
A Few More Things About The Disease

Apr 7th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. I've decided to elucidate everything I know about the disease in the hopes that the truth will ultimately set me free.
  3. I may or may not have mentioned these things before.
  5. 1. I was told the disease gives you some kind of temporary superpower. It is related to how it makes your deep mind think and react to meta events in extremely clever ways (I think)
  6. 2. In the narrative it can be weaponized against the enemy when you get the 'mini-games' correct by 'flipping the target' or some other aspect of what it wants you to do (the mini-games are when it compels you to send someone or something to hell that you don't want to (the negative infinity minds* are a common target for me, but obviously the only reason I ever try to dodge that one is I don't want to get in trouble with him))
  8. Other common targets for me were Carl McCoy and Patrick Bateman. Often blacks were the target but whites could be the target too at times. It probably targeted browns at least one time. The disease has also targeted myself several or more times.
  10. I did not want to say these things because me and that realm don't like you guys and they do not like that disease. I could have gotten in trouble with them for telling you about weaponization aspects of the disease.
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