

Dec 13th, 2020
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  1. [B]Rings[/B]
  2. bk3 east201/east-bg
  3. Nagelring Ring LLD lvlreq7 56ar 3mdr 30mf east201/east-bh
  4. nature peace Ring 25pr 11damred lvl5 Oak Sage (25/27 Charges) east201/east-bt
  5. Ring 10fcr 18str 2dex 52mana east2/east-cf
  6. Ring 10fcr 29life 29cr 24fr 2damred 1manaaftereachkill east2/east-cb
  7. Ring 10fcr 66ar 8ll 20str 5mana 8maxstamina east201/east-bh
  8. Ring 10fcr 6mindmg 1maxdmg 54ar 85mana east201/east-bm
  9. Ring 10fcr 87ar 1-3firedmg 15dex 1manaaftereachkill east2/east-cd
  10. Ring 112ar 7ll 3energy 6cr 6lr 6fr 23pr 1damred east2/east-cc
  11. Ring 114ar 3ll 4dex 9liferep 30mana 10@ east2/east-ca
  12. Ring 3mindmg 105ar 15dex 18life 23fr east201/east-bm
  13. Ring 40mf east2/east-ci
  14. Ring 6mindmg 92ar 5ll 35life 24fr east201/east-bw
  15. Ring LLD lvlreq18 10fcr 5dex 39mana 7fr east2/east-ce
  16. Ring LLD lvlreq18 68ar 5str 40mana 17pr 32eg east2/east-cg
  17. Ring LLD lvlreq23 13energy 21lr east2/east-ck
  19. [B]Runes[/B]
  20. 2x Lem
  21. Lum
  22. 26x Hel
  23. 3x Shael
  24. 8x Sol
  25. 2x Amn
  26. 2x Thul
  27. 8x Ort
  28. 8x Ral
  29. 7x Tal
  30. 16x Eth
  31. 6x Nef
  32. 6x Tir
  34. [B]Amulets[/B]
  35. Amu 2coldskills 10fcr 5ll 17dex 20fr east201/east-bp
  36. Amu 2lightningskill 10fcr 5ll 18dex 37cr 10pr east2/east-cm
  37. 2x Amu 3coldskills 10fcr east201/east-bg east201/east-bq
  38. Amu 3fireskills 10fcr east2/east-cc
  39. Amu 3palacombatskill 91life east2/east-ci
  40. Amu 3warcries 62life east201/east-bn
  41. Amu 3warcries 83life east2/east-cf
  42. Amu LLD lvlreq27 1amaskills 10fcr 9liferep 6maxstamina 13@ east201/east-bw
  43. Amu LLD lvlreq27 1palaskills 58life 8liferep 24fr 17pr 68eg east201/east-bp
  44. Amu LLD lvlreq27 1sorcskills 8life 3liferep 44mana 13@ 4damred east201/east-bu
  45. Amu LLD lvlreq29 1amaskills 1str 86mana 5fr 2mdr east201/east-bk
  46. Amu LLD lvlreq30 2coldskills 2energy 26life 87mana 10lr 5mf east2/east-ck
  47. Amu LLD lvlreq30 2dudusummoningskills 15liferep east2/east-ci
  48. Nokozan Relic Amu LLD lvlreq10 20fhr 3-6firedmg 10max5fr0fr$ 3lightradius east201/east-bo
  50. [B]Jewels[/B]
  51. Jewel 10mindmg 11@ east201/east-bp
  52. Jewel 15ias 10ed east201/east-bp
  53. Jewel 15ias 15@ east201/east-bs
  54. Jewel 15ias 17ed east201/east-bs
  55. Jewel 15ias 18mana east2/east-cc
  56. Jewel 15ias 19ed east201/east-bn
  57. Jewel 15ias 19mana east2/east-cj
  58. Jewel 15ias 20ed east201/east-bp
  59. Jewel 15ias 20mana east201/east-bh
  60. 2x Jewel 15ias 23fr east2/east-cd east201/east-bk
  61. Jewel 15ias 25ed east201/east-br
  62. Jewel 15ias 26pr east2/east-cm
  63. Jewel 15ias 27ar east201/east-bg
  64. Jewel 15ias 30ar east201/east-bx
  65. Jewel 15ias 30ed east201/east-bo
  66. Jewel 15ias 34ar east2/east-cf
  67. Jewel 15ias 36ar east201/east-bl
  68. Jewel 15ias 42ar east201/east-bs
  69. Jewel 15ias 43ar east201/east-bj
  70. Jewel 15ias 58ar east201/east-bi
  71. Jewel 15ias 61 def east201/east-bv
  72. Jewel 15ias 75ar east201/east-bo
  73. 2x Jewel 15ias 93ar east2/east-ce east201/east-bh
  74. Jewel 15ias 94ar east2/east-ci
  75. Jewel 15maxdmg 6dex east2/east-cb
  76. Jewel 15maxdmg 8energy east2/east-cb
  77. Jewel 15maxdmg 8str east2/east-ce
  78. Jewel 18life 15mana east2/east-cb
  79. Jewel 23ed 9mindmg 7maxdmg east201/east-br
  80. Jewel 27ed 9str 7mf req-15 east201/east-bm
  81. Jewel 30ed 9energy east201/east-bm
  82. Jewel 32ed 9str east2/east-cm
  83. Jewel 35ed 9energy east201/east-bw
  84. Jewel 37ed 8mindmg east201/east-bk
  85. Jewel 39ed 18life east2/east-ck
  86. Jewel 39ed 8mindmg east201/east-bt
  87. Jewel 40ed 8mf east2/east-cl
  88. Jewel 5mindmg 15maxstamina 9cr 9lr 9fr 31pr east2/east-cd
  89. Jewel 7fhr 11@ east201/east-bp
  90. 2x Jewel 7fhr 15maxdmg east2/east-ce east201/east-bk
  91. Jewel 7fhr 28pr east201/east-bi
  92. Jewel 7fhr 30cr east201/east-bg
  93. Jewel 7fhr 30fr east201/east-bg
  94. Jewel 7fhr 4dex 30lr east201/east-bh
  95. Jewel 7fhr 8mindmg 6dex 10lr east2/east-ce
  96. Jewel 7fhr 9ed 28pr east2/east-ci
  97. Jewel 8-13dmg east2/east-ca
  98. Jewel 8mindmg 30fr east201/east-bn
  99. Jewel 9energy 18mana east201/east-bg
  100. Jewel LLD lvlreq11 20ed 11ar 1-7firedmg east201/east-bh
  101. Jewel LLD lvlreq12 10ar 6life 15mana 1lightradius east201/east-bg
  102. Jewel LLD lvlreq14 30cr req-15 east201/east-bn
  103. Jewel LLD lvlreq14 5dex 21cr east2/east-cf
  104. Jewel LLD lvlreq14 5dex 28cr east201/east-bk
  105. Jewel LLD lvlreq14 5dex 28fr east201/east-bh
  106. Jewel LLD lvlreq14 5dex 29fr east2/east-cg
  107. Jewel LLD lvlreq14 6dex 22lr east2/east-ck
  108. Jewel LLD lvlreq16 8 def 5dex 30cr 3manaaftereachkill east2/east-ck
  109. Jewel LLD lvlreq18 14maxdmg 19 def east201/east-bg
  110. Jewel LLD lvlreq18 14maxdmg 55ar east201/east-bi
  111. Jewel LLD lvlreq18 15maxdmg 15mana east201/east-bk
  112. Jewel LLD lvlreq18 15maxdmg 60ar east201/east-bi
  113. Jewel LLD lvlreq18 6energy 30cr east201/east-bv
  114. Jewel LLD lvlreq25 1-5 colddmg 15 def 5str req-15 east201/east-bt
  115. Jewel LLD lvlreq26 5dex 15@ east201/east-bk
  116. Jewel LLD lvlreq6 4energy 7mana east201/east-bg
  117. Jewel LLD lvlreq6 5energy 9mana east201/east-bo
  118. Jewel LLD lvlreq8 8maxdmg 10dmggoestomana east201/east-bx
  119. Jewel LLD lvlreq8 8maxdmg 8dmggoestomana req-15 east2/east-cm
  120. Jewel LLD lvlreq9 13maxdmg east201/east-bg
  122. [B]Runewords[/B]
  123. Gloom's Trap Mesh Belt 93def 5ml 128ed(def) 15vita maxmana 15 15manareg -3lightradius east201/east-bi
  124. Insight Battle Scythe dmg67-145 LLD lvlreq27 lvl14 Meditation 35fcr 223ed 9mindmg 242ar 6criticalstrike4sox east2/east-ce
  125. Insight Bec-de-Corbin dmg54-295 LLD lvlreq27 lvl13 Meditation 35fcr 248ed 9mindmg 197ar 1ar 4criticalstrike4sox east201/east-bl
  126. Insight Bec-de-Corbin dmg54-299 LLD lvlreq27 lvl17 Meditation 35fcr 252ed 9mindmg 180ar 1criticalstrike14dura 4sox east201/east-bp
  127. Insight Bill dmg55-175 LLD lvlreq27 lvl17 Meditation 35fcr 232ed 9mindmg 195ar 3criticalstrike4sox east201/east-bu
  128. Insight Bill dmg55-177 LLD lvlreq27 lvl15 Meditation 35fcr 235ed 9mindmg 223ar 6criticalstrike13dura 4sox east201/east-bo
  129. Insight Bill dmg56-180 LLD lvlreq27 lvl13 Meditation 35fcr 240ed 9mindmg 206ar 2criticalstrike13dura 4sox east201/east-bn
  130. Insight Poleaxe dmg72-137 LLD lvlreq27 lvl17 Meditation 35fcr 253ed 9mindmg 220ar 2ar 4criticalstrike13dura 4sox east2/east-cb
  131. Insight Scythe dmg34-63 LLD lvlreq27 lvl17 Meditation 35fcr 219ed 9mindmg 207ar 5criticalstrike4sox east201/east-bh
  132. Insight Scythe dmg36-69 LLD lvlreq27 lvl15 Meditation 35fcr 249ed 9mindmg 202ar 1criticalstrike4sox east201/east-bp
  133. Insight Voulge dmg27-63 LLD lvlreq27 lvl17 Meditation 35fcr 203ed 9mindmg 198ar 3ar 4criticalstrike12dura 4sox east201/east-bg
  134. Insight Voulge dmg27-64 LLD lvlreq27 lvl13 Meditation 35fcr 206ed 9mindmg 223ar 2criticalstrike4sox east2/east-ch
  135. Insight Voulge dmg28-66 LLD lvlreq27 lvl15 Meditation 35fcr 218ed 9mindmg 247ar 1criticalstrike11dura 4sox east201/east-bi
  136. Insight Voulge dmg29-70 LLD lvlreq27 lvl16 Meditation 35fcr 237ed 9mindmg 186ar 6criticalstrike4sox east2/east-cm
  137. Insight War Scythe dmg58-118 LLD lvlreq27 lvl13 Meditation 35fcr 230ed 9mindmg 212ar 6criticalstrike15dura 4sox east201/east-bi
  138. Spirit Broad Sword dmg7-14 LLD lvlreq25 2allskills 29fcr 22vita 102mana 6magicabs 4sox east2/east-ca
  139. Spirit Broad Sword dmg7-14 LLD lvlreq25 2allskills 30fcr 22vita 99mana 3magicabs 4sox east2/east-ch
  140. Spirit Broad Sword dmg7-14 LLD lvlreq25 2allskills 33fcr 22vita 110mana 6magicabs 4sox east2/east-cf
  141. Spirit Broad Sword dmg7-14 LLD lvlreq25 2allskills 35fcr 22vita 97mana 3magicabs 4sox east2/east-cf
  142. Spirit Broad Sword dmg7-15 LLD lvlreq25 2allskills 29fcr 55fhr 9ed 3ar 1-50light dmg 3-14 colddmg 75psndmg(over 5s) 7ll 22vita 90mana 8magicabs 4sox east2/east-cl
  143. Spirit Crystal Sword dmg5-15 LLD lvlreq25 2allskills 32fcr 1ar22vita 97mana 6magicabs 13dura 4sox east2/east-cj
  144. Spirit Monarch 148def 52chancetoblock Smite Damage: 12 to 34 34fcr 107mana 7magicabs 4sox east201/east-bw
  145. Stealth Mage Plate 243def LLD lvlreq25 2sox east2/east-ck
  147. [B]Charms[/B]
  148. Gc 100 def 40eg east2/east-cm
  149. Gc 10maxdmg 54ar 26life east201/east-bs
  150. Gc 10maxdmg 75ar 28life east201/east-bg
  151. Gc 1coldskills 35eg east201/east-bp
  152. Gc 1coldskills 37life east2/east-cg
  153. Gc 1curseskills 30life east2/east-cl
  154. Gc 1dudusummoningskills 40life east201/east-bs
  155. Gc 1eleskills 32life east201/east-bg
  156. Gc 1fireskills 1maxdmg east2/east-ca
  157. Gc 1fireskills 24life east2/east-ck
  158. Gc 1fireskills 26life east201/east-bj
  159. Gc 1fireskills 31life east201/east-br
  160. Gc 1fireskills 4dex east201/east-bx
  161. Gc 1fireskills 7frw east201/east-bv
  162. 4x Gc 1fireskills east2/east-ck east2/east-cl east201/east-br east201/east-br
  163. Gc 1lightningskill 1-28light dmg east2/east-ch
  164. Gc 1lightningskill 1-3light dmg east2/east-ch
  165. Gc 1lightningskill 10life east2/east-ci
  166. Gc 1lightningskill 19life east2/east-cg
  167. Gc 1lightningskill 5str east2/east-cd
  168. Gc 1lightningskill 7frw east2/east-cc
  169. 9x Gc 1lightningskill east2/east-ch east2/east-ci east201/east-bk east201/east-bk east201/east-bl east201/east-bq east201/east-bq east201/east-br east201/east-bx
  170. Gc 1necsummoningskills 23life east201/east-bg
  171. Gc 1necsummoningskills 29life east2/east-cg
  172. Gc 1necsummoningskills 40life east201/east-bn
  173. Gc 1offauras 38life east2/east-cd
  174. Gc 1palacombatskill 12fhr east2/east-cg
  175. Gc 1palacombatskill 25life east2/east-cg
  176. Gc 1palacombatskill 25psndmg(over 5s) east201/east-bh
  177. Gc 1palacombatskill 28life east201/east-bx
  178. Gc 1palacombatskill 2maxdmg east2/east-cm
  179. Gc 1palacombatskill 9life east2/east-ca
  180. 8x Gc 1palacombatskill east2/east-cg east2/east-ci east2/east-cj east2/east-ck east2/east-ck east2/east-ck east201/east-bv east201/east-bx
  181. Gc 1pnbskills 1-24light dmg east201/east-bh
  182. Gc 1pnbskills 15psndmg(over 4s) east2/east-cb
  183. Gc 1pnbskills 2-3 colddmg east201/east-bl
  184. Gc 1pnbskills 2maxdmg east201/east-bk
  185. Gc 1pnbskills 3-7 colddmg east201/east-bt
  186. Gc 1pnbskills 39life east201/east-bj
  187. Gc 1pnbskills 3str east201/east-bt
  188. Gc 1pnbskills 6dex east2/east-ca
  189. 7x Gc 1pnbskills east2/east-cc east2/east-cc east2/east-cg east2/east-ck east2/east-cl east201/east-bg east201/east-bk
  190. Gc 1shapeshiftsk 38life east201/east-bn
  191. Gc 1traps 21life east201/east-bi
  192. Gc 1traps 29life east201/east-bq
  193. Gc 1traps 7frw east2/east-cl
  194. Gc 1warcries 2-3firedmg east2/east-ci
  195. Gc 1warcries 22life east2/east-cb
  196. Gc 1warcries 28eg east201/east-bq
  197. Gc 1warcries 38life east201/east-bj
  198. Gc 1warcries 4dex east201/east-bg
  199. Gc 1warcries 6-8 colddmg east2/east-ci
  200. Gc 1warcries 6dex east2/east-cc
  201. 5x Gc 1warcries east2/east-ci east201/east-bi east201/east-bl east201/east-bp east201/east-bs
  202. Gc 35life 51mana east2/east-cc
  203. Gc 39life 54mana east201/east-bj
  204. Gc 40life 29fr east201/east-bk
  205. Gc 7frw 47mana east201/east-bu
  206. Gc 7frw 49mana east201/east-bn
  207. Gc 7frw 54mana east201/east-bm
  208. Gc 7frw 59mana east201/east-bm
  209. Gc LLD lvlreq10 6dex 12mf east201/east-bq
  210. Gc LLD lvlreq16 6maxdmg 28ar 6str east201/east-bm
  211. Gc LLD lvlreq16 6maxdmg 47ar 6str east201/east-bp
  212. Gc LLD lvlreq18 12fhr 31mana east201/east-bm
  213. Gc LLD lvlreq18 6str 31mana east2/east-cl
  214. Gc LLD lvlreq21 10maxdmg 76ar east2/east-ca
  215. Gc LLD lvlreq27 12fhr 15@ east201/east-bv
  216. Gc LLD lvlreq27 24life 14@ east201/east-bn
  217. Gc LLD lvlreq29 20life 45mana east2/east-cc
  218. Gc LLD lvlreq29 7frw 45mana east201/east-bv
  219. Gheed Gc 123eg 40mf vendorprices 10 east2/east-ci
  220. Gheed Gc 126eg 40mf vendorprices 10 east201/east-br
  221. Gheed Gc 99eg 40mf vendorprices 13 east201/east-bw
  222. Lc 33mana 19eg east201/east-bi
  223. Lc 34life 32mana east201/east-bg
  224. Lc 5dex 34mana east201/east-bm
  225. Lc 5frw 34mana east2/east-cl
  226. Lc LLD lvlreq18 13life 13mana east2/east-cf
  227. Lc LLD lvlreq18 14life 14mana east201/east-bv
  228. Lc LLD lvlreq18 15life 13mana east2/east-cb
  229. Lc LLD lvlreq18 5dex 15mana east201/east-bv
  230. Lc LLD lvlreq21 6maxdmg 36ar 19life east201/east-bk
  231. Lc LLD lvlreq21 6maxdmg 38ar 22eg east201/east-bp
  232. Lc LLD lvlreq25 20life 20mana east2/east-cf
  233. Lc LLD lvlreq25 20mana 21eg east2/east-ce
  234. 2x Lc LLD lvlreq25 5frw 20mana east201/east-bh east201/east-bn
  235. Lc LLD lvlreq27 20life 14lr east201/east-bm
  236. Lc LLD lvlreq9 12ar 14life east2/east-ck
  237. Lc LLD lvlreq9 14life 6mana east201/east-bi
  238. Sc 1-2firedmg 11fr east2/east-ci
  239. Sc 1-3light dmg 11fr east2/east-ci
  240. Sc 1-5light dmg 11fr east2/east-cd
  241. Sc 1-9light dmg 11fr east2/east-cl
  242. Sc 100psndmg(over 5s) 20life east2/east-cc
  243. Sc 10fr 10eg east201/east-bw
  244. Sc 10fr 8eg east201/east-bi
  245. Sc 10life 10lr east201/east-bk
  246. Sc 10lr 7mf east2/east-cd
  247. Sc 11cr 10eg east2/east-cc
  248. Sc 11cr 7mf east2/east-ce
  249. 14x Sc 11fr
  250. Sc 11life 16mana east201/east-bm
  251. Sc 11lr 7eg east201/east-bq
  252. 9x Sc 11lr east2/east-cb east2/east-cc east2/east-cg east2/east-cg east2/east-cj east201/east-bi east201/east-bk east201/east-bu east201/east-bw
  253. Sc 12life 17mana east2/east-cj
  254. Sc 14life 16mana east2/east-cm
  255. Sc 16life 11fr east201/east-bh
  256. Sc 16life 11pr east2/east-cl
  257. Sc 16life 4@ east2/east-cd
  258. Sc 16life 9lr east2/east-cc
  259. Sc 17life 11cr east201/east-bl
  260. Sc 17life 11fr east201/east-bw
  261. Sc 17life 14mana east201/east-bw
  262. Sc 17life 9lr east201/east-br
  263. Sc 18life 11mana east201/east-bg
  264. Sc 18life 13mana east2/east-ce
  265. Sc 18life 4@ east2/east-cf
  266. Sc 18life 7mana east201/east-bl
  267. Sc 18life 9lr east201/east-bx
  268. Sc 19life 10lr east201/east-bu
  269. Sc 19life 11fr east201/east-bv
  270. Sc 19life 11lr east201/east-bm
  271. Sc 19life 12mana east201/east-bg
  272. Sc 19life 13mana east2/east-ce
  273. Sc 19life 5@ east201/east-bq
  274. Sc 19life 9mana east2/east-cd
  275. Sc 19life 9pr east2/east-cf
  276. Sc 1str 11fr east2/east-cc
  277. 2x Sc 1str 11lr east201/east-bk east201/east-bl
  278. Sc 2-3firedmg 11lr east201/east-bw
  279. Sc 20life 10fr east201/east-bj
  280. Sc 20life 11mana east201/east-bu
  281. Sc 20life 16mana east2/east-cd
  282. Sc 20life 4@ east2/east-ci
  283. Sc 26ar 20life east201/east-bp
  284. Sc 29ar 19life east201/east-bn
  285. Sc 2dex 17mana east201/east-bi
  286. 3x Sc 2str 11lr east201/east-bg east201/east-bi east201/east-bw
  287. Sc 3-6 colddmg 11fr east201/east-bn
  288. Sc 30 def 20life east201/east-bl
  289. Sc 31ar 19life east201/east-bg
  290. Sc 33ar 20life east201/east-bi
  291. Sc 35ar 17life east201/east-bx
  292. 3x Sc 3frw 100psndmg(over 5s) east2/east-ch east2/east-cm east201/east-bu
  293. Sc 3frw 11cr east2/east-ci
  294. 2x Sc 3frw 11lr east2/east-cg east2/east-cg
  295. Sc 3frw 11pr east2/east-ca
  296. Sc 3frw 36ar east201/east-bh
  297. Sc 4-8firedmg 11fr east201/east-bs
  298. Sc 50psndmg(over 6s) 11fr east201/east-bh
  299. Sc 5fhr 11fr east201/east-bu
  300. Sc 5fhr 11pr east201/east-bh
  301. Sc 5fhr 13mana east2/east-ci
  302. Sc 5fhr 14mana east201/east-bm
  303. 2x Sc 5fhr 16mana east201/east-bv east201/east-bv
  304. Sc 5fhr 36ar east2/east-cj
  305. Sc 6life 11lr east201/east-bt
  306. Sc 6psndmg(over 3s) 11lr east201/east-bl
  307. Sc 8life 11fr east201/east-bl
  308. Sc LLD lvlreq13 43psndmg(over 6s) east201/east-bs
  309. Sc LLD lvlreq15 4 def 10life east201/east-bh
  310. Sc LLD lvlreq17 14life 7lr east201/east-bw
  311. Sc LLD lvlreq17 15psndmg(over 3s) 15life east201/east-bu
  312. Sc LLD lvlreq17 7ar 14life east201/east-bo
  313. Sc LLD lvlreq17 7ar 15life east201/east-bh
  314. Sc LLD lvlreq17 8 def 14life east201/east-br
  315. Sc LLD lvlreq20 2-3 colddmg 15life east201/east-bg
  316. Sc LLD lvlreq20 9lr 9eg east2/east-cm
  317. Sc LLD lvlreq21 1maxdmg 10ar 14life east201/east-br
  318. Sc LLD lvlreq21 1maxdmg 14ar 15life east2/east-ck
  319. Sc LLD lvlreq21 1maxdmg 18ar 14life east201/east-bh
  320. Sc LLD lvlreq21 3maxdmg 10ar 10life east201/east-bh
  321. Sc LLD lvlreq21 3maxdmg 17ar 2str east201/east-bs
  322. Sc LLD lvlreq24 13life 11mana east201/east-bi
  323. Sc LLD lvlreq24 15psndmg(over 4s) 12mana east201/east-bs
  324. Sc LLD lvlreq24 25psndmg(over 5s) 12mana east2/east-cd
  325. Sc LLD lvlreq24 2str 12mana east201/east-bh
  326. Sc LLD lvlreq25 1-14light dmg 12mana east201/east-bh
  327. Sc LLD lvlreq25 15psndmg(over 4s) 5@ east201/east-bs
  328. 2x Sc LLD lvlreq25 2str 5@ east201/east-bh east201/east-bv
  329. Sc LLD lvlreq25 3maxdmg 11ar 1-15light dmg east201/east-bu
  330. 4x Sc LLD lvlreq25 5@ east2/east-ci east201/east-bk east201/east-bo east201/east-bq
  331. Sc LLD lvlreq27 3frw 3maxdmg 20ar east2/east-ci
  332. Sc LLD lvlreq27 3frw 4@ east201/east-bk
  333. Sc LLD lvlreq27 3frw 9fr east201/east-bj
  334. Sc LLD lvlreq27 3frw 9lr east201/east-bt
  335. Sc LLD lvlreq28 19 def 13life east201/east-bi
  336. Sc LLD lvlreq29 5fhr 10mana east201/east-bw
  337. Sc LLD lvlreq29 5fhr 11mana east2/east-ck
  338. Sc LLD lvlreq29 5fhr 3maxdmg 11ar east201/east-bn
  339. Sc LLD lvlreq29 5fhr 3maxdmg 12ar east2/east-cl
  340. Sc LLD lvlreq29 5fhr 3maxdmg 13ar east201/east-bj
  341. Sc LLD lvlreq29 5fhr 9lr east201/east-bp
  343. [B]Boots[/B]
  344. Aldur's Advance Battle Boots 43def 32 48fr 10dmggoestomana east201/east-bm
  345. Battle Boots 81def 30frw 1-22light dmg 69ed(def) 3liferep 37lr 28fr east201/east-bm
  346. gorerider Myrmidon Greaves 174def 181ed(def) 20maxstamina req-25 east201/east-bv
  347. gorerider Myrmidon Greaves 183def 174ed(def) 20maxstamina req-25 east201/east-bv
  348. gorerider Myrmidon Greaves 199def 198ed(def) 20maxstamina req-25 east201/east-bn
  349. Greaves 12def 30frw 34mana 86slowerstaminadrain east201/east-bv
  350. Greaves 13def 30frw 37mana east201/east-bq
  351. Greaves 13def 40frw 31mana east2/east-ce
  352. Greaves 19def dura: 0 of 13 40frw 36lr ETH east201/east-bp
  353. Heavy Boots 6def 30frw 33mana east2/east-cd
  354. Light Plated Boots 9def 30frw 7dex 24maxstamina 30cr 37lr east201/east-bn
  355. Mesh Boots 37def 30frw 36mana east201/east-bt
  356. Sander's Riprap Heavy Boots 6def LLD lvlreq20 40frw 100ar 5str 10dex Sander's Folly Sander's Superstition Sander's Taboo Sander's Riprap Sander's Paragon east201/east-bo
  357. War Boots 45def LLD lvlreq29 30frw 2dex 33fr 31pr 1lightradius east2/east-cg
  358. War Boots 53def 30frw 37mana east201/east-bi
  359. Waterwalk Sharkskin Boots 117def 20frw 193ed 65life east2/east-ca
  361. [B]Helms & Pelts[/B]
  362. Alpha Helm 118def LLD lvlreq30 14 Chance to cast level 5 Bolt when struck 2shapeshiftsk 3 to Rabies 88ed(def) 17cr psnlengthreducedby25 selfrep east2/east-cm
  363. Alpha Helm 53def LLD lvlreq30 1fury 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bq
  364. Alpha Helm 59def LLD lvlreq26 3 to Carrion Vine 1sox east2/east-ca
  365. Alpha Helm 62def LLD lvlreq30 3fury 1 to Rabies east201/east-bm
  366. Alpha Helm 98def LLD lvlreq26 14 Chance to cast level 5 Bolt when struck 1ar (based on clvl) 56ed(def) 7energy 6life 6lr east2/east-cf
  367. Antlers 19def 3dudusummoningskills 1hurricane 3 to Summon Grizzly 1nado east2/east-cc
  368. Antlers 23def LLD lvlreq30 2hurricane 1 to Summon Grizzly 3nado east201/east-bs
  369. Assault Helmet 33def LLD lvlreq18 10fhr 1ar (based on clvl) 28life 17lr lvl5 Stun (35/97 Charges) east201/east-bv
  370. Assault Helmet 33def LLD lvlreq18 3 to Skin 2 to Shout 3sox east201/east-bv
  371. Assault Helmet 49def 2barbskills 3bo ETH east2/east-cg
  372. Avenger Guard 42def LLD lvlreq18 3 to Concentrate east2/east-ca
  373. Avenger Guard 47def LLD lvlreq30 2naturalresistance 3whirlwind 1 to Increased Speed east2/east-cc
  374. Avenger Guard 73def LLD lvlreq24 1ar (based on clvl) 1bo 1battlecry 2 to Skin 44ed(def) 30life 10fr lvl8 Bash (71/120 Charges) east201/east-bk
  375. Blood Spirit 115def 2 to Maul 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bx
  376. Blood Spirit 119def 3 to Carrion Vine 2sox east2/east-cl
  377. Blood Spirit 125def 3 to Carrion Vine 2sox east201/east-bl
  378. Blood Spirit 129def 1shockwave 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bl
  379. Blood Spirit 145def 3 to Armageddon 1 to Rage 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bh
  380. Earth Spirit 123def 2 to Summon Grizzly 2 to Volcano 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bx
  381. Griffon Headdress 55def LLD lvlreq30 3 to Carrion Vine east2/east-cg
  382. Griffon Headdress 60def LLD lvlreq30 1 to Summon Dire Wolf 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bu
  383. Griffon Headdress 66def LLD lvlreq30 2 to Volcano 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-br
  384. Grim Helm 187def LLD lvlreq25 ETH east201/east-bl
  385. Hawk Helm 4def LLD lvlreq18 3 to Summon Dire Wolf 3heartofwolverine 3 to Maul 6life east201/east-bt
  386. Hawk Helm 6def LLD lvlreq12 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bv
  387. Helmet 86def 1warcries 1ar (based on clvl) 1grimward 1 to Taunt 8energy lvl4 (80/90 Charges) selfrep east2/east-ci
  388. Horned Helm 29def LLD lvlreq24 1barbskills 3bo east201/east-bg
  389. Horned Helm 39def LLD lvlreq30 15ar 1battlecommand 3whirlwind 26ed(def) 1lightradius east201/east-bv
  390. Horned Helm 43def LLD lvlreq24 1barbskills 3bo ETH east2/east-ci
  391. Jawbone Cap 13def LLD lvlreq24 1barbskills 3bo 2 to Increased Speed east201/east-bp
  392. Peasant Crown War Hat 162def dura: 0 of 7 0 LLD lvlreq28 1allskills 15frw 100ed(def) 20vita 20energy 6liferep ETH east201/east-bl
  393. Shako 133def unid east201/east-bx
  394. Shako 135def unid east2/east-ch
  395. Shako 141def unid east201/east-bn
  396. Sun Spirit 126def 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bt
  397. Sun Spirit 142def 2fury 2 to Volcano 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bh
  398. Superior Alpha Helm 55def LLD lvlreq26 1solarcreeper 3 to Carrion Vine 14dura east2/east-ci
  399. Superior Alpha Helm 71def LLD lvlreq26 2 to Hunger 1solarcreeper 3 to Carrion Vine 14ed(def) 15dura east2/east-cm
  400. Superior Antlers 28def LLD lvlreq12 3 to Carrion Vine 13ed(def) 10dura 2sox east2/east-ck
  401. Superior Falcon Mask 30def LLD lvlreq24 2nado 3 to Carrion Vine 6ed(def) east2/east-cm
  402. Superior Falcon Mask 32def LLD lvlreq24 1 to Volcano 3 to Carrion Vine 13ed(def) 2sox east201/east-bl
  403. Superior Fanged Helm 23def LLD lvlreq6 3 to Shout 13ed(def) east201/east-bw
  404. 2x Superior Great Helm 41def 15ed(def) east2/east-ci east201/east-bo
  405. Superior Hawk Helm 17def LLD lvlreq30 2hurricane 3nado 1 to Hunger 10ed(def) 3sox east201/east-bu
  406. Superior Jawbone Cap 17def LLD lvlreq6 3 to Shout 7ed(def) east2/east-ce
  407. Superior Wolf Head 11def LLD lvlreq12 3 to Carrion Vine 14dura east201/east-bh
  408. Superior Wolf Head 13def LLD lvlreq24 2 to Hunger 3 to Carrion Vine 10ed(def) 13dura 1sox east201/east-bv
  409. Totemic Mask 80def 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bs
  410. Totemic Mask 95def 3 to Carrion Vine east201/east-bg
  411. Vampire Gaze Grim Helm 252def 6-22 colddmg 7ml 6ll 100ed(def) 15slowerstaminadrain 18damred 14mdr east2/east-cc
  412. Vampire Gaze Grim Helm 252def 6-22 colddmg 8ml 6ll 100ed(def) 15slowerstaminadrain 18damred 14mdr east2/east-cb
  413. Vampire Gaze Grim Helm 252def 6-22 colddmg 8ml 8ll 100ed(def) 15slowerstaminadrain 16damred 10mdr east201/east-bl
  414. Wolf Head 15def 3eleskills 3nado 1 to Hunger ETH east2/east-ck
  416. [B]Circlets[/B]
  417. Artisan's Tiara 44def 20fcr 3sox east2/east-ck
  418. Circlet 21def LLD lvlreq30 2lightningskill 30frw east2/east-cj
  419. Circlet 28def 3passivandmagicskills 20fcr east2/east-cf
  420. Circlet 30def LLD lvlreq27 1assaskills 20fcr east201/east-bj
  421. Circlet 43def dura: 0 of 18 109mana ETH east201/east-bh
  422. Coronet 36def 2passivandmagicskills 20frw 20fcr 1-60light dmg 4ml 0mana (based on clvl) east2/east-cb
  423. Coronet 76def dura: 0 of 16 2offauras 20fcr 26ed(def) 6str 14dex 24fr ETH east201/east-bl
  424. Tiara 50def 2amaskills 20fcr 8ll 4str 37fr east2/east-cd
  426. [B]Armors[/B]
  427. Archon Plate 524def 3sox east2/east-cm
  428. Balrog Skin 1017def ETH 3sox east2/east-cc
  429. Balrog Skin 1017def ETH 4sox east2/east-ci
  430. Balrog Skin 1068def ETH 4sox east201/east-bm
  431. Balrog Skin 1072def ETH 3sox east2/east-cm
  432. Balrog Skin 1131def ETH 4sox east201/east-bs
  433. 2x Balrog Skin 1152def ETH 4sox east201/east-bj east201/east-bk
  434. Boneweave 1018def ETH 4sox east2/east-ca
  435. Boneweave 1027def ETH 3sox east2/east-cb
  436. Boneweave 1059def ETH 4sox east201/east-bg
  437. Boneweave 1071def ETH 4sox east2/east-cc
  438. Boneweave 1131def ETH 4sox east201/east-bg
  439. Demonhide Armor 183def dura: 0 of 15 LLD lvlreq30 66life ETH east201/east-bo
  440. Dusk Shroud 1035def ETH 4sox east2/east-cd
  441. 2x Dusk Shroud 1041def ETH 4sox east2/east-cc east201/east-bm
  442. Dusk Shroud 1048def ETH 4sox east201/east-bw
  443. Dusk Shroud 467def 3sox east201/east-bq
  444. Gothic Plate 199def dura: 0 of 28 LLD lvlreq30 65life ETH east201/east-bk
  445. Great Hauberk 1014def ETH 4sox east201/east-bx
  446. Great Hauberk 1030def ETH 3sox east201/east-bu
  447. Great Hauberk 1036def ETH 3sox east201/east-br
  448. Great Hauberk 1045def ETH 4sox east2/east-cd
  449. 2x Great Hauberk 1062def ETH 4sox east2/east-cc east201/east-bm
  450. Great Hauberk 1084def ETH 4sox east201/east-bo
  451. Great Hauberk 1099def ETH 4sox east201/east-bs
  452. Great Hauberk 1122def ETH 4sox east201/east-bj
  453. Hellforge Plate 1000def ETH 4sox east201/east-bl
  454. Hellforge Plate 1008def ETH 3sox east201/east-bg
  455. Hellforge Plate 1053def ETH 3sox east2/east-cg
  456. Hellforge Plate 1075def ETH 4sox east201/east-bu
  457. Hellforge Plate 1093def ETH 3sox east201/east-bn
  458. Hellforge Plate 1095def ETH 4sox east201/east-bq
  459. Hellforge Plate 1153def ETH 3sox east2/east-ck
  460. Hellforge Plate 1158def ETH 4sox east2/east-ca
  461. Hellforge Plate 1174def ETH 4sox east2/east-cj
  462. Loricated Mail 1021def ETH 3sox east201/east-bx
  463. Loricated Mail 1032def ETH 4sox east201/east-bt
  464. Loricated Mail 1054def ETH 4sox east201/east-bh
  465. Mage Plate 229def LLD lvlreq25 2sox east2/east-ch
  466. Mage Plate 232def LLD lvlreq25 2sox east2/east-ci
  467. Mage Plate 255def LLD lvlreq25 2sox east2/east-cd
  468. 3x Mage Plate 261def LLD lvlreq25 3sox east2/east-ck east201/east-bt east201/east-bt
  469. Mail 1005def ETH 3sox east2/east-cf
  470. Mail 1027def ETH 4sox east201/east-bp
  471. Mail 1068def ETH 3sox east201/east-bx
  472. Ornate Plate 1020def LLD lvlreq25 51ed(def) 2str selfrep ETH east2/east-ce
  473. Ring Mail 72def dura: 0 of 14 96life 15fr ETH east201/east-bw
  474. Scale Mail 85def dura: 0 of 19 98life ETH east201/east-bo
  475. Scale Mail 88def LLD lvlreq18 24fhr 45ed(def) 1str 37life 23lr 2sox east201/east-bl
  476. Scarab Husk 1003def ETH 4sox east201/east-bq
  477. Scarab Husk 1044def ETH 3sox east201/east-bj
  478. Scarab Husk 474def 3sox east2/east-cj
  479. Serpentskin Armor 120def 95life east2/east-cg
  480. Superior Dusk Shroud 519def 11ed(def) 3sox east2/east-ch
  481. Superior Dusk Shroud 528def 13ed(def) 3sox east2/east-cc
  482. Superior Dusk Shroud 538def 15ed(def) 11dura east201/east-bm
  483. Superior Dusk Shroud 538def 15ed(def) 4sox east201/east-bj
  484. Superior Full Plate Mail 186def 15ed(def) 11dura east2/east-cd
  485. Superior Gothic Plate 156def 15ed(def) 15dura east201/east-br
  486. Superior Mage Plate 290def LLD lvlreq25 11ed(def) 3sox east2/east-cj
  487. Superior Mage Plate 293def LLD lvlreq25 12ed(def) 10dura east201/east-br
  488. Superior Mage Plate 298def LLD lvlreq25 14ed(def) 14dura east2/east-cb
  489. Superior Mage Plate 301def LLD lvlreq25 15ed(def) 11dura east2/east-cb
  490. Superior Mage Plate 301def LLD lvlreq25 15ed(def) 13dura east2/east-ce
  491. 2x Superior Mage Plate 301def LLD lvlreq25 15ed(def) east2/east-ca east201/east-bk
  492. Superior Scarab Husk 522def 10ed(def) 3sox east201/east-bg
  493. Superior Scarab Husk 541def 14ed(def) 3sox east2/east-cc
  494. Superior Wire Fleece 554def 15ed(def) 3sox east201/east-bk
  495. Superior Wyrmhide 541def 15ed(def) 14dura east2/east-cb
  496. Wire Fleece 1050def ETH 4sox east2/east-cm
  497. Wire Fleece 1068def ETH 4sox east2/east-cj
  498. Wyrmhide 1005def ETH 4sox east201/east-bh
  499. 2x Wyrmhide 1027def ETH 4sox east2/east-cl east201/east-bi
  500. Wyrmhide 1030def ETH 4sox east201/east-bn
  501. Wyrmhide 1039def ETH 4sox east2/east-cm
  502. Wyrmhide 1054def ETH 3sox east2/east-ce
  504. [B]Gloves[/B]
  505. Bloodfist Vampirebone Gloves 73def 10ias 30fhr 5mindmg 11ed(def) 10 def 40life east2/east-cb
  506. Bloodfist Vampirebone Gloves 74def 10ias 30fhr 5mindmg 10ed(def) 10 def 40life east2/east-cl
  507. Bloodfist Vampirebone Gloves 74def 10ias 30fhr 5mindmg 12ed(def) 10 def 40life east2/east-cl
  508. Bloodfist Vampirebone Gloves 76def 10ias 30fhr 5mindmg 10ed(def) 10 def 40life east2/east-ca
  509. Bloodfist Vampirebone Gloves 77def 10ias 30fhr 5mindmg 16ed(def) 10 def 40life east2/east-cl
  510. Bloodfist Vampirebone Gloves 78def 10ias 30fhr 5mindmg 14ed(def) 10 def 40life east201/east-bw
  511. Demonhide Gloves 57def 20ias 61ed(def) 14str 14dex 24lr 1lightradius east201/east-bj
  512. Heavy Gloves 17def 20ias 152ed(def) 13str 27lr 1lightradius east201/east-bq
  513. Light Gauntlets 10def 20ias 15ar 11dex 30lr east201/east-br
  515. [B]Belts[/B]
  516. Belt 5def LLD lvlreq22 24fhr 42life 5liferep east201/east-bt
  517. Demonhide Sash 49def dura: 0 of 7 0 98life ETH east201/east-bo
  518. Gloom's Trap Mesh Belt 93def 5ml 128ed(def) 15vita maxmana 15 15manareg -3lightradius east201/east-bi
  519. goldwrap Battle Belt 91def 10ias 59ed(def) 25 def 80eg 30mf 2lightradius east2/east-cb
  520. Plated Belt 13def LLD lvlreq22 24fhr 13ed(def) 58life 4liferep 15fr 27pr east2/east-ca
  521. Sharkskin Belt 35def LLD lvlreq25 24fhr 55life 4liferep 11mana 22fr east201/east-bn
  522. String of Ears Demonhide Sash 11def0 LLD lvlreq29 7ll 172ed(def) 15 def 15damred 14mdr east201/east-bq
  523. verdungo's 141def 10fhr 115ed(def) 40vita 13liferep 110maxstamina 10damred east2/east-cf
  524. War Belt 49def LLD lvlreq25 17fhr 7str 41life 22fr 9pr east201/east-bk
  526. [B]Shields[/B]
  527. Artisan's Kite Shield 17def 58chancetoblock Smite Damage: 2 to 5 LLD lvlreq25 30fbr 20incchanceofblocking 3sox east2/east-ck
  528. Barbed Shield 72def 67chancetoblock Smite Damage: 18 to 35 LLD lvlreq27 1palaskills 30fbr 20incchanceofblocking east201/east-br
  529. Gothic Shield 35def 66chancetoblock Smite Damage: 2 to 6 LLD lvlreq18 30fbr 20incchanceofblocking 16lr 8pr 1damred 2mdr 2sox east201/east-bp
  530. Jeweler's Monarch 135def 52chancetoblock Smite Damage: 12 to 34 3mdr 4sox east201/east-bx
  531. Kite Shield 16def 38chancetoblock Smite Damage: 2 to 5 3sox east201/east-bh
  532. Kite Shield 27def 58chancetoblock Smite Damage: 2 to 5 LLD lvlreq26 17fhr 30fbr 20incchanceofblocking 43ed(def) 9cr 2sox east201/east-bu
  533. Kite Shield 46def 58chancetoblock Smite Damage: 2 to 5 LLD lvlreq23 17fhr 30fbr 20incchanceofblocking 66ed(def) 23fr ETH 2sox east201/east-br
  534. Lance Guard Barbed Shield 228def 47chancetoblock Smite Damage: 18 to 35 dura: 0 of 28 30fhr 20deadlystrike 94ed(def) 50life7 15dmggoestomana ETH east201/east-bk
  535. Monarch 148def 52chancetoblock Smite Damage: 12 to 34 4sox east201/east-bo
  536. Moser's Circle Round Shield 179def 67chancetoblock Smite Damage: 7 to 14 30fbr 25incchanceofblocking 220ed(def) 25@ 2sox east201/east-bo
  537. Superior Dragon Shield 78def 48chancetoblock Smite Damage: 15 to 24 LLD lvlreq25 15ed(def) 15dura east201/east-bw
  538. Superior Monarch 171def 52chancetoblock Smite Damage: 12 to 34 15ed(def) 15dura east201/east-bh
  540. [B]Pala Shields[/B]
  541. Herald of Zakarum Gilded Shield 496def 75chancetoblock Smite Damage: 20 to 28 2palacombatskill 2palaskills 30fbr 30incchanceofblocking 20ar 194ed(def) 20str 20vita 50@ east201/east-bi
  542. Herald of Zakarum Gilded Shield 498def 75chancetoblock Smite Damage: 20 to 28 2palacombatskill 2palaskills 30fbr 30incchanceofblocking 20ar 195ed(def) 20str 20vita 50@ east201/east-br
  543. Jeweler's sacredtarge 141def 60chancetoblock Smite Damage: 22 to 70 61ed 118ar 4sox east2/east-cb
  544. Kurast Shield 162def 55chancetoblock Smite Damage: 10 to 82 45@ 4sox east2/east-cm
  545. Royal Shield 364def 55chancetoblock Smite Damage: 24 to 32 32@ ETH 4sox east2/east-cg
  546. sacredrondache 324def 58chancetoblock Smite Damage: 35 to 58 33@ ETH 4sox east201/east-bj
  547. sacredrondache 334def 58chancetoblock Smite Damage: 35 to 58 30@ ETH 4sox east201/east-bn
  548. sacredrondache 342def 58chancetoblock Smite Damage: 35 to 58 37@ ETH 4sox east2/east-ca
  549. sacredtarge 134def 60chancetoblock Smite Damage: 22 to 70 44@ 4sox east201/east-bi
  550. sacredtarge 135def 60chancetoblock Smite Damage: 22 to 70 44@ 4sox east2/east-cf
  551. sacredtarge 315def 60chancetoblock Smite Damage: 22 to 70 37@ ETH 4sox east201/east-bg
  552. sacredtarge 321def 60chancetoblock Smite Damage: 22 to 70 41@ ETH 4sox east201/east-bw
  553. Superior Crown Shield 45def 55chancetoblock Smite Damage: 4 to 12 LLD lvlreq18 11ed(def) 45@ east2/east-ce
  554. Superior sacredtarge 173def 60chancetoblock Smite Damage: 22 to 70 9ed(def) 45@ east201/east-bx
  556. [B]Necro Shields[/B]
  557. Demon Head 16def 52chancetoblock LLD lvlreq30 2pnbskills 15fbr 10incchanceofblocking 13-28psndmg(over 4s) 1 to Summon Resist 3bonespear east201/east-bq
  558. Unraveller Head 9def 58chancetoblock LLD lvlreq18 30fbr 20incchanceofblocking 5-14psndmg(over 3s) 3bonespear east201/east-bh
  560. [B]Maces[/B]
  561. Khalim's Flail dmg1-15 50ias 40ar 1-20light dmg 50damagetoundead east201/east-bi
  563. [B]Throwing Weapons[/B]
  564. Gimmershred Flying Axe throwdmg46-204 dmg52-201 quantity:163 30ias 210ed 218-483firedmg 29-501light dmg 176-397 colddmg IncreasedStackSize east201/east-bs
  565. The Scalper Francisca throwdmg79-145 dmg47-97 quantity:130 20ias 196ed 25ar 5ll 33openwounds 4manaaftereachkill ReplenishesQuantity ETH east2/east-ck
  567. [B]Amazon Bows[/B]
  568. Superior Stag Bow dmg8-13 LLD lvlreq14 3bowskills 15ed 1ar east201/east-bw
  570. [B]Bows[/B]
  571. Blade Bow dmg91-174 20ias 326ed 2mindmg 56ar 91damagetoundead 109ar against Undead east201/east-bp
  572. Gothic Bow dmg49-246 392ed 132ar 19-37firedmg east201/east-bk
  573. Large Siege Bow dmg51-157 276ed 0maxdmg (based on clvl) 14mindmg 16ar (based on clvl) 1-15light dmg east201/east-bq
  575. [B]Crossbows[/B]
  576. Superior Crossbow dmg10-18 15ed 2ar 4sox east2/east-ch
  578. [B]Wands[/B]
  579. Maelstrom Yew Wand dmg2-8 LLD lvlreq14 30fcr 1-9light dmg 2 to Terror 1 to Maiden 2 to Corpse Explosion 1 to Amplify Damage 13mana 40lr 50damagetoundead east201/east-bi
  581. [B]Staves[/B]
  582. Gnarled Staff dmg4-12 LLD lvlreq24 2chillingarmor 3energy Shield 50damagetoundead 3sox east2/east-ci
  584. [B]Swords (1H)[/B]
  585. 5x Broad Sword dmg7-14 4sox east2/east-cd east2/east-ce east2/east-cj east201/east-bl east201/east-bt
  586. Superior Broad Sword dmg7-14 2ar 10dura 4sox east2/east-cl
  587. Superior Phase Blade dmg31-35 3ar 5sox east2/east-cl
  589. [B]Swords (2H)[/B]
  590. Zweihander dmg56-104 LLD lvlreq25 20ias 94ed east201/east-bv
  592. [B]Daggers[/B]
  593. Dirk dmg3-9 LLD lvlreq30 2warcries 30ias 1-3 colddmg 5str 1manaaftereachkill east2/east-ca
  594. Gull Dagger dmg2-21 LLD lvlreq4 1-15dmg -5mana 100mf ETH east201/east-bj
  596. [B]Assassin Katars[/B]
  597. Blade Talons dmg10-14 LLD lvlreq26 1assaskills 30ias east201/east-bw
  598. FeralClaws dmg22-53 1phoenixstrike 3bladeshield 3dragonflight east201/east-bo
  599. FeralClaws dmg22-53 3bladeshield 1mb east201/east-bl
  600. Greater Talons dmg21-35 2bladesofice 2mb 3ls 3sox east2/east-ce
  601. Hand Scythe dmg16-37 LLD lvlreq30 1dragonflight 2mb 3ls east201/east-bh
  602. Hand Scythe dmg16-37 LLD lvlreq30 1dragonflight 3ls 1weaponblock east201/east-bp
  603. Hand Scythe dmg16-37 LLD lvlreq30 1dragonflight 3ls east201/east-bq
  604. Hand Scythe dmg16-37 LLD lvlreq30 1mb 3ls 1bladefury east201/east-bj
  605. Hand Scythe dmg16-37 LLD lvlreq30 2traps 2ls east2/east-ck
  606. Scissors Quhab dmg19-40 3dragonflight 3ls east201/east-bx
  607. Superior FeralClaws dmg22-53 3ar 3bladeshield 1mb 15dura east201/east-bt
  608. Superior Greater Talons dmg21-35 1bladeshield 1mb 3ls 12dura east2/east-cb
  609. Superior Greater Talons dmg33-55 7ed 1ar 2phoenixstrike 3ls ETH east201/east-br
  610. Superior Hand Scythe dmg16-37 LLD lvlreq30 1ar 1dragonflight 3ls 12dura east2/east-cj
  611. Suwayyah dmg39-52 1mb 3wof 3ls east201/east-bi
  612. Suwayyah dmg39-52 3bladeshield 1mb east2/east-cl
  613. War Fist dmg44-53 1dragonflight 1mb 3ls east201/east-bo
  614. War Fist dmg44-53 2assaskills 1-104light dmg 3sm 1dragonflight 3ls 2manaaftereachkill lvl5 Bash (7/32 Charges) east201/east-bp
  615. War Fist dmg44-53 3bladeshield 2mb east2/east-cd
  616. War Fist dmg44-53 3dragonflight 3ls east2/east-cg
  618. [B]Sorceress Orbs[/B]
  619. Clasped Orb dmg5-12 2sorcskills 2 to Fire Mastery 3enchant 17mana lvl3 Blizzard (23/41 Charges) east2/east-cf
  620. Crystalline Globe dmg10-26 3coldskills 20fcr 2blizzard 33mana east201/east-bp
  621. Smoked Sphere dmg4-10 5 Chance to cast level 3 Chain Lightning on attack 2sorcskills 20fcr 1 to Spike 3 to Lightning 22mana 34fr east2/east-cb
  622. Swirling Crystal dmg18-42 unid east201/east-bg
  623. The Oculus Swirling Crystal dmg18-42 25 Chance to cast level 1 Teleport when struck 3sorcskills 30fcr 20 Enhanced def 20vita 20energy 20@ 5manaaftereachkill 50mf east201/east-bp
  625. [B]Axes (1H)[/B]
  626. Gimmershred Flying Axe throwdmg46-204 dmg52-201 quantity:163 30ias 210ed 218-483firedmg 29-501light dmg 176-397 colddmg IncreasedStackSize east201/east-bs
  627. Superior War Axe dmg11-20 15ed 3ar east2/east-cj
  629. [B]Polearms[/B]
  630. Battle Scythe dmg18-45 LLD lvlreq25 4sox east2/east-cm
  631. 4x Colossus Voulge dmg25-247 ETH 4sox east201/east-bj east201/east-bn east201/east-bs east201/east-bu
  632. 6x Cryptic Axe dmg49-225 ETH 4sox east2/east-cb east201/east-bj east201/east-bm east201/east-bo east201/east-bs east201/east-bs
  633. 5x Halberd dmg12-45 4sox east2/east-cd east2/east-cg east201/east-bq east201/east-bt east201/east-bt
  634. Poleaxe dmg18-39 4sox east2/east-ca
  635. Scythe dmg8-20 4sox east2/east-ce
  636. Superior Battle Scythe dmg19-47 LLD lvlreq25 6ed 2ar 4sox east2/east-ck
  637. 2x Superior Colossus Voulge dmg28-276 12ed ETH east2/east-ch east2/east-cl
  638. Superior Halberd dmg12-47 5ed 1ar 4sox east201/east-bv
  639. Superior Partizan dmg38-84 LLD lvlreq23 13ed 14dura 4sox east201/east-br
  640. Superior Partizan dmg58-127 LLD lvlreq23 14ed ETH 4sox east201/east-bx
  641. Superior Scythe dmg8-21 6ed 1ar 4sox east2/east-cj
  642. Superior Voulge dmg9-31 3ar 15dura ETH 4sox east201/east-bj
  643. 5x Thresher dmg18-211 ETH 4sox east2/east-cd east2/east-ch east2/east-ci east2/east-ci east201/east-bt
  644. Voulge dmg6-21 4sox east201/east-bm
  645. 2x War Scythe dmg15-36 4sox east2/east-ch east201/east-bp
  647. [B]Scepters[/B]
  648. War Scepter dmg10-17 LLD lvlreq18 1 to Vigor 1concentration 3blessedhammer 50damagetoundead east201/east-bo
  649. War Scepter dmg10-17 LLD lvlreq18 1blessedhammer 3 to Charge 50damagetoundead east201/east-bq
  650. War Scepter dmg10-17 LLD lvlreq30 2redemption 2conviction 2foh 50damagetoundead east201/east-bk
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