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oFc Tome of Knowledge v0.51

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Mar 4th, 2014
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  1. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Guide
  3. AKA The oFc Jedi Academy Tome of Knowledge
  5. (Public Version)
  6. ---------------------------------------------
  9. ... .......... MMM.
  11. .M., MMMD.. ...
  12. .. .. MMM.
  13. .MMMM. ..MMM. ...MMMMM.
  14. ...MMMMMMMMMM.. .$MMM. ..MMM. MMMM.
  15. . .MMMM,....MMMMM.. ...8MMM.. .NMM. .MM.. ...
  16. .8MMM. MMMMMMMMMMM.MMM.... .MM. . MMM ..MM..
  18. .MMM. . MMM. ....MMM. .MMM. . .MM .
  19. .MMM. ..MMM. ..MMM. ,MMM. . MM$.
  20. .MMM. .NMM.. ..MMM. .MMM. .MM.
  21. ..MMM .NMM. .MMM.. .MMM8 ..MMO..
  22. .ZMMM. ..MMN. .MMM. ..MMMM. ..MMM
  24. .MMM+
  25. .MMM.
  26. ..MM..
  29. Compiled and started by: Artificial
  31. Table of Contents:
  33. (1.) Version List
  34. (2.) Introduction and Why This Was Made
  35. (3.) Technical Console Tomfoolery
  36. (3A.) Base Client Commands
  37. (3B.) Base Admin Commands
  38. (3C.) JA+ Client Commands
  39. (3D.) JA+ Admin Commands
  40. (3E.) RCON: An Explanation
  41. (3F.) Object Lists of Note
  42. (3G.) NPC Spawn List
  43. (4.) Saberology
  44. (4A.) General Saber Tactics
  45. (4B.) Single Saber
  46. (4Ba.) Moves
  47. (4Bb.) Advanced Techniques
  48. (4C.) Dual Saber
  49. (4Ca.) Moves
  50. (4Cb.) Advanced Techniques
  51. (4D.) Staff Saber
  52. (4Da.) Moves
  53. (4Db.) Advanced Techniques
  54. (5.) Final Things
  56. (7.) Full Credits
  57. __________________________________________________________________________
  59. (1.) Version List
  61. v0.10 - Started Guide and finished basic guide layout. ASCII art implemented.
  62. Little pieces of info added. Spawn List finished.
  64. v0.20 - Introduction written. Introduction to the console written. Angel's
  65. contribution has been written in.
  67. v0.30 - Monkee's contribution has been written in. Slider's command lists
  68. written in. Ben's contribution written in Numerous other commands added.
  69. Console command section layout changed. Classified Information section added.
  70. Saberology intro written.
  72. v0.40 - More commands written in. Minor editing here and there.
  74. v0.51 - Heavy corrections to a lot of commands and some removals. Six new
  75. commands added.
  77. v0.52 -
  79. v1.00 - Guide finished.
  80. __________________________________________________________________________
  82. (2.) Introduction
  84. JKA is a unique game with some of the coolest online multiplayer so far in
  85. terms of sword combat. Coupled with the adaptable iD Tech 3 engine, the game
  86. is almost one of a kind. Unfortunately though, the game is old. Almost too
  87. old actually and the player base, though mostly dedicated, is coming and
  88. going.
  90. And that's why this guide was written. Many of the original players of JKA,
  91. the veterans, if you will, are long gone from this game for various reasons.
  92. There are few left who truly know the games in's and out's that still play.
  93. This guide aims to perserve what we know about JKA so that even if players
  94. come and go, the knowledge will still be there for anyone willing to learn.
  96. The bulk of the guide is divided into 4 main sections. The console, the
  97. combat, other miscellaneous things that do not fit in either section, and
  98. a section for secret information that only the clan is privy to. So, on to
  99. the first section! The console.
  100. __________________________________________________________________________
  102. (3.) Technical Console Tomfoolery
  104. To open the console, press "Shift + ~". So why do we need this complicated
  105. window then? Well, if you want do to anything at all that the GUI options
  106. don't show at all (which is quite often), you're going to need the
  107. console. For example, all of the admin commands are normally executed
  108. through, you guessed it, the console. Some player models that don't show up
  109. in the Profile menu like the Jawa model must also be accessed through the
  110. console and etc. We will list 261 commands in total. Before we get into the
  111. commands though, a quick word on color.
  113. If you want to turn most any text that you are typing into different colors,
  114. whether it be for decorating your player name or bish-slapping a player with
  115. such a decorated name, simply type the text color modifier before anything
  116. that you want colored. So let's say I wanted my name "Darth Vader" to be
  117. completely in black. I would type in the Profile page: ^0Darth Vader. If I
  118. wanted to make my name with two colors like, say, a red Darth and a black
  119. Vader then I would type: ^1Darth ^0Vader
  121. Unfortunately though, you cannot bind a command that will color your text or
  122. add text to whatever you say when you use the chat button. You can do that
  123. though with premade or canned messages through the /say command.
  125. ^0 - Black
  126. ^1 - Red
  127. ^2 - Green
  128. ^3 - Yellow
  129. ^4 - Blue
  130. ^5 - Cyan
  131. ^6 - Magenta
  132. ^7 - White
  133. ^8 - Black (because of variable overflow, for the love of God, don't use
  134. this)
  135. ^9 - Red (same as above)
  137. NOTE: When using the ^8 color or the ^9 color, the characters that are
  138. colored such will not appear when you look at someone and see their name
  139. displayed above.
  141. (3A.) Base Client Commands
  143. /automap_button - Freezes all player movement. Type again to return to normal.
  145. /bind <key> <command> - Binds a key to a command. For example, if I wanted
  146. to kill myself everytime I pressed the "F" key, I would put /bind f kill.
  147. Notice that I didn't put a slash on my desired command I wanted bound.
  148. Omitting the <command> parameter, shows current command binded to the key
  149. specified. /bindlist shows your key bindings. /unbind <key> removes a key
  150. binding.
  152. /broadsword <0-2> - Enables or disables ragdoll physics for deaths. 0 = no ragdoll, 1 = only post-death ragdoll, 2 = do ragdoll on death animations.
  153. /centerview - Centers the view.
  154. /cg_aurashell <0-1> - This defaults to 1 but make sure you don't turn it off or force seeing won't work. Wall hackers pay no attention to this.
  155. /cg_bobpitch <value> - Controls a part of screen bobbing.
  156. /cg_bobroll <value> - Controls a part of screen bobbing.
  157. /cg_crosshairsize <value> - Sets the crosshair size. Default is 24.
  158. /cg_dismember <0-4> - Can be a number in the range of 0 to 4, and sets the dismemberment probabilities. 0 means never, whereas 4 means every time a player dies from a saber hit of appropriate damage. This will not do anything for clients that do not have their cg_dismember cvar set appropriately. Be warned. This setting can slow down your computer
  159. /cg_draw2d <0-1> - Allows the HUD to be turned on and off.
  160. /cg_drawattacker <0-1> - Enables and disables the 2D picture of the current leader.
  161. /cg_drawcrosshair <0-9> - Set your crosshair design. 0 disables it. For some maps, some crosshairs don't work. You can experiment with negative values to see what you can get.
  162. /cg_drawfps <0-1> - Enables or disables the FPS counter.
  163. /cg_drawgun <0-1> - Enables or disables the gun drawings on the screen (can only be noticed in 1st person).
  164. /cg_drawradar <0-1> - Set this to 0 to clear the radar.
  165. /cg_drawteamoverlay <0-1> - Tells your teammates' health in the upper-right color of the screen. Use values of 2 or 3 to change its position.
  166. /cg_drawtimer <0-1> - Toggles the map timer is displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen. Tells how much time has passed sinced the match started.
  167. /cg_dynamiccrosshair <0-1> - Allows or disallows the crosshair to move around the screen.
  168. /cg_forcemodel <0-1> - This command will change all players' skins in the game to the current model you're using.
  169. /cg_fov <0-97> - This is the command for your field of vision. The default setting is 80. Higher values will give you a larger perspective of your surroundings.
  170. /cg_hudfiles <Text_file> - Points to a .txt which lists elements to take from a .menu file. If not found, it will use a primitive HUD setup.
  171. /cg_jumpsounds <0-1> - Enables or disables your character grunting when he jumps.
  173. /cg_Lagometer <0-1> - Toggles the display of the Lag-O-Meter on the HUD.
  174. Simply put, the top graph (blue/yellow): A vertical line is painted for every
  175. rendered frame. If the line is blue and going down from the baseline that
  176. indicates a steady transition of frames from one to the next. A yellow line
  177. going up from the baseline means the frames are not being fully rendered in time.
  178. The bottom graph (green/yellow/red): A vertical line is painted for every
  179. received snapshot. If the line is green it indicates properly received snapshots,
  180. with the height of the bar proportional to the ping. If the bar is yellow it
  181. indicates that the snapshot was held back because it hit the rate limit. If the
  182. line is red it means the snapshot was dropped by the network... Lots of thanks
  183. goes out to hacker, Erik, TeoH, and Wilka.
  185. /cg_marks <0-1> - Toggles whether splash damage/projectile decals on walls will be drawn.
  186. /cg_rendertotexturefx <0-1> - Toggles whether the bubble effect will be shown when you Force Push or Pull.
  187. /cg_repeaterorb <0-1> - This setting changes the repeater projectile into a shiny sphere or back again.
  188. /cg_runpitch <value> - Controls a part of screen bobbing.
  189. /cg_runroll <value> - Controls a part of screen bobbing.
  190. /cg_sabertrail <0-2> - Changes the trail of the saber when it's "ignited". 0 turns it off, 1 turns it to normal, and 2 turns it to trasparent saber trails.
  191. /cg_shadows <0-3> - Enable or disable shadows. 0 is no shadows, 1 is blob shadow, 2 is volumetric, 3 is projected.
  192. /cg_simpleItems <0-1> - This command makes the items on the map "simple" by changing them into 2D sprites from 3D models. If your r_picmip setting is above 3, some of the items will appear blurry with simple items enabled.
  193. /cg_speedtrail <0-1> - Toggles the trails that show when you're moving with Force Speed on.
  194. /cg_thirdperson "1" - Switches between third or first person view. Saber has no first person view for it.
  195. /cg_thirdpersoncameradamp <value> - Changes how fast the camera is at following you. .3 is the default. .1 is Drunk Mode. .05 is Eighty-vodka-shots-in-one-night Mode. 0 and lower stops the camera from following you for the most part.
  196. /char_color_[red, green, blue] <0-255> - Specifies how much of one color is applied to your character if you have a "Jaden" model. Does not work otherwise. If you set two colors to 0 and one color to a number higher than 255, you will get the color black.
  197. /cl_maxpackets <value> - If you have a low ping go with 100. If you're struggling for a decent ping, you might want to try 30 - 50.
  198. /cl_mouseaccel <0-1> - Mouse acceleration speeds up the mouse the faster you move it.
  199. /cl_timenudge <negative value> - This command compensates for lag and will make your ping feel lower at the expense of choppy enemies. Values are always in the negatives, with 0 (off) being the default. Experiment with this setting depending on your ping/connection. -20 is a good setting for a 60-70 ping, -30 for 100 ping, etc. If the enemies are too choppy for you, keep this at 0.
  200. /cl_yawspeed <value> - Allows the player to modify the speed when turning left or righ. Default is 140.
  201. /clear - Clears the console.
  202. /color<1-2> <0-5> - Pick your saber color. Color1 is the color of your single saber, the saber in your right hand for duals, and your staff color. Color2 is for your left hand for duals. The number after is the number corresponding to the saber color.
  203. /com_hunkmegs <value> - This is the command that tells the game how much RAM to reserve. It should generally be about 1/2 or 1/3 of your total ram. The default is 56.
  204. /com_maxfps <value> - This caps your framerate at your specified value.
  205. /condump - Saves everything in the console to a text file.
  206. /configstrings - Displays gamedate, gamename, map, protocol, version, dmflags, frag/timelimits, hostname, maxclients, etc as separated strings for server-query programs.
  207. /connect <ip:port> - Connect to any IP directly without messing with the awful GUI.
  208. /developer <0-1> - Enables or disables more verbose messages appearing in the console.
  209. /disconnect - Disconnects you from the server you are connected to.
  210. /echo <text> - Displays text on the console.
  211. /follow <Player> - Switches to Spectator mode and follows another player.
  212. /g_synchronousclients <0-1> - Must be activated in the console before you record a demo. It also must be enabled on the server. It will slow down pings though if the server has it on.
  213. /gc - Says "hold your position" in public chat twice in purple.
  214. /kill - Makes you commit suicide.
  215. /logfile <0-1> - Opens and closes a log file.
  216. /model <model> - Allows you to change your skin.
  217. /modelist - Displays a list of video modes (resolutions).
  218. /modellist - Shows all models currently loaded that are on your computer.
  219. /music <music file> - This will play a song from the game.
  220. /name "name" - Lets you change your name. Use quotes in the console to allow spaces. You can also just use the /set name command and not have to use quotes.
  221. /path - Display current search path settings. This is the list of all the places the game will look for data and files.
  222. /password <password> - Used to enter a password protected server.
  223. /quit - Let's you quit the game.
  224. /rate <value> - Default is 25000. Use 3000 if you're on dial up. If your high speed connect sucks, you might want to experiment with values lower than 25000.
  225. /r_colorbits [16, 32] - Defines the color bits.
  226. /r_depthbits [16, 32] - Defines the depth bits.
  227. /r_displayRefresh <value> - Sets the display refresh rate of your monitor. You'll have to find out what refresh rates your monitor supports for each resolution, and use the highest refresh rate you can.
  228. /r_dynamicglow <0-1> - Turns lightsaber glow on or off.
  229. /r_fastsky <0-1> - Turns the skybox on and off.
  230. /r_flares <0-1> - Turns light beacons on or off.
  231. /r_gamma <value> - Changes the contrast in the game.
  232. /r_intensity <value> - Increases or decreases the brightness of texture colors. Default is 1.
  233. /r_lodbias [0, 1, 2] - Adjusts the geometric detail.
  234. /r_mode <1-9> - Sets the resolution to preset amounts.
  235. /r_OverBrightBits <value> - Defines the brightness level of the map.
  236. /r_picmip <value> - Defines the texture detail.
  237. /r_subdivisions <0-80> - The higher number, the less curves there will be in the map, with values ranging from 0-80.
  238. /r_texturebits [16, 32] - Defines the texture bits.
  239. /r_vertexLight <0-1> - Enables or disbales vertex lighting.
  240. /reconnect - Reconnects to the server you were on.
  241. /record - Starts recording everything displayed on the screen to a demo file. Remember that g_synchronousclients must be set to 1 for both the client and server.
  242. /s_musicvolume <value> - Adjusts the music volume.
  243. /s_voicevolume <value> - Adjusts the voice volume.
  244. /s_volume <0-.5-1> - Adjusts the sound effects volume level.
  245. /saber[1, 2] <saber> - Changes your lightsaber after you respawn. /saber2 controls what hilt you will use if you are dual wielding. Otherwise, it is none.
  246. /say <message> - Displays a message in public chat.
  247. /se_language [English, computer_jargon] - The game text will change. Can use any language that has files in strings/ folder, including some asian languages.
  248. /sensitivity <0-15> - Set the mouse sensitivity.
  249. /seta <variable> <value> - Sets a cvar and forces the "archive" flag, which means it will be saved to your config (good for cvars that aren't ordinarily saved to config, like maybe timescale or something)
  250. /setu <variable> <value> - Sets a cvar and forces the "userinfo" flag (client only), which means that other players and the server will be aware of your setting for that cvar.
  251. /size[down, up] - Changes the screensize.
  252. /snaps <value> - Controls how many snapshots are downloaded from the server. Any server admin who knows what he/she is doing will set the sv_fps to 30 for a smoother ride. You'll need to set your snaps to 30 or higher to take full advantage of this. The default snaps/sv_fps settings is 20. If you play with 20 snaps on an optimized server with 30 sv_fps, your ping will be much higher (possibly 20-30ms higher) than it would be if your snaps setting is equal to or greater than 30. Go with 40 just be safe.
  253. /soundstop - Stops all sounds currently playing. Some sounds may not stop though.
  254. /sp[lose, win] - Makes the camera orbit around you. You will have to reconnect or restart the map to get back to normal.
  255. /stop - Stops the recording of a demo if a recording is being done.
  256. /team <flag> - Switch teams. "f" for FFA, "s" for spectator, "r" for red, "b" for blue.
  258. /toggle <variable> [value1, value2, ...] "switches" the values of a cvar,
  259. useful together with "bind" command. An example, switching between boolean
  260. (0 or 1) values: to have fps counter always shown, you usually have to
  261. write /cg_drawfps 1, and /cg_drawfps 0 to revert to the standard behavior:
  262. if you want to bind it to specific keys, you would have to use
  263. /bind f9 cg_drawfps 1 and /bind f10 cg_drawfps 0: F9 would enable the option
  264. and F10 would disable it; the "toggle" command would allow to use a single
  265. key instead. Write /toggle cg_drawfps and the variable will be set to 1 or
  266. to 0 each time you enter the command: thus, if you write
  267. /bind f11 toggle cg_thirdperson, then you will have the option enabled or
  268. disabled each time you will press the F11 button.
  270. /say_team <message> - Displays a message in the team chat.
  271. /screenshot - Takes a screenshot of your screen.
  272. /set <variable> <value> - Sets a variable (also known as a cvar) with a value or string.
  273. /set name <Your_name> - Works just like the name command except you can use spaces.
  274. /tell <Player> <text> - Sends a private message to the specified player.
  275. /tell_attacker <text> - Sends a private message to the last player who attacked you.
  276. /tell_target <text> - Send a private message to a targeted player.
  277. /version - Tells you what version your game is.
  278. /viewpos - Type this to see where you are.
  280. /write <Config_name> - Writes a config file with your current settings to
  281. the appropriate folder. It will be like the jampconfig file but will be
  282. separate from it. If you do this command when you are on a modded server,
  283. the file will go into a separate folder that contains any mod files the game
  284. needs for it. So, if you're on a JA+ server, the file will go into the
  285. japlus folder that's in the GameData folder
  287. To switch to a certain config file, simply type /exec <Config_name>. The game
  288. does not seem to differentiate between files of the same name. It seems
  289. whatever it can pull up first, it will run.
  291. (3B.) Base Admin Commands
  293. +set dedicated <value> - The variable after the DEDICATED command determines if your game server is broadcasted to the ID Master.
  294. +set net_ip <IP Address> - If you are on a multi-homed server and the default IP is not what you want to use for your JKA server, the net_ip command will need to be used. 0 means no dedicated server. 1 means yes (local only). 2 means yes (internet + local).
  295. +set net_port <Port Number> - Changing the default server port requires the net_port command be run on the command line. It is useful for running multiple servers on the same computer or making the server somewhat more private. The default port is 29070 and is incremented automatically by 1 if another server is started without a specified port.
  296. /addbot <skill> <team> <delay> - Manually adds a bot to the server. Skill is an integer value. Team is something like blue. Delay is how long the server will wait before spawning the bot into the server.
  297. /bot_enable <0-1> - Controls whether bots will be on the server.
  298. /bot_minplayers <value> - This command can be used to keep a server populated with random bots when empty. Bots are kicked when players join.
  299. /cg_animspeed <value> - Set the animation speed.
  300. /cg_noplayeranims <0-1> - Enables or disables player animations.
  301. /cl_motd <0-1> - Enables or disables the Message Of The Day.
  302. /clientinfo - Displays info about all players on the server.
  303. /d_npcfreeze <0-1> - Freezes or unfreezes NPC's.
  304. /d_saberkicktweak <0-1> - If disabled, multiplies kick damage by 10, making a kick do 10-20hp damage. Default is 1.
  305. /d_slomodeath <0-1> - Enables slow motion death.
  306. /devmap mp/<Map_name> - Change to the selected map with the ability to activate cheats.
  307. /g_allowduelsuicide <0-1> - Enables or diables the players ability to kill themselves when they're in a duel
  308. /g_allowvote <0-1> - Enables or disables players ability to call and participate in votes.
  309. /g_autoMapCycle - If set to 1 the game will auto cycle to the next map from the maplist.
  310. /g_debugmelee <0-1> - If set to 1, enables extra kicks and throws to be used while the melee (fist) weapon is selected. Also enables wallgrabbing. Default is 0.
  311. /g_duelWeaponDisable <0-1> - Same as the dismember command, but only when playing Duel. This is separate to encourage Duel mode to be saber-only.
  312. /g_filterban <0-1> - In the server config file, you must include this line to enable banning.
  313. /g_forcebasedteam <0-1> - If set to 1, then the red team must use the dark side, the blue team must use the light side.
  314. /g_forcepowerdisable <value> - Nothing is disabled if set to 0. All force powers are disabled if set to 262143. The number is the total of a bitfield with 15 bits, each bit representing a force power. 163837 for jump, offence and defense only.
  315. /g_forceregentime <value> - Specifies the force regeneration rate. Players will regain 1 force point every x milliseconds, where x is the value of this cvar. Default is 200.
  316. /g_forcerespawn <value> - Force players to respawn in # of seconds
  317. /g_friendlyfire <0-1> - Determines if players can damage their own teammates. Set to 1 to allow players to damage their own teammates. Set to 0 so players can not damage their own teammates. Setting has no effect for free-for-all or tournament modes except powerduel.
  318. /g_friendlysaber <0-1> - If set to 1, then team members can be hit by sabers that are idle (e.g. if you walk into a friend). It doesn't affect if the saber will hit players while swinging. Whether it does damage or not is determined by g_friendlyFire.
  320. /g_gametype <value> - Controls the type of gameplay (FFA, Duel, Power Duel, TFFA, Siege, CTF). The default is 0.
  321. 0=Free For All
  322. 1=Holocron FFA
  323. 2=Jedi Master
  324. 3=Duel
  325. 4=Power Duel
  326. 5=SP/CO-OP
  327. 6=Team Free For All
  328. 7=Siege
  329. 8=Capture the Flag
  330. +9=Capture the Ysalimari
  332. /g_gravity - Set or display the world gravity with this variable. (Lower number is less gravity) Default is 800.
  333. /g_inactivity <value> - Kick inactive players automatically after # number of seconds
  334. /g_knockback <value> - Affects the power of some projectile weapons and force weapons.
  335. /g_locationbaseddamage <0-1> - If 1, damage will be modified based on hit location for all weapons including light saber. If 0 damage will be the same regardless of hit location (JK2 style). Default is 1.
  336. /g_log <name> - Sets the name of the server log file. The default is games.log and does not need to be modified unless running multiple dedicated servers on the same computer.
  337. /g_maxforcerank - Number from 0 to 7, going from Initiate to Jedi Master. The higher the rank, the more points to spend on powers.
  338. /g_motd "<Your_message>" - Sets the message that clients will see when they first connect to your server. AVOID using punctuation marks of any kind, but keep the message in quotes.
  339. /g_nospecmove - If set to 1, after dying in Siege a spectator cannot move and will be frozen in place.
  340. /g_password <password> - Sets the password for general player/public access. Players need to put SET PASSWORD xxxx in the client side config file to access the server. An other option is to connect to that server, open the console windows and type \password xxxx. This is the general password for access, not the PrivateClient password setting.
  341. /g_powerduelstarthealth <1-1000> - Changes your health at the start of a power duel if you are on the "Solo team". A value of 1000 makes you invincible.
  342. /g_powerduelendhealth <1-1000> - Changes your health by this much at the end of a power duel if you are on the "Solo team". A value of 1000 makes you invincible.
  343. /g_privateduel <0-1> - If set to 1, then the "engage_duel" key is functional in FFA games. Sort of an "unadvertised command", you can brandish your lightsaber, target an enemy and press the key. If he receives the message and presses his engage_duel key, then you are isolated from other combatants and must duel to the death. Saber only, no force powers other than jump. This is the only time saberlock is operational in FFA. The winner gets his health replenished and bragging rights.
  344. /g_saberdamagescale <value> - Multiplier for saber damage, does not modify 1-hitpoint damage done idly and in returns and such. For example, setting to 0.5 is half the normal damage, 2 is twice the normal damage. Default is 1.
  345. /g_saberlock <0-1> - If set to 1, allows saber locking while playing Duel or while in a private duel.
  346. /g_saberlockFactor <0-20> - Can be a value within a range of 0-20. 0 means saberlocking will never happen, where 20 means it will happen every time an appropriate saber clash occurs. Default value is 2. g_saberLocking must be 1 for this cvar to mean anything.
  347. /g_saberrestrictforce <0-1> - Makes it to where all players may or may not use the force when wielding a lightsaber.
  348. /g_siegeteamswitch <0-1> - If 1, in Siege games teams will switch sides after each round to beat the last team's time. If 0, teams will remain constant. Default is 1.
  349. /g_slowmoduelend <0-1> - Enables or disables slo-mo once the duel ends. Does not apply to private duels.
  350. /g_speed <value> - Set or display player running speed with this variable. Default is 320.
  351. /g_syncronousclients <0-1> - Syncs all clients up to allow demo recording. The default is the more desired 0 which allows smoother net play. Set to 1 to allow client demo recording.
  352. /g_teamautojoin <0-1> - Auto join (default is 0) - players join upon connecting.
  353. /g_teamforcebalance <0-1> - Force team balancing so teams don't become stacked on one side. Players joining are automatically placed on the proper team.
  354. /g_warmup <value> - Sets the amount of time in seconds that players may practice before the actual match starts. The default is 20 seconds. This lets players disconnect and keeps one player who is first to connect from grabbing a flag.
  355. /g_weapondisable <value> - Nothing is disabled if set to zero. Lightsaber only if set to 65531. The number is the total of a bitfield with 16 bits, each bit representing a weapon. Only when playing Duel. This is separate to encourage Duel mode to be saber-only. Set 524279 to disable ammo too.
  356. /g_weaponsrespawn <value> - Used to set the number of seconds between the time a weapon is picked up and the time it respawns. The default is 5 seconds in free for all and should only be modified if a free for all server has a large number of players on it, in which case lower it slightly. It is not recommend that it be set to 0 or modified for other game types. Turn on weapon stay if you want weapons to remain on the map and leave this command out.
  357. /kick <Player> - Kicks a player from the server. If -1 is specified, all players will be kicked.
  358. /killserver - Shuts down the server.
  359. /nextmap - Loads the next map in the mapcycle.
  360. /npc kill - Eliminates an NPC from the current map. Use /npc kill all to kill all NPC's spawned.
  361. /npc spawn <NPC> <NPC custom name> <vehicle> - If it's a vehicle, type vehicle, otherwise don't. NPC's can be given custom names so one can do /npc kill custom name instead of /npc kill all.
  362. /r_drawentities <0-1> - Makes all entities invisible or visible.
  363. /r_drawworld <0-1> - Makes everything but players, elevators, and pickup items invisible or visible.
  364. /r_noserverghoul2 <0-1> - Controls whether or not all the server has a ghoul2 instance for each player. What this means is that basically, a lot of aspects dealing with the models are turned off.
  365. /r_showtris <0-2> - Shows or disables wire frame models.
  366. /r_ambientscale <value> - Brighter/Darker players, and some world objects.
  367. /r_fullbright <0-1> -Flouresent lighted world. This also makes it look like one of the older Star Wars games.
  368. /r_nobind <0-1> - Be sure to type "r_nobind 0" in the console when you’re done with this code. Silver polygon world.
  370. /r_we <weather> - Changes the weather in the map. Use one of these words in place of <weather>.
  371. clear
  372. freeze
  373. zone <mins <maxs>
  374. wind
  375. constantwind <velocity>
  376. gustingwind
  377. windzone <mins> <maxs> <velocity>
  378. lightrain
  379. rain
  380. acidrain
  381. heavyrain
  382. snow
  383. spacedust
  384. sand
  385. fog
  386. heavyrainfog
  387. light_fog
  388. outsideshake
  389. outsidepain
  391. /r_znear <value> - Controls the depth of what one sees.
  392. /sets <variable> <value> - Sets a cvar and forces the "serverinfo" flag (server only), which means that it will be shown in the "advanced info" server box in the join menu.
  393. /setviewpos <X> <Y> <Z> <Yaw> - Teleports you to the specified coordinates.
  394. /sv_allowdownload <0-1> - Allows auto downloading when set to 1, Server must be set to pure for this to work. Default is 1.
  395. /sv_cheats <0-1> - Enable or disable cheats. Must be a map loaded by the devmap command.
  396. /sv_floodprotect <0-1> - Protect server from being brought down by flood.
  397. /sv_fps <value> - set server frames per second. Default is 20.
  398. /sv_hostname <name> - Sets the server name that will show up in the master server list. The name must be enclosed in quotes if a space is in the name. Way too often this is left blank. Use this to tell people the name of your server.
  399. /sv_master1 <server> - Sets the primary master server to which your server reports. The default is and it is not recommended that this be changed. Additional master servers can be added with the sv_master2 through 5 command. The maximum number of masters that can be reported to is 5.
  400. /sv_maxclients <value> - Sets the maximum amount of clients that can connect to the server minus the amount of private clients. The default setting is 8. Setting should be increased for large free for all, team deathmatch, or CTF maps. Increase this number if you add private clients.
  401. /sv_maxping <value> - Only players with pings lower than this number can connect to your server.
  402. /sv_minping <value> - Only players with pings higher than this number can connect to your server.
  403. /sv_maxrate <value> - Sets the maximum allowable rate a client may have set when connected to the server. The default is 0, which is no limit. A suggested setting is 10000 so server bandwidth is not used up by high speed clients, thus allowing modem players to have a smoother game.
  404. /sv_paks "<paks>" - Set list of .pak files to use.
  405. /sv_privateclients <value> - Sets the number of private clients who can connect on a full server. The private clients are included in the maxclients setting. So if maxclients is set to 8, and privateclients is set to 2, only 6 players can join to fill the server. The last 2 slots are reserved for privateclients (i.e. Admins)
  406. /sv_pure <0-1> - This controls crc/zip check of client pk3 files to make sure the pk3 file has not been modified for cheating or other purposes. Client pk3 files must match that of the server to connect. The default is set to 1, or on.
  407. /sv_reconnectlimit <value> - Set server reconnect limit. Default is 3.
  408. /sv_serverid <value> - Set the server id.
  409. /sv_showloss <0-1> - Enable or disable the server packet loss display.
  410. /sv_timeout <value> - Set server timeout time. Default is 120.
  411. /sv_zombietime <value> - Set inactivity time before clients (zombies) are disconnected.
  412. /timegraph <0-1> - Enables or disables timegraph display. Timegraph can be cheat protected.
  413. /timelimit <time> - Change the time limit.
  414. /timescale <value> - Changes the speed of the game. 1 is the default.
  415. /zone_details - Shows how much memory JKA is using and what that memory is being used for.
  417. (3C.) JA+ Client Commands
  419. /amaltdim - Switches from one dimension to another (if the server has it available). The Alternate Dimension is a no-rules dimension. True FFA. Most admin commands done on players who are there will not work.
  420. /amcolor <R> <G> <B> - Concat of char_color_red, char_color_green, and char_color_blue. R, G, and B, are intergers from 0 to 255.
  421. /amdmgs - Lets you see the current damage settings for the server.
  422. /amdropsaber - Your character will drop his or her saber as if it was knocked out of their hands. Some servers have this disabled.
  423. /aminfo - Lets you see what version the server is running as well as available JA+ commands and emotes.
  424. /amknockmedown - Knocks your character down.
  425. /ammotd - Shows the Message of the Day to you.
  426. /ammove - Displays the list of moves that JA+ adds.
  427. /amsay - Send a message to all admins who are on the server.
  428. /bind <key> +button12 - Binds the grapple hook to a key. (if the server has it available) Do NOT type just +button12 into the console. You will use the grapple and won't be able to get out of it short of restarting the game.
  429. /callvote sleep <Player> - Starts a motion that will sleep the specified player if passed. (Voting must be enabled on the server.)
  431. /clanpass <clan_password> - Logs you into the clan member group on the
  432. server. Also allows you to use the servers clan tags in your name. JA+
  433. has a great chat system in place that can now facillitate private
  434. communications between admins and clans on a server.
  436. Use the /say_team_mod command to switch the channel that will used when
  437. you chat with the Say Team key and chat you will also hear along with
  438. Public chat. There are four channels in total that you can use. Team,
  439. clan, admin (same as amsay), and ampsay (same as ampsay -1 which will
  440. display the message in center screen for all players on the server).
  441. So lets say you wanted to switch to the ampsay channel. You would simply
  442. type /say_team_mod ampsay. Note that you do need to have the proper
  443. permissions to switch to certain channels such as the clan channel.
  445. /clansay <message> - Send a message directly to the clan channel. Must be logged in as a clan member.
  446. /duelwhois - Displays all current private duels.
  447. /engage_fullforceduel - Start a full force duel. Bind this command to a key to make it useful.
  448. /ignore <player> - Ignore all say, team say, and PM's from this player. Use -1 in place of a player name to ignore all in server. Retype to stop ignoring. /ignore alone will display a list of players being ignored.
  449. /immortal - In the Highlander FFA Mod, this commands lists all players who are still alive.
  450. /jetpack - Gives you the Jetpack. Type again to take it away. (Must be enabled on the server like the Alt. Dimension.)
  451. /plugindisable - If you have the JA+ client plugin, this command will disable it.
  452. /refusetele - Type this to keep admins from teleporting you anywhere. Type it again to deactivate.
  453. /saber <hilt> <hilt> - Pick your favorite hilt. Fill in the first only for single saber, both for duals, and first only with a staff hilt name for staff. single_1 and dual_1 are sufficient if you don't know any saber names. Or, if you've already switched sabers in the menu and want the changes to be effective now, simply type /saber into the console.
  454. /sabercolor <saber number> <R> <G> <B> - Sets your saber color. You must have the client plugin for this to work.
  455. /toggleflame - Replaces the Force Lightning animation with the Flamethrower. Type again to deactivate.
  457. (3D.) JA+ Admin Commands
  459. /admcmdexe - Executes a selected admin command, sometimes on a player
  460. depending on the command used. This is set up in the admin.cfg.
  462. Related commands are /admcmdprev to go to the previous command, /admcmdnext
  463. to go to the next command, /playerprev to select the previous player, and
  464. /playernext to select the next player
  466. /amban <target_id> - Kicks your target and adds their IP to the server ban list, prevents them from returning until they change their IP.
  467. /amdenyvote - Deny or allow players to call a vote.
  468. /amempower <target_id> - Gives you all the force powers. Use again to undo. If no target is given, the initializer of the command is assumed to be it.
  469. /amforcealtdim <Player> - Force a player to go to and stay in the Alt. Dimension. Specify -1 instead to force all players.
  470. /amghost - <target_id> - Make yourself *mostly* invincible as well as invisible. Use again to undo. If no target is given, the initializer of the command is assumed to be it.
  471. /amkick <target_id> - Throws someone off the server, they can still, and probably will reconnect.
  472. /amkillvote - Kills any vote that is currently in progress.
  473. /amlockteam <Team> - Locks or unlocks a team from getting or losing players. Refer to the /team command for what teams are available.
  474. /amlogin - <Admin_password> - Logs you in as an admin. There can be three levels of admin which have access to varying amounts of admin commands which are specified by the admin.
  475. /amlogout - Logout from your admin position, making you a normal player.
  477. /ammap <Gametype> mp/<Map_name> - Change to the selected map with the selected gametype. "mp" doesn't have to be put in though if you want to play SP maps.
  478. HL = Highlander FFA Mod
  479. 0 = FFA
  480. 3 = Duel
  481. 4 = Power Duel
  482. 6 = Team FFA
  483. 7 = Siege
  484. 8 = CTF
  486. /ammerc <target_id> - Gives you all the guns but removes your saber and any force powers. Use again to undo. If no target is given, the initializer of the command is assumed to be it.
  487. /ammindtrick - Blinds and makes them invincible but also disables their saber.
  488. /ampoll <Question> - Makes a poll with the specified question and players answer by voting Yes or No. Votes and Polls must be allowed.
  489. /amprotect <target_id> - A green bubble surrounds the target, making him invincible. If the target takes any action besides movement, the bubble will disappear. Use again to undo. If no target is given, the initializer of the command is assumed to be it.
  490. /ampsay <Player> - Display a message centerscreen to the player specified. If -1 is specified, it will be displayed to all players.
  491. /amrename <Player> <New_name> - Changes the name of the player. Can use spaces in new name. When specifying a player to rename, this command can be picky about how exact the name has to be before it will work. Use number ID's to get around this.
  492. /amseeghost - Allows you to see or ignore ghosted people.
  493. /amshowmotd <Player> - Shows the MOTD to the specified player. If -1 is specified, will be shown to all players.
  494. /amsilence <target_id> - Target cannot chat. Period. Is popularly ranked as one of the worst punishments an admin can give out.
  495. /amslap <Player> - Hits and knocks down the player in a random direction. Does no damage.
  496. /amsleep <target_id> - Knocks down and locks movement of a player.
  497. /amstatus - Returns a list of clients and their number ID. This is useful.
  499. /amtele - Allows you to teleport. This is one of the, if not thee, most
  500. useful admin commands. It's applications are incredibly numerous and a
  501. skilled admin can use this command to do almost everything from
  502. disciplining to getting past immovable barriers.
  504. In order to teleport to another player, the command is /amtele <name or
  505. client number>. In order to teleport one player to another, the command
  506. is /amtele <player to be teleported> <destination player>. If only one
  507. player is named, the server assumes that the admin is teleporting him or
  508. herself.
  510. Admins can also leave a marker at any point on a map by going to that
  511. point and entering /telemark. The server will remember that point, and
  512. teleport the admin to that location each time the admin enters /amtele
  513. without naming a destination. Each admin can leave only one telemark at
  514. a time, and subsequent telemarks will overwrite previous ones. Only the
  515. admin who left a telemark can use it.
  517. Any player may refuse to be teleported by entering /refusetele in the
  518. console. Although this can be a handicap to admins, the purpose of this
  519. command was to prevent admin abuse. (LOL) For the same reason, players cannot
  520. teleport or be teleported to any location that is directly above a trigger
  521. hurt, such as a pit, spikes, lava, or slime.
  523. Every location on a map can be described using three coördinates,
  524. designated X, Y, and Z. X and Y represent movement along the east-west and
  525. north-south axes, and Z represents altitude. The exact center of a map is
  526. described by the coördinates 0 0 0. Values may be positive or negative.
  527. Whenever an admin leaves a telemark, the coördinates of that point are also
  528. displayed in the console.
  530. An admin can also determine the coördinates of any player using /amorigin,
  531. which displays the origin point of the player named, or of the admin if no
  532. target is named.
  534. In addition to the three coördinates used to identify any location on a map,
  535. an admin wishing to teleport to a specific location must enter a fourth value
  536. representing the horizontal angle, or yaw, which the admin or other player
  537. should be facing upon arrival. This value can be any number between 0 and
  538. 360, representing the number of degrees in a circle. 0 (which is the same as
  539. 360) represents east. 90 is north, 180 west, and 270 south.
  541. In order to teleport to any location using coördinates, an admin must enter
  542. /amtele <coördinates> <angle>. For example, /amtele 750 -300 25 180. Most
  543. player models have a default height of 64, which can be used to estimate how
  544. much to adjust the coördinates for teleportation.
  546. The area outside the map is called the void. Players who are teleported into
  547. the void will fall indefinitely until they respawn, teleport to a location
  548. inside the map, or disconnect.
  550. /amunforcealtdim <Player> - Unforce a player to stay in the Alt. Dimension. Specify -1 for all players. If you would like to take a bot back out of the Alt. Dimension, simply make sure they are not forced to stay, then go to that bot and turn off your saber so the bot will stop moving. When it's facing you, challenge it to a duel and the bot will come back.
  551. /amunsilence <target_id> - Our more casual observers will notice that this is the opposite of amsilence.
  552. /amvstr <Command_name> - Executes on the server a seta command that has already been created in the server.cfg.
  553. /amwake <target_id> - Undoes amsleep.
  554. /amwhois - See who is an admin.
  555. /bind <key> gun<command> - Allows you to use your crosshair to admin. -1 Player ID: Affects all possible targets for your admin level, including yourself. amtele will sadly not work with this.
  557. NOTE: When specifying a player in a command, you have several options. You can
  558. use the normal player name, of course. You can also use a partial player name.
  559. For example, Arti instead of Artificial. If you're an admin, you can also use
  560. player number ID's. Type "/amstatus" without quotes to to display the number ID's
  561. of all players on the server or "/clientinfo" if you're just running base. Very
  562. helpful if someone has a very complicated name or it has characters not on your
  563. keyboard. :\ So, for example, it will be instead "amkick 3" instead
  564. of "amkick Player_Name". Also, you can type out a partial command or name
  565. and press Tab to have it autocomplete it or, if there's multiple possibilites,
  566. it will display a list of them.
  568. NOTE 2: If you'd like to execute two or more commands at once, simply separate
  569. them with semicolons. So, let's say you'd like to change your model and saber color.
  570. Put in the console /saber single_1; color1 3. If you want to execute multiple
  571. commands with a single bind, surround the commands that the bind will execute with
  572. quotes and separate the commands themselves with semicolons as well just like before.
  573. So, to have it change your saber and saber color at the same time with the B key,
  574. you would put /bind b "saber single_1; color1 3".
  576. (3E.) RCON: An Explanation
  580. (3F.) Object Lists of Note
  582. Disable items on server manually:
  583. seta disable_ammo_blaster "1"
  584. seta disable_ammo_metallic_bolts "1"
  585. seta disable_ammo_detpack "1"
  586. seta disable_ammo_powercell "1"
  587. seta disable_ammo_rockets "1"
  588. seta disable_ammo_thermal "1"
  589. seta disable_ammo_tripmine "1"
  590. seta disable_item_force_boon "1"
  591. seta disable_item_force_enlighten_dark "1"
  592. seta disable_item_force_enlighten_light "1"
  593. seta disable_item_medpac "1"
  594. seta disable_item_medpak_instant "1"
  595. seta disable_item_seeker "1"
  596. seta disable_item_sentry_gun "1"
  597. seta disable_item_shield "1"
  598. seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant "1"
  599. seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant "1"
  600. seta disable_item_ysalimari "1"
  601. seta disable_weapon_blaster "1"
  602. seta disable_weapon_bowcaster "1"
  603. seta disable_weapon_demp2 "1"
  604. seta disable_weapon_det_pack "1"
  605. seta disable_weapon_disruptor "1"
  606. seta disable_weapon_emplaced "1"
  607. seta disable_weapon_flechette "1"
  608. seta disable_weapon_repeater "1"
  609. seta disable_weapon_rocket_launcher "1"
  610. seta disable_weapon_saber "1"
  611. seta disable_weapon_stun_baton "1"
  612. seta disable_weapon_thermal "1"
  613. seta disable_weapon_trip_mine "1"
  615. Hidden model list:
  616. boba_fett/no_jetpack
  617. cultist/brown
  618. imperial/commander
  619. imperial/officer
  620. jawa
  621. jedi/j2
  622. jedi/master
  623. reborn_twin/boss
  624. reborn/boss
  625. human_merc/racto
  626. human_merc/key_carrier
  627. prisoner/elder
  628. prisoner/elder2
  629. prisoner/merchant
  630. stormtrooper/officer
  631. tavion_new/possessed
  632. trandoshan/sp
  633. yoda (Very small model. Sometimes servers disallow its use.)
  635. Hoth clothes on player character:
  636. Human Male
  637. jedi_hm/head_a1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Black Human with Hoth Clothes)
  638. jedi_hm/head_b1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Blond Human with Hoth Clothes)
  639. jedi_hm/head_b2|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Blond Human with Hoth Clothes, but without Hands)
  640. jedi_hm/head_c1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Human with short brown hair and Hoth Clothes)
  642. Human Female
  643. jedi_hf/head_a1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Female with Brown "High" Hair and Hoth Clothes)
  644. jedi_hf/head_b1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Blond Female with Hoth Clothes)
  645. jedi_hf/head_c1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Female with Brown Hair and Hoth Clothes)
  647. I can't describe a Kel Dor's or Rodian's or Zabrak's or Twi'lek's Face, just try them.
  649. Kel Dor Male
  650. jedi_kdm/head_a1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Just try those 3 until you get the one you like)
  651. jedi_kdm/head_b1|torso_g1|lower_e1
  652. jedi_kdm/head_c1|torso_g1|lower_e1
  654. Rodian Male
  655. jedi_rm/head_a1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Just try those 3 until you get the one you like)
  656. jedi_rm/head_b1|torso_g1|lower_e1
  657. jedi_rm/head_c1|torso_g1|lower_e1
  659. Zabrak Female
  660. jedi_zf/head_a1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (Just try those 3 until you get the one you like)
  661. jedi_zf/head_b1|torso_g1|lower_e1
  662. jedi_zf/head_c1|torso_g1|lower_e1
  664. Twi'lek Female (Just try those 8 until you get the one you like)
  665. jedi_tf/head_a1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (a is for tails hanging down)
  666. jedi_tf/head_a2|torso_g1|lower_e1
  667. jedi_tf/head_a3|torso_g1|lower_e1
  668. jedi_tf/head_a4|torso_g1|lower_e1
  669. jedi_tf/head_b1|torso_g1|lower_e1 (b is for one tail around the neck)
  670. jedi_tf/head_b2|torso_g1|lower_e1
  671. jedi_tf/head_b3|torso_g1|lower_e1
  672. jedi_tf/head_b4|torso_g1|lower_e1
  674. You can also modify the death sounds of your character but have just the
  675. stock Kyle model by changing to an illegitimate character model like a
  676. rancor or wampa.
  678. Base Hilt List:
  679. single_<1-9>
  680. kyle (Kyle Katarn's Hilt)
  681. dual_<1-5> (Staff Hilts)
  682. single_training (Short saber which does no damage. Some servers do not have it.)
  684. (3G.) NPC Spawn List
  686. WARNING: Some of these, if spawned, will crash a server. If you don't know,
  687. ASK!
  689. Advisory: To spawn vehicles, remember to do "npc spawn vehicle" and then
  690. the vehicle name in the console.
  692. NPC's:
  693. alora
  694. assassin_droid
  695. atst*
  696. bartender*
  697. bespincop*
  698. boba_fett
  699. chewie
  700. cultist
  701. cultist_destroyer
  702. cultist_drain
  703. cultist_grip
  704. cultist_lightning
  705. cultist_saber
  706. cultist_saber_powers
  707. cultistcommando
  708. desann
  709. elder
  710. galak
  711. galak_mech*
  712. glider*
  713. gonk
  714. gran
  715. hazardtrooper
  716. howler
  717. human_merc
  718. impcommander
  719. imperial
  720. impofficer
  721. impworker
  722. interrogator
  723. jan
  724. jawa
  725. jedi
  726. jedif
  727. jedimaster
  728. jedi_random
  729. jeditrainer
  730. kyle
  731. lando
  732. luke
  733. mark1
  734. mark2
  735. merchant
  736. minemonster
  737. monmothma
  738. morgankatarn
  739. mouse**
  740. mutant_rancor
  741. noghri*
  742. nulldriver*
  743. player
  744. prisoner
  745. probe
  746. protocol
  747. protocol_imp
  748. r2d2
  749. r2d2_imp
  750. r5d2
  751. r5d2_imp
  752. ragnos
  753. rancor
  754. rax
  755. rebel
  756. rebel2
  757. reborn
  758. reborn_dual
  759. reborn_new
  760. reborn_staff
  761. reborn_twin
  762. rebornacrobat
  763. rebornboss
  764. rebornchiss
  765. rebornfencer
  766. rebornforceuser
  767. rebornrodian
  768. reborntrandoshan
  769. rebornweequay
  770. reelo
  771. remote*
  772. rockettrooper
  773. rockettrooper2
  774. rocks*
  775. rodian
  776. rosh_penin
  777. saber_droid
  778. saboteur
  779. saboteurpistol
  780. saboteursniper
  781. sand_creature
  782. seeker**
  783. sentry
  784. shadowtrooper
  785. snowtrooper
  786. stcommander
  787. stofficer
  788. stofficeralt
  789. stormpilot
  790. stormtrooper
  791. swamptrooper
  792. tavion
  793. tavion_new
  794. test
  795. trandoshan
  796. tusken
  797. tuskensniper
  798. ugnaught
  799. wampa
  800. weequay
  802. Vehicles:
  804. atst_vehicle
  805. lambdashuttle
  806. rancor_vehicle
  807. swoop
  808. swoop_cin***
  809. swoop_mp
  810. swoop_mp2
  811. swoop_red
  812. tie-fighter
  813. tauntaun
  814. tie-bomber
  815. tie-bomber2
  816. wampa_vehicle
  817. wildtauntaun
  818. x-wing
  820. * Has some errors.
  821. ** SP only
  822. *** Cinematic LandSpeeder. Rides closer to the ground, doesn't bob, and is
  823. nearly indestructible.
  824. __________________________________________________________________________
  826. (4.) Saberology
  828. Some of the most popular servers are social FFA's. Duels are the name of
  829. the game there when it comes to proper fighting and if you want to pwn
  830. and crush fools under your feet, you'll need to get good with that
  831. glowstick(s). That's where this section comes in.
  833. (4A.) General Saber Tactics
  835. - All stances are useful or they wouldn't be there. Being only proficient
  836. in one stance is ignoring the other capabilities of your weapon.
  837. - When fighting an opponent using red combos, the largest but riskiest gap
  838. is usually between the second and third swings.
  839. - Swings can be delayed with jumping.
  840. - Messing with mouse sensitivity in large increments as well as the yaw
  841. setting is for pussies and will get you ridiculed, but that doesn't stop
  842. people from using it.
  843. - When your opponent is laggy, lead your attacks ahead of where you
  844. anticipate them. When the server updates their position, you'll get a hit
  845. more often that way.
  846. - Footwork is exceptionally useful and difficult to teach and execute.
  847. - Some players like changing the FOV. My recommendation? Don't. Not all
  848. servers have that enabled and learning to play with a non-default could
  849. leave you screwed on a different server which forces defaults.
  851. (4B.) Single Saber
  853. - When you walk, a player cannot determine your single saber stance.
  854. -
  856. (4Ba.) Moves
  858. -
  860. (4Bb.) Advanced Techniques
  862. Blue:
  863. -
  865. Yellow:
  866. - Two swing yellow fans can strike an opponent between red combo swings.
  868. Red:
  869. - Left red swings can counter combos favoring right swings, either going
  870. hit for hit or better.
  872. (4C.) Dual Saber
  874. -
  876. (4Ca.) Moves
  878. -
  880. (4Cb.) Advanced Techniques
  882. -
  884. (4D.) Staff Saber
  886. -
  888. (4Da.) Moves
  890. -
  892. (4Db.) Advanced Techniques
  894. -
  895. __________________________________________________________________________
  897. (5.) Final Things
  899. Angel's Rules of Engagement:
  900. - I will not purposefully attack players while they're down.
  901. - I will not purposefully attack players while their saber is off or out of
  902. their hands.
  903. - I will bow before every fight (crouching, JK2 thing).
  904. - I will not excessively flip kick purposefully.
  905. - If I respect the opponent, they'll get a "gf" out of me.
  906. - If the opponent is a dick, all bets are off.
  908. Wield a Single Saber Like a Staff:
  909. This glitch will allow you to use a single saber as if you have a staff in
  910. your hand.
  912. 1. Bind commands to switch to staff and single. The saber hilt you bind for
  913. the single will be the one you wield like a staff. Have duals out.
  915. 2. With duals, start slashing forward. In the short space between slashes,
  916. try switching to staff. Don't worry if you don't get it the first or even
  917. the third time. Do not release the attack button, though, and do NOT spam
  918. the saber change bind. Spamming it will just have JKA make you wait during
  919. and after you are spamming it before you you can use the bind again.
  921. 3. Once you've successfully switched to the staff in between slashes, (again,
  922. DO NOT RELEASE THE ATTACK BUTTON YET) do the same thing but now, in this
  923. break, change to single saber. Once you've also switched to the single saber
  924. in between slashes with the staff, you can let go of the attack button. And
  925. that's it! Congrats on your new single-saber staff. It will not change until
  926. you switch saber styles.
  927. __________________________________________________________________________
  931. These are things that do not go outside the oFc clan. This information is
  932. not available in the public version of this guide. We apologize for any
  933. inconvenience.
  934. __________________________________________________________________________
  936. (7.) Full Credits
  937. Started and edited by: Artificial
  938. A big thanks to ALL who appear in the credits. This guide wouldn't have been
  939. possible without you all.
  941. Knowingly contributed:
  942. Angel - Sections 3., 3A., 3C., 4.: Advanced Techniques and General Saber
  943. Tactics, 5.: Angel's Rules of Engagement
  945. Monkee - Sections 3A., 3B., and 3C.
  947. Ben - Section 3A
  949. Pande (JKHub) - Corrections to both the /cg_dismember and /cg_draw2d command.
  951. eezstreet (JKHub) - Heavy corrections to sections 3A, 3B.
  953. Unknowingly contributed:
  954. - Spawn List
  955. (=JSA=LIghTNinG) - Spawn List
  956. (Kaoii) - Combat FAQ
  957. Slider (JA+ Creator) - JA+ Console Commands
  958. Misanthropic Revan - Hidden Model List
  959. - bind Command
  960. JAWA Clan - amtele Explanation
  961. Commander Keen - Quake 3 Command List
  962. Battlin' Billy - Base Command List
  963. Brian Stalemo - Multiplayer Command List
  964. EFF Clan - Single-Saber Staff Trick
  966. Thanks to:
  967. Raven Software - For making this game. :P
  968. Slider - For making us love and hate you.
  969. Everyone ever that knows how to behave themselves on a server.
  971. Alright. It's all up to you now. oFc is out.
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