
Books to Read

Jul 19th, 2012
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  1. Books to read
  3. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: The brothers Karamazov
  4. Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis
  5. Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace
  6. James Joyce: Ulysses
  7. Miyamoto Musashi: The Book of Five Rings
  8. Herman Melville: Moby Dick
  9. The Koran (English):
  10. Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
  11. Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
  12. Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness
  13. Alexander Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo:
  14. Ernest Hemingway - The old man and the Sea:
  15. Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Possessed (Radio broadcast):
  16. Edward Gibbon: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  17. F. Scott Fitzgerald: The great gatsby
  18. Stephen Hawking: A brief history of time
  19. Ben Goldacre: Bad Science
  20. Adolf Hitler: mein Kampf
  21. Jean-Jacques Rousseau- The Social Contract
  22. Bertrand Russell- History of Western Philosophy
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