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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. # Welcome to the message configuration file of BungeeBan.
  2. # Messages are pretty self-explanatory. You can use '&' colour codes.
  3. prefix: ' &8&l⎜ &6Elite System &8&l⎜ &r'
  4. remainingtime: '%DAYS% day(s), %HOURS% hour(s), %MINUTES% min(s) and %SECS% sec(s)'
  5. permanenttime: 'PERMANENT'
  6. simpledateformat: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'
  7. errors:
  8. playernotfound: '&cPlayer &e%PLAYERNAME% &ccould not be found in the database.'
  9. notbanned: '&cPlayer &e%PLAYERNAME% &cis not banned.'
  10. internalerror: '&cInternal error: &e%ERROR%&c.'
  11. notonline: '&cPlayer &e%PLAYERNAME% &cis not online.'
  12. nopermissions: '&cYou are not allowed to use this.'
  13. unknowntimeunit: '&cTimeunit &e%TIMEUNIT% &cis unknown!'
  14. commands:
  15. ban:
  16. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/ban <Player> <Reason>'
  17. success: '&aYou successfully banned player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  18. broadcast:
  19. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been banned by &e%BANNEDBY%&c.'
  20. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  21. - '&cLength &7» &e%LENGTH%'
  22. tempban:
  23. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/tempban <Player> <Time> <Timeunit> <Reason>'
  24. success: '&aYou successfully banned player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  25. broadcast:
  26. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been banned by &e%BANNEDBY%&c.'
  27. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  28. - '&cLength &7» &e%LENGTH%'
  29. unban:
  30. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/unban <Player>'
  31. success: '&aYou successfully unbanned player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  32. broadcast:
  33. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been unbanned by &e%UNBANNEDBY%&c.'
  34. mute:
  35. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/mute <Player> <Reason>'
  36. success: '&aYou successfully mute player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  37. broadcast:
  38. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been muted by &e%MUTEDBY%&c.'
  39. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  40. - '&cLength &7» &e%LENGTH%'
  41. tempmute:
  42. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/tempmute <Player> <Time> <Timeunit> <Reason>'
  43. success: '&aYou successfully muted player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  44. broadcast:
  45. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been muted by &e%MUTEDBY%&c.'
  46. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  47. - '&cLength &7» &e%LENGTH%'
  48. unmute:
  49. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/unban <Player>'
  50. success: '&aYou successfully unmuted player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  51. broadcast:
  52. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been unmuted by &e%UNMUTEDBY%&c.'
  53. kick:
  54. syntax: '&3Usage &7» &e/kick <Player> <Reason>'
  55. success: '&aYou successfully kicked player &e%PLAYER%&a.'
  56. broadcast:
  57. - '&cPlayer &e%PLAYER% &chas been kicked by &e%KICKEDBY%&c.'
  58. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  59. check:
  60. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/check <Player>'
  61. info:
  62. - '&cNick &7» &e%PLAYERNAME%'
  63. - '&cBanned &7» &e%ISBANNED%'
  64. - '&cBanReason &7» &e%BANREASON%'
  65. - '&cBanned by &7» &e%BANNEDBY%'
  66. - '&cMuted &7» &e%ISMUTED%'
  67. - '&cMuteReason &7» &e%MUTEREASON%'
  68. - '&cMuted by &7» &e%MUTEDBY%'
  69. messages:
  70. ban:
  71. - '&cYou Have Been Banned from &lEliteMC &cNetwork'
  72. - ''
  73. - '&cBanned by &7» &e%BANNEDBY%'
  74. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  75. - '&cRemaining time &7» &e%REMAININGTIME%'
  76. - ''
  77. - '&7Unban Application from our Teamspeak or Website'
  78. - ''
  79. - '&cWebsite &7» &'
  80. - '&cTeamspeak &7» &eTS.PG.SA'
  81. kick:
  82. - '&cYou Have Been Kicked from &lEliteMC &cNetwork'
  83. - ''
  84. - '&cKicked by &7» &e%KICKEDBY%'
  85. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  86. mute:
  87. - '&cYou are currently muted.'
  88. - ''
  89. - '&cMuted by &7» &eElite Team'
  90. - '&cReason &7» &e%REASON%'
  91. - '&cRemaining time &7» &e%REMAININGTIME%'
  92. - ''
  93. - '&7UnMute Application from our TS or Website'
  94. - ''
  95. - '&cTeamspeak &7» &eTS.PG.SA'
  96. - '&cWebsite &7» &'
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