

Jun 1st, 2019
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  1. Maynard says, "What if *this* timeline has a paradox? I was kind of enjoying existing."
  2. Alan looks back, "And, sounds good! I'll probably have way more than I need too, so if you need more for research I'd probably let you borrow it from my stockpile."
  3. Amy says, "Sounds all too easy to write yourself into a corner. And if it did, it wouldn't exist, apparently."
  4. Patashu thumbs up! "Then I'm satisfied."
  5. Amy winks at Maynard.
  6. Maynard shrugs. "I guess I wouldn't be in any position to care."
  7. Alan sends to Maynard, "Well, if one got used on you, the lines removed will be too busy not existing to regret it... though practically speaking, having the things should discourage anyone else from using theirs on us."
  8. Patashu looks thoughtful. "I'd HOPE that Beth would step in if there's an existential attack on our timeline... Might need to call her up and make sure this is under her contract."
  9. Maynard radios, "Beth? Not familiar."
  10. Alan says, "I met her before. She's nice! If kind of imposing. Granted, I'd be pretty impressed if she alone was capable of going full James Bond and single handedly stopping an attack like that."
  11. You rumble, "Beth, a Paradox Mage Delphox who works for Chrono Contraptions. Tasked with her employer to prevent existential threats to the timeline. She's here because... Well, I don't need to explain that part, right?"
  12. You rumble, "I'm no expert in chronomancer battles, so I won't say if she's got what it takes or not, yeah."
  13. Amy says, "Because our home notplanet is a collection of weirdoes?"
  14. You rumble, "Bingo!"
  15. You rumble, "It practically oozes 'what the fuck is going on'."
  16. Alan says, "Yeah, and I bet her meeting me basically confirmed that it was the place she needed to go to."
  17. OOC] Alan for what it's worth, probably should mention, rolled for both yield and hazard/damage (with higher numbers being more of each)
  18. [OOC] Amy says, "Hehe."
  19. [OOC] Patashu says, "'I rolled a 100! That's great, right?' 'WELL...'"
  20. [OOC] Maynard says, "'Congratulations! You have a 100% chance of going blooey.'"
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