Guest User


a guest
Jun 14th, 2018
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  1. import React, { Component } from "react";
  2. import {
  3. Text,
  4. StyleSheet,
  5. Dimensions,
  6. DrawerLayoutAndroid
  7. } from "react-native";
  8. import { View, Input, Item,Container, Tab, Tabs, TabHeading } from "native-
  9. base";
  10. import Header from "../../Uicomponents/header";
  11. import FontAwesome, { Icons } from "react-native-fontawesome";
  12. const window = Dimensions.get("window");
  13. import { connect } from "react-redux";
  14. import Actions from "../../internal/modules/Actions";
  15. import Sidebar from "../../Uicomponents/sidebar";
  16. import SearchInput from "../../Uicomponents/NearbyLists/SearchInput";
  17. import NearByList from "../../Uicomponents/NearbyLists/NearbyList"
  18. class RestaurantList extends Component {
  20. constructor(props) {
  21. super(props);
  22. this.state = {
  23. favRest:null,
  24. selectedRest: null,
  25. NearbyRestaurants: null,
  26. loading: true,
  27. SnacksLoading: this.props.SnacksLoading,
  28. RestaurantLoading: this.props.RestLoading,
  29. fetchRestaurantsError: this.props.fetchRestaurantsError,
  30. fetchSnacksError:this.props.fetchSnacksError
  31. };
  32. this.props.getNearbyrestaurants(50.8507855, 4.3539655);
  33. this.props.getNearbySnacks(50.8507855, 4.3539655);
  34. }
  36. componentWillMount() {
  38. let x= this.props.favList
  39. if (x) {
  40. this.setState({
  41. favRest: x
  42. })
  43. }
  44. }
  46. componentWillReceiveProps(next) {
  47. console.log('sajhdgjahs',next)
  48. if (next.Snacks) {
  49. this.setState({
  50. Snacks: next.Snacks,
  51. SnacksLoading: next.SnacksLoading,
  52. fetchSnacksError: next.fetchSnacksError
  53. });
  54. }
  55. if (next.favList) {
  56. this.setState({ favRest: next.favList });
  57. }
  59. if (next.Nearby) {
  60. this.setState({
  61. NearbyRestaurants: next.Nearby,
  62. RestaurantLoading: next.RestaurantLoading,
  63. fetchRestaurantsError: next.fetchRestaurantsError
  64. });
  65. }
  66. if (next.fetchRestaurantsError) {
  67. this.setState({ fetchRestaurantsError: next.fetchRestaurantsError })
  68. }
  69. }
  71. render() {
  72. return (
  73. <DrawerLayoutAndroid
  74. ref={'DRAWER_REF'}
  75. drawerWidth={250}
  76. drawerPosition={DrawerLayoutAndroid.positions.Left}
  77. renderNavigationView={() => <Sidebar close={()=>
  78. {this.refs['DRAWER_REF'].closeDrawer();}}
  79. navigation={this.props.navigation}/>}>
  80. <View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: }}>
  81. <Header menu={()=>this.refs['DRAWER_REF'].openDrawer()} navigation=
  82. {this.props.navigation} title={"Restaurants"} />
  83. <Container style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}>
  84. <Tabs style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}>
  85. <Tab style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}
  86. heading={
  87. <TabHeading style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}>
  88. <Text style={{color:'white'}}>Restaurants</Text>
  89. </TabHeading>}>
  91. <NearByList
  92. FavListofUser={this.state.favRest}
  93. address={'RestaurantDetail'}
  94. navigation={this.props.navigation}
  95. addfav={(id)=>{ this.props.addfav(this.props.User_id,id)}}
  96. removeFav={(id)=>{this.props.removeFav(this.props.User_id,id)}}
  97. loading={this.state.RestaurantLoading}
  98. error={this.state.fetchRestaurantsError}
  99. okok={'jshdjs'}
  100. ListData={this.state.NearbyRestaurants} />
  102. </Tab>
  103. <Tab style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}
  104. heading={
  105. <TabHeading style={{backgroundColor:'black'}}>
  106. <Text style={{color:'white'}}>Snacks</Text>
  107. </TabHeading>}>
  109. <NearByList
  110. FavListofUser={this.state.favRest}
  111. navigation={this.props.navigation}
  112. loading={this.state.SnacksLoading}
  113. address={'SnackDetail'}
  114. addfav={(id)=>{ this.props.addfav(this.props.User_id,id)}}
  115. removeFav={(id)=>{this.props.removeFav(this.props.User_id,id)}}
  116. error={this.state.fetchSnacksError}
  117. ListData={this.state.Snacks} />
  119. </Tab>
  120. </Tabs>
  121. </Container>
  122. </View>
  123. </DrawerLayoutAndroid>
  124. );
  125. }
  126. }
  128. export default connect(
  129. state => ({
  130. data: state.common.get('data'),
  131. Nearby: state.signin.get('NearbyRest'),
  132. Snacks: state.signin.get('Snacks'),
  133. favList: state.common.get('favList'),
  134. User_id: state.signin.get('User_id'),
  135. RestLoading: state.signin.get('RestLoading'),
  136. fetchRestaurantsError: state.signin.get('fetchRestaurantsError'),
  137. SnacksLoading: state.signin.get('SnacksLoading'),
  138. fetchSnacksError: state.signin.get('fetchSnacksError')
  140. }),
  141. dispatch => ({
  142. getData: data => dispatch(Actions.common.getData(data)),
  143. getUserData: data => dispatch(Actions.main.getUserData(data)),
  144. addfav: (user, place) => dispatch(Actions.common.addFavourite(user,
  145. place)),
  146. removeFav: (user, index) => dispatch(Actions.common.removeFavourite(user,
  147. index)),
  148. getNearbyrestaurants: (latitude, longitude) =>
  149. dispatch(Actions.signin.getNearbyrestaurants(latitude, longitude)),
  150. getNearbySnacks: (latitude, longitude) =>
  151. dispatch(Actions.signin.getNearbySnacks(latitude, longitude)),
  153. })
  154. )(RestaurantList);
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