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Apr 24th, 2019
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  2. asyncio - The asyncio package, tracking PEP 3156.
  3. distutils.versionpredicate - Module for parsing and testing package version predicate strings.
  4. email - A package for parsing, handling, and generating email messages.
  5. email._policybase - Policy framework for the email package.
  6. email.errors - email package exception classes.
  7. email.message - Basic message object for the email package object model.
  8. encodings - Standard "encodings" Package
  9. idlelib - The idlelib package implements the Idle application.
  10. lib2to3.pgen2 - The pgen2 package.
  11. logging - Logging package for Python. Based on PEP 282 and comments thereto in
  12. logging.config - Configuration functions for the logging package for Python. The core package
  13. logging.handlers - Additional handlers for the logging package for Python. The core package is
  14. pkgutil - Utilities to support packages.
  15. site - Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path.
  16. test.test_importlib.import_.test___package__ - PEP 366 ("Main module explicit relative imports") specifies the
  17. test.test_importlib.import_.test_packages
  18. test.test_tools.test_i18n - Tests to cover the Tools/i18n package
  19. test.tracedmodules - This package contains modules that help testing the module. Note
  20. venv - Virtual environment (venv) package for Python. Based on PEP 405.
  21. chardet.enums - All of the Enums that are used throughout the chardet package.
  22. idna.package_data
  23. lxml.ElementInclude - Limited XInclude support for the ElementTree package.
  24. lxml.isoschematron - The ``lxml.isoschematron`` package implements ISO Schematron support on top
  25. pip._internal.cli - Subpackage containing all of pip's command line interface related code
  26. pip._internal.commands - Package containing all pip commands
  27. pip._internal.exceptions - Exceptions used throughout package
  28. pip._internal.models - A package that contains models that represent entities.
  29. pip._internal.operations.check - Validation of dependencies of packages
  30. pip._internal.wheel - Support for installing and building the "wheel" binary package format.
  31. pip._vendor.chardet.enums - All of the Enums that are used throughout the chardet package.
  32. pip._vendor.distlib.metadata - Implementation of the Metadata for Python packages PEPs.
  33. pip._vendor.distro - The ``distro`` package (``distro`` stands for Linux Distribution) provides
  34. pip._vendor.idna.package_data
  35. pip._vendor.pep517 - Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
  36. pip._vendor.pkg_resources - Package resource API
  37. pip._vendor.requests.packages
  38. pip._vendor.urllib3.packages
  39. pip._vendor.urllib3.packages.backports
  40. pip._vendor.urllib3.packages.backports.makefile - backports.makefile
  41. pip._vendor.urllib3.packages.six - Utilities for writing code that runs on Python 2 and 3
  42. pip._vendor.urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname
  43. pip._vendor.urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname._implementation - The match_hostname() function from Python 3.3.3, essential when using SSL.
  44. pkg_resources - Package resource API
  45. requests.packages
  46. setuptools.package_index - PyPI and direct package downloading
  47. urllib3.packages
  48. urllib3.packages.backports
  49. urllib3.packages.backports.makefile - backports.makefile
  50. urllib3.packages.ordered_dict
  51. urllib3.packages.six - Utilities for writing code that runs on Python 2 and 3
  52. urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname
  53. urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname._implementation - The match_hostname() function from Python 3.3.3, essential when using SSL.
  55. >>>
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