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Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. She wasn’t exactly the prettiest thing. More of several chunks of grey fluff all coalesced together to form a shaggy mare, bits of brown mane and tail haphazardly jutting out of her at all angles. Although, it probably wasn’t fair to judge at 3am under these lights. I saw her in flashes, the strobes painting harsh shadows across her speckled muzzle. Her dress was barely holding together around her rotund form. Shed long since thrown caution to the wind, wildly flailing about in some semblance of rhythm to the music. There was a charge in the air around her, a true night owl energy compared to the shuffling forms around her, already dropping out for the night. I felt the all too familiar weight on my own eyelids, the booze already running its course and putting a dangerous tilt on the event, and yet I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Part of me believes it was just thinking she had a nice butt, or just that I couldn’t think coherently enough to avert my gaze a moment. Either way, she caught on to my stare burning a hole in her nylon. Some blurry words were exchanged, I seem to remember her laughing, then I woke up here.
  3. Its not the nicest place in town. The walls shudder every so often with the heavy loads trundling past on the road outside. Must be on the bypass. Cheap enough, just pack ear plugs. I’d been gifted a futon, its thick covers turning my sleep into a sauna. Some faint tendrils of light drifted under the front door. I took stock. Still mostly dressed, watch hadn’t been pawned for fuel money yet. I felt about under the covers for my phone, excitedly grasping something firm only to find it was my own erection. The morning wood was practically numb, but I felt a surprising vigour behind it. So at least I hadn’t spilled my seed on someone’s floor this time.
  4. Id have to find my phone later. Looking around, I found I wasn’t sharing rooms with my host. Shame. I unstuck myself from my patch of carpet and staggered about, searching for the kitchen. My tongue had taken on the consistency of sandpaper, and I felt as if my head were at risk of coming uncoupled from my neck if this pounding kept up. I gingerly shook a hind leg to get my persistent hard on to a less visible position to no avail. Ah well. The place seemed to have that 70’s vibe to it, candy coloured cupboards assaulting my eyes at every turn. Hopefully they had a home phone or something I could call back to the dorm with.
  6. The kitchen tile was cool on my feet. I found a glass and filled it to the brim with whatever tepid water was connected to this place. Calcium builds character, after all. I was hypnotised by the distorted reflections in the bottom of the drink when something warm landed on my shoulder. Nearly dropping the glass, I spun around to find her. She was taller than I remembered, my head barely able to sit on her shoulder. A haphazard ponytail had been spun up from her bedraggled mane. She had a particular way of looking at you, almost undressing you with her half-lidded green eyes. Following her gaze, I shifted my thigh slightly to stop my uninvited trouser snake from bobbing too much. It took too much of my strength to keep my eyes level with hers. Its not exactly common for a strange woman to let you into her house with her only clothing being a hair tie.
  8. She took my arm, practically pulling me into the bathroom with her. It was like the rest of the place, a cacophony of bright colours definitely not good for coming down from a rough night, but rather small. A bright pink tub sat facing the sad looking toilet. At least it was somewhat clean. If she expected me to pee before we did it, she would’ve had better results with an Alka seltzer and a few metres more distance between my throbbing member and her eye candy. She seemed impatient, a slight grumble coming from behind me as she squeezed past towards the line up on the wall. With a wink, she turned to face the toilet. My breath caught in my throat as she adopted a half squat- tail flagged skyward, her dark mare bits glinting in the light. The enchanting scent of hot horse ass burned intensely in my nostrils. My dick was threatening to break my belt buckle. I gazed into her deep black pucker as it spasmed and flexed, and heard a slight moan from its owner.
  10. As she let rip.
  12. The thick scent of musty hay cut through my enchantment like a knife. My eyes began to water as she continued blasting her ass gas in my direction. I felt as if I was in some field somewhere, the ‘natural’ smells all combining to overpower me. But I stayed hard. It was as if the fumes were bait for my fifth leg. I instinctively cut it loose from my pants, the thick length flopping out towards its target. It stayed half dangling for a moment, enjoying its freedom before engorging with a force that brought more tears to my eyes. I could barely stop myself from just pumping it until I finished on the bathroom tiles.
  14. And she wasn’t even done yet.
  16. The flashes of pink coming from her tail pipe flutters quickly changed shade to a much browner look. The eau de hay only increased in intensity as her farts were cut off by this new intruder. She grunted, shifting slightly as she felt the weight press on her sphincter. With a deep breath, she pushed the waste free, a knobbly bundle of digested matter slipping through her dampened donut with a slick crackle. It began to break apart on the way out, slimy tendrils of mucus snapping apart as each individual ball fell free from its hot prison. It all splattered into a pile below, some stray balls rolling towards my feet as the escaped the mudslide coming from the mare above. She punctuated the event with one final, wetter burst of air. The place reeked of manure, the sickly-sweet scent would probably soak into the walls outside at this rate, and yet the cleanest spot was still the toilet.
  18. I felt myself flare right then and there.
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