

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [2018-Apr-12 00:07:38] Lotlhuitl stared up at Noa, her expression stony to say the least. "I can defend myself just fine, thank you very much." She snapped. Her tail twitched. It was a lie. She didn't believe it, and she didn't even have the barest conviction to make it even sound convincing.
  3. Her ears had pinned back. Her expression conflicted. "Xoconan made me promise that I would, so." Not exactly an answer to his question if she would or could or even wanted to stay away from his wife -- her best friend.
  5. She didn't want to stay away from Xitlalli, but it was the best way to keep her safe. Xoconan was a jealous lover, and, well. He'd surely hurt Xitlalli if she didn't.
  7. But she missed her. Missed the presence of the rune at the back of her neck. Hatsune had excised much of the corruption within her. But.. it had left Lotlhuitl feeling vulnerable. Weak -- even weaker than normal.
  9. Lotlhuitl made quite a contrast to the white-haired lad, sitting up on Ezmara's throne. He seemed bemused, cheerful, calm, relaxed.
  11. She was tense, angry, worked up. Vulnerable.
  13. The only thing the two really had in common was that they were both staring at the other.
  15. "You shouldn't be sitting there, Noa. That's.. improper."
  16. (Lotlhuitl)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [2018-Apr-12 00:13:06] Her spark...
  21. Something that he had come to enjoy from this woman was seemingly gone. Once upon a time she would of shown anger though now she seemed almost entirely too reserved. Those who were weak falling so carefully into the hands of this Magi who stood at this very pinnacle of absolute power. That alone could be their only use afterall, with nothing more to offer this world than becoming a pawn for the strong.
  23. "You should think for yourself, Lotlhuitl. I dislike what they did to you, you feel so much more boring now." He spoke with a heavy sigh escaping from his lips. "If you truly love Xitlalli, if you value her? Meet her in secrecy, show her you hold that devotion." His words carried on with a sudden quirk of his brow pushing upwards. The mention of this throne causing him to motion towards this area where he sat so confidently.
  25. "But... It's so much fun. Would you like to join me, Lotlhuitl?"
  27. How scandalous.
  28. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [2018-Apr-12 00:23:48] Her hands slowly curled into fists.
  33. "I.. I am thinking for myself." She protested. "What they did? They.. they.." She wanted to protest further, but in truth, Lotlhuitl wasn't so certain that what Hatsune had done had helped her. She felt so empty. Vulnerable.
  35. And with the way that Lotlhuitl had blinked, staring up at Noa, it should have been obvious.
  37. "N-Noa, how could you suggest that?" Meet in secret? The idea had obvious appeal to her. "I swore to Xoconan I wouldn't keep secrets from him. And.. he me."
  39. At the mention of joining him, Lotlhuitl's skin had taken on a distinct blush. Anger flashing at her gaze.
  41. "Stop messing around, Noa!" She snarled, taking a step towards him. "I.. I love Xitlalli more than you can know."
  42. (Lotlhuitl)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [2018-Apr-12 00:29:18] That...
  47. That was the spark he sought to unleash in this woman. Though her jealousy and anger continued to grow he remained as excited as ever to see it boiling over. He was the culprit of this all, he was causing her to grow irritated as that was a right he alone seemed to hold. Practically squirming from such excitement in place upon this throne he could no longer keep these words to himself.
  49. "Are you thinking for yourself? Do you truly believe that, Lotlhuitl? As much as you protest, you only make me believe you are thinking for Xoconan." His proclamation rang as true as ever now as he came to fix his posture. No longer draped over this throne as hands folded all too perfectly in his lap. He had to practically restrain himself from the assault of laughter that so desperately wanted freedom.
  51. "... You understand why Dmex chose me, don't you? Though I am flawless, I could think for myself. I could shut out anyone I needed to, if it meant our dream of a perfect Agartha would survive. You lack that, Lotlhuitl."
  53. She lacked a spine of her own.
  54. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [2018-Apr-12 00:41:03] Lotlhuitl's entire body went stiff.
  59. "You're wrong."
  61. Her voice was hoarse. Her eyes slowly narrowed. That same, strangely metallic quality was building once more. Mirror-like, they reflected the light which radiated from Noa's form... as her skin grew darker.
  63. Swirls of black began to cover her skin. Radiating out from her mana circuits.. until her lovely (largely unblemished!) skin was an unnatural shade of black.
  65. "I alone choose whether I speak to Xitlalli or not. Not you. Not Xoconan." She felt her jealousy flare. How could Xitlalli love him? "I'm not a coward who lurks in the dark. I.. I won't keep it secret, if I speak with her."
  67. Something twisted within her. Pain, agony. Her soul was raw and vulnerable. Reaching out for something, anything, to patch the holes which Hastune had left in it.
  69. And then he said it. Dmex chose him. Her breath had audibly hitched in her throat. "You're wrong. I'm.. I'm her favourite. She just blessed you out of charity." Lotlhuitl spat. The jealousy within her was like poison. She wanted to spit it at Noa. She wanted him to feel like she did.
  71. "She offered me the chance to sit at her right hand in the spiritual realms, Noa! Not you. Not you."
  73. The woman took another step towards him, lightning now crackling at her fingertips. She looked like she wanted to strike him.
  75. "I bet she didn't really bless you, anyway. You're a liar, Noa Huitzilopochtli."
  76. (Lotlhuitl)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [2018-Apr-12 00:48:48] ... He was many things.
  81. Though a liar was far from one of them. Dropping from this throne now he took only a single step forwards, his very aura seeming sickly now. The golden hue around his body attempting to overpower even the brightness of The Sun itself as a hand reached up to grasp at the chin of Lotlhuitl. His very physical manifestation of pride itself working to overpower any feelings that may of continued to linger in the mind of this Nagual.
  83. "I do not lie, Lotlhuitl. I am blessed, as you have witnessed with your own eyes. The one who will become the savior of Agartha, willed by someone who won't offer you what we have." His words were almost as sickly as this horrendous glow that continued to pour from his form. Though even then he had nothing to prove to this woman, this supposed blessing fading in a moment as his face pulled itself closer towards Lotlhuitl.
  85. "She offered me everything. Now, will you continue to allow others to guide your life? Or, do you perhaps to finally take hold of it for yourself?"
  87. How... Vile.
  88. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [2018-Apr-12 00:49:31] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (finally intend to take hold of it for yourself.*
  92. [2018-Apr-12 00:49:32] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((oops
  93. [2018-Apr-12 00:49:35] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((sleepy
  94. [2018-Apr-12 01:00:24] Her ears pinned back, her perfect, lightly pointed teeth bared at Noa as he took that step forward. For a second, it looked like the Nagual really would attack him. Lotlhuitl desperately wanted to hurt him. To make him feel pain. Agony. She wanted to savage him.
  96. She did not look away. Not even as he reached his hand out, grasping her chin. Not even as his aura seemed to take on a painful level of brightness. It was worse than looking at the sun. It was --
  98. "No...!" Lotlhuitl hissed, her entire body filled with tension. She felt his will. Felt the magic coursing through her veins, flooding her senses. Threatening to overpower and overwhelm what feelings that she possessed.
  100. Lotlhuitl resisted.
  102. Her breathing was ragged, her face twisted into a grimace, as she felt the jealousy rising within her.
  104. It was the same energy Dmex had. The same power. That which had once flowed through her.. Corruption-- but not viewed as such by Lotlhuitl. Dmex had claimed it was divine energy, and Lotlhuitl believed her.
  106. His face was right next to hers. Her pupils were as large as dinner plates. Dilated. The intense, painful light he shed reflected in her gaze.
  108. "Nn," Lotlhuitl growled, her tail twitching.
  110. Something within the woman revolted. And.. If Noa wasn't careful, he'd find himself getting a solid headbutt delivered to the bridge of his nose.
  111. (Lotlhuitl)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [2018-Apr-12 01:08:12] Aha...
  116. That was all he had hoped to gain from this. Even struck in the nose by this woman his movements were as quick as a viper, hands snapping from her chin all to grasp at her neck. Only a moment of seconds was all it took, his nose crooked and bent by her strike forcing itself back into place with that horrific glow aiding it once more. What came next roared as nothing short of a demand given to this woman.
  118. "You are not to speak of my blessing. I feel the need to say this, for that is entirely beneath you. If I so much as see you telling a single soul about this?" His words were filled with malice as his grip on her neck had begun to grow firm. If he wanted he could of snapped it in a single movement, if he had willed such actions he could end her life without so much as a second thought! What came instead, was his hands pulling back beneath his cloak.
  120. "... I am glad I could awaken that spark in you once more. I am a bastion of perfection,if you are going to hold jealousy? Hatred for anyone? Hold it for me, allow me to fuel that inside you."
  122. To think of him alone as perfect, as above her! What better a world?
  123. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [2018-Apr-12 01:08:34] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... Continue to hate, Lotlhuitl. To think for yourself."
  127. [2018-Apr-12 01:08:36] Noa huff.
  128. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [2018-Apr-12 01:19:20] Lotlhuitl's feet had scrambled for purchase, Noa's hand choking her, lifting her off the ground. The Nagual's hands immediately went to his, fingernails digging in.
  133. She'd broken his nose. Lotlhuitl really hadn't been holding back when she'd slammed her forehead into him. And yet, it was with a horrified sort of awe that she found herself watching the break heal before her very eyes.
  135. She couldn't breathe. He was squeezing the life out of her. Crushing her throat. She kicked out at him, a rasping, rattling sound coming from her as she struggled for air. She could feel the power -- his relentless pride -- radiating around her. Sinking into her flesh. Her soul.
  137. And then he released her.
  139. His hands went back beneath his cloak as she stumbled backwards. Hate in her gaze.
  141. In truth, she.. she didn't want to tell anyone what she had seen here. Noa had stolen what should have been rightfully hers. Noa had humiliated her.
  143. "Fuck you, Noa. I don't.. I don't need you."
  145. Lies.
  147. The Nagual turned to leave.
  149. (Lotlhuitl)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [2018-Apr-12 01:25:26] Gleeful!
  154. His mind was practically a rush of thoughts at this point though he stood in silence. Constantly moving from one after another as any wound that had been inflicted upon his form worked swiftly to repair itself. He had proven more than what had been required of him, shown her of this world that he alone stood in. One where absolute power was grasped in the palm of his hand only waiting to be utilized.
  156. "... I truly do enjoy that fire. I can not wait to mold it into obsession over me." His words filled with absolute glee as his body practically trembled from such. Moving not to stop her as she made her departure all as Noa worked to ponder if this was what bliss was. Had this been how Dmex felt working to make those so far beneath her boots praise her as though she was a god?
  158. "Until next time, Lotlhuitl. Your savior will always have time in the event you wish to talk, for that is my benevolence."
  160. He could only imagine...
  161. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:02] LOOC - Cruhatil: (yooo
  165. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:04] LOOC - Cruhatil: (lot
  166. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:08] LOOC - Cruhatil: (u remember Easel? dat me
  167. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:14] LOOC - Cruhatil: (but diff char
  168. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:22] LOOC - Cruhatil: (good mc lmfao
  169. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:27] LOOC - Cruhatil: (LOL
  170. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh hi)
  171. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:45] LOOC - Cruhatil: (beeeen a while
  172. [2018-Apr-12 01:28:53] LOOC - Cruhatil: (u old af now
  173. [2018-Apr-12 01:29:07] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I need a youth pot
  174. [2018-Apr-12 01:29:13] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I'm getting old as hell
  175. [2018-Apr-12 01:29:47] JaDrako orbits the two!
  176. (JaDrako Kumo)
  177. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. [2018-Apr-12 01:29:59] Lotlhuitl loiters...
  180. (Lotlhuitl)
  181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [2018-Apr-12 01:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (afk)
  184. [2018-Apr-12 01:35:41] Raldo says, "You have saved my life"
  185. [2018-Apr-12 01:35:49] Lang Xiulan asks, "Are you alright..?"
  186. [2018-Apr-12 01:36:05] Raldo says, "this wild boar would have surely ended me"
  187. [2018-Apr-12 01:36:36] Raldo says, "with time and rest, I will be at my best again."
  188. [2018-Apr-12 01:36:50] Lang Xiulan says, "Er-.. Well, at least you didn't get too hurt."
  189. [2018-Apr-12 01:37:04] Raldo says, "the wild animal came from nowhere"
  190. [2018-Apr-12 01:37:27] Lang Xiulan says, "Yeah, for some reason the boars here seem to do that.."
  191. [2018-Apr-12 01:37:29] Raldo says, "i will keep a keen eye from now on"
  192. [2018-Apr-12 01:37:46] Raldo says, "I am Raldo."
  193. [2018-Apr-12 01:38:01] Lang Xiulan says, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Raldo, I'm Lang."
  194. [2018-Apr-12 01:38:16] Raldo says, "thank you for your aid, Lang"
  195. [2018-Apr-12 01:38:41] Lang Xiulan says, "You're quite welcome.. I guess I should be on my way now. Farewell, and do stay safe."
  196. [2018-Apr-12 01:38:59] Raldo says, "I have gathered my strength, and it's time for me to venture on."
  197. [2018-Apr-12 01:39:04] Raldo says, "farewell"
  198. [2018-Apr-12 01:40:01] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  199. [2018-Apr-12 01:45:04] Spinach asks, "Sis! Where are you!?"
  200. [2018-Apr-12 01:45:14] Spinach asks, "God dammit, where are you!?"
  201. [2018-Apr-12 01:45:50] Spinach asks, "Little boy! Have you seen a girl who looks just like me with blue hair!?"
  202. [2018-Apr-12 01:50:36] Raldo says, "another foul beast"
  203. [2018-Apr-12 01:51:02] Lang Xiulan says, "Yeah, I think it showed up where you encoundered one last time.. It might be best to avoid that area."
  204. [2018-Apr-12 01:51:09] LOOC - Lang Xiulan: (*encountered
  205. [2018-Apr-12 01:51:26] Raldo says, "I'll be sure to stay clear from that area, Mr. Lang"
  206. [2018-Apr-12 02:09:04] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: I'm a member of the midnight crew
  207. [2018-Apr-12 02:10:33] (Midnight Coven) Effigy {Chosen}: cherry
  208. [2018-Apr-12 02:10:43] (Midnight Coven) Noa Huitzilopochtli {Devoted}: I'm a night owl and a wiiise bird too
  209. [2018-Apr-12 02:10:46] (Midnight Coven) Noa Huitzilopochtli {Devoted}: and thats all im doing
  210. [2018-Apr-12 02:12:56] LOOC - Amon: (*debates if its worth flirting with Lotlhuitl....*
  211. [2018-Apr-12 02:13:16] LOOC - Amon: (Yes. But the way my health is lookin right now. No.
  212. [2018-Apr-12 02:55:27] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "Hm, hm. Hello there. Do you know if any local blacksmiths are about..?"
  213. [2018-Apr-12 02:56:26] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: Hm?
  214. [2018-Apr-12 02:56:28] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: oop
  215. [2018-Apr-12 02:56:33] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hm?"
  216. [2018-Apr-12 02:56:41] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I need a prosthetic kit made."
  217. [2018-Apr-12 02:56:45] Lotlhuitl says, "I am not a blacksmith, no.."
  218. [2018-Apr-12 02:56:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I am a runescribe."
  219. [2018-Apr-12 02:57:14] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I was asking.. I was asking if you knew any local ones still around."
  220. [2018-Apr-12 02:57:37] Lotlhuitl says, "<*glanced around the courtyard.*> "
  221. [2018-Apr-12 02:57:44] Lotlhuitl says, "It's just you and me here, buddy. "
  222. [2018-Apr-12 02:58:03] Lotlhuitl says, "I can see that you don't see so well, so.. "
  223. [2018-Apr-12 02:58:10] Lotlhuitl says, "You're welcome for the assist."
  224. [2018-Apr-12 02:59:26] Kamui Mizuchi says, "..Mmh. Thank you anways, young man. Ahaha."
  225. [2018-Apr-12 02:59:53] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  226. [2018-Apr-12 03:00:25] Kamui Mizuchi says, "..That, was a joke. I'd rather you not have anybody kill me for it."
  227. [2018-Apr-12 03:00:35] Lotlhuitl asks, "Yeah?"
  228. [2018-Apr-12 03:01:07] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Hm, yes. As you commented on my eyesight, I joked as such."
  229. [2018-Apr-12 03:01:27] Lotlhuitl says, "Cute.."
  230. [2018-Apr-12 03:01:47] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Well, I certainly don't try for that- ah! A question, actually."
  231. [2018-Apr-12 03:01:56] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "Do you, perhaps.. Have makeup? Any at all?"
  232. [2018-Apr-12 03:02:08] Lotlhuitl asks, "... Do you think I need makeup?"
  233. [2018-Apr-12 03:02:29] Lotlhuitl says, "Look closer, Jianghuan."
  234. [2018-Apr-12 03:02:33] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do I wear makeup?"
  235. [2018-Apr-12 03:02:39] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I'm not quite sure."
  236. [2018-Apr-12 03:02:54] Lotlhuitl asks, ".. why would you want to cover your scars?"
  237. [2018-Apr-12 03:02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I assume that's why you are asking."
  238. [2018-Apr-12 03:03:30] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Aha. Because I don't take pride in scars."
  239. [2018-Apr-12 03:03:51] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I recieved this in a fight I couldn't win, and one I didn't start."
  240. [2018-Apr-12 03:03:56] Lotlhuitl says, ".. hm."
  241. [2018-Apr-12 03:04:08] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I suppose, covering the scars will be an act of spite against the one who.. Graced my face with it. Aha."
  242. [2018-Apr-12 03:04:21] Lotlhuitl says, "... hm."
  243. [2018-Apr-12 03:04:43] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  244. [2018-Apr-12 03:04:51] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (do you have a sub?)
  245. [2018-Apr-12 03:04:58] LOOC - Kamui Mizuchi: (I, sadly, do not.
  246. [2018-Apr-12 03:05:19] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aw, if you did, I have a sweet mask sprite..)
  247. [2018-Apr-12 03:05:27] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (rip)
  248. [2018-Apr-12 03:05:44] LOOC - Kamui Mizuchi: (Yeah, it's fine. That's why I was gonna use makeup ICly.
  249. [2018-Apr-12 03:05:49] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  250. [2018-Apr-12 03:05:59] LOOC - Kamui Mizuchi: (Since I can't really get a non-sub mask sprite to use. So.
  251. [2018-Apr-12 03:06:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Follow me."
  252. [2018-Apr-12 03:06:44] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "..Ah?"
  253. [2018-Apr-12 03:07:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm.."
  254. [2018-Apr-12 03:08:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah none of these items do..)
  255. [2018-Apr-12 03:08:42] Lotlhuitl says, "Who hurt you."
  256. [2018-Apr-12 03:08:52] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Hm, hm. The Fae, Ravan-"
  257. [2018-Apr-12 03:08:56] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Ah, ah. Hold now."
  258. [2018-Apr-12 03:08:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Ravan.."
  259. [2018-Apr-12 03:08:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "The dirt fae?"
  260. [2018-Apr-12 03:09:14] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Yes, him. I'd rather not go further than Cruxati territory, however."
  261. [2018-Apr-12 03:09:18] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  262. [2018-Apr-12 03:09:22] Lotlhuitl says, "I will protect you."
  263. [2018-Apr-12 03:09:43] Lotlhuitl asks, "Unless.. are you banned from Ezmara?"
  264. [2018-Apr-12 03:09:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Why did it hurt you."
  265. [2018-Apr-12 03:10:39] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Hm, hm. No Not banned from Ezmara. But, Ravan hurt me for laughing as the remains of the Kaor, Kin-Zhen, were dragged into Gaiar Aetherius."
  266. [2018-Apr-12 03:10:55] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I couldn't help it, though. Just an hour or two before that, he bragged about being immortal."
  267. [2018-Apr-12 03:11:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Heh."
  268. [2018-Apr-12 03:11:19] Lotlhuitl says, "I promise you, I will allow no harm to come to you. Let's go to the market.."
  269. [2018-Apr-12 03:11:30] Kamui Mizuchi says, "..Alright? Very well."
  270. [2018-Apr-12 03:12:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm.."
  271. [2018-Apr-12 03:12:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Nothing. I thought perhaps maybe i could get you a fetching helm."
  272. [2018-Apr-12 03:12:58] Lotlhuitl says, "... let me tell you a secret, friend."
  273. [2018-Apr-12 03:13:18] Lotlhuitl whispers: let your anger, your hatred, your pain, be your ally.
  274. [2018-Apr-12 03:13:18] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "Hrm?"
  275. [2018-Apr-12 03:13:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: I wouldn't cover it.
  276. [2018-Apr-12 03:13:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: There's no shame in defeat.
  277. [2018-Apr-12 03:13:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: Merely, a chance for vengeance..
  278. [2018-Apr-12 03:14:37] Kamui Mizuchi whispers: Of course. Patience is a virtue, young lady. I wait for the day I can strip little Ravan of his wings.
  279. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:10] Lotlhuitl whispers: In truth, I detest fae.
  280. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:19] Lotlhuitl whispers: Duplicious little creatures..
  281. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:28] Lotlhuitl whispers: preachy..
  282. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:34] Kamui Mizuchi whispers: Hm, hm. Do you want to hear a secret of my own?
  283. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:48] Lotlhuitl asks, "Aha. Are you about to declare your undying love for me?"
  284. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:53] Lotlhuitl appeared bemused.
  285. (Lotlhuitl)
  286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. [2018-Apr-12 03:15:56] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Goodness, no."
  289. [2018-Apr-12 03:16:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Because, I'd have to disappoint--"
  290. [2018-Apr-12 03:16:01] Lotlhuitl asks, "Why not?"
  291. [2018-Apr-12 03:16:07] Lotlhuitl frowned.
  292. (Lotlhuitl)
  293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [2018-Apr-12 03:16:08] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I hold no such interest in others."
  296. [2018-Apr-12 03:16:36] Lotlhuitl frowning, crossed her arms in front of her chest.
  297. (Lotlhuitl)
  298. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. [2018-Apr-12 03:16:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Gosh, that's no fun. I was going to make you all jealous."
  301. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:00] Lotlhuitl asks, "Though, really. Eh. You were saying?"
  302. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:17] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Ah, I was simply going to confess that I murdered a sixteen year old girl."
  303. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh? Why.."
  304. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:35] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I held her aloft and incinerated her, just as her father approached."
  305. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:45] Kamui Mizuchi says, "..Oh! Why? Hmm. She was smug. Overly arrogant."
  306. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:47] Lotlhuitl scratched behind an ear.
  307. (Lotlhuitl)
  308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh, I guess that makes sense then."
  311. [2018-Apr-12 03:17:58] Kamui Mizuchi says, "She beat two young children, and then acted as though she were a god for the act."
  312. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Lots of murdering of 16 year old girls, lately.."
  313. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:10] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Oh, this was years ago."
  314. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Sibri buried one alive."
  315. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:13] Lotlhuitl asks, "Oh?"
  316. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:17] Lotlhuitl says, "Psh.."
  317. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:18] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Yes, yes."
  318. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:29] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I've only recently managed to get out of trouble about it, however."
  319. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:36] Lotlhuitl says, "... lame.."
  320. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:39] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I was charged with 'vigilantism,' ironically."
  321. [2018-Apr-12 03:18:50] Lotlhuitl says, "The laws of Jianghu are.. obtuse and strange.."
  322. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, really. Would've been smarter not to get caught."
  323. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:10] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Oh, trust me when I saw that the laws of Gaiar Aetherius are more amusing."
  324. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:14] LOOC - Kamui Mizuchi: (say*
  325. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Best to keep in mind for next time, I suppose."
  326. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:19] Lotlhuitl asks, "oh?"
  327. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:22] Lotlhuitl asks, "Is that why you're here in Cruxati?"
  328. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:30] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "They're so simple that there's quite a few loopholes- hmm?"
  329. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I've never come astray of the laws in Gaiar.."
  330. [2018-Apr-12 03:19:43] Lotlhuitl asks, "Are you a wanted criminal or something, then?"
  331. [2018-Apr-12 03:20:01] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Ah, the girl I killed. Her father is apparently a friend of a few of those who live there."
  332. [2018-Apr-12 03:20:17] Lotlhuitl asks, "Who is it?"
  333. [2018-Apr-12 03:20:22] Lotlhuitl asks, "The girl?"
  334. [2018-Apr-12 03:20:24] Lotlhuitl asks, "The father?"
  335. [2018-Apr-12 03:21:13] Kamui Mizuchi says, "The girl? Ahh. Muwei Karasu, and the father- Dawei Karasu."
  336. [2018-Apr-12 03:21:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Never heard of them."
  337. [2018-Apr-12 03:21:47] Kamui Mizuchi says, "They're.. Well."
  338. [2018-Apr-12 03:21:53] Lotlhuitl asks, "Does the father want to honour duel you?"
  339. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:04] Kamui Mizuchi says, "He does! But I'm not so foolish as to accept."
  340. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:04] Lotlhuitl says, "If he bears you a grudge, he should do so.. or just.. go away."
  341. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:08] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  342. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:14] Lotlhuitl asks, "You'd decline an honour duel?"
  343. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:19] Lotlhuitl asks, "... is the man honourless, or are you?"
  344. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:22] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "I stand no chance of defeating him. What would you do?"
  345. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm"
  346. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:42] Lotlhuitl says, "In the past, I'd say.. fight and lose. "
  347. [2018-Apr-12 03:22:44] Kamui Mizuchi says, "It's comparable to an elephant challenging an ant to an honor duel."
  348. [2018-Apr-12 03:23:03] Lotlhuitl says, "But today? I'd likely ask my husband to be my champion."
  349. [2018-Apr-12 03:23:43] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. hm."
  350. [2018-Apr-12 03:23:43] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "Your husband?"
  351. [2018-Apr-12 03:23:47] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan."
  352. [2018-Apr-12 03:23:52] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Ahh, him."
  353. [2018-Apr-12 03:23:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, him."
  354. [2018-Apr-12 03:24:03] Lotlhuitl appeared bemused.
  355. (Lotlhuitl)
  356. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. [2018-Apr-12 03:24:05] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Unfortunately, I doubt he'd be willing to champion for me."
  359. [2018-Apr-12 03:24:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, I don't think you'd make much of a replacement for me."
  360. [2018-Apr-12 03:24:40] Kamui Mizuchi says, "After half of my face was disfigured, and another beat me bloody, and Dawei attempted to drag me outside of Gaiar Aetherius to murder me, I accidentally offended him."
  361. [2018-Apr-12 03:24:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... gosh.."
  362. [2018-Apr-12 03:25:07] Lotlhuitl says, "It sounds like you need a friend, friend."
  363. [2018-Apr-12 03:25:27] Kamui Mizuchi says, "..Aha, you know. The last time I came here, a Demon and two Gehennans tried to capture and sacrifice me."
  364. [2018-Apr-12 03:25:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Flattering. Being sacrificed is an honour."
  365. [2018-Apr-12 03:26:18] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Oh, I've more to live for than being sacrificed. No offense, of course."
  366. [2018-Apr-12 03:26:20] Lotlhuitl says, "I could indulge, if you were looking to go out in a bang."
  367. [2018-Apr-12 03:26:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah, fair. Fair."
  368. [2018-Apr-12 03:26:33] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I want to live, at least until I can see Dawei die."
  369. [2018-Apr-12 03:26:54] Lotlhuitl says, "... I mean, no offense.. but if you already feel you have no honour.."
  370. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:00] Lotlhuitl says, "You could.. buy Dawei's death."
  371. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:19] Lotlhuitl leans in.
  372. (Lotlhuitl)
  373. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:26] Lotlhuitl whispers: You tried talking to Choi Tae-Moon?
  376. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:31] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Oh, him."
  377. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:39] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I don't believe he enjoys me, either."
  378. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:45] Kamui Mizuchi exclaims, "But an option, hm!"
  379. [2018-Apr-12 03:27:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Business is business.."
  380. [2018-Apr-12 03:28:19] Lotlhuitl says, "... maybe I'm just a kind hearted soul, but.. perhaps *I* could speak to him for you. Perhaps.."
  381. [2018-Apr-12 03:28:29] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, I already owe him a massive debt.."
  382. [2018-Apr-12 03:28:39] Lotlhuitl says, "So, mn.. perhaps not, until that's settled.."
  383. [2018-Apr-12 03:28:40] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I would rather speak to him myself, no offense."
  384. [2018-Apr-12 03:28:48] Kamui Mizuchi says, "After all- I don't know your name, young lady."
  385. [2018-Apr-12 03:28:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati."
  386. [2018-Apr-12 03:29:08] Kamui Mizuchi says, "My name is Kamui Mizuchi."
  387. [2018-Apr-12 03:29:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn."
  388. [2018-Apr-12 03:29:25] Lotlhuitl says, "If you end up getting a prosthetics kit, I can apply it.."
  389. [2018-Apr-12 03:29:56] Kamui Mizuchi says, "If you're close by, then I'll be willing to accept that offer. Thank you kindly."
  390. [2018-Apr-12 03:30:27] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmn, you're welcome."
  391. [2018-Apr-12 03:30:36] Lotlhuitl says, "I'll do it for a minor favour. "
  392. [2018-Apr-12 03:30:50] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "..A favor?"
  393. [2018-Apr-12 03:30:57] Lotlhuitl says, "I need a letter delivered."
  394. [2018-Apr-12 03:31:09] Lotlhuitl asks, "But.. hm. I suppose, you could just owe me a small debt instead?"
  395. [2018-Apr-12 03:31:12] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Depending on who it's to, I can deliver it now."
  396. [2018-Apr-12 03:31:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh? That would be appreciated.."
  397. [2018-Apr-12 03:31:31] Kamui Mizuchi says, "It's a trivial thing, delivering a letter."
  398. [2018-Apr-12 03:31:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes. I did say minor, aha."
  399. [2018-Apr-12 03:31:52] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm exceedingly generous. "
  400. [2018-Apr-12 03:32:19] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I can see that."
  401. [2018-Apr-12 03:32:28] Lotlhuitl smiled.
  402. (Lotlhuitl)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [2018-Apr-12 03:32:32] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. need some paper.. hm."
  406. [2018-Apr-12 03:33:45] Lotlhuitl began the arduous process of turning a tree into paper. Wood was cut down, stripped, made into wood chips, then pulp. Pressed between weights. Steamed and bleached.
  408. Just kidding, she used magic.
  409. (Lotlhuitl)
  410. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  412. [2018-Apr-12 03:34:38] Lotlhuitl says, "Okay. Hm. Just let me write my letter..."
  413. [2018-Apr-12 03:43:01] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "Hm, hm. Quite a long letter, isn't it?"
  414. [2018-Apr-12 03:43:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmm.."
  415. [2018-Apr-12 03:43:28] Lotlhuitl says, "A note to my beloved.."
  416. [2018-Apr-12 03:43:42] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "Your husband, Xoconan?"
  417. [2018-Apr-12 03:48:51] Lotlhuitl says, "Mm.."
  418. [2018-Apr-12 03:51:02] {Item} You drop Letter to Xoconan.
  419. [2018-Apr-12 03:51:11] Lotlhuitl asks, "Would you be a darling?"
  420. [2018-Apr-12 03:51:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (He's not online at the moment but)
  421. [2018-Apr-12 03:51:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm not going to be around for a few days and idk, thought it could be fun to give you a reason to talk to him)
  422. [2018-Apr-12 03:51:54] {Item} You picked up Letter to Xoconan.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  423. [2018-Apr-12 03:52:15] {Item} You drop Letter to Xoconan.
  424. [2018-Apr-12 03:52:23] LOOC - Kamui Mizuchi: (Guess so.
  425. [2018-Apr-12 03:52:34] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't read it. It's private."
  426. [2018-Apr-12 03:52:41] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Well. Is that all, then- ah, of course not."
  427. [2018-Apr-12 03:52:59] Kamui Mizuchi says, "No offense, but I've no interest in the romance between a man and his wife."
  428. [2018-Apr-12 03:53:08] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Or.. Whatever else it may be."
  429. [2018-Apr-12 03:53:24] Lotlhuitl snickered.
  430. (Lotlhuitl)
  431. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  433. [2018-Apr-12 03:53:39] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "But, yes. Is that all, Lady Lothuitl? Shall I be off now?"
  434. [2018-Apr-12 03:53:49] Lotlhuitl says, "If you will, Mizuchi."
  435. [2018-Apr-12 03:53:56] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Farewell."
  436. [2018-Apr-12 04:39:22] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  437. [2018-Apr-12 08:35:41]
  438. {LOAD GAME}
  440. [2018-Apr-12 08:47:58] Yareth Ehécatl asks, "Hm... Hello?"
  441. [2018-Apr-12 08:51:52] Lotlhuitl has been literally staring at Yareth, silently, for who knows how long now..
  442. (Lotlhuitl)
  443. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  445. [2018-Apr-12 08:52:04] Lotlhuitl says, "... greetings."
  446. [2018-Apr-12 08:53:55] Yareth raises his eyebrows
  447. (Yareth Ehécatl)
  448. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  450. [2018-Apr-12 08:54:06] Yareth Ehécatl asks, "Can I help you in something?"
  451. [2018-Apr-12 08:54:47] Lotlhuitl asks, "In something?"
  452. [2018-Apr-12 08:54:51] Lotlhuitl asks, "I don't know, can you?"
  453. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:02] Lotlhuitl asks, "... do you deliver letters?"
  454. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:20] Yareth Ehécatl says, "To be honest, in my current state, only if it is not in Aetherius."
  455. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:35] Lotlhuitl says, "It's to my husband, Xoconan. "
  456. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:45] Lotlhuitl says, "You might have heard of him."
  457. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:49] Yareth Ehécatl asks, "Xoconan..? What happened?"
  458. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:55] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm? Nothing."
  459. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:57] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Nope... I was in Jianghu."
  460. [2018-Apr-12 08:55:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I just want to send him a letter.."
  461. [2018-Apr-12 08:56:07] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Oh... right."
  462. [2018-Apr-12 08:56:18] Lotlhuitl says, "He's busy, with.. the army and all."
  463. [2018-Apr-12 08:56:30] Lotlhuitl says, "So he's either here in Cruxati, or in Jianghu.."
  464. [2018-Apr-12 08:56:41] Yareth turns his deep blue irises to face her, feeling that something is wrong
  465. (Yareth Ehécatl)
  466. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:01] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Well, Xoconan already saved my life once."
  469. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:06] Lotlhuitl asks, "He did?"
  470. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:11] Yareth Ehécatl says, "I will deliver it happily."
  471. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:15] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Yeah..."
  472. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:18] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Against a ciclops."
  473. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:29] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Just... give me the letter"
  474. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:44] Yareth Ehécatl says, "And I will search your man."
  475. [2018-Apr-12 08:57:51] Lotlhuitl asks, "What's your name?"
  476. [2018-Apr-12 08:58:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Let me just.. write it."
  477. [2018-Apr-12 08:58:33] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Oh... you don't know it yet..."
  478. [2018-Apr-12 08:58:47] Yareth Ehécatl says, "I'm Yareth Ehécatl, sorry for not saying it before."
  479. [2018-Apr-12 08:58:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmm."
  480. [2018-Apr-12 08:58:54] Lotlhuitl says, "I am Lotlhuitl."
  481. [2018-Apr-12 08:59:00] Yareth Ehécatl says, "It is nice to meet ya."
  482. [2018-Apr-12 08:59:25] Yareth Ehécatl says, "I saw you fighting Toka, years ago."
  483. [2018-Apr-12 09:00:04] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (I will have to brb, just to get one thing, it will be 10 minutes)
  484. [2018-Apr-12 09:00:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (No worries)
  485. [2018-Apr-12 09:09:33] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ping me when you're back)
  486. [2018-Apr-12 09:17:32] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (Back)
  487. [2018-Apr-12 09:17:58] {Item} You drop Dearest Xoco.
  488. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank-you."
  489. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah, do you want payment? "
  490. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:12] Yareth Ehécatl asks, "Well, is just it..? Deliver the message to Xoconan in Jianghu, right?"
  491. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:20] Lotlhuitl says, "If you see him around."
  492. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:20] Yareth Ehécatl exclaims, "Oh, that is not necessary!"
  493. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:27] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Okay."
  494. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (he's not likely online for some.. 10ish hours)
  495. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:34] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (Do you know his key?)
  496. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:37] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (Oh)
  497. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:39] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (Got it)
  498. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (crystic?)
  499. [2018-Apr-12 09:18:49] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (right :3)
  500. [2018-Apr-12 09:19:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (It's non urgent. it's literally just a love letter..)
  501. [2018-Apr-12 09:19:05] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Well, I will search for him around, if I do not find him, I will go to Jianghu"
  502. [2018-Apr-12 09:19:12] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (Oh, raito :3)
  503. [2018-Apr-12 09:19:32] Lotlhuitl says, "mmm."
  504. [2018-Apr-12 09:19:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Yareth."
  505. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:07] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Lothuitl, you're welcome."
  506. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:25] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Have a nice day"
  507. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:27] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm going to go cut some firewood or something."
  508. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:29] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, you too."
  509. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:33] Yareth Ehécatl says, "May Quetzalcóatl bless ya."
  510. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:40] Lotlhuitl says, "May Dmex bless you."
  511. [2018-Apr-12 09:20:49] Yareth Ehécatl exclaims, "D-dmex?!"
  512. [2018-Apr-12 09:21:08] Yareth Ehécatl says, "<She is a deity for this nagual..?>"
  513. [2018-Apr-12 09:21:38] LOOC - Yareth Ehécatl: (This sound is really funny)
  514. [2018-Apr-12 09:24:09] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Dmex! They're unable to continue fighting.
  515. [2018-Apr-12 09:24:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex... ah."
  516. [2018-Apr-12 09:24:23] Lotlhuitl panted.
  517. (Lotlhuitl)
  518. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  520. [2018-Apr-12 09:25:51] After the total meme fights that may or may not have actually happened, Dmex appears in a blur of starlight in Cruxati's center.
  522. "Evening. Ezmara's Warchief is now present."
  524. She... might not have even noticed Lotlhuitl, at first, because the wave that she tosses the Nagual is very, very delayed.
  525. (Dmex)
  526. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  528. [2018-Apr-12 09:26:51] Yareth Ehécatl says, "Good Evening, Dmex."
  529. [2018-Apr-12 09:30:56] Bubbles..
  531. Anyway, Lotlhuitl totally had been about to leave the square. She'd just said farewell to Yareth, name dropping Dmex in the process.
  533. Speak of the Dmex and she doth appear.
  535. Dmex was here.
  537. Lotlhuitl had gasped, eyes widening. Gosh. She would never get used to her Goddess' ability to just.. manipulate space like that.
  539. The Nagual immediately went to the Ezmaran warchief. Her expression serious. Seriously longing, too. But that was something else entirely.
  541. "Mighty Dmex, I.. I need to speak to you about something. Please."
  542. (Lotlhuitl)
  543. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  545. [2018-Apr-12 09:33:26] Dmex says, "...Right."
  546. [2018-Apr-12 09:34:36] Dmex asks, "...Been a while since we've been inside, hasn't it?"
  547. [2018-Apr-12 09:34:41] Lotlhuitl says, "... it has, Dmex."
  548. [2018-Apr-12 09:35:49] As Dmex speaks - and promptly re-locks the door after herself - she zips herself around the house, collecting a few things and placing them out.
  550. Food, bowls, maybe even a pillow thrown down on the floor in case the Nagual needs it. She doesn't have... much around to be courteous with, unfortunately.
  551. (Dmex)
  552. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  554. [2018-Apr-12 09:38:56] Lotlhuitl blinked. Food. Bowls? Pillows on the floor? Did her Goddess think she was literally a pet? A cat? The thought made her feel somewhat uncomfortable, her tail flicking back and forth somewhat.
  556. She DID possess the presence of mind to hold her tongue and NOT comment, however.
  558. "Mighty Dmex, I.. I want to do more. I want to help you save Argatha." Her tone was earnest, heck, perhaps even a bit desperately so.
  559. (Lotlhuitl)
  560. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  562. [2018-Apr-12 09:40:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Agartha**)
  563. [2018-Apr-12 09:42:28] Dmex might... not have realized the connotations of what she'd left around for Lotlhuitl. Or maybe she didn't care, one of the two.
  565. "You've done great work to help me save Agartha already Lotlhuitl. Just as everyone else who's praised my name has."
  567. She muses to herself while beginning to pace about, each half-step landing further than it should.
  569. "Did you have something else in mind...?"
  570. (Dmex)
  571. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  573. [2018-Apr-12 09:47:36] "I.. I've been collecting the materials to build you a temple. A proper one."
  575. Lotlhuitl had picked up an apple. It felt strange to be offered food by a spirit. Wasn't she supposed to offer things to Dmex?
  577. "But I was thinking, after speaking to Sibri, that.. well. It would be a shame to only build one in Gehennan territories. Jianghuans are people too. Cowardly and weak people, but, perhaps they would not be so if they had a spirit to guide them, mould them. If they had you to give their lives meaning and direction."
  578. (Lotlhuitl)
  579. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  581. [2018-Apr-12 09:52:37] Dmex looked up from her nails when the subject of Jianghu - a temple within their borders - was breached, and the way that she just... stared forward, blankly, might signal that it's not something she considered.
  583. "Interesting option. It's not something to do immediately, of course - I have different plans that come first."
  585. At different plans, she sets a hand against the side of her head, probing to try and remember what exactly she was thinking of.
  587. "Matter of priorities. Aetherius - Effigy - is my main one. The biggest step towards the golden dream, towards my world."
  588. (Dmex)
  589. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  591. [2018-Apr-12 09:57:00] Lotlhuitl tilted her head. Ears pricked forward. Her focus was directed wholly towards Dmex.
  593. "What of Aetherius and Effigy, Great Spirit?" She inquired, a delicate hand raising to her chin. "I've made some contacts within the Demon City. Well, only one of any real connection or note: Choi Tae-Moon."
  595. She bit her bottom lip. "Is.. this what Noa is assisting you with? He.. told me that you blessed him. I thought that was very charitable of you, Great Spirit."
  597. Lotlhuitl's jealousy there was only thinly veiled.
  600. (Lotlhuitl)
  601. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  603. [2018-Apr-12 10:00:45] "Details must remain secret for now - I hope you understand - but..."
  605. Dmex trails off, zipping her way around and tapping against the wall while she moves past it.
  607. "I intend to create the impression of a defense pact, between Ezmara and Aetherius. Something that will dissuade the Coalition from attacking either."
  609. At the mention of Noa being blessed by her, Dmex only tilts her head back around towards the Nagual and gives her a small nod.
  611. She's... probably blind to the jealousy.
  612. (Dmex)
  613. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  615. [2018-Apr-12 10:14:02] Lotlhuitl nodded. Gritted her teeth. Forced her expression to be neutral. Calm. Slowly exhaled. Slowly inhaled. Lotlhuitl had known it was true. She'd seen the blessing. It was the same magic that Dmex used -- magic Lotlhuitl truly believed was the stuff of the divine, but.. well, was anything but.
  617. "I understand."
  619. The Nagual's green eyes had taken on a strangely metallic look to them. Mirror-like, her pupils dilated to an extreme degree. The light in the room (the largest source of which may well have been that radiating from Dmex herself) reflected from her eyes.
  621. Lotlhuitl felt she just wasn't good enough. A terrible bitter, poisoned sort of emotion rose up within her. Her soul, only recently cleansed by Hatsune, felt raw. Empty. And it seemed the Nagual was swiftly finding new things to fill it up with. Anger, and pain, and grief, and envy. Poison.
  623. "It.. sounds clever, Great Spirit."
  625. Lotlhuitl blinked. "But why would the Coalition attack either?"
  627. Her head tilted. "Dmex, I am - I was going to join the Coalition. Noa is one of the five generals, Xoconan picked him. And Xoconan himself practically leads it. He answers only to Kayeliun."
  628. (Lotlhuitl)
  629. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  631. [2018-Apr-12 10:18:29] "Do you want the real answer, Lotlhuitl?"
  633. Dmex turns abruptly on one heel, facing towards the Nagual. Her voice is underlined with some level of disdain, annoyance.
  635. "Xoconan wants any excuse to hurt someone or kill something, and Zaruma's acted recklessly enough to provide him one."
  637. She took a step towards Lotlhuitl - a proper step for once, without any illusions or light to hide it.
  639. "He's only a 'Warchief' because Kayeliun knew he'd lash out if he wasn't given enough attention."
  640. (Dmex)
  641. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  643. [2018-Apr-12 10:26:17] Lotlhuitl swallowed.
  645. Slowly.
  647. She was right. Her beloved was warlike. Even on a micro level. But really, could she actually fault him for that? It had suited her well enough -- he'd maimed a lot of people who Lotlhuitl had hated.
  649. "So what do you think is going to happen? That Xoconan intends on going to war with Gaiar?"
  651. She blinked, slowly. "He has said nothing of this to me."
  653. A look of deep shame rose to her cheeks. "Mostly because he has been focused on killing Xitlalli, and well.. Sibri, who I may or may not have kissed in front of him to make him angry."
  654. (Lotlhuitl)
  655. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  657. [2018-Apr-12 10:30:40] The question that the Nagual gave was answered with a sharp nod from Dmex, but the note that she'd followed it with took a bit more explanation.
  659. "You must've seen how much he ignored you, during that scene in the square. He wouldn't tell you, because he doesn't trust you."
  661. Dmex folded both of her hands together, resting them against her chest.
  663. "He doesn't care about you."
  665. She... didn't pay much attention to the talk of Sibri, or Xitlalli. Must've been stuff she knew already, or assumed.
  666. (Dmex)
  667. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  669. [2018-Apr-12 10:32:35] LOOC - Dmex: (...brb im sorry)
  670. [2018-Apr-12 10:32:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no worries)
  671. [2018-Apr-12 10:36:52] LOOC - Dmex: (brbs are fake)
  672. [2018-Apr-12 10:36:54] LOOC - Dmex: (nothing is real0
  673. [2018-Apr-12 10:36:56] LOOC - Dmex: ))))
  674. [2018-Apr-12 10:37:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (there is no spoon)
  675. [2018-Apr-12 10:37:05] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (there is no Dmex)
  676. [2018-Apr-12 10:38:08] The Nagual's eyes widened.
  678. Lotlhuitl felt like Dmex had hit her. Sucker punch. Right to the gut. "Nn," she exhaled. Yes, she had noticed. In truth, it wasn't the first time he had, in his anger, pretty much ignored her.
  680. But she adored him, even so.
  682. "How.. how can I make him care, Dmex?" The woman asked, swiftly wincing at how pathetic she sounded. But it was done.
  684. Despair.
  687. (Lotlhuitl)
  688. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  690. [2018-Apr-12 10:46:33] Even with Dmex's usual disconnect from the world around her, Lotlhuitl's current state was obvious enough that even she couldn't miss it.
  692. And she may have jumped on the opportunity.
  694. "If he doesn't care enough about you, when you're as kind and faithful as you are - you don't need him."
  696. Gently, she set a hand against the Nagual's shoulder, a bit of her own desperation working into her voice.
  698. "...You only need me."
  700. She murmurs something else to herself, quiet enough to be nearly impossible to hear without focusing dead on it.
  702. "Please need me."
  703. (Dmex)
  704. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  706. [2018-Apr-12 10:56:26] "I.. I need you, Dmex." Lotlhuitl whispered. "I.. I feel so lost. I'm.. I'm really in over my head. You're always there for me. You've never hurt me, or mislead me. Xoconan, he took me to Hatsune. Noa was there. It.. it wasn't good. It hurt."
  708. Another shudder.
  710. "Xitlalli, she.. she did something to me. Xoconan and Hatsune say she affected my mind. I.. I don't remember. She's my best friend, and I can't - I.. I know I asked her to help me. And I know she gave me some runes. And I know she told me that Xoconan didn't love me any more, that I should use him."
  712. "I'm just so confused, Dmex. Noa and Xoconan, they're telling me different things. Everyone is. I feel so weak, so vulnerable."
  714. Dmex's hand at her shoulder, it felt like electricity. Because of the sin runes Xitlalli had etched into her skin, Lotlhuitl was vastly more comfortable with touch and being touched than she had been before. But.. still. This was Dmex. A Spirit. No, not just a spirit. Her Spirit. Her Patron. Her Goddess.
  716. The Nagual shivered, her breath catching in her throat. Her eyes wide.
  718. "But.. I'm.. I've not been kind or faithful towards Xoconan. I.. I thought he didn't love me any more. He wouldn't help me. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him feel jealous."
  720. She shuddered.
  722. "And when I succeeded, I was pleased. It felt.. good. Made me feel powerful."
  724. Another shudder.
  726. "And a bunch of things happened. Things which I've.. if I tell anyone, bad things are going to happen."
  727. (Lotlhuitl)
  728. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  730. [2018-Apr-12 11:01:49] Dmex knew that Lotlhuitl was just venting to herself, but she listened intently nonetheless. Partway through, when the conversation had drifted away from her - and her name hadn't been mentioned - her hand gripped the Nagual's shoulder a bit more tightly.
  732. "This isn't something you should worry too much about. Please, just... think about me."
  734. Half a step closer, and her stance visibly wobbled the slightest bit, as if she might fall over without something to hold onto.
  736. "I've always been here for you, and I'll always be here for you. Better than anyone else. Xoconan will be handled, eventually."
  737. (Dmex)
  738. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  740. [2018-Apr-12 11:10:55] "Dmex, I--"
  742. Lotlhuitl nodded. Her eyes wide.
  744. "Thank you, Great Spirit."
  746. Her tone sounded.. well. Lotlhuitl was obviously distressed. Conflicted. Xoconan was the father of her children. And he didn't care about her. She wanted to hurt him.
  748. "I just.. I feel so useless, Dmex."
  750. Everyone around her had agency. They did things. What did she do? Lotlhuitl just got beaten up. Beaten down. Talked down to. It wasn't fair.
  752. "I just wish I was as useful as Noa is to you."
  754. It wasn't FAIR.
  756. "I.. I wish I was more like you, Great Spirit."
  758. Xoconan would be handled, Dmex said.
  760. "Handled?" Lotl repeated, her voice quiet. Soft. Her ears flicked down slightly.
  762. Even in this, other people had to come in and clean up what should have been her mess to clean up.
  764. "This.. surely I should have some part in that. He is my husband. We.. I.. I thought you approved of our union."
  765. (Lotlhuitl)
  766. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  768. [2018-Apr-12 11:15:07] "I approved when he was remotely sane."
  770. Dmex mumbled that point out first, seeming to work backwards from there and piece together responses for the rest.
  772. She let out a short breath, vapors of gold slipping into the air with it.
  774. "...I wish everyone was more like me. I wish everyone was me."
  775. (Dmex)
  776. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  778. [2018-Apr-12 11:16:13]
  779. {LOAD GAME}
  781. [2018-Apr-12 11:18:27] Lotlhuitl continued to regard Dmex with the same wide eyed stare. She was quiet for a moment, before asking, hesitantly,
  783. "How.. how can I be more like you, Great Spirit?"
  785. It was perhaps a foolish, even blasphemous question. Lotlhuitl almost regretted asking it. But.. she had asked it, and so let the question stand. Blinking, silent once more as she waited for an answer.
  786. (Lotlhuitl)
  787. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  789. [2018-Apr-12 11:24:18] That question gave her pause. It might not be something she considers often - but either way, she didn't seem to take it as blasphemy.
  791. "...Strive to be analytical in all things. Always examine the situation, deeper than the surface presents it."
  793. Finally, she drew her hand back, slipping it into her coat. She felt needed enough, didn't feel that she had to keep the girl in place.
  795. "Be ruthless. Require as few connections as possible. Be..."
  797. She trailed off, searching for a word to summarize it - how she saw herself.
  799. "Be free."
  800. (Dmex)
  801. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  803. [2018-Apr-12 11:30:52] Lotlhuitl swallowed.
  805. "Great Spirit," she began, her voice sounding hoarse and bordering on hysteria, "Everything you've said, I can't help feeling like I am the antithesis of that."
  807. She shuddered.
  809. "Is that why Noa is your favourite, now?"
  810. (Lotlhuitl)
  811. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  813. [2018-Apr-12 11:36:01] "Noa isn't... all that similar to me, exactly. He was blessed by being in the right place at the right time."
  815. Dmex may have just... entirely dodged around the actual question that she was given. As well as Lotlhuitl's concern.
  817. "I'm not yet sure how I did it, in his case. But if I ever learn, I'd gladly bestow the same upon you."
  818. (Dmex)
  819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  821. [2018-Apr-12 11:43:51] Lotlhuitl didn't really find a lot of comfort in Dmex's words. That wasn't to say that she found no comfort. But it wasn't what she wanted to hear.
  823. Noa had been blessed by Dmex. Or.. by fate itself, perhaps. And Lotlhuitl? Again, despite all her struggling, despite all her effort, she got nothing.
  825. As kind, as generous as Dmex obviously was, Lotlhuitl found herself coming to the conclusion that Noa was Dmex's favourite.
  827. "I.. understand, Great Spirit." Lotlhuitl breathed, inclining her head. "Thank-you."
  829. Did Dmex pity her? Was this what this was?
  831. Lotlhuitl's vivid green gaze took on a distinctly metallic quality as she stared at Dmex. The Great Spirit. Her Great Spirit, but now also Noa's.
  833. "I.. I want to be better than Noa." Lotlhuitl breathed. "I want you to like me more than him. I.. I want him to envy me."
  834. (Lotlhuitl)
  835. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  837. [2018-Apr-12 11:48:22] Her need for an ego-boost, some reinforcement, must've been answered by now - because Dmex snaps to a response immediately.
  839. "I want you to show me that you deserve it."
  841. Deep breaths. Calm yourself. Don't crack into something openly bitter or cynical.
  843. "...Temples. Spread my name. Find new people to praise me."
  844. (Dmex)
  845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. [2018-Apr-12 11:52:33] "I.. I will, Great Spirit." Lotlhuitl agreed, her ears pricked forward, her expression desperate, yearning. "I.. I won't stop until every voice in Agartha is raised and speaking your name in praise."
  849. A bold, big promise. Earnestly said.
  851. "Everyone will know of your deeds. Everyone will know to regard the Great Spirit of Eqarba, Dmex, with fear and awe."
  852. (Lotlhuitl)
  853. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  855. [2018-Apr-12 11:53:49] Dmex says, "...Good."
  856. [2018-Apr-12 11:53:52] Dmex says, "I like awe."
  857. [2018-Apr-12 11:55:22] Dmex says, "Thank you, Lotlhuitl."
  858. [2018-Apr-12 11:55:34] Lotlhuitl says, ".. it will be done."
  859. [2018-Apr-12 11:55:45] Dmex says, "I have faith in you, as odd as that might sound."
  860. [2018-Apr-12 11:55:54] Lotlhuitl asks, "R-really?"
  861. [2018-Apr-12 11:56:25] Dmex says, "Mhm."
  862. [2018-Apr-12 11:56:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank-you, Dmex. "
  863. [2018-Apr-12 11:56:37] Lotlhuitl says, "That.. that means a lot to me."
  864. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:00] Lotlhuitl says, "If you will excuse me, I.. I will go and start on my task."
  865. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:09] Dmex says, "Good."
  866. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:12] Lotlhuitl says, "... thank you for everything you do for me, Dmex. "
  867. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:14] Dmex says, "I'll be outside too, myself."
  868. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well."
  869. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's Grace, Great Spirit."
  870. [2018-Apr-12 11:57:58] Dmex says, "Time's grace."
  871. [2018-Apr-12 12:22:49] LOOC - Dranoel: dragonforce)
  872. [2018-Apr-12 12:22:57] LOOC - Dranoel: someone watched too much FT *~*)
  873. [2018-Apr-12 13:31:01]
  874. {LOAD GAME}
  876. [2018-Apr-12 13:37:22] Raximus says, "He"
  877. [2018-Apr-12 13:37:26] Raximus says, "h\Hey"
  878. [2018-Apr-12 19:05:30]
  879. {LOAD GAME}
  881. [2018-Apr-12 19:05:36] would draw his blade would two hands as his wings would shoot from his back he would take his stance looking at the other boy. He would stay there waiting for him to make a move towards him as he would strike him with his sword.
  883. "I'm ready when you are" As he stand there waiting.
  884. (Raximus)
  885. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  887. [2018-Apr-12 19:05:57] LOOC - Raximus: (my bad)
  888. [2018-Apr-12 19:06:10] Maliton got into his stance drawing his mace "Lets go!"
  889. (Martiln Urthadar)
  890. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  892. [2018-Apr-12 19:07:29] {combat} Martiln Urthadar has been defeated by Raximus! They're unable to continue fighting.
  893. [2018-Apr-12 19:12:13] Would fall to the ground as his mace hit the cobblestone street with a loud thud, he'd begin to stand using his mace like a crutch as he clenched his teeth and looked over to the other male. "Hes tough.."
  894. (Martiln Urthadar)
  895. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  897. [2018-Apr-12 19:12:19] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Was afk)
  898. [2018-Apr-12 19:12:29] would stand over the boy before taking a step back and taking his stance again wind starting to form around him he would blow wind from his mouth. He would wield the blade with two hands in a stabbing position as he would charge at the boy again swing his heavy blade swiftly.
  900. He was still a bit tired from his last fight he would use less of his energy this time while he went striking the boy down once more so that the sparing would be down with and he could go relax.
  902. He would stop himself before striking he would crack his knuckles and his neck before resuming what he had planned from the start of the second fight.
  903. (Raximus)
  904. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  906. [2018-Apr-12 19:14:45] {combat} Martiln Urthadar has been defeated by Raximus! They're unable to continue fighting.
  907. [2018-Apr-12 19:15:36] Martiln Urthadar says, "It was a good fight"
  908. [2018-Apr-12 19:16:01] would places his sword back into his bag as he would help the guy up before dusting himself off. He would then grin down at him before give him some advice.
  910. "You should learn how to take a hit"
  911. (Raximus)
  912. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  914. [2018-Apr-12 19:16:49] Would stand up brushing a slight bit of blood from his bruised lip. "Yeah, Iv still got a ways to go before im as strong as Drako.."
  915. (Martiln Urthadar)
  916. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  918. [2018-Apr-12 19:17:04] Lotlhuitl says, "... you know there's a perfectly good arena to the north, don't youo."
  919. [2018-Apr-12 19:17:08] Lotlhuitl says, "you*"
  920. [2018-Apr-12 19:17:20] Raximus says, "Yeah i just left it."
  921. [2018-Apr-12 19:17:40] Lotlhuitl asks, "Is there any particular reason you two decided to fight in the middle of Cruxati?"
  922. [2018-Apr-12 19:17:52] Raximus says, "He offered me up."
  923. [2018-Apr-12 19:18:04] Raximus says, "Nobody was even here."
  924. [2018-Apr-12 19:18:07] Martiln Urthadar says, "I challenged him..I'll take the blame for that.."
  925. [2018-Apr-12 19:18:10] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  926. [2018-Apr-12 19:18:22] Raximus says, "No and i accepted it"
  927. [2018-Apr-12 19:18:51] Raximus says, "So I'm part of this to"
  928. [2018-Apr-12 19:19:12] He would Bow to Lotlhuitl and close his eyes as awaited some sort of punishment. "Please forgive us for being so rude!"
  929. (Martiln Urthadar)
  930. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  932. [2018-Apr-12 19:19:30] Raximus whispers something.
  933. [2018-Apr-12 19:19:45] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((How do ya whisper))
  934. [2018-Apr-12 19:19:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (/w)
  935. [2018-Apr-12 19:19:50] LOOC - Raximus: (/w)
  936. [2018-Apr-12 19:20:01] Martiln Urthadar whispers something.
  937. [2018-Apr-12 19:20:21] Raximus whispers something.
  938. [2018-Apr-12 19:20:49] Martiln Urthadar whispers something.
  939. [2018-Apr-12 19:21:13] Raximus whispers something.
  940. [2018-Apr-12 19:21:27] Martiln Urthadar whispers something.
  941. [2018-Apr-12 19:21:41] Raximus whispers something.
  942. [2018-Apr-12 19:21:56] Raximus whispers something.
  943. [2018-Apr-12 19:22:29] Martiln Urthadar whispers something.
  944. [2018-Apr-12 19:22:53] Raximus whispers something.
  945. [2018-Apr-12 19:23:55] Lotlhuitl regarded the two teenagers with an exasperated expression decorating her face.
  947. "Look. This courtyard is sacred ground. You should really only fight here if the fight is supposed to end in sacrifice."
  949. Her tail twitched.
  951. "So it's not me you should be apologising to, but the spirits. I dare say the both of you may find themselves cursed if you're not careful.."
  953. The woman was silent for a moment, lips pursed. "Hm," she said, plainly thinking. "Hm," she repeated, raising a delicate hand to her lips.
  955. "I can think of how you two could earn your forgiveness.."
  957. (Lotlhuitl)
  958. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  960. [2018-Apr-12 19:24:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yourselves* not themselves)
  961. [2018-Apr-12 19:24:54] Martiln would raise a brow before looking over to Raximus then the woman again.
  962. (Martiln Urthadar)
  963. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  965. [2018-Apr-12 19:25:21] would laugh as he would look at the boy and back at her and then he would stop.
  966. (Raximus)
  967. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  969. [2018-Apr-12 19:25:30] Lotlhuitl asks, "... are you two really laughing at me?"
  970. [2018-Apr-12 19:25:44] Lotlhuitl says, "... I can fix this situation you've caused easily enough."
  971. [2018-Apr-12 19:25:48] Raximus says, "No it's an inside joke"
  972. [2018-Apr-12 19:25:51] Martiln Urthadar exclaims, "O-oh! no im not laughing!"
  973. [2018-Apr-12 19:25:52] Lotlhuitl says, "I can fight both of you, sacrifice one or both of you.."
  974. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:08] Lotlhuitl looked DEADLY serious.
  975. (Lotlhuitl)
  976. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  978. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:17] Raximus whispers something.
  979. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:23] Lotlhuitl says, "Or you can serve the spirits with your lives."
  980. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:29] Lotlhuitl says, "Stop whispering, or I swear I will spank you."
  981. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:43] Raximus whispers something.
  982. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:48] Lotlhuitl says, ".."
  983. [2018-Apr-12 19:26:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (your friend DC'd I think.)
  984. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:07] LOOC - Raximus: (i just noticed)
  985. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha.)
  986. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:13] Raximus says, "Umm yeah"
  987. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:25] Raximus asks, "How about a hug?"
  988. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:28] LOOC - Ariana: (Yeah, he's been doing it all day.)
  989. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:34] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't touch me."
  990. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:38] LOOC - Ariana: (It's a glitch with his thing, I think he'll be back in a bit.)
  991. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (should be fine.)
  992. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:50] Raximus says, "We could be done with it"
  993. [2018-Apr-12 19:27:59] Raximus says, "A i'm sorry hug"
  994. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... eh? "
  995. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:03] Lotlhuitl says, "No."
  996. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:05] Raximus says, "Yes"
  997. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:14] Lotlhuitl says, "You and your friend are going to do 'I'm sorry' work for me."
  998. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:24] Martiln Urthadar asks, "So like a quest?"
  999. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:25] Raximus says, "Umm"
  1000. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:33] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes. I will accompany both of you."
  1001. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:41] Martiln Urthadar says, "Do we atleast get paid?.."
  1002. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:46] Lotlhuitl says, "You will help me acquire the materials I need."
  1003. [2018-Apr-12 19:28:57] Lotlhuitl says, "This is a punishment, child."
  1004. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:01] Lotlhuitl says, "For disturbing the peace."
  1005. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Also for your friend being.. strange, and wanting to touch me."
  1006. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:09] Martiln Urthadar says, "Well, You got us there.."
  1007. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:12] Raximus whispers something.
  1008. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Stop. Whispering."
  1009. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Last warning."
  1010. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:39] Martiln Urthadar asks, "So whats this quest?"
  1011. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:52] Raximus hugs her
  1012. (Raximus)
  1013. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:53] Lotlhuitl says, "You're going to follow me, and you're going to cut down trees."
  1016. [2018-Apr-12 19:29:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (serious?)
  1017. [2018-Apr-12 19:30:18] Raximus says, "I think i made my poiny"
  1018. [2018-Apr-12 19:30:40] Martiln Urthadar says, "Eh...Cut down trees? Sounds like some good training"
  1019. [2018-Apr-12 19:32:52] Martiln Urthadar exclaims, "Yo Ariana!"
  1020. [2018-Apr-12 19:33:18] Ariana asks, "Yes?"
  1021. [2018-Apr-12 19:33:29] Martiln Urthadar asks, "Uh..You wanna come help with somthin?"
  1022. [2018-Apr-12 19:33:56] Ariana says, "If it's about that woman, no. From what I've been... well, eavesdropping, you've been doing wrongly. Go deal with it yourself."
  1023. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:02] Dranoel says, "Is one of you mayhaps a runescribber? "
  1024. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:13] Martiln Urthadar exclaims, "Dont leave me alone here! Shes scary!"
  1025. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:25] Dranoel says, "This is rather urgent.."
  1026. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:27] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((also never got your discord request))
  1027. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:28] Dranoel says, "Well I guess not."
  1028. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:52] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Stone_Wyvern #5682
  1029. [2018-Apr-12 19:34:58] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Gimme yours)
  1030. [2018-Apr-12 19:35:11] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (That time i got it)
  1031. [2018-Apr-12 19:35:26] Lotlhuitl reacted dramatically to being touched by the youngster. The Nagual took a sharp intake of breath, her angry gaze shifting first into surprise and or shock.. and then something else.
  1033. "Nngh!" She growled, tail bristling as she pushed the child off her. Lightning suddenly crackling over her form.
  1035. "Right. I warned you." Lotlhuitl snarled.
  1037. Oh, dear. It looked like the teenagers had made the big kitty angry.
  1038. (Lotlhuitl)
  1039. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1041. [2018-Apr-12 19:37:25] Martiln Urthadar says, "This isnt going to end well.."
  1042. [2018-Apr-12 19:37:42] Martiln Urthadar whispers something.
  1043. [2018-Apr-12 19:38:16] would pull his sword out as he would call upon his wings again he would grin at he as he knew that this was a fight that he could lose but he didn't care. He would just some and laugh before taking his stance.
  1045. "It would have been worst just saying"
  1046. (Raximus)
  1047. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1049. [2018-Apr-12 19:39:25] {combat} Raximus has been defeated by Lotlhuitl! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1050. [2018-Apr-12 19:43:16] Blood and thunder!
  1052. The teenager showed promise, but.. the blood which gushed from the Nagual was not because of his sword blows. Oh, no. Lotlhuitl made herself bleed. A rotting, swirling miasma of her own blood all but infected Raximus.
  1054. There was a temptation to suffocate him.
  1056. But instead, Lotlhuitl tripped Raximus with a whip forged from her own blood.. and proceeded to grab him by an ear.. intending on dragging the lad despite whether he might kick or scream, off towards the south. She was serious about making these two cut down trees.
  1058. "Right. You." She addressed Martlin. "Follow me. It's time for both of you to stop pissing me off."
  1059. (Lotlhuitl)
  1060. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1062. [2018-Apr-12 19:43:51] LOOC - Ariana: (ngl that's hilarious)
  1063. [2018-Apr-12 19:44:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ty aha..)
  1064. [2018-Apr-12 19:44:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ooc guys, I am being a bitch IC but I swear I'm nice)
  1065. [2018-Apr-12 19:44:34] Ariana says, "Go on, Martiln, face your fate."
  1066. [2018-Apr-12 19:46:32] Raximus says, "Whatever"
  1067. [2018-Apr-12 19:47:51] Lotlhuitl pulls Raximus around by his ear..
  1068. (Lotlhuitl)
  1069. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1071. [2018-Apr-12 19:47:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't you whatever me, young man.."
  1072. [2018-Apr-12 19:48:06] Anpu says, "Hello. "
  1073. [2018-Apr-12 19:48:42] Ariana can't help but muffle a giggle as she sees the sight, quickly turning away.
  1074. (Ariana)
  1075. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077. [2018-Apr-12 19:48:47] Anpu says, "That looks...rough..."
  1078. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes. Well, these two deserve it.."
  1079. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:14] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((back
  1080. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:17] Anpu asks, "What did they do?"
  1081. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:19] Ariana asks, "What did they do, exactly?"
  1082. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:26] Anpu asks, "Hmm?"
  1083. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:29] Lotlhuitl says, "... Raximus assaulted me."
  1084. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:38] Ariana asks, "Wait, he did? Earlier?"
  1085. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (er omit)
  1086. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I don't know his name)
  1087. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:48] Anpu looks back tos ee the girl but says nothing to her yet
  1088. (Anpu)
  1089. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1091. [2018-Apr-12 19:49:57] Lotlhuitl says, "He touched me without my permission, yes."
  1092. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:04] Raximus says, "Lies"
  1093. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:04] Anpu says, "Uh..."
  1094. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:06] Ariana says, "...Oh. That. That's not good."
  1095. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:09] Lotlhuitl says, "Also these two were fighting in the courtyard.."
  1096. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:09] Ariana says, "I saw it, whoever you are."
  1097. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:10] Raximus says, "I hugged her"
  1098. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, assault."
  1099. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:19] Lotlhuitl says, "I told him not to do so."
  1100. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Naughty boy.."
  1101. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:28] Raximus says, "You know you liked it"
  1102. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:39] Lotlhuitl says, "... I will hurt you, child, if you do not shut the heck up.."
  1103. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:49] Raximus says, "Whatever"
  1104. [2018-Apr-12 19:50:52] Martiln Urthadar says, "W-well..I guess we're cutting trees..Arianna, I'll be home in about a couple hours..."
  1105. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:07] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Ariana*
  1106. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:10] Ariana squints at Raximus, before looking at the woman who has hold of him. "Well, they shouldn't be fighting in a city, least of all, well, there. Good luck with whatever you have planned for them."
  1107. (Ariana)
  1108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1110. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:15] Anpu scratched the scalp of his head with his index finger, a cold sweat coming down his face.
  1112. "Is a hug...something you land dwellers use to show affection?"
  1113. (Anpu)
  1114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1116. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:29] Lotlhuitl says, "It is a gesture which s-should only be between husband and wife."
  1117. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:41] Raximus says, "Lies"
  1118. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. perhaps the closest of friends, on very special occasions."
  1119. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:47] Anpu asks, "Husband and wife? What's that?"
  1120. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:51] Raximus asks, "Where is your husband?"
  1121. [2018-Apr-12 19:51:56] Anpu tilts head
  1122. (Anpu)
  1123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1125. [2018-Apr-12 19:52:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan is busy, building an army.."
  1126. [2018-Apr-12 19:52:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Now, lets go to the south.."
  1127. [2018-Apr-12 19:52:19] Lotlhuitl says, "Anyone is welcome to watch these two work."
  1128. [2018-Apr-12 19:52:28] Anpu says, "Hmm...."
  1129. [2018-Apr-12 19:52:48] Anpu says, "Hello"
  1130. [2018-Apr-12 19:52:58] Ariana asks, "I suppose I'll watch. Hello- er... who are you?"
  1131. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:08] Lotlhuitl says, ".. I am Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati."
  1132. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:14] Anpu asks, "Hi, I'm Anpu. And you are?"
  1133. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh, you were meaning the blue haired one."
  1134. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:19] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (followw?)
  1135. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:20] Anpu extends hand for a shake
  1136. (Anpu)
  1137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1139. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:26] Ariana says, "Ariana. Not you, sorry, but it's nice to meet you anyway."
  1140. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:41] She shakes Anpu's hand.
  1141. (Ariana)
  1142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1144. [2018-Apr-12 19:53:49] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (press x on me)
  1145. [2018-Apr-12 19:54:11] Lotlhuitl says, "All right. Here will do."
  1146. [2018-Apr-12 19:54:15] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((BRB))
  1147. [2018-Apr-12 19:54:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nw)
  1148. [2018-Apr-12 19:54:30] Raximus says, "I can't be all day i was looking for my girlfriend"
  1149. [2018-Apr-12 19:54:39] Lotlhuitl asks, "Excuse me?"
  1150. [2018-Apr-12 19:55:23] Raximus says, "I can't be all day i'm looking for my girlfriend"
  1151. [2018-Apr-12 19:55:28] Lotlhuitl says, "You're each going to cut wood, until I'm satisfied."
  1152. [2018-Apr-12 19:55:32] Raximus says, "So hurry up"
  1153. [2018-Apr-12 19:55:34] Lotlhuitl says, "At least 50, each."
  1154. [2018-Apr-12 19:55:44] Raximus says, "Whatever"
  1155. [2018-Apr-12 19:55:47] Lotlhuitl asks, "... excuse me?"
  1156. [2018-Apr-12 19:56:04] Raximus says, "Bless you"
  1157. [2018-Apr-12 20:02:52] Lotlhuitl used Anti-Magic Restraint
  1158. [2018-Apr-12 20:03:18] Nobody respected her.
  1160. For a brief moment, Lotlhuitl had STARED down at Raximus in disbelief - perhaps said emotion being tinged even with horror.
  1162. Xitlalli. Noa. Xoconan. Dmex. None of them would have to deal with this kind of disrespect.
  1164. The Nagual's expression twisted. Anger. Fury.
  1166. "Right, you little brat. I've been kind and merciful so far. You want to see what I'm really like? Huh? You want to see?"
  1168. Her fingers had closed around his throat, lifting him up off his feet.
  1170. For a second, it would indeed seem like she was seriously contemplating spilling Raximus' blood, right here on the shore of the lake. But somehow? Somehow she controlled herself.
  1172. And Raximus would instead feel the cold metal restraint of an anti magic collar being slipped around his neck.
  1173. (Lotlhuitl)
  1174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1176. [2018-Apr-12 20:03:31] Lotlhuitl used Anti-Magic Restraint
  1177. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:08] Lotlhuitl glared.
  1178. (Lotlhuitl)
  1179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1181. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:10] Raximus says, "I siad bless you"
  1182. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:15] Raximus says, "God"
  1183. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Tree. Now."
  1184. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:35] Raximus says, "Take this"
  1185. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:40] Raximus says, "Off please"
  1186. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:47] Lotlhuitl says, "Not until you're done, punk."
  1187. [2018-Apr-12 20:05:51] Raximus says, "I told you i need to look for my girlfriend"
  1188. [2018-Apr-12 20:06:11] Lotlhuitl says, "You should have thought about that before you pissed me off."
  1189. [2018-Apr-12 20:06:21] Raximus says, "You just always mad"
  1190. [2018-Apr-12 20:06:28] Lotlhuitl used Anti-Magic Remote
  1191. [2018-Apr-12 20:06:31] Raximus says, "Maybe you should c.. nevermind"
  1192. [2018-Apr-12 20:06:50] Lotlhuitl pointed a remote at Raximus. Zap.
  1193. (Lotlhuitl)
  1194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1196. [2018-Apr-12 20:06:50] Raximus says, "Ok"
  1197. [2018-Apr-12 20:07:23] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((Back my GF brought kittens to my house unannounced))
  1198. [2018-Apr-12 20:07:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omg)
  1199. [2018-Apr-12 20:07:31] Raximus says, "Stop"
  1200. [2018-Apr-12 20:07:34] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:D)
  1201. [2018-Apr-12 20:07:47] Lotlhuitl used Anti-Magic Remote
  1202. [2018-Apr-12 20:07:50] Would begin to chop down the tree with his mace, slowly hacking away
  1203. (Martiln Urthadar)
  1204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206. [2018-Apr-12 20:08:02] Lotlhuitl pointed at the tree.
  1207. (Lotlhuitl)
  1208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1210. [2018-Apr-12 20:08:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Look, do you think I *want* to be wasting my time out here with you both? "
  1211. [2018-Apr-12 20:08:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Just cut the damn tree down."
  1212. [2018-Apr-12 20:08:48] Raximus says, "Yes"
  1213. [2018-Apr-12 20:08:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't spar in the middle of Cruxati."
  1214. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:01] Lotlhuitl says, "And don't try and have such a fucking smart tongue."
  1215. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:15] Martiln Urthadar exclaims, "Damn tree!"
  1216. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:19] Martiln Urthadar says, "FALL"
  1217. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:21] Martiln Urthadar exclaims, "DOWN!!!"
  1218. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:45] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (kitties. did you pat them..)
  1219. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:51] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Ye)
  1220. [2018-Apr-12 20:09:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omfg... <3)
  1221. [2018-Apr-12 20:10:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Oh hey, raximus. You're new, right?)
  1222. [2018-Apr-12 20:10:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (to cut a tree down you press X)
  1223. [2018-Apr-12 20:10:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (next to it)
  1224. [2018-Apr-12 20:10:25] LOOC - Raximus: (i know)
  1225. [2018-Apr-12 20:10:40] LOOC - Raximus: (i was play overwatch sorry)
  1226. [2018-Apr-12 20:11:07] Lotlhuitl sat down, crossing her legs. Watching the two work.
  1227. (Lotlhuitl)
  1228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1230. [2018-Apr-12 20:12:11] Would wipe sweat from his brow as he sighed and tossed his armor and shirt to the side looking ahead to the tree, he used his shirt as a rag.
  1231. (Martiln Urthadar)
  1232. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1234. [2018-Apr-12 20:12:57] Would begin to punch at the tree to collect the wood.
  1235. (Raximus)
  1236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1238. [2018-Apr-12 20:13:15] Lotlhuitl swiftly got tired of sitting, and decided to get up and work at cutting wood herself.
  1240. "Look, here's how it's done."
  1242. Lotlhuitl raised an axe to the tree. Chop. Chop. Chop.
  1243. (Lotlhuitl)
  1244. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1246. [2018-Apr-12 20:14:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if 50 is horrendously boring, I won't make you do it OOC aha..)
  1247. [2018-Apr-12 20:14:29] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (nothin better to do, i need a house)
  1248. [2018-Apr-12 20:15:56] LOOC - Raximus: (i got a house)
  1249. [2018-Apr-12 20:16:11] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Me and Ariana are kinda roamers rn)
  1250. [2018-Apr-12 20:17:06] Raximus says, "Here"
  1251. [2018-Apr-12 20:17:21] {Item} You picked up Wood x50.Dropped by Raximus. .
  1252. [2018-Apr-12 20:17:25] Lotlhuitl used Anti-Magic Remote
  1253. [2018-Apr-12 20:17:34] {Item} You picked up Anti-Magic Restraint..
  1254. [2018-Apr-12 20:17:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't annoy me again."
  1255. [2018-Apr-12 20:17:49] Raximus says, "Yes mom"
  1256. [2018-Apr-12 20:18:12] Lotlhuitl says, "This is more than I asked for.."
  1257. [2018-Apr-12 20:18:20] Lotlhuitl says, "... hm"
  1258. [2018-Apr-12 20:18:28] Martiln Urthadar says, "I'll keep it then"
  1259. [2018-Apr-12 20:18:29] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, I'm happy to take it off your hands."
  1260. [2018-Apr-12 20:18:46] Lotlhuitl squints.
  1261. (Lotlhuitl)
  1262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1264. [2018-Apr-12 20:18:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I was about to reconsider my assessment of you."
  1265. [2018-Apr-12 20:19:22] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Brb)
  1266. [2018-Apr-12 20:19:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:P aaa
  1267. [2018-Apr-12 20:19:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I don't want to take
  1268. [2018-Apr-12 20:19:34] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh..
  1269. [2018-Apr-12 20:19:40] {Item} You picked up Wood x168.Dropped by Martiln Urthadar. .
  1270. [2018-Apr-12 20:20:34] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I must also BRB)
  1271. [2018-Apr-12 20:20:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (when your friend comes back
  1272. [2018-Apr-12 20:20:50] LOOC - Raximus: (ok)
  1273. [2018-Apr-12 20:20:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (tell him I will give him the excess wood if he wants it)
  1274. [2018-Apr-12 20:21:58] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (back)
  1275. [2018-Apr-12 20:22:44] Martiln Urthadar asks, "So am i off the hook?"
  1276. [2018-Apr-12 20:29:39] Anpu exclaims, "No problem! Ask my anything!"
  1277. [2018-Apr-12 20:29:53] Anpu says, "I'll do my best to answer."
  1278. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:02] Anpu asks, "Oh! Have you been shown around?"
  1279. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:14] Ariana says, "I've had a look around and I understand where things are, yes."
  1280. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:38] Ariana says, "But, erm, it's been nice meeting you, Anpu, and it's been nice talking to you. You're very helpful."
  1281. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:44] Ariana asks, "I'll see you around, right?"
  1282. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (woaaah Frederik)
  1283. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:51] LOOC - Ariana: (It's 1:30, aaa.)
  1284. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:51] LOOC - Anpu: (oh)
  1285. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:55] LOOC - Frederick: (hello is me
  1286. [2018-Apr-12 20:30:57] LOOC - Anpu: (didnt see the first one)
  1287. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i had headphones on ahahaa)
  1288. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:17] LOOC - Frederick: (oh fug
  1289. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:18] LOOC - Anpu: (Started with the ("But erm)
  1290. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:20] LOOC - Frederick: (did i just melt your face off
  1291. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:21] LOOC - Anpu: (post)
  1292. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ahahaaha)
  1293. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:25] LOOC - Ariana: (Oooh.)
  1294. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:35] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (made me scream)
  1295. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:47] LOOC - Ariana: (Still, it's really late, so I need to go now.)
  1296. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:50] Frederick looks at Lotlhuitl. Ignoring her very sizeable chest.
  1297. (Frederick)
  1298. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1300. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:52] Frederick says, "Hey, you."
  1301. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:54] LOOC - Anpu: (ah np)
  1302. [2018-Apr-12 20:31:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I swear opening descs are like russian routlette)
  1303. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:00] Anpu says, "Alright."
  1304. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "Mm?"
  1305. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:04] LOOC - Ariana: (See ya.)
  1306. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:05] Anpu says, "I'll be seeing you."
  1307. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:07] LOOC - Frederick: (i should put audio warning in mine
  1308. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:07] Ariana exclaims, "Bye!"
  1309. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:12] Anpu waves
  1310. (Anpu)
  1311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1313. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:12] LOOC - Frederick: (i used to always do it
  1314. [2018-Apr-12 20:32:24] LOOC - Frederick: (but i think i didnt want people to know who i was on this character before
  1315. [2018-Apr-12 20:35:38] Tail flicking, the tall Nagual slooowly turned her gaze to the tall Valmasian-lookin' man.
  1317. "Yes?" she breathed.
  1319. Lotlhuitl looked at Frederick. She didn't ignore anything about him. Her emerald green gaze dipped up and down his form, appraising, before settling on his face. Unblinking, the gloomy Nagual stared at him.
  1321. "How can Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati help you...friend?"
  1322. (Lotlhuitl)
  1323. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1325. [2018-Apr-12 20:38:25] There wasn't much to ignore about him. He was adorned in some most definitely foreign attire, since belts were probably not a big thing in Gehenna. On top of that, he sounded and looked like he didn't want anything to do with anybody. Regardless, he radiated heat and strength. Oddly enough, he always held his weapon, but since she'd looked at him so closely, it seemed to only because he didn't have a sheathe for the thing. As abrasive as he appeared, no malice surrounded him.
  1327. "First of all, I ain't your friend, lady. Second of all--where the hell am I?"
  1329. Oh, but he was lost. Super lost.
  1330. (Frederick)
  1331. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1333. [2018-Apr-12 20:44:27] "I'm not?" Lotlhuitl said. Deadpan. Her fluffy ears twitched, almost flicking backwards as the gloomy Nagual arched an eyebrow at him. Her assessment finished. This man was big, strong, and as dumb as fuck. But surely not actually a Valmasian remnant. Nobody could be that stupid..
  1335. "You're standing in the heart of Cruxati."
  1337. The Nagual jingled subtly as she moved, shifted closer, closer, closer, throwing a hand out to gesture dramatically to the courtyard surrounding them. Unless Frederick shifted away from her, he'd find the 6 foot tall Nagual standing directly in front of him, peering up at him. Tail twitching.
  1339. "How could you not know? Did you hit your head? Drink too much?" She squinted. "Did Maiya give you an unidentified potion?"
  1340. (Lotlhuitl)
  1341. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1343. [2018-Apr-12 20:45:32] Atro appears more sickly than usual, sweating a bit and slouched against the temple wall.
  1344. (Atro Gwyn)
  1345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1347. [2018-Apr-12 20:45:39] Kayeliun glances at him.
  1348. (Kayeliun)
  1349. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1351. [2018-Apr-12 20:45:48] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1352. [2018-Apr-12 20:46:05] Xoconan arrives to idle behind his wife.
  1353. (Xoconan)
  1354. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1356. [2018-Apr-12 20:46:06] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1357. [2018-Apr-12 20:46:09] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (omit)
  1358. [2018-Apr-12 20:46:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (can't omit coward)
  1359. [2018-Apr-12 20:46:24] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1360. [2018-Apr-12 20:46:44] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1361. [2018-Apr-12 20:47:36] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1362. [2018-Apr-12 20:48:17] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1363. [2018-Apr-12 20:48:48] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1364. [2018-Apr-12 20:50:22] His voice came like a low growl, no matter what he said. When his lips stopped moving, they always returned to a simple scowl. The Nagual confessed the location to him, which didn't seem to have an effect on him at all. Either he really was dumb as hell, or that fact didn't bother him in the least.
  1366. "Oh. Shoulda known by the symbols..." Apparently he just wasn't being observant enough, but asking someone for directions was faster than peering around and investigating. Apparently he was knowledgeable about something.
  1368. "I don't know because I'm not from here. The hell is your problem?" She stood directly in front of him, likely close enough for the constant heat from his body to caress her skin. Especially considering how revealing that 'armor' was. Regardless, it seemed none of that bothered him.
  1369. (Frederick)
  1370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1372. [2018-Apr-12 20:51:11] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1373. [2018-Apr-12 20:54:19] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1374. [2018-Apr-12 20:54:21] Click-click-click-click. Heavy were the footsteps that echoed down the stone of the Cruxati square, a wave of radiant heat and menace following out like a cloud. Annoyance was writ all too clear on his face, Xoconan pacing like a predator in a cage.
  1376. "Is he bothering you- dear?" He stepped up behind his wife, an arm moving to wrap around her waist, pulling her against him without care, gaze never so much as leaving the man in front of her.
  1378. "Apologize." The word carried an unmistakable threat, tone carried along with an oppressive weight, as if Fredericks every limb had come to weigh a hundred pounds. Like being stuck in sand, or water.
  1380. "Now."
  1381. (Xoconan)
  1382. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1384. [2018-Apr-12 20:54:46] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1385. [2018-Apr-12 20:55:47] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1386. [2018-Apr-12 20:55:57] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1387. [2018-Apr-12 20:57:31] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1388. [2018-Apr-12 20:57:38] LOOC - West: (ignore his capacity to teleport he's not technically capable of it atm
  1389. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:05] LOOC - Xoconan: (hey josh)
  1390. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (can you resprite my cloak to the coalition sprite please)
  1391. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:13] LOOC - Xoconan: (<3)
  1392. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:20] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (i guess)
  1393. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:35] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (Are you sure you want this to happen)
  1394. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:39] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (that cloak is arguably better)
  1395. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:52] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (are you 100% certain)
  1396. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (Lemme look at what coalition cloak looks like)
  1397. [2018-Apr-12 20:58:57] LOOC - Xoconan: (rq)
  1398. [2018-Apr-12 20:59:36] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (i hate fur)
  1399. [2018-Apr-12 20:59:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm just downloading the dmi)
  1400. [2018-Apr-12 20:59:51] LOOC - Xoconan: (and checking it there)
  1401. [2018-Apr-12 21:00:48] LOOC - Xoconan: (Yeha nvm, I'll keep mine)
  1402. [2018-Apr-12 21:00:54] LOOC - Xoconan: (didn't realize mine was just a better looking copy)
  1403. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:14] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (yeah i thought so)
  1404. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:18] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (you can thank me)
  1405. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (I won't beat you in front of your wife today)
  1406. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:34] Sits down, drenched in sweat breathing heavily, having exhausted himself from pushing his training too hard.
  1407. (Martiln Urthadar)
  1408. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1410. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (as thanks)
  1411. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:36] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1412. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:37] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (wow)
  1413. [2018-Apr-12 21:01:45] LOOC - Xoconan: (ilu)
  1414. [2018-Apr-12 21:02:12] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1415. [2018-Apr-12 21:02:50] Atro Gwyn says, "It's a pain to attempt recalling, so I won't try."
  1416. [2018-Apr-12 21:02:53] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (oops)
  1417. [2018-Apr-12 21:02:58] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (w/e)
  1418. [2018-Apr-12 21:03:19] Lotlhuitl felt the heat from Frederick's body against her skin. Not, strictly speaking, unpleasant. Though, really, that wasn't why she had stepped closer to him.
  1420. For a second, before he had snapped at her and asked her what her problem was, Lotlhuitl almost looked bemused. After? She had blinked.
  1422. "My problem?" She breathed, tail twitching. A flicker of grief - or was that anger? - passed over her delicate face. ..nobody respected her. "Someone who doesn't appreciate being welc--"
  1424. Xoco.
  1426. She felt him before she saw him. Her words died at her tongue, the willowy Nagual about to turn to face him.. but before she could, Xoconan had pulled her against his form. She exhaled, long hair tumbling over bare shoulders.
  1428. Was Frederick bothering her? A little, perhaps.
  1430. Lotlhuitl's willowy bodywas filled with a sudden tension. Her hands moving to her beloved's arms. Nails lightly pressing into his flesh.
  1432. Was Xoconan making Frederick apologise to her or to him?
  1434. "I.. I was just going to offer him a tour. He looks like an outsider."
  1435. (Lotlhuitl)
  1436. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1438. [2018-Apr-12 21:08:24] (The Coalition) Alert: Lotlhuitl has joined the guild.
  1439. [2018-Apr-12 21:08:42] Rick eyed Xoco's approach. The expression on his face didn't change, even if the younger male's gaze held the power of gravity to weigh on his shoulders. That was all it took for the Valmasian to know exactly what type he was looking at. When he realized the other man's envy was so strong against a total stranger, he decided it'd be a waste of time to ask anything of Xoconan or Lotlhuitl now.
  1441. After giving the warchief a careless glance and ignoring his order, the man looked back to Lotlhuitl.
  1443. "Nah, was looking for my woman. Ain't gonna bother you anymore. I'll find my way around myself, lady."
  1445. With that, he turned away, with intent to leave the pair alone before the situation was inevitably escalated.
  1446. (Frederick)
  1447. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1449. [2018-Apr-12 21:08:44] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1450. [2018-Apr-12 21:09:13] LOOC - Frederick: (oh no my absolute lowest roll....
  1451. [2018-Apr-12 21:09:18] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1452. [2018-Apr-12 21:09:22] LOOC - Frederick: (oh no
  1453. [2018-Apr-12 21:09:49] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Flee thing isn't even up..)
  1454. [2018-Apr-12 21:09:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (anti-flee enchant)
  1455. [2018-Apr-12 21:10:06] LOOC - Frederick: (i have that much agi and i roll that low
  1456. [2018-Apr-12 21:10:19] LOOC - Frederick: (WTF
  1457. [2018-Apr-12 21:10:24] LOOC - Frederick: (oh wow
  1458. [2018-Apr-12 21:10:51] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (the random number generator is not with you today)
  1459. [2018-Apr-12 21:10:52] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1460. [2018-Apr-12 21:10:58] LOOC - Frederick: (it is not
  1461. [2018-Apr-12 21:11:13] LOOC - Frederick: (fug man
  1462. [2018-Apr-12 21:11:39] "Oh no..." Xoconans voice was soft, bemused. Like a child playing with a new toy. As he turned to walk, he'd find his boots dragging softly along the grounds, just enough to counteract any steps the man might've taken. Until he lifted off the ground.
  1464. "You are not leaving until you give my wife an apology." Frederick would be slowly turned midair until he faced Lotlhuitl.
  1466. "Apologize to her for your rudeness and you may go- otherwise..." A crackle of lightning flashed without any obvious effort.
  1467. (Xoconan)
  1468. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1470. [2018-Apr-12 21:12:33] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1471. [2018-Apr-12 21:12:48] LOOC - Frederick: (you posting lot
  1472. [2018-Apr-12 21:13:57] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1473. [2018-Apr-12 21:14:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (brief afk)
  1474. [2018-Apr-12 21:18:03] Martiln Urthadar asks, "Either of you know where theres an Inn?"
  1475. [2018-Apr-12 21:18:08] Was Xoconan really doing this for her?
  1477. Lotlhuitl stood tall, head held high. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest.
  1479. "Xoco.." Lotlhuitl breathed, her expression softening.
  1481. In the past, Lotlhuitl would have never even thought to question it. Of course Xoconan did this for her. His power, his strength. It was of the stuff the Nagual could only dream of. It wasn't becoming for one to be jealous of their intimate partner, but even so.. Lotlhuitl was. Xoconan was an incredibly powerful magi. He did whatever he wanted. Whenever he wanted.
  1483. The Nagual drew silent as she regarded Frederick. He had been rude to her. When, really, all she'd done was be hospitable!
  1485. But why did this make her feel uncomfortable?
  1487. Oh, maybe it was the fact that she'd only just been warned that Xoconan was insane. Yeah. That'd probably be it.
  1488. (Lotlhuitl)
  1489. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1491. [2018-Apr-12 21:18:24] With a distinctive lack of formality or ceremony, a lumbering mass of twigs and muck appears out from the Gehennan brush! A deep baritone rings out in broken English, carried in particular towards the relaxed couple aside the Cruxati temple.
  1493. "Noxim is here. Is needing small help from Gehennas. Is wishing to visit defeated Jingles, but is not wishing be attacked on sight."A brief paused ensued, the beast idlely scratched away at its chest with one clawed hand.
  1495. "Is able to get known Gehennas to escort Noxim to Jingle, so Noxim not be attacked and, or, killed? Yes."
  1496. (Noxim Florus)
  1497. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1499. [2018-Apr-12 21:18:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oops... damn html..)
  1500. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:03] Noxim Florus says, "Is not care who, but Noxim need a Gehennas to speak up for Noxim, to prevent possible losing of arms or worse."
  1501. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:24] Martiln Urthadar asks, "Eh?"
  1502. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:28] Atro Gwyn asks, "What do you want to go there for?"
  1503. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:44] Noxim Florus says, "Is want visit, see culture, see foreigners."
  1504. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:46] Lotlhuitl is currently in a rather tense scene with Frederick and Xoconan, hense the lack of reply to Noxim..
  1505. (Lotlhuitl)
  1506. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1508. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:50] Noxim Florus says, "Is pity Avalon is gone, otherwise Noxim would also wish visit."
  1509. [2018-Apr-12 21:19:54] Noxim Florus says, "But, will deal with city of kin."
  1510. [2018-Apr-12 21:20:23] Noxim Florus says, "Noxim curious. Is like curious with Atro, but Atro always in Gehennas, so not need escort to see."
  1511. [2018-Apr-12 21:20:33] LOOC - Frederick: (oh shit
  1512. [2018-Apr-12 21:20:34] Noxim Florus asks, "Speak of which, how Atro? Is good, yes?"
  1513. [2018-Apr-12 21:20:37] LOOC - Frederick: (no ping
  1514. [2018-Apr-12 21:20:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (pinged u P:)
  1515. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:09] LOOC - Frederick: (THANKS.
  1516. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:10] Atro Gwyn says, "Adjusting after a ritual. <*looks more pale than the usual pale.*>"
  1517. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:14] Kayeliun asks, "Ah. An escort?"
  1518. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:20] Kayeliun says, "Let's go see the Jiangs, Atro."
  1519. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:25] Kayeliun asks, "You haven't been there yet, have you?"
  1520. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:37] Atro Gwyn says, "No- yes."
  1521. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:50] Desmond says, "looc Alright uhm. Hi. Brand new here."
  1522. [2018-Apr-12 21:21:57] Kayeliun says, "Noxim, you will need to tell them you are affiliated with Cruxati, not Aetherius."
  1523. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:01] Kayeliun asks, " true is that, anyway?"
  1524. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Hello Desmond)
  1525. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:07] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((Brackets my guy)
  1526. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (If you want to type in LOOC, just include brackets)
  1527. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:13] LOOC - Desmond: (Aha.)
  1528. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Welcome!)
  1529. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:20] LOOC - Desmond: (Good to know :v)
  1530. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:25] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: ((I started playin yesterday)
  1531. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:30] Noxim Florus says, "Is true, Noxim thinks."
  1532. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:35] LOOC - Desmond: (I just started playing three minutes ago)
  1533. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:37] Noxim Florus says, "Spend more time in Crutchety than with kin, anyway."
  1534. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:45] Kayeliun says, "Mm. I would like it to be true."
  1535. [2018-Apr-12 21:22:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omfg.. Noxim is like the cutest demon)
  1536. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:07] Noxim Florus says, "If war happens, hard say, but Noxim thinks would support Crutchety, for entertainment."
  1537. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:11] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (Part of me wants to challenge him)
  1538. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:15] hikes up the road, boots thumping gently on the cobblestones.
  1539. (Desmond)
  1540. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1542. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:16] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (But doesnt wanna die)
  1543. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:19] Noxim Florus says, "Is also for potential consumption of kin, but that is secret, yes."
  1544. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:28] Kayeliun says, "Yes, good. I can keep a secret."
  1545. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:33] Atro Gwyn says, "We have provided for you from time to time too."
  1546. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:34] Kayeliun says, "Come along, then. We should go see how the Jiangs are doing."
  1547. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:38] Martiln Urthadar says, "Hey Noxim"
  1548. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:43] Noxim Florus says, "Noxim also provide, through Noxim presence."
  1549. [2018-Apr-12 21:23:56] Martiln Urthadar says, "Before you go Noxim"
  1550. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:00] Noxim Florus asks, "Yes?"
  1551. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:08] Kayeliun says, "Xoconan, we'll be in Jianghu whenever you're...."
  1552. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:13] Kayeliun glances over at that mess over there.
  1553. (Kayeliun)
  1554. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1556. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:20] Kayeliun says, "...done. Here."
  1557. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:23] Rick suffered a lift instead of a push, this time. A trick he'd seen before--but it only made his eyes roll. They went between Lotlhuitl and Xoco, but even with the other magi waving his metaphorical magi dick around in the square, the Valmasian was unimpressed.
  1559. "Whaddaya you think, lady? Lotlhuitl, right? I offend you?"
  1561. He must have been doing this on purpose; trying to give the woman a chance to speak for herself, in the presence of a clearly unstable man. The bulky figure wasn't even giving the Warchief the time of day. Was he TRYING to infuriate him?
  1563. "Just say so."
  1564. (Frederick)
  1565. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1567. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:25] Looks up to the lumbering beast as he cracks a small smile. "How strong are you?.."
  1568. (Martiln Urthadar)
  1569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1571. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:29] Atro Gwyn says, "Yes, for you've not been intolerable like many others."
  1572. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:34] Noxim Florus says, "...Is..Hard to say."
  1573. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:36] Noxim Florus says, "Is think okay strong."
  1574. [2018-Apr-12 21:24:45] Desmond says, "Well."
  1575. [2018-Apr-12 21:25:11] LOOC - Desmond: (I really have no bloody clue where to start.)
  1576. [2018-Apr-12 21:25:14] Martiln Urthadar asks, "Well, If im gonna surpass Drako, I need some practice..and you seem perfect, what do you say?"
  1577. [2018-Apr-12 21:25:35] Martiln Urthadar says, "I'll hold you to that, I'll be here"
  1578. [2018-Apr-12 21:29:42] Desmond says, "Th-thanks."
  1579. [2018-Apr-12 21:29:55] Frederick says, "Keep it together, kid."
  1580. [2018-Apr-12 21:30:17] Desmond says, "Just... Looking around. I'm new to this region."
  1581. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:07] Martiln Urthadar says, "Hey"
  1582. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:25] Dez waves.
  1584. (Desmond)
  1585. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1587. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:26] Martiln Urthadar says, "I got a job for you, if you're willing to take it on.."
  1588. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:33] Desmond asks, "Me?"
  1589. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:38] LOOC - Xoconan: (And I'm back)
  1590. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:40] Martiln Urthadar says, "Yeah you"
  1591. [2018-Apr-12 21:31:48] Desmond says, "I do need money."
  1592. [2018-Apr-12 21:32:06] Martiln Urthadar says, "Come with me"
  1593. [2018-Apr-12 21:32:11] Desmond says, "I have basically the clothes on my back as it is."
  1594. [2018-Apr-12 21:32:14] LOOC - Martiln Urthadar: (click X on me)
  1595. [2018-Apr-12 21:39:32] Lotlhuitl's tail curled around the Warchief of the Coalition. Soft and fluffy. She was clinging to him. Her nails would have dug into his flesh, if it wasn't for the armour he wore.
  1597. Did Frederick offend her?
  1599. The tall stranger had been unnecessarily hostile.
  1601. The end of Lotlhuitl's tail had twitched, her ears momentarily pinning back as she regarded the big, stupid Valmasian.
  1603. "I.. I am made of sterner stuff than to become distressed because some foolish outsider doesn't want to be friends." He had offended her. The idea that someone would refuse the gift of her friendship filled her with bile. But honestly? The concern that Xoconan was just taking whatever opportunity he had to hurt, maim or kill whoever he could? That weighed even more on her mind.
  1605. "Who are you." Lotlhuitl asked, continuing to refuse to answer Frederick's question, if he had offended her. "Name. Purpose in Cruxati territories."
  1606. (Lotlhuitl)
  1607. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1609. [2018-Apr-12 21:42:40] Martiln Urthadar asks, "Hey, anyone know a place to eat?"
  1610. [2018-Apr-12 21:42:54] His arm tightened around Lotl, noting how tightly her hands were, unbending as the armor was. "If she doesn't wish your apology, then you will tell her who the fuck you are." His voice rolled out, calmer.
  1612. He noticed the stutter in her tone, but if his wife wished to be non-confrontational... For the fist time he'd ever seen, then he'd follow that.
  1613. (Xoconan)
  1614. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1616. [2018-Apr-12 21:43:10] Xoconan whispers: "We should talk - when he's done. I got you a gift."
  1617. [2018-Apr-12 21:45:32] Daigo Wasabi asks, "Hey, Xoco-- Is Noa around at all?"
  1618. [2018-Apr-12 21:45:49] Lotlhuitl glared at Daigo.
  1619. (Lotlhuitl)
  1620. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1622. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:06] Daigo blinked, twice.
  1623. (Daigo Wasabi)
  1624. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1626. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:10] Xoconan stares languidly.
  1627. (Xoconan)
  1628. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1630. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:15] Lotlhuitl asks, "What. Do you think Xoconan keeps Noa in his pocket?"
  1631. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:19] Lotlhuitl says, "Go look elsewhere."
  1632. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:39] Daigo Wasabi exclaims, "A--Alright..Hm!"
  1633. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:43] Xoconan says, "She's right."
  1634. [2018-Apr-12 21:46:51] Xoconan says, "Maybe Ardent. He likes it there."
  1635. [2018-Apr-12 21:47:00] Daigo Wasabi says, "Just been there. Hmh."
  1636. [2018-Apr-12 21:47:04] Daigo Wasabi says, "See you around."
  1637. [2018-Apr-12 21:47:12] Daigo offered a sparse wave, before departing.
  1638. (Daigo Wasabi)
  1639. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1641. [2018-Apr-12 21:49:09] Continuing to pretend he wasn't being hassled by a Warchief he wanted nothing to do with, his conversation with Lotlhuitl continued. Notably, even with the sudden pressure weighing on him, there wasn't any change in his expression or demeanor.
  1643. "Either way, ain't meanin' to offend you, lady. So, my bad, if me bein' me pisses you off. I'm like this with everybody. Even my own woman, sometimes...don't take it personal, aye?" Was that being reasonable? It sounded like he was at least trying to be, and not because he was ordered to. His voice wasn't weighed by sarcasm or the like, as gruff as his voice was. It just seemed like it was difficult for him to not have an attitude.
  1645. "I'm Rick. Call me whatever you want. I didn't come here specifically on purpose--I'm lookin' for my girlfriend. Blonde. Pretty dress. Dragon-ish staff. Clickety arms. If she ain't come around, then I don't got any more reason to be here."
  1646. (Frederick)
  1647. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1649. [2018-Apr-12 21:50:05] Lotlhuitl says, "Get out of my sight."
  1650. [2018-Apr-12 21:50:27] Frederick says, "Whatever."
  1651. [2018-Apr-12 21:50:38] Frederick turns his back, and skulks off somewhere else to look.
  1652. (Frederick)
  1653. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1655. [2018-Apr-12 21:51:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoco.. I need to talk to you."
  1656. [2018-Apr-12 21:54:02] Xoconan asks, "What's up?"
  1657. [2018-Apr-12 21:57:09] Lotlhuitl leant in.. pressing her body against Xoconan's. Her lips seeking his. Kisses. Soft, sweet, kisses.
  1659. "Xoco." She murmured, her concern obvious in her voice, her gaze. "I.. I want you to trust me. Really."
  1661. The Nagual had wrapped her body against his. Hers was soft, his.. hard. Armour. Nyshek. She reached up with a gentle hand, attempting to stroke his hair. Comforting.
  1663. She was really fucking concerned about something.
  1665. "I.. this is hard for me. Promise me, promise me, promise me you won't act on things I tell you. N-not rashly. Please."
  1666. (Lotlhuitl)
  1667. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1669. [2018-Apr-12 22:01:01] He frowned, slowly sitting down on the grass. His armor came off, in pieces, until he was exposed from the waist up. He met her kisses, her hold, but...
  1671. He knew something was up.
  1673. "What did you do?" he asked, softly. There was a certain edge to his voice, one that would be unfamiliar to her. He sighed, taking a deep breath.
  1675. "Fine though. I promise not to act rashly on what you tell me. That isn't to say I won't act. So.
  1677. Tell me."
  1678. (Xoconan)
  1679. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1681. [2018-Apr-12 22:17:11] "Xoco.. I.. I know you don't trust me."
  1683. Lotlhuitl kept running her hands through his hair.
  1685. "I.. I even understand a bit now. I've.. I let myself be compromised. I've done things which I never-" Her voice got slightly choked at this.
  1687. "I.. it's really hard for me. You can't even know. I love you so much. I want you. But.. really, it's.. so easy for me to feel like you don't love me. That you don't.. that you don't listen to me."
  1689. She shuddered, eyes wide. "Is that right? Should I feel like that?"
  1691. She drew close to him.
  1693. "There.. there are two things important to me in this world. You, and Dmex." Leant her head against his forehead. The woman was trembling. Frightened? She had the attitude and demeanour of someone who had done wrong -- or was in the process of doing wrong. Severe guilt.
  1695. "You've done something to make Dmex furious. Or.. or concerned. She told me that you're crazy. Out of control. That you plan on going to war with Gaiar Aetherius."
  1697. Oh, Dmex had said worse than that. But.. Lotlhuitl was plainly testing the waters.
  1698. (Lotlhuitl)
  1699. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1701. [2018-Apr-12 23:15:50] "Huh?" Confusion was apparent on his face, as Lotl first spoke. Confusion that led to silence, the young man unspeaking, simply staring at her. Shocked.
  1703. And finally- "The fuck do you mean I don't trust you?" He asked, tone loud. Violent. "No, it's not right for you to think I don't love you or listen to you. Why the fuck would it be?" He was about to stand as she drew herself closer, growing angry now.
  1705. "Fuck Dmex. Why would she care? They allied themselves with the Azraelites and Necromancers. They make enemies of all of Gehenna, they raise hell in Ardent for the sole purpose of doing it... Yes, I do plan a war against them, because they're a threat. Do you think I'm insane for that? For planning a war against Azraelism? A war against beings that would have us all as their slaves, if they could? I guess Dmex does."
  1707. His hands tightened. "You're not done, I can tell that."
  1708. (Xoconan)
  1709. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1711. [2018-Apr-12 23:45:33] "She.. she cares because she is my goddess. My patron. And.. and she cares about you." Lotlhuitl sounded defensive, but she was choosing her words carefully. She clung to him. As if through contact, his anger might be abated.
  1713. "Don't be angry at me for telling you what people said to me."
  1715. Not when there was something much worse to be angry about.
  1717. His anger threatened to spook her. He'd hit her, after Sibri. She'd never forgotten that. Slapped her. Lotlhuitl traced a trembling hand against the line of his jaw. Her gaze longing, but guilty. So guilty.
  1719. She felt his hands tighten around her.
  1721. He'd once promised her that he was only gentle with soft, fluffy things. But maybe she didn't want that. Maybe she didn't feel she deserved that.
  1723. "I remember what happened."
  1724. (Lotlhuitl)
  1725. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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