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May 17th, 2023
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  1. Using Expo modules
  2. Auto-generating `.xcode.env.local` with $NODE_BINARY=/Users/expo/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin/node
  3. Adding a custom script phase for Pod RNFBApp: [RNFB] Core Configuration
  4. Auto-linking React Native modules for target `Zealot`: RNCAsyncStorage, RNFBApp, RNFBAuth, RNGoogleSignin, RNReanimated, RNVectorIcons, lottie-react-native, react-native-appearance, and react-native-video
  5. Framework build type is static library
  6. [stderr]
  7. [!] The version of CocoaPods used to generate the lockfile (1.12.1) is higher than the version of the current executable (1.11.3). Incompatibility issues may arise.
  8. [Codegen] Generating ./build/generated/ios/React-Codegen.podspec.json
  9. Analyzing dependencies
  10. Fetching podspec for `DoubleConversion` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec`
  11. [Codegen] Found FBReactNativeSpec
  12. Fetching podspec for `RCT-Folly` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/RCT-Folly.podspec`
  13. Fetching podspec for `boost` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/boost.podspec`
  14. Fetching podspec for `glog` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec`
  15. Fetching podspec for `hermes-engine` from `../node_modules/react-native/sdks/hermes-engine/hermes-engine.podspec`
  16. Adding spec repo `trunk` with CDN ``
  17. CocoaPods 1.12.1 is available.
  18. To update use: `gem install cocoapods`
  19. For more information, see and the CHANGELOG for this version at
  20. Downloading dependencies
  21. Installing AppAuth (1.6.2)
  22. Installing DoubleConversion (1.1.6)
  23. Installing EXAV (13.2.1)
  24. Installing EXAppAuth (11.1.1)
  25. Installing EXApplication (5.1.1)
  26. Installing EXConstants (14.2.1)
  27. Installing EXFileSystem (15.2.2)
  28. Installing EXFont (11.1.1)
  29. Installing EXImageLoader (4.1.1)
  30. Installing EXMediaLibrary (15.2.3)
  31. Installing EXPermissions (14.1.1)
  32. Installing EXSplashScreen (0.18.2)
  33. Installing Expo (48.0.15)
  34. Installing ExpoAdapterGoogleSignIn (9.0.2)
  35. Installing ExpoCrypto (12.2.2)
  36. Installing ExpoHaptics (12.2.1)
  37. Installing ExpoImagePicker (14.1.1)
  38. Installing ExpoKeepAwake (12.0.1)
  39. Installing ExpoLinearGradient (12.1.2)
  40. Installing ExpoModulesCore (1.2.6)
  41. Installing ExpoRandom (13.1.1)
  42. Installing ExpoWebBrowser (12.1.1)
  43. Installing FBLazyVector (0.71.7)
  44. Installing FBReactNativeSpec (0.71.7)
  45. Installing Firebase (10.7.0)
  46. Installing FirebaseAuth (10.7.0)
  47. Installing FirebaseCore (10.7.0)
  48. Installing FirebaseCoreInternal (10.9.0)
  49. Installing GTMAppAuth (1.3.1)
  50. Installing GTMSessionFetcher (2.3.0)
  51. Installing GoogleSignIn (6.2.4)
  52. Installing GoogleUtilities (7.11.1)
  53. Installing PromisesObjC (2.2.0)
  54. Installing RCT-Folly (2021.07.22.00)
  55. Installing RCTRequired (0.71.7)
  56. Installing RCTTypeSafety (0.71.7)
  57. Installing RNCAsyncStorage (1.18.1)
  58. Installing RNFBApp (17.4.3)
  59. Installing RNFBAuth (17.4.3)
  60. Installing RNGoogleSignin (9.0.2)
  61. Installing RNReanimated (2.14.4)
  62. Installing RNVectorIcons (9.2.0)
  63. Installing React (0.71.7)
  64. Installing React-Codegen (0.71.7)
  65. Installing React-Core (0.71.7)
  66. Installing React-CoreModules (0.71.7)
  67. Installing React-RCTActionSheet (0.71.7)
  68. Installing React-RCTAnimation (0.71.7)
  69. Installing React-RCTAppDelegate (0.71.7)
  70. Installing React-RCTBlob (0.71.7)
  71. Installing React-RCTImage (0.71.7)
  72. Installing React-RCTLinking (0.71.7)
  73. Installing React-RCTNetwork (0.71.7)
  74. Installing React-RCTSettings (0.71.7)
  75. Installing React-RCTText (0.71.7)
  76. Installing React-RCTVibration (0.71.7)
  77. Installing React-callinvoker (0.71.7)
  78. Installing React-cxxreact (0.71.7)
  79. Installing React-hermes (0.71.7)
  80. Installing React-jsi (0.71.7)
  81. Installing React-jsiexecutor (0.71.7)
  82. Installing React-jsinspector (0.71.7)
  83. Installing React-logger (0.71.7)
  84. Installing React-perflogger (0.71.7)
  85. Installing React-runtimeexecutor (0.71.7)
  86. Installing ReactCommon (0.71.7)
  87. Installing Yoga (1.14.0)
  88. Installing boost (1.76.0)
  89. Installing fmt (6.2.1)
  90. Installing glog (0.3.5)
  91. Installing hermes-engine (0.71.7)
  92. Installing libevent (2.1.12)
  93. Installing lottie-ios (3.4.4)
  94. Installing lottie-react-native (5.1.5)
  95. Installing react-native-appearance (0.3.4)
  96. Installing react-native-video (5.2.1)
  97. Generating Pods project
  98. Setting REACT_NATIVE build settings
  99. Setting CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD to c++17 on /Users/expo/workingdir/build/ios/Zealot.xcodeproj
  100. Pod install took 115 [s] to run
  101. [stderr]
  102. sed: ../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/logger/ No such file or directory
  103. [stderr]
  104. sed: ../node_modules/react-native/third-party-hermes/glog/src/glog/logging.h: No such file or directory
  105. Integrating client project
  106. Patching imports for file: /Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/RNVectorIconsManager/RNVectorIconsManager.h
  107. Patching imports for file: /Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/RNVectorIconsManager/RNVectorIconsManager.m
  108. expo_patch_react_imports! took 0.117 seconds to transform files.
  109. Pod installation complete! There are 65 dependencies from the Podfile and 76 total pods installed.
  111. Configure Xcode project
  113. 1s
  117. Run fastlane
  119. 39s
  122. Creating Gymfile
  123. Gymfile created
  124. Successfully loaded '/Users/expo/workingdir/build/ios/Gymfile' 📄
  125. +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  126. | Detected Values from './Gymfile' |
  127. +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  128. | suppress_xcode_output | true |
  129. | clean | false |
  130. | scheme | Zealot |
  131. | configuration | Release |
  132. | export_options | |
  133. | export_xcargs | OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS="--keychain /var/folders/rp/_x4mwf8x2f52ml0n3qt65jw80000gn/T/turtle-v2-cb3713aa-e536-44b9-8bf7-1667c81584fa.keychain" |
  134. | disable_xcpretty | true |
  135. | buildlog_path | /Users/expo/workingdir/logs |
  136. | output_directory | ./build |
  137. +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  138. Resolving Swift Package Manager dependencies...
  139. $ xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -workspace ./Zealot.xcworkspace -scheme Zealot -configuration Release
  140. ▸ Command line invocation:
  141. ▸ /Applications/ -resolvePackageDependencies -workspace ./Zealot.xcworkspace -scheme Zealot -configuration Release
  142. ▸ User defaults from command line:
  143. ▸ IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
  144. ▸ --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations:
  145. ▸ { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:0000FE00-66D45333AEB93EDA }
  146. ▸ { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device }
  147. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDeviceSimulatorPlaceholder-iphonesimulator:placeholder, name:Any iOS Simulator Device }
  148. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:94EE5B62-6A73-4410-8C64-A56FBFD9C55D, OS:16.2, name:iPad (10th generation) }
  149. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:537FF0C8-8B14-4E2E-9828-0ED246BE9E38, OS:16.2, name:iPad Air (5th generation) }
  150. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:777A520C-1C1B-484A-99C6-35943FA97067, OS:16.2, name:iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation) }
  151. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:A5447295-3264-4816-9C78-50E5F35C1122, OS:16.2, name:iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation) }
  152. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:067F74D9-EEC3-4066-B8A8-B3EAD0EE5649, OS:16.2, name:iPad mini (6th generation) }
  153. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:3A1FD6BA-A84C-4728-A0AA-E7D9DF147BA7, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 }
  154. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:5D252FD0-2816-4FAE-B85D-C29DC8D2C73C, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Plus }
  155. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:AA475350-BBB4-4568-A722-4528CF187FA8, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
  156. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:01B24393-FC59-4FEC-87FD-338E47BABDAE, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Pro Max }
  157. ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, id:88B2387A-FF6D-4979-9155-B06611A97148, OS:16.2, name:iPhone SE (3rd generation) }
  158. ▸ resolved source packages:
  159. $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -workspace ./Zealot.xcworkspace -scheme Zealot -configuration Release
  160. [stderr]
  161. --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations:
  162. [stderr]
  163. { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:0000FE00-66D45333AEB93EDA }
  164. [stderr]
  165. { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device }
  166. [stderr]
  167. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDeviceSimulatorPlaceholder-iphonesimulator:placeholder, name:Any iOS Simulator Device }
  168. [stderr]
  169. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:94EE5B62-6A73-4410-8C64-A56FBFD9C55D, OS:16.2, name:iPad (10th generation) }
  170. [stderr]
  171. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:537FF0C8-8B14-4E2E-9828-0ED246BE9E38, OS:16.2, name:iPad Air (5th generation) }
  172. [stderr]
  173. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:777A520C-1C1B-484A-99C6-35943FA97067, OS:16.2, name:iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation) }
  174. [stderr]
  175. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:A5447295-3264-4816-9C78-50E5F35C1122, OS:16.2, name:iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation) }
  176. [stderr]
  177. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:067F74D9-EEC3-4066-B8A8-B3EAD0EE5649, OS:16.2, name:iPad mini (6th generation) }
  178. [stderr]
  179. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:3A1FD6BA-A84C-4728-A0AA-E7D9DF147BA7, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 }
  180. [stderr]
  181. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:5D252FD0-2816-4FAE-B85D-C29DC8D2C73C, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Plus }
  182. [stderr]
  183. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:AA475350-BBB4-4568-A722-4528CF187FA8, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
  184. [stderr]
  185. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:01B24393-FC59-4FEC-87FD-338E47BABDAE, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Pro Max }
  186. [stderr]
  187. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:88B2387A-FF6D-4979-9155-B06611A97148, OS:16.2, name:iPhone SE (3rd generation) }
  188. Command timed out after 3 seconds on try 1 of 4, trying again with a 6 second timeout...
  189. [stderr]
  190. 2023-05-17 19:54:21.585 xcodebuild[4377:12025] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.InterfaceBuilderBuildSupport.PlatformDefinition
  191. [stderr]
  192. --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations:
  193. [stderr]
  194. { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:0000FE00-66D45333AEB93EDA }
  195. [stderr]
  196. { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device }
  197. [stderr]
  198. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDeviceSimulatorPlaceholder-iphonesimulator:placeholder, name:Any iOS Simulator Device }
  199. [stderr]
  200. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:94EE5B62-6A73-4410-8C64-A56FBFD9C55D, OS:16.2, name:iPad (10th generation) }
  201. [stderr]
  202. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:537FF0C8-8B14-4E2E-9828-0ED246BE9E38, OS:16.2, name:iPad Air (5th generation) }
  203. [stderr]
  204. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:777A520C-1C1B-484A-99C6-35943FA97067, OS:16.2, name:iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation) }
  205. [stderr]
  206. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:A5447295-3264-4816-9C78-50E5F35C1122, OS:16.2, name:iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation) }
  207. [stderr]
  208. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:067F74D9-EEC3-4066-B8A8-B3EAD0EE5649, OS:16.2, name:iPad mini (6th generation) }
  209. [stderr]
  210. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:3A1FD6BA-A84C-4728-A0AA-E7D9DF147BA7, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 }
  211. [stderr]
  212. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:5D252FD0-2816-4FAE-B85D-C29DC8D2C73C, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Plus }
  213. [stderr]
  214. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:AA475350-BBB4-4568-A722-4528CF187FA8, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
  215. [stderr]
  216. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:01B24393-FC59-4FEC-87FD-338E47BABDAE, OS:16.2, name:iPhone 14 Pro Max }
  217. [stderr]
  218. { platform:iOS Simulator, id:88B2387A-FF6D-4979-9155-B06611A97148, OS:16.2, name:iPhone SE (3rd generation) }
  219. [stderr]
  220. 2023-05-17 19:54:22.371 xcodebuild[4388:12132] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.InterfaceBuilderBuildSupport.PlatformDefinition
  221. Detected provisioning profile mapping: {:""=>"db7abd73-1177-41c6-9209-39d534af7613"}
  222. +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  223. | Summary for gym 2.211.0 |
  224. +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  225. | workspace | ./Zealot.xcworkspace |
  226. | scheme | Zealot |
  227. | clean | false |
  228. | output_directory | ./build |
  229. | output_name | Zealot |
  230. | configuration | Release |
  231. | silent | false |
  232. | skip_package_ipa | false |
  233. | skip_package_pkg | false |
  234. | export_options.method | app-store |
  235. | | db7abd73-1177-41c6-9209-39d534af7613 |
  236. | export_xcargs | OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS="--keychain /var/folders/rp/_x4mwf8x2f52ml0n3qt65jw80000gn/T/turtle-v2-cb3713aa-e536-44b9-8bf7-1667c81584fa.keychain" |
  237. | build_path | /Users/expo/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2023-05-17 |
  238. | result_bundle | false |
  239. | buildlog_path | /Users/expo/workingdir/logs |
  240. | destination | generic/platform=iOS |
  241. | suppress_xcode_output | true |
  242. | xcodebuild_formatter | xcpretty |
  243. | disable_xcpretty | true |
  244. | skip_profile_detection | false |
  245. | xcodebuild_command | xcodebuild |
  246. | skip_package_dependencies_resolution | false |
  247. | disable_package_automatic_updates | false |
  248. | use_system_scm | false |
  249. | xcode_path | /Applications/ |
  250. +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  251. $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace ./Zealot.xcworkspace -scheme Zealot -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath /Users/expo/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2023-05-17/Zealot\ 2023-05-17\ 19.54.22.xcarchive archive | tee /Users/expo/workingdir/logs/Zealot-Zealot.log > /dev/null
  252. › Executing react-native Pods/hermes-engine » [CP] Copy XCFrameworks
  253. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » strlcpy.c
  254. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » signal.c
  255. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » select.c
  256. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » poll.c
  257. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » log.c
  258. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » listener.c
  259. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » libevent-dummy.m
  260. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » kqueue.c
  261. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » http.c
  262. ▸ ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
  263. ▸ The following build commands failed:
  264. ▸ CompileC /Users/expo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Zealot-dwmkhpdvnmjxgtdpkgyibmiptjds/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Zealot/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ /Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/logger/react_native_log.cpp normal arm64 c++ (in target 'React-logger' from project 'Pods')
  265. ▸ (1 failure)
  266. ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
  267. The following build commands failed:
  268. CompileC /Users/expo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Zealot-dwmkhpdvnmjxgtdpkgyibmiptjds/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Zealot/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ /Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/logger/react_native_log.cpp normal arm64 c++ (in target 'React-logger' from project 'Pods')
  269. (1 failure)
  270. Exit status: 65
  271. +-------------+-------------------------+
  272. | Build environment |
  273. +-------------+-------------------------+
  274. | xcode_path | /Applications/ |
  275. | gym_version | 2.211.0 |
  276. | sdk | iPhoneOS16.2.sdk |
  277. +-------------+-------------------------+
  278. Looks like fastlane ran into a build/archive error with your project
  279. It's hard to tell what's causing the error, so we wrote some guides on how
  280. to troubleshoot build and signing issues:
  281. Before submitting an issue on GitHub, please follow the guide above and make
  282. sure your project is set up correctly.
  283. fastlane uses `xcodebuild` commands to generate your binary, you can see the
  284. the full commands printed out in yellow in the above log.
  285. Make sure to inspect the output above, as usually you'll find more error information there
  286. [stderr]
  287. [!] Error building the application - see the log above
  288. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » evutil_time.c
  289. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » evutil_rand.c
  290. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » evutil.c
  291. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » evthread.c
  292. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » evrpc.c
  293. › Compiling react-native Pods/libevent » evmap.c
  294. Error: The "Run fastlane" step failed with an unknown error. Refer to "Xcode Logs" below for additional, more detailed logs.
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