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Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. p: &f&lDream&3&lGaming &8»
  3. np: &cNincs jogosultságod a parancs használatára!
  5. on connect:
  6. if {ban.%player%} is true:
  7. if {bantype.%player%} is "PERM":
  8. kick player due to "&7Ki vagy tiltva a szerverről.%nl%&7Indok: &a%{banr.%player%}%%nl%&7Kitiltott: &a%{banner.%player%}%"
  9. loop all players:
  10. if loop-player has permission "essentials.ban":
  11. send "{@p} &a%player% &7csatlakozni próbált de ki van tiltva van." to loop-player
  12. if {bantype.%player%} is "TEMP":
  13. set {_tempban} to difference between now and {bannedat.%player%}
  14. set {_tempban2} to difference between {bannedat.%player%} and now
  15. reduce {_tempban} by {bant.%player%}
  16. set {_bant} to {bant.%player%}
  17. set {_timeleft} to difference between now and {bannedat.%player%}
  18. reduce {_bant} by {_timeleft}
  19. set {_timeleft} to "%{_bant}%"
  20. replace all "days" in {_timeleft} with "nap"
  21. replace all "day" in {_timeleft} with "nap"
  22. replace all "hours" in {_timeleft} with "óra"
  23. replace all "hour" in {_timeleft} with "óra"
  24. replace all "minutes" in {_timeleft} with "perc"
  25. replace all "minute" in {_timeleft} with "perc"
  26. replace all "seconds" in {_timeleft} with "másodperc"
  27. replace all "second" in {_timeleft} with "másodperc"
  28. replace all "and" in {_timeleft} with "és"
  29. if difference between now and {bannedat.%player%} is bigger than {bant.%player%}:
  30. set {ban.%player%} to false
  31. delete {bantype.%player%}
  32. delete {banr.%player%}
  33. delete {banner.%player%}
  34. delete {bant.%player%}
  35. delete {bannedat.%player%}
  36. else:
  37. kick player due to "&7Ideiglenesen ki vagy tiltva a szerverről.%nl%&7Indok: &a%{banr.%player%}%%nl%&7Lejárat: &7%{_timeleft}%%nl%&7Kitiltott: &a%{banner.%player%}%"
  38. loop all players:
  39. if loop-player has permission "essentials.tempban":
  40. send "{@p} &b%player% &7csatlakozni próbált de ki van tiltva.%nl%{@p}&7 Lejárat: &a%{_timeleft}%re&7." to loop-player
  42. command /unban [<offline player>]:
  43. permission: essentials.unban
  44. permission message: {@np}
  45. trigger:
  46. if arg-1 is not set:
  47. send "{@p} &7Használd: &a/unban <játékos>"
  48. else:
  49. if arg-1 is banned:
  50. unban arg-1
  51. send "&aSikeresen feloldottad &7%arg-1% &ajátékos kitiltását!"
  52. if {ban.%arg-1%} is true:
  53. broadcast ""
  54. broadcast "{@p} &a%player% &7feloldotta &a%arg-1% &7játékos kitiltását."
  55. broadcast ""
  56. set {ban.%arg-1%} to false
  57. delete {bantype.%arg-1%}
  58. delete {banr.%arg-1%}
  59. delete {banner.%arg-1%}
  60. delete {bant.%arg-1%}
  61. delete {bannedat.%arg-1%}
  62. send "&aSikeresen feloldottad &7%arg-1% &ajátékos kitiltását!"
  63. else:
  64. send "{@p} &c%arg-1% jelenleg nincs kitiltva."
  66. command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  67. permission: essentials.ban
  68. permission message: {@np}
  69. trigger:
  70. if arg-1 is not set:
  71. send "{@p} &cHasználd: /ban <játékos> <indok>"
  72. if arg-1 is "iTzKillR3kted" or "Majorka_":
  73. send "{@p} &4Ezt a játékost nem bannolhatod."
  74. stop trigger
  75. else:
  76. if arg-2 is not set:
  77. send "{@p} &cHasználd: /ban <játékos> <indok>"
  78. else:
  79. if {ban.%arg-1%} is true:
  80. if player doesn't have permission "ban.admin":
  81. send "{@p} &cA játékos már ki van tiltva, és nincs jogod felülírni a kitiltást."
  82. stop
  83. broadcast ""
  84. broadcast "{@p} &c%player% &7kitiltotta &c%arg-1% &7játékost."
  85. broadcast "{@p} &7Indok: &c%colored arg-2%"
  86. broadcast ""
  87. set {ban.%arg-1%} to true
  88. set {bantype.%arg-1%} to "PERM"
  89. set {banr.%arg-1%} to "%colored arg-2%"
  90. set {banner.%arg-1%} to player
  91. add 1 to {staffbans}
  92. send "&aSikeresen kitiltottad &7%arg-1% &ajátékost. Indok: &7%arg-2%."
  93. if arg-1 is online:
  94. kick arg-1 due to "&7Ki lettél tiltva a szerverről.%nl%&7Indok: &a%{banr.%arg-1%}%%nl%&7Kitiltott: &a%{banner.%arg-1%}%"
  96. command /tempban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  97. permission: essentials.tempban
  98. permission message: {@np}
  99. trigger:
  100. if arg-1 is not set:
  101. send "{@p} &cHasználd: /tempban <játékos> <időtartam> <indok>"
  102. else:
  103. if arg-2 is not set:
  104. send "{@p} &cHasználd: /tempban <játékos> <időtartam> <indok>"
  105. else:
  106. if arg-3 is not set:
  107. send "{@p} &cHasználd: /tempban <játékos> <időtartam> <indok>"
  108. else:
  109. set {_t} to "%arg-2%" parsed as text
  110. replace all "d" in {_t} with " day "
  111. replace all "s" in {_t} with " second "
  112. replace all "m" in {_t} with " minute "
  113. replace all "h" in {_t} with " hour "
  114. set {_t2} to "%{_t}%"
  115. replace all "day" in {_t2} with "nap"
  116. replace all "hour" in {_t2} with "óra"
  117. replace all "minute" in {_t2} with "perc"
  118. replace all "second" in {_t2} with "másodperc"
  119. replace all "and" in {_t2} with "és"
  120. set {_time} to {_t} parsed as timespan
  121. set {bant.%arg-1%} to {_time}
  122. set {ban.%arg-1%} to true
  123. set {bantype.%arg-1%} to "TEMP"
  124. set {banr.%arg-1%} to "%colored arg-3%"
  125. set {banner.%arg-1%} to player
  126. set {bannedat.%arg-1%} to now
  127. add 1 to {staffbans}
  128. broadcast ""
  129. broadcast "{@p} &c%player% &7ideiglenesen kitiltotta &c%arg-1% &7játékost."
  130. broadcast "{@p} &7Indok: &c%colored arg-3%"
  131. broadcast "{@p} &7Időtartam: &c%{_t2}%"
  132. broadcast ""
  133. send "&7Sikeresen kitiltottad &a%arg-1% &7játékost.%nl%&7Indok: &a%arg-3%.%nl%&7Lejárat: &a%{_t2}%"
  134. if arg-1 is online:
  135. kick arg-1 due to "&7Ideiglenesen ki lettél tiltva a szerverről.%nl%&7Indok: &a%{banr.%arg-1%}%%nl%&7Időtartam: &a%{_t2}%%nl%&7Kitiltott: &a%{banner.%arg-1%}%"
  137. command /kick [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  138. permission: essentials.kick
  139. permission message: {@np}
  140. trigger:
  141. if arg-1 is not set:
  142. send "&7Helyes használat: &a/kick [játékosnév] [indok]"
  143. else:
  144. if arg-2 is not set:
  145. send "&7Helyes használat: &a/kick [játékosnév] [indok]"
  146. else:
  147. if arg-1 is not online:
  148. send "&7Ez a játékos nem elérhető."
  149. else:
  150. set {kickreason.%arg-1%} to arg-2
  151. set {kicker.%player%} to player
  152. kick arg-1 due to "&7Ki lettél kickelve.%nl%&7Kickelés indoka: &a%{kickreason.%arg-1%}% %nl%&7Kickelt: &a%{kicker.%player%}%"
  153. send " " to player
  154. send "&aSikeresen kirúgtad &7%arg-1% játékost." to player
  155. send "&aIndok: &7%{kickreason.%arg-1%}%" to player
  156. send " " to player
  157. wait 1 tick
  158. delete {kickreason.%arg-1%}
  159. delete {kicker.%player%}
  161. command /warn [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  162. permission: warn.use
  163. permission message: {@np}
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