
Anna Failed

Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. Anna had lost any sense of her adulthood in life. When she'd flunked out of college her mother, Sandra had become furious with her. Anna came home soon after her college had kicked her to the curb. "Hi, mom I'm home for a visit!" Sandra gritted her teeth and smiled as warmly as possible. Anna's school had sent her a letter already explaining the situation and she'd gone about making plans to deal with her. "I'm just in the middle of making some lunch, why don't you sit down and have some sweet-pea." Anna was happy to have gotten away with her lie, she sat down to enjoy her meal. While she ate her vision started to blur and before her worry could set in she blacked out. Anna's world bounced as she woke up "Wa-where am I?" Anna's vision cleared slowly, as it did she found her eyes assaulted with the childish pastels. She struggled a little and realized she was trapped in a massive baby bouncer, fit for someone of her size. Her mother stood in front of her with arms crossed and a smug look. "Well good morning my baby girl I hope you had a good nap." Anna looked at herself quizzically examining the pink overalls that covered a childish pink and white shirt. Against her crotch plush padding acted as a comfortable barrier between her and the strap of the huge baby bouncer she occupied. "Mom? What's going on?" "Well sweet-pea, you felt it was okay to waste all the time i spent trying to teach you the right thing and all the money I spent sending you to your dream school. So You're gonna start over as my baby girl again. You're going to relearn everything from scratch." Anna squealed loudly. Interrupting her mother. "I DON'T WANNA BE A BABY AGAIN. I DON'T WANNA, I DON'T WANNA." She flailed her legs as she yelled at her giggling mother, her stomach gurgled from the bouncing movement. Anna's crying and flailing stopped, the pressure in her tummy had became noticeable to her. "Sounds like everything i put into your lunch is finally kicking in, you're going to relearn everything sweet-pea. That includes potty training. For a few months you'll be using those thick diapers exclusively and going through complete potty untraining.” Anna looked at her mom hopefully, like maybe if she apologized she'd be set free. Warm urine washed away that thought when it rushed into her padding before she could tell her brain to make her body stop. The padding beneath her swelled, pushing out the strap of her gigantic bouncing confinement until it wouldn't stretch anymore. The strap held warmth of her accident against her. Anna had a second to pout at her mother about her wed diaper, Then her body pushed without her having any say in the matter. Between her diaper and the bouncer every bit of her accident was trapped, it spread around her waist, occupying every available space in her padded prison. She began to cry and flail again, proving she really was the baby her mother had made her out to be. "Awww don't worry sweet-pea, mommy will get you all cleaned up. then we'll give you a nice ba-ba and put you down for a nap." Anna continued to cry as her mother lifted her from the bouncer. She wondered how long her mother would subject her to this regression punishment.
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