
Yinuish's Survey

Oct 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Clearing her throat quietly, Yinuish La'Saet says, "Pardon, I was wondering if I could bother
  2. you for a moment, if you are not too deep in thought?"
  4. You have emoted: Turning from regarding the pool, Avaris's antennae twitch towards Yinuish as
  5. he replies, words thrumming with the chorus of many voices raised as one, "That depends upon
  6. what it is you desire to bother me with, I imagine. What do you require?"
  8. Yinuish gives a brief smile and taps a fingertip to the notepad tucked under her arm. "I am
  9. attempting to ask most citizens three questions to help direct the research for my book, and to
  10. hopefully inform future goals and provide some focus for the city."
  12. You have emoted: The immobile, featureless visor of gleaming chitinous plates that form
  13. Avaris's visage faces the still waters of the pond once more as he lowers his chin in a small
  14. nod of assent. The countless, effulgent markings in the shape of stylised eyes that adorn the
  15. immense wings folded upon his back shift and turn, some regarding Yinuish with an eerie
  16. awareness. "Goals and focus for the city. There have been many of late, who have thought they
  17. knew what was best for New Celest, and were wildly misguided. Ask."
  19. Yinuish cants her head slightly, sliding the notepad out and flipping to a new page, leaning it
  20. against her lute to mark notes in a neat hand. "That is what has inspired me to ask. Many
  21. indiviiduals seek to set a path, without considering if it is the correct one, or even one that
  22. others desire. I'd like to survey the reality, not the egocentric plans of others," she pauses
  23. a moment, glancing up at you before turning back to her page. "My first question is this. What
  24. do you find best informs your feelings of community within the city?"
  26. You have emoted: The shimmering white fluff of Avaris's voluminous mane sways in the breeze,
  27. though it is the only portion of him that moves at all - Otherwise, he is as still as a statue
  28. forged from burnished gold. "A peculiar question. Specifically, what it is that evokes the most
  29. feeling of community with New Celest, or how I acquire my knowledge about the community?"
  31. Yinuish looks up, brushing the end of her quill over her scar as she thinks for a moment. "More
  32. the former. What helps you develop a sense of community with your chosen group? What builds
  33. those ties, and what makes you feel as though you or your group are part of the whole that
  34. makes up the city?" Her eyes lift to consider the willow above as she awaits a response.
  36. You have emoted: A low, thrumming sound of faintly derisive amusement precedes Avaris's
  37. response. "You are asking the wrong individual, by coming to me. I am something of a social
  38. pariah." Withdrawing a hand from beneath the heavy mantle of his aureate feathers, he flicks it
  39. aside, continuing, "There is no true sense of community, with the city as a whole. There are
  40. small, isolated groups that ostensibly serve under the Light together, but they do not, insofar
  41. as I am aware, typically interact, or see eye to eye. New Celest is composed of many islands,
  42. in such a way."
  44. Yinuish ducks her head, attempting to hide a small smile beneath her fringe as she scratches
  45. out the response in deft strokes. She taps the page as she looks up, a thoughtful look on her
  46. face. "I don't believe I am asking the wrong individual. There is no such thing as an incorrect
  47. answer, after all. The feeling of connectedness... or in this case, the lack of it, varies
  48. individual to individual. You are by far not the first person to say they lack a sense of being
  49. part of the culture at large." She makes a few more markings on the page before she frowns and
  50. chooses to sit, somewhat inelegantly, the pad in her lap. "Islands indeed," she murmurs to
  51. herself. "Could you name one particular factor that is a barrier to you creating those
  52. connections? A specific, rather than a general malaise."
  54. You have emoted: The titanic kephera's chest rises and falls with a steady, sedate rhythm, each
  55. breath slow and evenly spaced. The path of Yinuish's hand across the page is tracked by the
  56. unblinking regard of a luminescent eye, emblazoned upon the lustrous gold of his wing. Turning
  57. his outstretched hand palm-up, Avaris says, "Differing beliefs on what the Light is. All else
  58. flows from there. It sets the citizens against one another, creates friction, and causes there
  59. to be a perspective of one camp versus another."
  61. Yinuish stops, looking somewhat surprised as she jerks the quill from paper to prevent a blot.
  62. "That's quite interesting... mmm, yes it is!" She looks back down and scribbles a few more
  63. notes, teeth catching her lower lip as she thinks to herself. "Perhaps..." she looks up at you
  64. thoughtfully. "It is not the subject of this work, but perhaps another time you would be
  65. willing to define for me how you envision the Light?"
  67. You have emoted: Avaris's massive, heavily armoured hand descends in a gentle manner, to rest
  68. upon the ampoule of sidereal, liquid light that rests upon his hip - The touch reverent, almost
  69. tender. "If you wish. If you intend to pursue that subject for New Celest as a whole, I suggest that you
  70. ask the citizens about Lady Raziela, and the role of Love in the Light. It is something of a
  71. contentious issue."
  73. The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Yinuish's lips.
  75. A soft Celestian lilt to her words, Yinuish La'Saet says, "Talkan has been attempting to drag
  76. me on a tour of Celestia, but I am somewhat keen to avoid it. I prefer to come to my own
  77. understanding, rather than be influenced by political interpretations. But that is straying
  78. from the topic, I fear. I have one final question for now."
  80. You have emoted: The resonating chorus of Avaris's voice grows cool as he says, "The Supernals
  81. are not political. I suggest you venture there yourself and learn of them, if you chafe at
  82. Father Talkan's guidance. Ask."
  84. Yinuish sits up straighter, rolling her shoulders slightly to ease the tension from sitting
  85. hunched. "Them themselves? No, indeed. Yet many seem to have penned to the news boards of late
  86. in an attempt to make them so. I don't approve, they ought to be viewed as above such things.
  87. They may inform and guide, but not be used as a means to belittle or be interpreted in order to
  88. suit ones own point." She shrugs, fingers twisting into a lock of hair and giving it a sharp
  89. tug. "But still, straying from the topic. If you were able to change one thing to improve your
  90. engagement and sense of belonging, what would it be?"
  92. You have emoted: The point of Avaris's chin lowers in a slow nod of affirmation at this, the
  93. left pair of his antennae twisting about to point towards Yinuish. "Indeed." At the question,
  94. he lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug, the spears of golden chitin glinting. "It is not
  95. about my engagement or sense of belonging. It is about true and faithful service to the Light,
  96. and our Patrons. As I said before, the issue of the interpretation of the Light, and how we
  97. should serve it. If I could fix one thing, it would be to unify us all, so that we may stop
  98. these idiotic infighting, and return to bettering the world, united in purpose once more."
  100. A soft Celestian lilt to her words, Yinuish La'Saet says, "How would you propose to address
  101. that? Lectures? Guides? Or do you believe it should be left to individuals to pursue the means
  102. by which to forge that understanding?"
  104. Voice resonating with choral harmonics, you say, "It is the disparate sets of understanding
  105. that has caused this divide within the city, so no - That would not help whatsoever. Lectures
  106. and guides may assist, but it is difficult to teach those who do not wish to listen. There is
  107. not simple solution. It will require a strategy consisting of many prongs of attack, but that
  108. would require some individuals to work together, rather than separately."
  110. Yinuish smiles softly at you.
  112. A soft Celestian lilt to her words, Yinuish La'Saet says, "And you said I was asking the wrong
  113. individual. These answers are excellent and thought out. I very much appreciate your time, and
  114. I do hope I haven't disturbed you overly."
  116. You have emoted: Avaris makes no response to the pleasant words, merely inclining his head to
  117. Yinuish in a courteous fashion. "You are welcome. You have not disturbed me overmuch. I spend
  118. much time meditating here, and thinking upon my Lady. Light's blessings go with you, Duchess."
  120. Yinuish stands, shaking her skirts with a distracted twist of her wrist. She waves the notebook
  121. in the air for a few moments, ensuring the ink is dry before closing it and tucking it back
  122. beneath her arm. "I shall leave you to your meditations, but you have given me somewhat to
  123. think on."
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