
Flora meets D&D

May 17th, 2015
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  2. <Bleck> Personal Head canon: Beleth has puppet replicas of the other commanders that they use to cosplay sometimes when alone
  3. <aron> OMFG
  4. * Nine ( has joined
  5. <aron> PK tell me that is canon
  6. <thecharrr> hello nine
  7. <BoomBox> Be the talk of the doujinshi cons
  8. <Nine> hi hi!
  9. <Vice> hi nine
  10. <Des> Bleck that's too much....
  11. <Noctis> hello, Nine
  12. <Nine> I've been under the weather
  13. <thecharrr> bleck: that should be canon
  14. <Nine> but how are ya'll
  15. <Bleck> Too much, they say...
  16. <thecharrr> I'm fine
  17. <Bleck> I say not enough! >:3
  18. <aron> it isnt
  19. <aron> dont listen to them bleck
  20. <Nine> good good thecharr
  21. <aron> one day one of the commanders will walk in on a cosplay session
  22. <aron> and it will be glorious(ly awkward)
  23. <Bleck> I was going to say Furfur's was "mysteriously damaged" and also "Discontinued"
  24. <aron> omfg
  25. <thecharrr> ha ha
  26. <Noctis> make a puppet opera out of it
  27. <aron> beleth x furfur id ship it
  28. <aron> wait, since The Blinds have their own comics wouldnt that mean people ship certain members?
  29. <Nine> has pk made a full body image of pride?
  30. <Beleth> i have
  31. <Nine> i want to draw pride a lot
  32. <Beleth> but its not uploaded
  33. <MissFluffy> not outside the video
  34. <Beleth> ill do it
  35. <Beleth> hold on
  36. <Nine> dangg
  37. <MissFluffy> yes pls
  38. <Nine> yass
  39. <aron> awesome
  40. <MissFluffy> i feel like imma love Pride
  41. <reiberyl> I hope beleth cosplayed as amdusias or someone before they joined
  42. <Nine> I love prides design
  43. <Beleth> you'll learna lot about the comics beleth enjoys
  44. <Nine> I love furfur's design too
  45. <reiberyl> And had to awkwardly explain it someday
  46. <reiberyl> Excellent
  47. <aron> omg yes trino
  48. <Beleth>
  49. <BoomBox> awesome
  50. <Nine> omg
  51. <Nine> thank you!!
  52. <Nine> gotta draw this babe
  53. <reiberyl> THE PRIDE PIPER
  54. <Bleck> "Uhh...Um.. You see...These are....battle simulator puppets!"
  55. <Beleth> i didnt like. fix it up or render it
  56. <BoomBox> Wow I just noticed your icon on my dash pk rofl
  57. <Beleth> so its kind of shitty
  58. <Beleth> sorry
  59. <aron> looks kinda like furfur, any relation or can you not tell us yet?
  60. <Beleth> its a little inaccurate
  61. <BoomBox> I love it
  62. <Nine> well it works ;w;
  63. <Beleth> ill make a cleaner ref later
  64. <Noctis> Bleck
  65. <Bleck> yes? :3
  66. <Vice> oh sweet
  67. <thecharrr> bleck: I want to watch spaceballs now
  68. <Noctis> how awesome would a miniature tabletop RP be with..the commanders
  69. <Vice> i hope we see more of pride in the near future
  70. <Beleth> omfg
  71. <Nine> same
  72. <aron> tabletop RP?
  73. <BoomBox> Miniature might be a problem for amdusias giant hands
  74. <Bleck> With Dice and magic cards?
  75. <bamfzagoon> like d&d aron
  76. <aron> ah
  77. <Noctis> maybe
  78. <bamfzagoon> tabletop rp is a catchall for roleplaying you do irl around a...table
  79. <bamfzagoon> typically with dice and stats
  80. * reiberyl has quit (⚘ Bye)
  81. <thecharrr> have the blinds play the tabletop game
  82. <Vice> Furfur's response to every enemy encounter is to seduce them.
  83. <Beleth> omfg
  84. <Noctis> and miniature figurine
  85. <aron> wow vice
  86. <MissFluffy> "can i fuck them?"
  87. <BoomBox> and then try to convince the dm to let her do like 20 minutes of erp lol
  88. <MissFluffy> DM: yes but-
  89. <MissFluffy> "roll to fuck!" - furfur
  90. <Noctis> at times - though miniature strategy's more common, I think
  91. <Noctis> wow
  92. <Bleck> Omg, Im rolling
  93. <Vice> i could imagine Beleth being a disgruntled DM
  94. <Beleth> omfg
  95. <Beleth> of course beleth would be dm
  96. <Beleth> hahaha
  97. <aron> roll 3 or higher to get it in the butt
  98. <afkSunspot> 'i roll to seduce the dragon'
  99. <bamfzagoon> beleth roped all of them into it
  100. <BoomBox> Just doing the anise face 24/7 lol
  101. <afkSunspot> 'angel you cannot seduce every fucking monster you see'
  102. <bamfzagoon> Hey Guys Wanna Have a Fun Dinner Party
  103. <Beleth> rofl
  104. <afkSunspot> '...yes i can i have skill points in it'
  105. <afkSunspot> 'i very specifically took 'profession [hooker]' and you said i could'
  106. <afkSunspot> 'and seduction falls under that'
  107. <afkSunspot> '...just fucking roll'
  108. <afkSunspot> '20!'
  109. <Beleth> omfg
  110. <Bleck> "But do you have en Endurance for it?"
  111. <VoxSomniator> Spinoff comic tiiime
  112. <Vice> "Furfur the golem has no visible genitals and no interest in sex" "i want to seduce them anyway"
  113. <Noctis> excellent...
  114. <afkSunspot> '...fucking goddamn little shithea----fine'
  115. <afkSunspot> 'you seduce the dragon'
  116. <thecharrr> are they playing d&d or fatal
  117. <Vice> and then furfur rolls a 20
  118. <bamfzagoon> sunspot are you roleplaying with yourself,
  119. <afkSunspot> 'there is now a 50 feet tall giant monster with a huge fucking dong that is chasing after you'
  120. <afkSunspot> i'm telling a story
  121. <Beleth> hahaha
  122. <BoomBox> Roll to seduce
  123. <aron> it's like furfur doesnt roll high enough, creates a distraction and changes the dice to a high enough number
  124. <aron> while the others arent looking
  125. <MissFluffy> this needs to happen one day
  126. <bamfzagoon> orobas seems like she'd actually get into the roleplaying side and the story
  127. <aron> so she can fuck the monster
  128. <BoomBox> Has a pair of loaded dice just for fuckin everyone lol
  129. <afkSunspot> so, fun fact, irl, i once saw a d6 roll a 15
  130. <bamfzagoon> and get really emotionally invested in her character
  131. <Vice> Orobas would be the beefy tank character for the sake of irony
  132. <bamfzagoon> while furfur if frickin everything and amdusias is ":|"
  133. <Beleth> amdusias does the bare minimum to keep playing
  134. <Beleth> as uncreatively as possible
  135. <MissFluffy> amdusias is there cuz orobas is there
  136. <BoomBox> And as we have seen with beleth's potion Orobas would be the one to make all the dick jokes
  137. <aron> i can kinda see orobas getting into furfur's fucking antics and trying to do it with amdusias's character XD
  138. <afkSunspot> so, ingame, magic was dying, and the natural world was having issues; the elements were going out of control; some baddies were lit on fire... fire damage is 1d6 a turn
  139. <afkSunspot> ...the d6 landed on its corner
  140. <Buyo> amdusias is the uncreative one who carries the team during fights cuz thats all she's good at
  141. <afkSunspot> with the 4,5, and 6 all pointing up
  142. <aron> while poor beleth is all alone
  143. <Buyo> all her stats are in like, beating shit up
  144. <Beleth> yeah
  145. <afkSunspot> ehehehe
  146. <MissFluffy> would onza play?
  147. <Beleth> onza would watch
  148. <afkSunspot> that's -delightful- buyo
  149. <Bleck> How would Buer play?
  150. <Buyo> onza would bring drinks to the table
  151. <Bleck> Buer gets 4 rolls
  152. <Vice> what class would biff be if he played
  153. <BoomBox> necromancer
  154. <MissFluffy> necromancer
  155. <Bleck> Necromancer
  156. <BoomBox> BOOM I WIN
  157. <Noctis> consensus
  158. <Noctis> I see Boom first^^;
  159. <STeddy> unanimous decision
  160. <Vice> i forgot that was a class. i'm dumb
  161. <Buyo> orobas actually has a lot of fun playing
  162. <VoxSomniator> Imagine if Andre got involved somehow, like a picture of him on the board.
  163. <Buyo> she's like the only one who doesnt drive beleth up the wall
  164. <MissFluffy> i was just guessing classes, vice
  165. <aron> how would biff play like if amdusias is the bored/uncarring one?
  166. <Beleth> orobas has fun doing anything
  167. <Vice> lol
  168. <Buyo> and is pretty decently creative
  169. <Bleck> Omg i wa goin to say that VoxSomniator
  170. <BoomBox> Andre would change every playing piece to his face
  171. <Bleck> Can you even imagine
  172. <bamfzagoon> orobas would be lean-across-the-table into it
  173. <Beleth> biff has fun too
  174. <MissFluffy> the most i know about dnd comes from my nerd of a bf
  175. <Buyo> biff wouldnt be the boring/uncaring one
  176. <Buyo> biff is all about having fun
  177. <Beleth> orobas would be like the one who shouts when something goes her way
  178. <Bleck> "Oh dear, looks like you fell into the swamp."
  179. <Beleth> or when it doesnt
  180. <Vice> Biff would probably be the one asking questions constantly
  181. <aron> oh orobas XD
  182. <aron> she sure is energetic
  183. <MissFluffy> Andre invades the game
  184. <Vice> "Can I talk to the old guy at the bar?"
  185. <MissFluffy> shows up in beleth's playbook
  186. <Buyo> biff sounds like he'd be really into the mechanics behind the game specifically in ways that would let him make OP characters
  187. <Buyo> and bother beleth for information a lot before they start
  188. <Vice> and beleth is like "yes, biff. you can do ANYTHING you want with your character"
  189. <bamfzagoon> biff's the guy who makes one round of combat last 10 minutes
  190. <Vice> lol
  191. <Buyo> so biff makes it so his character can come back to life when he dies
  192. <aron> we need a chapter dedicated to seeing the commanders playing D&D
  193. <BoomBox> "One sec I have a book here somewhere that says I can do this give me a few minutes"
  194. <MissFluffy> that should be a irc collab comic
  195. <Beleth> oh my god
  196. <VoxSomniator> :D
  197. <bamfzagoon> rofl
  198. <Beleth> this sounds like a hilarious chapter really
  199. <Vice> oh god
  200. <Sugarless-gum> what about jam
  201. <Noctis> woah^^;
  202. <VoxSomniator> Wait who's gonna be the bard?
  203. <Beleth> jam would leave as soon as biff started taking too long
  204. <VoxSomniator> Every party needs a bard.
  205. <MissFluffy> jam would be the bard
  206. <aron> ngl id love to see the chapter happen
  207. <Bleck> I wonder if Buer ever argues on decisions with themself
  209. <aron> or at least some comic of it
  210. <thecharrr>
  211. <Bleck> No, get Strength! no magic!
  212. <Sugarless-gum> hahahah
  213. <aron> perhaps the way to beat an angel is to play D&D
  214. <thecharrr> challenge the angel to a danceoff vs jam
  215. <aron> sorta reminds me of that one evangelion angel they literally had to dance fight to defeat
  216. <BoomBox> angels is about to absorb someone "Wait you can't do that it's not your turn yet!" They actually wait
  217. <MissFluffy> they sit in the corner and start to read a book
  218. <Vice> "terrorize our town later, we're in the middle of a session"
  219. <VoxSomniator> This is amazing.
  220. <Pan> oh no am i missing good chapter talk
  221. <BoomBox> Cause biff won't stop arguing that he can take 2 free actions and is looking in every single manual to say he is right lol
  222. <aron> yes shikka
  223. <Pan> noooo
  224. <aron> it's still going though
  225. <Vice> you missed pride, shikka
  226. <Pan> yay
  227. <Pan> i didnt
  228. <Pan> she was on the patreon
  229. <Vice> oh
  230. <VoxSomniator> Maybe Pride could be the bard?
  231. <Vice> i havent checked today
  232. <Pan> she was posted after ch5
  233. <Pan> er, part 5
  234. <aron> would baphomet (or however it's spelled) even play along?
  235. <BoomBox> Pride would probably leave the moment she fails a roll like "This game is stupid I would never FAIL"
  236. <Beleth> baphomet has no time for that
  237. <Vice> derp
  238. <aron> well they are the leader
  239. <MissFluffy> would Big Star play
  240. <Darwin> Welp, the sun is a rising
  241. <Darwin> I'm going to bed
  242. <aron> is baphomet he/she/they?
  243. <Noctis> run Darwin, run
  244. <Darwin> Good night everyone!
  245. <Beleth> baphomet is she
  246. <Noctis> see you!
  247. <eevee> unnnghghng
  248. <aron> ohhhhhh
  249. <thecharrr> night darwin
  250. <Noctis> eevee you ok
  251. <aron> night darwin
  252. <eevee> UNGH
  253. <fen> I realized that cayenne playing d&d would end with him yelling that it was dumb and flipping the board everywhere
  254. <Buyo> yea probably
  255. <Darwin> Good night! Good night!
  256. <aron> what about min and cress?
  257. <Vice> babies arent allowed to play
  258. <Noctis> very likely
  259. <MissFluffy> omg vice
  260. <fen> min keeps trying to godmode
  261. <Buyo> min wouldnt have the patience for it and leave
  262. * Darwin has quit (⚘ ajax IRC Client)
  263. <Beleth> rofl
  264. <Noctis> wow, Vice...
  265. <Beleth> godmode min
  266. <BoomBox> I love the fact that all the higher ups are she, sounds so weird that the gender is a change of pace from the "norm"
  267. <Buyo> or that
  268. <VoxSomniator> I'm pretty sure that Calliope would end up being a god.
  269. <Buyo> calliope would be DM
  270. <Pan> godmode min would be sassy as fuck
  271. <Vice> says furfur, as she hands him chutes and ladders
  272. <Noctis> or be- yeah, the gm
  273. <Buyo> and make ridiculously complex lore
  274. <Beleth> i told you guys the default gender is female in my world
  275. <Beleth> and i choose male if i want to
  276. <BoomBox> I love it
  277. <Pan> i love it that way
  278. <VoxSomniator> Isn't Beleth already the DM?
  279. <Beleth> or enby
  280. <MissFluffy> no, calliope would try to take over as DM and beleth will be annoyed
  281. <Pan> justifies me having 34 females and 5 male characters
  282. <Buyo> cayenne wouldnt play with beleth
  283. <Pan> :D
  284. <Buyo> or furfur
  285. <Pan> wait
  286. <Pan> 4 male characters
  287. <Pan> shikka is genderfluid
  288. <Buyo> most of my characters are dudes cuz i keep making variations of me
  289. <Pan> 3 if you dont wanna count in challah who is transgender
  290. <Vice> i dont really keep track but i think i have a balance of both
  291. <aron> yeah i think atm i have more dudes too sadly
  292. <Buyo> i always try to make a female character immediately after though
  293. <BoomBox> Im kinda the same buyo, alot of my characters have some traits or are feelings/experiences of mine
  294. <Pan> you like your dudes
  295. <Vice> concerning my pokemon characters anyway
  296. <Bleck> whats a character o3o
  297. <Bleck> ....I need to actually make my stuff
  298. <Noctis> right now it's balanced for me
  299. <Beleth> i just get bored when its like "ah yes all these mens, and the woman
  300. <Beleth> "
  301. <Vice> yeah
  302. <Beleth> so i was like "haha nope, strongest demons will be female"
  303. <BoomBox> Indeed
  304. <Vice> i like the variety flora has had
  305. <Pan> aka every single superhero movie ever
  306. <Pan> right
  307. <Bleck> And the women is the "Heart" of the team
  308. <Beleth> to top it fuckign off baphomet is trans
  309. <Pan> looking at you avengers
  310. <Vice> and it doesnt like draw attention to a persons gender
  311. <aron> that's not how you spell breasts bleck
  312. <Pan> haha
  313. <Noctis> wow aron, wow
  314. <Beleth> in her full design you can see how clever i wsa with the penis
  315. <aron> since let's face it, the single girl member is probably there for the fanservice
  316. <Vice> oh god pk
  317. <Buyo> *makes my pelvis look like a mouht so i can walk around naked* perfect
  318. <Vice> is that what ive been looking at this entire time
  319. <Beleth> Hehe.
  320. <aron> ...hope i wasnt too out of line there ^^;
  321. <Beleth> her mouth penis
  322. <Buyo> tongue dick
  323. <Pan> my favorite
  324. <Noctis> def not, aron
  325. <Vice> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there goes my brain
  326. <Pan> rofl
  327. <Vice> back into the gutter
  328. <VoxSomniator> Where's this design?
  329. <Pan> never seen a mouth dick before?
  330. <Pan> on patreon
  331. <Buyo> that creates a lot of funny situations though like
  332. <VoxSomniator> Ah.
  333. <MissFluffy> im guessing the $10+ tier
  334. <Beleth>
  335. <Buyo> i honestly cant do anything but laugh when i imagine baphomet's dick doing anything that dicks actually do
  336. <Pan> oh and here now
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