
Ambassador Anon

Jul 15th, 2015 (edited)
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  1. >"Ambassador Anon, though we are grateful for the advances Humanity has gifted us, this can not stand. I have heard about a great Library called the 'Internet' that makes the Telegraph system you shared with us look primitive. My Kingdom has given so much for little in return. I presume a more mutual arrangement would be ideal for both our parties," Princess Celestia says evenly.
  2. "My government has already put your requests into consideration and a little more time is all we ask," you say apologetically.
  3. >Celestia just stomps her hoof down and looks at you sternly. "I have been generous and accommodating to the Federation yet it seems you like to drag your feet when it is I who ask favors. Time is a luxury I cannot afford to give freely anymore. Either you accept my request or I cut off all ties with your kind"
  4. You just smile at her and shake your head in disapproval. "My government will not be bullied by another sovereign and we will only allow the transfer of technologies to kingdoms we see fit."
  5. >She stands up and starts to walk by the windows. On them are designs depicting various events of their history. She studies the designs as she ponders about her replies.
  6. >"You ask so much to me and I provide out of goodwill. You've taken away a part of my kingdom and I let it slide-yet you wouldn't grant what I ask? Tell me, Mr. Ambassador, who is the real bully?" She asks as she walks behind you.
  7. >You clear your throat and fish out a rather bulky envelope from your coat pocket.
  10. "These are the latest aerial photographs of the borders we share with you. As you can see," you toss them to a table beside you. "Your troop movements near the border greatly concern us and we have noticed the spike of personnel within five kilometers of the border."
  11. >You now unravel a scroll and turn around to show it to Celestia.
  12. "As you can remember,we have agreed upon that we shall inform each other for an increase in personnel or any major troop movements near the border," you say coolly. "In exchange, my government will allow a sizable technology transfer to your kingdom including the Telegram."
  13. >You shake the document a bit before putting it at the table.
  14. "As far as we see it, you haven't made good of your end of the bargain yet. Reduce your troops down to the agreed upon number as a sign of good faith and I will personally see to it that my government shall approve your request."
  15. "Also, my government wishes to have the border traffic blockade lifted and the extradition of the pony that murdered one of our border guards a few months ago."
  17. >Celestia seems visibly shaken by your last statement. Well, she should be.
  18. >Seven months ago, a drunk Royal Guard has wandered towards the human side of the border and started a brawl with some of the human border guards. The guards were ordered to exercise tolerance but unfortunately, the said incident resulted to the death of one human and a few more wounded.
  19. >The pony in question was incarcerated yet was able to escape with the help of his comrades. A full border skirmish erupted afterwards and a nearby human mechanized regiment followed in pursuit of the escaping ponies.
  20. >The Royal Guards put up a valiant fight but it only took minutes before tanks and armored cars overran the pony border. The border artillery positions were slow to react at first but they started to pound isolated Royal Guard pillboxes and fortifications situated by the mountainside.
  21. >The Regimental commander had a good idea where the ponies were heading but was ordered to break off and hold defensive positions at the Equestrian side of the border as the top brass tries to take ahold of the situation.
  22. >The residents at the nearby pony town were getting too agitated for comfort that the soldiers were forced to fall back to avoid any more civillian casualties.
  23. >The ponies retaliated by opening the spillway at a nearby dam, flooding a nearby human town. Your government was about to approve the flight of a dozen fighter-bombers to level a nearby major Royal Guard base but decided not to at the last minute and instead, adopt a more defensive posture and let you and the delegates to establish an agreement to end hostilities before the incident blows out of proportion.
  24. >The final tally ended up with three hundred Royal Guards and civillians killed with almost two hundred injured while the human side only sustained a few injuries.
  27. >The incident strained pony-human political relations with a few more sporadic incidents of violence towards each other happening on the following weeks. Normal albeit cautious relations were restored just last month.
  28. >"The pony in question was not in the right mind when the unfortunate incident happened," she starts to say. "Clearly he was under the influence of liquor-a corrupt product from your kind."
  29. >"Therefore, under Equestrian Law, he shall not be accounted for his actions and I have to decline to your requests for an extradition. I refuse to let my subjects be made into objects to be bargained for your interests," she says coldly.
  30. You nod somberly while studying the rows upon rows of books that flank the walls. "It is unfortunate that we cannot agree upon certain things. I must warn you that your decision about the extradition will not fare so good with your current standing."
  31. >"Are you threatening me, Ambassador? "
  32. "I meant not to threaten you, Princess. My kind only wants friendship and cooperation from you. It is not our problem anymore if you do not wish to return our friendship cordially."
  33. >Celestia starts to walk towards her throne then takes her seat. She leans forward and a small,knowing smile forms in her lips.
  34. >"I still find your leader's requests as steep in contrast to mine's. Are the rest in your delegation such hard salesmen?" She asks.
  35. "I suppose you'd like to resume talks with my predecessor, then?" You retort back.
  36. >She recoils and her smile disappears as she remembers how rudely the last human ambassador treated her.
  37. >Boy, did he upset a lot of ponies; dismissing magical imports as "nothing but trinkets made to keep seven year olds entertained" and ponies as "naΓ―ve and backwards". He openly expressed his disgust in public too.
  38. >Celestia was more than pleased when you replaced him. She clearly thought that you would be easier to convince.
  39. >Your persistence and hard bargains speak otherwise,though.
  41. " Princess, I only meant that as a joke. It is not healthy for us to strangle each other's necks when the order of business is to establish a rapport between our sovereigns," you say with a laugh,trying to diffuse the situation.
  42. >The Princess still looks at you sternly. "Please do not mention his person again in my presence. I have already stressed out that he and his opinions are no longer welcome in my kingdom."
  43. >As if my opinion differed from my predecessor's, you didn't add.
  44. "I must apologize for his crude behavior," you start to say. "While we represent our government, such attitude is unacceptable and shall be punished accordingly."
  45. >Celestia nods in approval as she watches you scan the books. "I still think we can find a viable middle ground for this issue."
  46. "There is no middle ground,unfortunately. My government still wishes that you make good of your past commitment and honor our just request and we shall give you what you ask," you turn and look her straight in the eyes. "That is the only viable solution that we see that will benefit both parties."
  47. >The Princess just looks at you as if she was sizing you up. Finally, she stands up and walks toward you.
  48. >"I feel that our talks are going nowhere and another session must be scheduled soon. I'm afraid I have other pressing matters to attend to today," she says apologetically.
  49. "Of course. Is tomorrow morning acceptable? I would be honored if you visit our embassy," you say as she leads you towards the door.
  50. >She nods at you as the doors open. "Yes, that would be more than acceptable. I hope you have a wonderful day, Ambassador Anon."
  53. >The Princesses' carriage arrives at exactly eight in the morning. You watch in mute interest as it slowly glides down in front of the embassy door.
  54. >The guards flanking the large oaken double doors give the Princess crisp salutes and holds open the doors for her. She is then ushered inside your office by another pair of guards; her personal guards would have to be content on standing outside the room.
  55. "Good morning, Princess. I hope you have rested well,yes?" You ask. "May I interest you in breakfast? Please make yourself comfortable."
  56. >"Good morning to you too, ambassador. Coffee would be more than delightful, thank you for the kind offer." she says as she sits on one of the chairs made for equines.
  57. >You push a small button at your desk and ask for some coffee and a light breakfast for two. It arrives shortly and you proceed to pour The Princess a cup of coffee.
  58. "So, on to business?"
  59. >"Yes. On to business, " she repeats.
  61. "My government instructs me to inform you that we still wish that you consider our requests before we give the ones you ask," you say while putting sugar cubes and cream on your coffee. "If you do not wish to honor our request, my government is still willing to share the technology of telecommunications with your kingdom as a token of friendship. However, we expect that border restrictions be eased out of goodwill."
  62. >She nods slowly and takes a sip at her drink. "You have to understand that my decision to close the border gates was out of concern towards my subjects."
  63. You raise an eyebrow at her and offer her a tray of sandwiches in which she declines. "I believe that it's your soldiers that behaved irrationally on the last border conflict. If I remember, your soldiers flooded parts of my country out of malice in retaliation."
  64. "If we were really that unpredictable, we should've pushed the border limits miles inside your territory while razing every town we find. We already had more than a dozen bombers ready to fly but we decided not to. We are a race that has been molded by conflicts but we do not act out of spite."
  65. >You sit back and let your words sink in. The serious look on her face convinces you to prod for more reaction.
  66. "I can go to the capital now and tell my superiors that all hope for a diplomatic option is lost. We can mobilize our forces within a week. We do not possess magic but none of you are resistant to bullets and bombs,either. If we were unpredictable, that is what we might have done."
  69. "Please understand that all we want is to have healthy relations with your kingdom. We try hard not to play favorites, but once my superiors realize that we cannot come up with a plausible solution, my country can freely pick another kingdom that has the same set of interests as we have," you say decisively. "We are not as dependent to inter-kingdom trade as you are."
  70. >"I think it is too early for us to threaten each other, is it not?" Princess Celestial asks as she nurses her cup.
  71. "It's too early to dilly-dally either. We'll give you a week to consider our offer."
  72. >"I can assure you that I will convey my decision within that this week. Now that the primary problem now has a fairly definite solution, I must inform you about a troubling news my ministers have told me." She says quietly.
  73. You lean forward and look at her intently. "By all means tell me, what is this problem you are having?"
  74. >"Salt."
  75. >You know what it is about but you decide to play dumb.
  76. "It is nothing but a condiment to us. We were not aware that an item so common would be harmful to you."
  77. >"I've heard of reports that human salt smugglers have been going in and out freely of the border. Your border authorities fail or show lack of interest in intercepting shipments of the said 'condiment' whenever found in possession of an individual," she says thickly.
  79. "We do not apprehend individuals found in possession of such substance because of the fact that it poses no risk to my kind," you say as you stir your drink. "I have read reports made by your kingdom, that salt addiction is nothing more than a matter of self control. Salt in minimal quantities is beneficial but too much of it causes organ complications and eventually ends in death."
  80. "A matter of self control," you murmur. "Surely we cannot be held liable for something out of our bounds,yes?"
  81. >"You can stem this disease by stopping the problem at the root. It would be a great displeasure if I have to turn to drastic measures in order to stop this from spreading. This applies to both ponies and humans within my domain." She warns.
  82. >Her eyes dart around your face, as if trying to read your emotions. You then decide to give her some leeway.
  83. "We do not wish to go against your rule. You have been accommodating hosts to thousands of humans and we fully understand the need for the human immigrants to follow Equestrian Law. I shall suggest to my superiors about a possible denial of exit and seizure of any sizeable salt shipments going to your kingdom," you lean back, feeling very pleased with your generosity.
  84. "Furthermore, we can lend the technical know-how on drug rehabilitation. You can be assured of my government's full cooperation and support."
  85. >"You seem to be very confident of your promises, Ambassador. How can I be sure that your concerns are...genuine?" the Princess inquires.
  86. "The government has given me free reign on policies that I know would benefit us both. What I say about pony-human relations, they will hold in high regard," you say rather proudly. "And I see no way my government would benefit from this other than to earn your friendship and trust."
  87. >She still stares at you intently but now, her features are visibly more softer.
  88. >"Tell your superiors that any help in curbing this problem would be greatly appreciated, " she finally says. "In return, I will allow a more lenient border access starting tomorrow."
  89. >You give her a warm smile. Finally, something positive has come out of these talks.
  91. >"Is there something more you need to tell me, Ambassador Anon?" She asks as she takes notice of your smile.
  92. You laugh inwardly as you set down your coffee cup. "It's just quite refreshing for us to agree on something."
  93. >"It means that you're going your job splendidly, I suppose," she says thoughtfully.
  94. "Thank you. Things look easier this way, don't you agree?"
  95. >Celestia just nods in approval as she levitates a sandwich and takes a bite at it.
  96. "Now, let us rest and enjoy this quiet morning while our subordinates iron out the little details, yes?" You smile.
  97. >"I'm very glad you admire my handiwork, Ambassador." Celestia says as she gives you a smile of her own.
  98. >"This may be short notice, but I propose a ceremony and a parade tomorrow commemorating the resumption of friendly relations between our great sovereigns." The Princess offers.
  99. "I suppose this calls for a celebration of some sorts. I shall convey this to my superiors back in the capital," you promise.
  100. >"Then it is settled. I shall send you an invitation. I thank you for being very reasonable, Anonymous." Celestia says as she gives you a curt bow. "I would love to stay for the rest of the day, but I still have some other matters that I have to attend to."
  101. "By all means, my Princess. I hope you have a great day ahead." You stand up to accompany her by the door.
  102. ". . ."
  103. "One down, a hundred more to go." You say to no one in particular.
  104. >A knock on your door snaps you out of your trance and your Aide comes in with an armful of documents.
  105. >"Sir, incoming wire traffic from the capital. Header marks it as 'extremely urgent'," your aide explains as he sets the papers in your table.
  106. >An 'extremely urgent' message out of the blue? This is interesting.
  107. "Give me a copy as soon as possible. And oh, has the Defense Secretary arrived yet?" You ask.
  108. >"I'll have a copy of the report in five minutes. We also received a call that the SecDef will arrive shortly."
  109. "Excellent. Any more schedules for today?"
  110. >Your aide shakes his head no. "Next one would be the day after tomorrow. Grand opening of a pony-human art gallery in Manehatten."
  111. "Please include on the schedule a ceremony for tomorrow. Make it set for the whole day," you say write down a brief report.
  112. >"I presume all went well with the negotiations, then? Well done, sir." Your aide beams.
  113. "Not much was done but it was a good start. Also, could you wire this up to the capital?" Handing your aide the slip of paper.
  114. >He nods and puts the report in his coat pocket. "Will do,sir. Will also send the message up to you shortly."
  116. >"Morning, Ambassador," the SecDef says after coming in.
  117. You look at him over the report you were reading. "Always late, are you? Rest for a bit first, Secretary." You motion him to a seat.
  118. "Coffee?" You offer.
  119. >"Yes please, thank you." He smiles as you pour him a cup.
  120. >"Here," he says as he slides a folded piece of paper. "I suppose you haven't received yours from the wire yet. We're having some technical difficulties communicating with every office within Canterlot, you see. We suspect that magic is somehow interfering with our communications."
  121. You snatch the paper up and scan it. "Summons for every ambassadors and state secretaries?"
  122. >The SecDef nods slowly and guns his coffee. "'Fraid so. The president is getting impatient and anxious about the peace talks."
  123. You snort and give a disapproving look. "The President would be more than welcome if he wishes to lead the talks himself. All he ever does is smile at the crowds and take credit for the things we do! I swear that buffoon is nothing but a walking joke!"
  124. >"I'd hold my tongue if I were you,Anonymous. You know very well how much some cabinet members would want to skin you alive," the SecDef warns.
  125. You let out a sigh as you rub your eyes tiredly. "You know me for years now,Secretary. You know how much I despise those clowns as much as they despise me."
  126. >"I know how it goes. Just be careful to whom you tell those things," he says sympathetically. "Anyways, I wouldn't bother you more. Pick you up later at sundown,then?"
  127. You just grunt and give out a chuckle. "Thanks for the heads up,Secretary. I still got some reports to read so yes, later after sundown sounds perfect."
  129. >"Back to the capital, if you may." The SecDef tells the driver.
  130. >"So, what happened with the peace talks,Anon?"
  131. "We're working towards a definite solution. A bit slow for my liking, but we'll get there," you smile.
  132. >"She's quite a pushover, isn't she?" He muses.
  133. You nod in approval as the car leaves the embassy gate. "Quite a handful if you ask me. Too demanding for comfort."
  134. >The Secretary laughs at that and pats your knee. "You are just doing marvelously, Anon. We chose you to lead the delegation for very good reasons."
  135. "I wouldn't mind being posted in a more friendly kingdom though," you say jokingly.
  136. >"I can send a bomber loaded with a nuclear device to Canterlot if you like," he laughs boisterously. "That ought to make your job easier. If you don't mind having glowing skin, that is!"
  137. >The two of you share some laughs and the Secretary fills you in to what you have been missing on since your last visit at the capital last winter. The conversation goes on pleasantly but the Secretary stops abruptly when the car reaches the border gate.
  138. >A dozen high-power lights of human manufacture illuminate the pony side of the border. The pony manning the gate need only to look once on the official flags and the diplomatic tag on your car. He smiles and swings the gate open.
  139. >The Secretary takes notice of the smiling pony and snorts in disgust.
  140. >"Look at them, all blissfully happy as if this is all but a game. I ought to have this bit bombed flat. We should've turned Canterlot into a molten puddle years ago," he shakes his head.
  141. >"Tell me Anon, Why haven't we?"
  142. "Because I do my job adequately, you old fool!" You laugh hard. "They might let you if I start performing so poorly."
  145. >"Don't do your job properly, then!"
  146. You shake your head and give out a chuckle. "She's starting to see things our way. I honestly think I can nail down a very good agreement soon."
  147. >"I believe you can, Anon." He says as he opens a pack of cigars. "But others think progress is too slow and Celestia has proven to be rather...unpredictable."
  148. >"I've heard reports that the Griffons have offered us a very tempting financial and defense agreement," the Defense Secretary says. "We've already sent a delegation to their kingdom to see what can be done."
  149. >"Needless to say, we already have made certain steps to ensure that we'll have allies in case things turn sour," the secretary explains as he waves his cigar.
  150. "It would be unwise for us to do something so brash now that things are starting to turn for the better," you warn him. "Celestia would certainly be displeased once she hears about us attempting back channel agreements with the Griffons."
  151. >The SecDef just shrugs as he takes in a lungful of smoke, expelling it all on one breath. "I wouldn't give a damn if she learns about it. Them and the Griffons had been strangulating each other for centuries already anyways."
  152. "I just don't want the months of effort I put into this just go down the drain," you grouse.
  153. >The SecDef just looks at you incredulously then bursts out laughing. "Getting a bit soft are you,Ambassador? Has Celestia finally tickled your fancy?"
  154. "Hardly!" You laugh with him. "I just think living with harmony with our neighbors would be more beneficial for us. Less messier that way."
  155. >He just grunts at that and takes another drag of his cigar. You take notice of the human border and take note of how more serious it looked compared to the pony one. A Guard looked on grimly behind a machine gun positioned on top of a row of sandbags while a tank parked perpendicular to the gate had its barrel pointed directly at a nearby Royal Guard building.
  156. >"I wish you luck if you want to lobby your suggestions at the meeting. They've already mangled up the Foreign Affairs Secretary yesterday and I'm sure they'll have no qualms about carving you out,too."
  157. "They wouldn't if I have support. Secretary?" You ask him
  158. >He gives you a big grin and pats your back. "You betcha, buster. I'll see if I can also get the Interior Secretary on our side," he promises.
  161. >"Please take your seats,gentlemen," the President says tiredly. "I apologize for calling you up on such short notice."
  162. >The secretaries and ambassadors mumble and nod at the president.
  163. >"Now, about our little problem with Canterlot. Ambassador Anon? Would you mind to fill us in?" He asks you.
  164. You clear your throat and motion for your aide to hand out the reports. "Things are looking rather good on the negotiations. We have yet to achieve our goals but Celestia has agreed on some of our requests."
  165. >"Resumption of border traffic? Is that all?" The Finance Secretary inquires.
  166. "We have only made progress just these past days. I genuinely feel that more will come on our next meeting," you say truthfully.
  167. >"What you're saying to us is to trust in your instinct the fate of pony-human relationship? " he sneers.
  168. "What I'm saying is, Finance Secretary, is that I'm rather confident that things are going very well for us. Things might have started slow but great leaps have already been made," you smile at him coldly. "How about you,secretary? Already ironed out those allegations of profiteering out of the ill-fated Changeling trade delegation?"
  169. >The Finance Secretaries face turns beet red and he gives you a mighty scowl. He was about to say something when the President cuts him off.
  170. >"Now,now,gentlemen. We're here to talk about state affairs, not to bicker about," The President says. "Now,Anon, how long do you think before Celestia would give our requests? Thruthfully."
  171. "A few more months is what I need. I can still make everything work out."
  172. >"A few more months is something we cannot afford to spend hoping for things to get better. We need immediate results,Ambassador," the Interior Secretary interjects. "Ambassador to Griffons, if you may?"
  175. >The Griffon Ambassador looks at you timidly before sliding a document on the table. "The Griffons have offered us a very tempting offer. Tax free trade for ten years which includes a more open border plus a quite comprehensive mutual defense treaty."
  176. >The President looks on you thoughtfully and leans closer. "Can Canterlot offer us a promising offer such as the one offered to us by the Griffons,Ambassador Anon?"
  177. "If things go smoothly, I can honestly say yes, your President."
  178. >"A possibility, but are we sure about it?" He asks.
  179. "Improbable, but not impossible, sir." You truthfully say.
  180. >The President leans back and mulls it over. "One without uncertainty while the other promises years of peace."
  181. >"Defense Secretary, what is the state of readiness of their armed forces?" The President inquires.
  182. >The SecDef shoots you an uneasy look before facing him. "They made a 30% increase in manpower on their border positions but it's nothing we can handle. Their current manpower stands at thereabouts of sixty thousand active with most able bodied males counted as reserves. Readiness is quite high-but not so much compared to their state months ago."
  183. >"Can we be sure of that?"
  184. >"I can only mainly say what my soldiers and aircraft can see from the border. Intelligence within Equestrian borders is not within my purview," the SecDef explains.
  185. >The President nods and looks at the Intelligence Secretary. "Secretary?"
  186. >"We have thousands of citizens living within Equestria. A goodly number report to me and the last notable action Canterlot did was to ratify a law concerning draft of personnel in the Royal Guards in case of war."
  189. >"Wait," the Foreign Affairs Secretary objects. "Are we discussing a possible war with Canterlot?"
  190. >The President smiles and pours himself some coffee. "Yes. We almost have done so months before."
  191. >"That is true, but they had minimal numbers then. And I have read reports of them actively copying much of our defense materiel," the FAS says.
  192. >The President raises an eyebrow on that. "I haven't heard of that one yet."
  193. >The Secretary of Intelligence clears his throat. "The weapons in question are nothing more than crude copies of ours. I'm sure we can counter every one weapon they have tenfold." He assures everyone, lokking at the SecDef for approval.
  194. >"And what about of our food reserves?"
  195. >The Agriculture Secretary shuffles a bit. "We have ample supplies for two years. We can also impose limits once the conflict starts."
  196. >"Energy Secretary? What about our friends in Saddle Arabia?" The President finally asks.
  197. >"We have a year's worth of reserves in crude oil. It's them who warned us about Celestia's demands on halting oil imports to our country in which our ally declined to do," the Energy Secretary explains.
  198. >The President smiles on that and gives out a chuckle. "Cute. Of course they'd tell Celestia to piss off. We give them gold for something they have little or no use."
  199. >The Energy Secretary nods. "I have given hint about a possible military action against Canterlot. Their attachΓ© warned me about Canterlot sympathizers within Saddle Arabia that the best they can do is to be neutral about this. They promised utmost secrecy and assured me that the oil would still arrive, though."
  200. >"And our other allies?"
  201. >"The Minotaurs wish that we consider a peaceful way, but will honor the Defense Treaty they have with us if we choose to act militarily. Our Griffon friends are more than eager to help even if we haven't signed theirs yet." The Ambassador to the Minotaurs say as his Griffon counterpart nods in approval.
  202. >The President ponders on the information as he raps his knuckles at the table.
  203. >"My friends, we vote upon our next action after an hour. It seems that everyone needs some time to think about this."
  206. "This is madness! Utter madness!" You shout at the Foreign Affairs Secretary once the two of you were in the privacy of his office.
  207. >He just nods somberly and walks toward his coffee maker. "The prospect of adventure is quite contagious, Anon. It seems that reasoning has left most of the cabinet members."
  208. You look at him incredulously. "Surely we can do something about this. We have the Defense Secretary on our side!"
  209. >"Not even that would be enough to turn the tide,my boy. The public would be enraged if they learn about our inability to protect them from harm."
  210. "From harm? We're already making great leaps towards peace with Canterlot!" You say while throwing your arms in the air.
  211. >He sits on his chair while he motions you towards another. "Drink,Anon. We have a long night ahead. It is better to go with the flow for now. They have made up their minds even before this meeting has started." He says as he offers you some coffee.
  212. "Then what do we do now?"
  213. >"Hope for eveything to turn out as planned. The way I see it, we both are pretty much powerless now that we're gearing for war."
  214. >A knock gets both of your attention and you turn around to see the SecDef looking quite worried.
  215. >"It was ballsy for you to rattle swords with the Finance Secretary, Anon. I feel that we shall be at war soon."
  216. "How soon?" You ask warily.
  217. >The SecDef shrugs as he takes a seat. "They're just looking for a good enough political excuse to do so. I suggest you to tread lightly," he says as he points a finger at you. "You've already made a very powerful enemy today,Anon."
  220. "As if most of them didn't hate me yet," you chuckle tiredly. "I see no more reason why I should still be the ambassador to Canterlot."
  221. >"I think we still need you,I'm afraid. We still need you to be friendly until the very last moment. Better if they get caught unwares rather than they mobilize because we suddenly severed diplomatic ties with them."
  222. >"I'm sorry that we have to put you thru this, Anon," the SecDef says apologetically. "My hands are practically tied behind my back on this one..even if I was the Defense Secretary."
  223. >"The only thing we can do is to make this one quick and with minimal collateral damage as possible," he explains. "Do not worry about your security. I shall replace your current security detail with some of my personal bodyguards. All veterans, I assure you."
  224. >The Foreign Affairs Secretary sighs in defeat and looks at the clock. "It's almost time. Better if we get going."
  226. >"Please be seated, everyone," the President motions. "Now, on with our agenda."
  227. >He eyes each secretary and ambassador then leans forward. "Do we go with our plan?"
  228. >Deathly silence fills the room.
  229. >"Hm? Is there anyone against it? Go on,speak up," he says. "Ambassador Anon?"
  230. "As long as we can keep casualties at a minimum, I can stall her until we are ready to strike."
  231. >Others nod at that and the President looks visibly pleased. "Very well. How long do we need to prepare our troops?"
  232. >It was the turn of the SecDef to speak up. "I can mobilize our troops within just four days. Draft notices would also be sent out as soon as the battle starts."
  233. >The President looks at the Foreign Affairs Secretary and slides a document to him. "I expect that every human inside Celestia's kingdom be expatriated before everything goes down the drain. See to it that we'll have seamless communications with our allies and our Canterlot embassy."
  234. >"I'll do everything within the best of my abilities, I assure you, Mister President."
  235. >"Good. It has been decided,then?" The President says as he stands up. "Meeting adjourned. We shall talk about the specifics once the plan is close to fruition."
  238. >"Hello,Secretary. Are you in a rush?" The President asks the Secretary of Intelligence. "Could we talk for a few minutes?"
  239. >"Not at all,sir. We can talk in my office if you like," the Secretary offers.
  240. >The President smiles and pats him on the back.
  241. >"Anything wrong, Mister President? " the Secretary asks as he closes the door.
  242. >"I need your help, Secretary," he says as he takes a seat. "We need a good enough excuse to get the plan going."
  243. >"I see. Do you have anything in mind?"
  244. >"This is more of your alleyway, Secretary. I suppose your inputs are more brilliant than mine," he smiles.
  245. >The IntSec opens up a drawer to produce a bottle of whiskey. "Liquor lubricates business,you see. Would you like a drink,sir?"
  246. >"You know me well, Secretary," the President laughs as the IntSec pours him a drink. "Now, on to business?"
  247. >"I suggest a public disturbance of some sort. I have dozens of sleeper agents within Canterlot and some even within the royal hierarchy," the IntSec says as he nurse his drink. "We make it big enough, we can make this work."
  248. >"Do so in a big gathering, then?" The President inquires.
  249. >The IntSec smiles wickedly as he pours the President more whiskey. "I have one such gathering in mind."
  250. >The President looks up to him. "Oh?"
  251. >"The ceremony tomorrow for the reopening of the border."
  254. >"I feel that I am needed here in the Capital rather than in Canterlot. I'll have a staff car ferry you back to the embassy as soon as you're ready,Anon." The SecDef says as he walks you outside.
  255. >"We tried, Anon. We just cannot go with the current now that things are critical." He offers with a grim smile.
  256. "I hope they know that we're gonna go against a deity that controls the sun and all life in Equestria," you grouse as you light up a cigarette.
  257. >"As long as nothing untoward happens, we ought to have a good chance in winning. Now," he trails as a staff car stops beside you. "Give Celestia your best smile later at the ceremony because she'll be downright pissed once she finds out about this." He laughs.
  260. >"Sir?" The driver slowly says as he shakes you awake.
  261. "Wha-?" You finally say after looking around for a bit.
  262. >"We're already in the embassy, sir," the driver smiles. " Managed to cut a few hours from our drive so you still got four hours to rest some more before the ceremony."
  263. "Thanks," you mutter. Go grab some food and take a break before you head back to the capital.
  264. >"Will do,sir."
  265. >The guards flanking the door give you crisp salutes and hold open the double doors for you.
  266. >"Good morning,Ambassador. May I interest you with some coffee?" You aide offers you.
  267. "That sounds heavenly, thank you. Send some food in my office too," you say as you loosen your tie.
  268. >You sit on your plush chair, rubbing your temples as you mull over the possibilities of your government's plans.
  269. "No one really wins," you grunt as you light another cigarette.
  270. >"Is everything alright,sir?" Your aide asks as he places a tray of food in your table.
  271. "Hm?"
  272. >"You're smoking,sir. You only do so when you're under immense pressure," your aide smiles as he pours you some coffee.
  273. You wave your cigarette lazily and thank him. "It seems that they prefer a parrot on the throne here in Canterlot rather than a friend," you mutter.
  274. >Your aide picks that up and clucks in disappointment. "I hope cooler heads prevail before this blows out of proportion."
  275. "As long as we deny them an excuse to attack Canterlot," you murmur as you stub out your cigarette. "We can't stop the inevitable, but we can still stall them long enough that reasoning will take ahold of them again."
  278. >"Sir Anonymous, I'm so happy you can join us to this important day. Come, sit beside me," the Princess says as she gives you a warm smile.
  279. "I wouldn't miss this very important occasion, your highness." You bow curtly as you feel a cold ball form inside your stomach.
  280. >"Now,now,Ambassador. Please call me Celestia. We are friends, are we not?"
  281. You give her a small smile. "As you wish,Celestia."
  282. >She now stands and walks towards the edge of the stage.
  283. >"Citizens of Equestria, both human and equine! We are gathered here today to witness the blossoming of friendship between two great nations."
  284. >You can't help but feel uncomfortable.
  285. >"Anonymous? " you look up to see her beckoning you to come closer.
  286. >"I would like to award you the Order of Harmony, a token for your efforts for the betterment of pony-human relationship," she says as she levitates and pins a medal at your chest. "My kingdom would be forever indebted to you. And to that, I thank you, Sir Anonymous."
  287. "I...thank you, Princess," your lips twitch a bit as you try not to stutter.
  289. >The Princess really went great lengths on this one. Each city sent entertainers and fun and games for all was played all through the day.
  290. >The Princess even convinced you to join the dancing. For once it felt that everything was alright.
  291. >If only the others back in the Federation can share your newfound view on ponies.
  292. >While dancing, you notice the Princess looking at you. The two of you lock eyes for a moment and she nods and smiles at you.
  293. >If only you knew what's conspiring behind your back,Princess.
  294. >The revelry winds down just after lunchtime buy you still have to meet some delegates and a few more well-wishers.
  295. >The Princess takes notice of the still long line and looks glumly at you. You just laugh inwardly and offer her a smile in consolation.
  296. >A rather rough looking unicorn was next in line and thrusts himself at you.
  297. "Hello," you say, rather unnerved by this unicorn's intense gaze and his firm grip on your hands.
  298. >"I've waited for long for this moment," he swears.
  299. "I beg your pardon?" You say and Celestia was still oblivious about this unicorn.
  300. >His horn starts to glow and you notice the flap of his coat open.
  301. >You know what it might be, but your mouth flapped uselessly as you tried to call out for help.
  302. >Soon, the unicorn had the thing jammed in your gut.
  303. >It was a pistol.
  304. >"Die you scum!" He shouts as he pulls the trigger. "LONG LIVE EQUESTRIA!"
  305. >The Princesses eyes grow wide as you clutch your bloodied suit. The guards spring up to restrain the pony while other move protectively around her.
  306. >"Anonymous? Can you hear me?" She pleads.
  307. >"...anonymous? "
  308. >Everything sounds so distant now.
  311. ------
  312. August 1, 2015 5:30PM
  313. >"What seemed to be a focal point for human-pony diplomatic relations ended up in tragedy as a lone pony weidling a gun attacked the human ambassador to Canterlot, Sir Anonymous, today during the celebrations supposed to commemorate the reopening of the border," the reporter narrates as a stock footage of the assassin putting a pistol against your gut plays in a loop. "Reports indicate that the ambassador is still in critical condition as of four this afternoon. Both Equestrian and Human Federation spokespersons decline to release a statement for now. Stay tuned for more news updates later at six. This is Victoria Gosling, Federation News,Reporting."
  315. August 1,2015 9:45PM
  316. >"We are here today in the human capital as the President of the Human Federation gives an official statement pertaining to the recent assassination attempt on the human ambassador to Canterlot.." The reporter pauses as the camera zooms at the podium. The President was talking about being 'shocked and saddened about the incident' and demands Equestrian authorities turn over the suspect. "The President also revealed that all humans are to be expatriated and border security be tightened.."
  319. August 2, 2015 8:01AM
  320. >"This is Gumdrop reporting in front of the Canterlot Castle. This is in light of the recent attempt on the Human Federation ambassador To Canterlot, Sir Anonymous and the lack of official statement by Princess Celestia about the incident. As we can remember, " the pony trails as another stock footage showing The Princess teleporting away from the scene after you were attacked is shown. "The Princess hasn't been seen since yesterday. An inside told the Equestrian Herald that a press statement shall be released by Her Royal Highness 'soon'...."
  322. August 2, 2015 1:32PM
  323. >" We have received unconfirmed reports about the Equestrian embassy being assaulted by a mob of angry humans just an hour ago. We have yet to confirm this from our counterparts in the human counterparts and," the reporter pauses as she listens at her earpiece. "Equestrian News sources confirm the assault on our embassy in the human capital and reports that the siege is now over and...the human mob has overrun the guard detail and it is speculated that the whole delegation has been murdered and...can you repeat that,Al? The mob has decapitated a guard and has strung him in a pole. Our news team sent us an amateur picture but the tv execs chose not to show it on air due to its grisly nature...."
  325. August 2,2015 9:30 PM
  326. >"We have recently talked to Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna and she told us that Princess Celestia is still 'in shock' about the incident and will appear in public 'soon'. The Lunar Princess also wished that cooler heads prevail and assures that steps are being undertaken to facilitate human investigators in this incident. Meanwhile, the lack of word from the Princess has greatly angered human citizens asking for a public apology from the Princess...."
  328. August 3,2015 7:02AM
  329. >"A human was reportedly killed in the outskirts of Canterlot during a roundup of humans for expatriation. A group of ponies loyal to the Princess takes claim of the incident and proclaims their actions as 'just' and 'not enough for the deaths of the pony diplomatic delegation memebers in the human capital. The Human Federation demands explanation from the Equestrian government but the Princess is yet to release a statement. In other news, it has been days since the Human Federation ambassador to Canterlot has been shot and there are still no visible indications that his health would improve.."
  331. August 4,2015 9:00AM
  332. >"The Human Federation today has informed us that the ambassador to Canterlot, Sir Anonymous, has succumbed to the wounds he sustained days ago from the attempt on his life and is now laid in state in the Federation capitol building. The President of the Federation, along with key cabinet members and delegates from both Griffon and Minotaur kingdoms are seen entering the building. The President is expected to give a speech before the ceremonies while there are reports of Her Royal Highness, The Princess Celestia, has recently been sighted following the report of Sir Anonymous' death." The reporter motions at the right and the camera pans toworads a roaring crowd of thousands, some holding a picture of the Ambassador and a goodly number of them chanting 'justice for the fallen brother' over and over again. "It appears that a sizeable amount of people has turned up to support the slain Ambassador. As you can see, emotions are very high in here..."
  334. August 4 11:30AM
  335. >"In a shocking turn of events, Both the Minotaurs and Griffons have decided to cut all diplomatic ties and call back every personnel they have in Canterlot in protest from the lack of any solid reaction from the Princess. The Griffon ambassador has recently assured their human allies that they will stand beside them and support whatever the Federation decides upon. And it is quite surprising to see a rather flustered President while he delivered his speech this morning-a complete opposite of the reserved and composed one last few days ago. The Voice of Equestria's analysts conclude that the President and his cabinet are in great pressure by their constituents about doing something about this incident. And the way how they react, it is rather disturbing as these humans told us a moment ago," the report cuts to an earlier clipping of people shouting 'blood for the blood of our brother'.
  336. >"In other news, The Princess has appeared in public and has pleaded for her subjects to act more rationally. She has also mentioned about her desire to sue for peace, reiterating that she herself is deeply saddened and shocked by the ambassador's death and the events that transpired after the incident. We will fill you up more with this news story later at three when the Princess is supposed to visit the human capital. This is Lucky Horseshoe, reporting live in Canterlot for The Voice of Equestria."
  338. August 8 9:30pm
  339. >"Studio, things are going terribly here at the human capital as peace talks break down after days of intense meetings with both parties wanting to keep firm about their positions," the reporter fumbles as she reads a paper. "We have acquired from a trusted source a possible list of demands made by the Federation which includes...hundreds of millions of bits in reparation from the border skirmish months ago and the trial of the suspect in a human court. So far, Canterlot has agreed on the monetary reaparations but declined on the other demand. Another thing that further worsens the situation is the decision of Canterlot to call on reserves which the Federation calls out as 'a clear provocation'.."
  342. August 8 9:53AM
  343. >"It seems that peace talks have been an exercise in futility as we can see here," the reporter points at a column of tanks ready to cross the border. "The first units to punch through Equestrian defenses are just waiting for the 10 o'clock ultimatum set by the Federation President for Canterlot to agree with their demands."
  344. >"Other kingdoms have expressed their concern about this and has pleaded for peace but.." The reporter gets cut off as a nearby tank opens up its engine. " looks like we are in for some rough times, studio. This is Victoria Gosling, reporting in from the human-pony border for the Federation News."
  346. August 29 11:45AM
  347. "I am pleased to inform you that Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia has agreed to accept the terms of the Federation in exchange of cessation of hostilities between the Federation and Canterlot. The President and key cabinet members shall fly to the pony capital this afternoon for the signing of the memorandum of agreement," the Federation spokesperson says.
  348. >"What about Princess Celestia,sir?" A reporter asks.
  349. "She is to step down from her throne but she is still to attend her duties as the keeper of the sun," he explains and the podium erupts in a flurry of questions.
  350. >"And Canterlot,sir? What would happen to the current government in power?"
  351. "An interim governing body shall be responsible for administrative duties. After stability is established, Canterlot will host its very first democratic elections. Now, further questions shall be held for the meantime. Thank you all for your understanding," the spokesperson apologises and leaves the still shouting reporters.
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