
RO/SZ: Set Lunaro and Elpiza up for tests

Jun 6th, 2012
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  1. -- sanguineZealot [SZ] began trolling recreantOctopus [RO] --
  2. SZ: ...Blessed be. Maroonblood.
  3. RO: wait thats you again?
  4. RO: erm
  5. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR didnt exactly get your name
  6. RO: bloodgod right?
  7. SZ: That is because I did not give you a name. And yes, Sanguine is often called the God of Blood, of the SacFF0000 Spectrum.
  8. SZ: Now, before we continue, I wish to make it clear that I am not contacting you of my free will.
  9. RO: your not interested in being friends?
  10. RO: thats fine
  11. RO: really
  12. SZ: Let us not talk about friendship. That path only leads to unnecessary arguing. No, my Keeper wishes to keep this civil.
  13. SZ: Only Sanguine himself knows why she demands me to talk to you...But here I am, and talk we shall.
  14. RO: oh great more people demanding CIRRIN RUNFAR doesnt provoke or insult people
  15. SZ: ...I may require some aid in this situation. Scarce are the times when I am forced to have an actual conversation with someone.
  16. RO: oh?
  17. RO: hahaha
  18. RO: no wait laughing at that is not being civl
  19. RO: *civil
  20. RO: okay so how you doing whats your name whats bascially your deal?
  21. SZ: It is not? I have understood that laughter is often a good sign.
  22. RO: well that depends on if your laughing with or at someone
  23. SZ: I see. In honest, I do not. But I believe this will make things easier.
  24. SZ: And again, my name does not matter. Neither does my 'deal'. My Keeper says that the subject may make others uncomfortable.
  25. SZ: And that is not civil, I believe?
  26. RO: well yes
  27. RO: although saying some vague things about how it will make CIRRIN RUNFAR uncomfortable and not saying any more makes things worse
  28. RO: all CIRRIN RUNFAR remembers was something about highbloods should insult lowbloods
  29. SZ: My apologies. That was not my intention...And no, that is not exactly their purpose. But it is a way to show their superiority, and thus encouraged.
  30. RO: probably?
  31. RO: well CIRRIN RUNFAR thinks everyone should just get a lot less prissy when it comes to insults
  32. SZ: It is not either mine or yours place to insult anyone, that is true. But it is different for a Warriorblood.
  33. SZ: Indeed, one of the ways I rely on to detect faulty Warriorbloods is to watch their language. The more colourful and insultive, the more powerful and true to his or hers calling the highblood is.
  34. SZ: And on the other hand, a highblood who is not insultive, or may even enjoy the company of those lower than them, are despicable.
  35. RO: that all sounds like your taking this way too seriously
  36. RO: but that
  37. RO: basically politeness is a sign of weakness or something?
  38. SZ: Yes. The signs are many and varied, but that is the one I see most often.
  39. RO: well that probably explains some of stuff you were talking to bahari about
  40. SZ: Bahari? That is not a familiar...Ah, I see. I believe you are talking about the Exalted Acolyte I spoke to a while ago.
  41. RO: possibly abstractContraction or something CIRRIN RUNFAR offered to give her insult lessons
  42. SZ: Yes, that must have been her. Bahari...That information will be of use. My thanks.
  43. SZ: Also, I can not say that I approve of the idea of a lowblood teaching an Acolyte about insults.
  44. RO: well not that its actually anything to do with you but she didnt accept
  45. SZ: I am not sure whether to think of that as a mark of weakness or strength...
  46. RO: weakness probably she didnt see the value in it
  47. RO: but CIRRIN RUNFAR shouldnt probably be saying bad things shes supposed to be on CIRRIN RUNFARs side right now
  48. SZ: She is supposed to be on her own side.
  49. SZ: Perhaps she is, I hope she is. The Tests always make me depressed for quite a while...Especially now that my Keeper demanded me to postpone hers.
  50. RO: well yeah long story but she just wants nobody to get hurt or mutilated
  51. RO: also who exactly are you to be pulling tests on people mutantblood?
  52. SZ: The servant of Sanguine, divinely chosen to carry this quest out.
  53. SZ: Let us not talk about the details.
  54. RO: fine!
  55. RO: but there sure are plenty of highbloods that arent all that highbloody for you to go test
  56. SZ: Thank you. And yes, there are. Depressingly many.
  57. SZ: You, on the other hand, seem to be in oddly good terms with highbloods, despite your social status.
  58. SZ: I am curious...Why is that?
  59. RO: because CIRRIN RUNFARs good at acting friendly and or showing proper fear?
  60. SZ: That may be. I have heard that you do make for a good minion.
  61. RO: well that sounds like a good thing sort of
  62. RO: its good to stick around the strong trolls!
  63. SZ: It is, it is. A perfect role for a maroonblood. But enough about that.
  64. SZ: You said that there are plenty of failed highbloods to test. Does this imply that you know of any, or was it a simple offhanded comment?
  65. RO: well yeah CIRRIN RUNFAR knows a few
  66. RO: are you going to start complaining its not CIRRIN RUNFARs place to judge or something if CIRRIN RUNFAR starts listing them though?
  67. SZ: No, after all, I judge them too. And am I not far lower than you are?
  68. RO: if you even have a place at all!
  69. SZ: Indeed. Besides, my Keeper says that hypocrisy is unbecoming.
  70. RO: well okay then
  71. RO: lets start with Lunaro
  72. RO: he says he wants to go around helping lowbloods who cant help themselves and thinks hes so smart but hes not
  73. RO: also hes a jerk
  74. SZ: An odd goal. I will have to look into this.
  75. RO: how high exactly do you have to be before you start calling them warriorbloods?
  76. SZ: Teal and above. But the tint of the blood must lean closer to blue than to green.
  77. RO: okay Elpiza is a pretty bad highblood
  78. RO: shes kinda tricky though heheh
  79. SZ: Tricky how?
  80. RO: oh shes hiding a few things
  81. RO: youll just have to pay close attention if you test her
  82. SZ: Very well. I will do just that.
  83. RO: well thats about all of them really
  84. SZ: You have awoken my curiosity...Especially with this Elpiza.
  85. RO: have fun with that!
  86. SZ: Finding out her tag should not prove to be difficult. You have been of much use, maroonblood.
  87. RO: oh no problem at all!
  88. SZ: Perhaps this discussion is enough to please my Keeper for now.
  89. SZ: If it is not, we may yet speak again. I have to admit that you are a peculiar character.
  90. RO: your one to talk
  91. SZ: We all are what we are. I thank you for all this information. Now, 'till we talk again.
  92. -- sanguineZealot [SZ] absconded from recreantOctopus [RO] --
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