you think that you should promise her a reward. You remember curling up together as kids with a good book and taking turns reading together. As a reward, you allow her to rest her head on your lap and simply read to her as if you were children once more... lulling her to sleep.: (serra2, WyldCard4, Xicree)
  7. -------[X] 2 When she finally manages to do something right, clumsy child, you think that you should promise her a reward. Your remember curling up together as kids with a good book and taking turns reading together. As a reward, you allow her to rest her head on your lap and simply read to her as if you were children once more... lulling her to sleep.: (spidermounky92k, minuseven)
  8. ----[X] 2 Won't your dad be so happy to hear from your friends again, Taylor? We haven't had a sleep over in forever.: (WyldCard4, Xicree)
  9. [X] 1 Won't your dad be so happy to hear you have friends again, Taylor?: (Guile)
  10. ----[X] 1 Won't your dad be so happy to hear you have friends again, Taylor?: (serra2)
  11. -----[X] 2 Won't your dad be so happy to hear you have friends again, Taylor?: (spidermounky92k, minuseven)
  12. [X] 2 Xicree: (Bloodshifter, mc2rpg)
  13. -[X] 2 then you chill at Sophia's lair with Taylor and Madison... All your best friends in the world together. And poor Taylor playing maid servant... the poor dear needs to get used to following orders afterall. She also needs to be very careful of mistakes... after all if she's so clumsy that she can't do something right... then clearly its in her best interest for you to make her do it over and over and over and over again until it is perfect. Besides Sophia might enjoy having an extra hand to do homework she isn't keen on for her.: (spidermounky92k, minuseven)
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