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Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. Sensui: I was too lazy to fight you, sucks that all of these summons are useless.
  2. Void: because they aren't twinking with the GLS?
  3. Sensui: Mmmmmm...
  4. Sensui: I put it on specifically when my bonfire went out.
  5. Sensui: Soooo..
  6. Void: to twink
  7. Sensui: Usually when I get invaded, I put on my competant gear since.. someones invading people and just..
  8. Sensui: Get rid of em.
  9. Sensui: No point to be invading in the depths, the most heavily populated co op area.
  10. Void: because you aren't good enough to fight somebody legit right?
  11. Sensui: Given if you DID beat me, I'd indict you and invade you nonstop to keep you out of other players worlds.
  12. Sensui: Well..
  13. Sensui: I usually use a chaos rapier.
  14. Void: you do realize you can't blade of the darkmoon invade if I already killed gaping right?
  15. Sensui: You already did???
  16. Sensui: WHWHWHWHHW.
  17. Void: do you know anything about this game except how to twink?
  18. Sensui: So you want to Invade other players.
  19. Sensui: Let me get this straight.
  20. Sensui: Yet you don't want to be invaded yourself.
  21. Sensui: Yeah, get this gravelord sword.
  22. Void: you want to have fun? wow what a fucking idiot!
  23. Sensui: I was a bit sympathetic but.
  24. Sensui: Nah.
  25. Void: want to fight again then? 1v1 for real?
  26. Sensui: Idunno.
  27. Sensui: You call me a twink yet.. You were fishing for backstabs nonstop.
  28. Sensui: Which was.. one of the reasons you beat those two guys who don't know how to counter it.
  29. Sensui: However, that's a lazy fight, and I don't feel like dealing with it.
  30. Sensui: Rather just mash on your gaurd and poison you.
  31. Void: do you not know what a twink is?
  32. Sensui: I know what a twink is and..
  33. Void: because fishing for backstabs on people after a guy summons two phantoms to fight you
  34. Sensui: Stop invading people. It's your own fault you got beat by my gravelord sword.
  35. Void: when he's using the fucking GLS is just not being a retard
  36. Sensui: Yes, I could have fought you on my own, but I didn't feel like it.
  37. Void: I know you're scared of fighting legit
  38. Void: just admit it
  39. Void: no shame
  40. Sensui: I'm sure If I was scared of you I wouldn't be walking slowly all over the depths as you.
  41. Sensui: Awkwardly circle me for a backstab.
  42. Sensui: Lol.
  43. Void: are you retarded?
  44. Void: look, just admit you're scared to fight
  45. Sensui: I don't think you're understanding the words that are coming out my mouth, you seem very salty.
  46. Void: it'll be easier than embarassing yourself like this
  47. Sensui: You invaded me, I used my Gravelord sword, and.. You lost.
  48. Sensui: If you want to try your luck again with another invasion.. Feel free.
  49. Void: you won using a really unbalanced weapon after summoning phantom help?
  50. Sensui: Nah.. I earned this weapon.
  51. Void: "what is an invasion cooldown timer I know nothing about this game" - you
  52. Sensui: You can get it too but..
  53. Void: by reading a guide right?
  54. Void: "earned it" by looking up where to get it
  55. Void: just like the retards that use the drake sword
  56. Sensui: You know how many hours I spent on this game? LOL.
  57. Sensui: Yeah, you're.. salty as hell. Lol.
  58. Void: are you retarded?
  59. Sensui: Delicious salt.
  60. Void: I have far more hours than you
  61. Sensui: No really, invade again.
  62. Sensui: If you invade me again, I'm killing you with this sword.
  63. Sensui: If you invade another player and they summon me.
  64. Sensui: I'm killing you with this sword.
  65. Sensui: Period.
  66. Sensui: Have a nice day.
  67. Void: you too shitty :^_
  68. Void: :^)
  69. Sensui: Whatever helps you sleep at night, enjoy invading the depths.
  70. Sensui: I'll be here a while.
  71. Void: "enjoy invading an active online area"
  72. Void: are you a little slow?
  73. Void: how many times were you dropped?
  74. Sensui: No, you're invading a place people are trying to be summoned and co op this boss, I'm sure you have DSCM so you know how many players are in this area.
  75. Sensui: My beef with you is that this place is a early game area. And new players aren't used to pvping.
  76. Void: wow what a fucking asshole right? playing the game the way it was designed
  77. Sensui: Once again, Invade another player, and if they summon me, I'm killing you with this sword.
  78. Void: have fun trying :^)
  79. Sensui: Invade Anor Londo.
  80. Sensui: Way better there.
  81. Void: I do, I invade pretty much the whole game when I feel like it
  82. Sensui: I've seen you in this place just another..
  83. Sensui: 4 times?
  84. Sensui: I've seen you far too much in this area.
  85. Void: because you twink here with the GLS so much? :^)
  86. Sensui: I use a rapier for normal co op.
  87. Sensui: For pvp invader situations.
  88. Void: a chaos rapier right/
  89. Sensui: I will pull out my competant gear.
  90. Sensui: Said this already.
  91. Void: which is also really OP for this area?
  92. Void: heaven forbid you had to actually fight something
  93. Sensui: ..A rapier.
  94. Void: instead of oneshotting it
  95. Sensui: If I was using a Chaos Zweihander.
  96. Sensui: Then you'd have a case.
  97. Sensui: But you don't.
  98. Void: I do though
  99. Void: you're still a shitty twinking out
  100. Sensui: You're pretty salty you invaded someone and got killed via Grave lord sword.
  101. Void: I'm not salty at all, just stating facts
  102. Sensui: Nah.. You're salt.
  103. Sensui: As a invader you should be ready for anything.
  104. Sensui: Yet you're crying over invading someone who owns a GLS-
  105. Sensui: Hilarious.
  106. Void: calling you a shitty isn't crying
  107. Void: it's just stating the truth
  108. Sensui: You're.. Purposely ignoring my point.
  109. Void: I could be running around with the GLS too but it's incredibly boring
  110. Sensui: Alright, we're done.
  111. Void: it's pathetically OP
  112. Void: and easy to use
  113. Sensui: Stop talking to me, you're not stating anything relevant.
  114. Void: too close to home huh?
  115. Void: can't ignore the truth any longer?
  116. Sensui: Don't invade if you don't want to get slaughtered.
  117. Void: just admit it
  118. Sensui: Just, don't.
  119. Void: you're a shitty and you can't fight without the GLS
  120. Sensui: This ALL on you.
  121. Sensui: And it's HILARIOUS.
  122. Void: it is it really is
  123. Void: you're so scared
  124. Sensui: No one is scared of you.
  125. Void: you certainly are
  126. Void: dodging my fight offer pretty hard
  127. Void: not offering much of a defense besides 'oh I'm just lazy'
  128. Sensui: Because you backstab bait.
  129. Sensui: That's.. All you do.
  130. Sensui: You have no real footsies or.
  131. Sensui: Reaction speeds.
  132. Sensui: You just circle around nonstop.
  133. Sensui: Cmon.
  134. Sensui: Figures.
  135. Void: "how do I deal with turtle"
  136. Sensui: Poking at me with that thing while you turtle behind a sheild.
  137. Void: "how come he backstabbed me, I mean it's not like I stood fucking still"
  138. Sensui: Yeah, you suck.
  139. Void: git gud, learn to PvP then
  140. Sensui: You're lucky I didn't follow up my parry.
  141. Sensui: Not worth my time.
  142. Void: you're the one shittalking about not knowing how to play and you can't deal with a turtle?
  143. Void: and you missed the riposte because you don't know how they work
  144. Sensui: Not when you're spamming R1 while standing infront of a wall.
  145. Sensui: Please.
  146. Void: keep justifying how shitty you are :^)
  147. Sensui: You knew exactly what you were doing.
  148. Sensui: And you're really bad.
  149. Void: could have moved back, could have kicked
  150. Void: could have deadangled
  151. Void: could have ghost struck
  152. Sensui: Your back.
  153. Sensui: Was on a Wall.
  154. Void: could have gone elsewhere inthe level
  155. Sensui: None of those tactics-
  156. Sensui: Omg you're so-
  157. Sensui: OMG.
  158. Void: because you chose to fight me there
  159. Sensui: Yeah, stop talking to me.
  160. Sensui: No.
  161. Void: you sat at the bonfire
  162. Void: waiting for me
  163. Sensui: You backed up.
  164. Sensui: After my parry.
  165. Void: instead of going to and open area
  166. Sensui: And just poked me from there.
  167. Void: because I can yes, that's how spears work
  168. Void: do I need to explain more basic mechanics to you?
  169. Void: or are you going to admit to being shitty?
  170. Sensui: Yeah, added onto the fact you back was against a wall.
  171. Sensui: No manuevor was going work.
  172. Void: you
  173. Void: chose
  174. Void: to fight me
  175. Sensui: With a curved greatsword.
  176. Void: where I could do that
  177. Sensui: No.
  178. Void: you could have gone out into the hallway
  179. Sensui: You got overwhelmed.
  180. Sensui: Cheesed me by standing in the corner.
  181. Sensui: And poked.
  182. Sensui: And poked.
  183. Sensui: You suck, really bad.
  184. Void: justify it any way you want, you're still shit :^)
  185. Void: and you died to me in a fair fight
  186. Void: so what does that say about you?
  187. Sensui: OKAY then.
  188. Sensui: That wasn't even fair-
  189. Void: sure it was
  190. Void: 1v1
  191. Sensui: Give me lance, put me in that corner, and I would have won.
  192. Sensui: Period.
  193. Void: we both used similarly powerful weapons
  194. Sensui: You know that's why you won.
  195. Void: you chose to use the kumo
  196. Sensui: And why you stood in that spot.
  197. Void: you could have used the rapier you love to talk about
  198. Void: you know, the chaos rapier
  199. Void: you could have swapped weapon
  200. Sensui: Look, when you invade me again, I'll be ready.
  201. Sensui: I'm killing all those slimes in that hallway.
  202. Sensui: So you can't hide.
  203. Sensui: In a corner and poke me.
  204. Void: you could just you know
  205. Void: reset your invasion timer
  206. Void: instead of waiting
  207. Sensui: If I had the item to do so.
  208. Void: you don't have any cracked red eye orbs?
  209. Void: you don't have the ability to quit to the main menu?
  210. Sensui: Since you think you standing in that corner didn't determine the outcome of that fight.
  211. Sensui: Which it does.
  212. Void: so you admit to knowing nothing about this game then?
  213. Void: because you can reset the invasion timer without any items
  214. Sensui: I don't feel like leaving and exiting the main menu.
  215. Sensui: I'm handing all the monsters in this area.
  216. Void: "I don't feel like pressing like 5 buttons, too much effort"
  217. Sensui: Yes.
  218. Void: keep digging :^)
  219. Sensui: Anyway,
  220. Sensui: I'm getting rid of all the monsters here.
  221. Sensui: So you can't turtle and poke.
  222. Sensui: And call yourself skillful.
  223. Sensui: That I have a issue with.
  224. Void: turtling is bad, but mashing R1 with the GLS isn't?
  225. Void: alrighty then boyo :^)
  226. Sensui: Because I know It has poison build up.
  227. Sensui: There's no point to doing that with a Kumo.
  228. Void: toxin* still know nothing :^)
  229. Sensui: Same thing.
  230. Sensui: You can get generally technical but uhh..
  231. Void: it isn't though
  232. Void: you can stack both of them because they're different
  233. Sensui: It's on you if you wanna apply those technicalities to the conversation.
  234. Sensui: Sooo.. Gg?
  235. Void: not everything that gives poison resist gives toxin resist
  236. Sensui: Good on you?
  237. Void: another thing you don't know, wow, imagine that :^)
  238. Void: just like how to PvP
  239. Sensui: Hm.
  240. Sensui: I got a better Idea.
  241. Void: so you're killing enemies right?
  242. Void: when are you going to go human then and respawn them genius? :^)
  243. Sensui: You're being awfully arrogant right now for your cheese win. Lol.
  244. Sensui: Let's head over to uhh..
  245. Sensui: The undead burg.
  246. Void: what SL range?
  247. Sensui: ...What.
  248. Void: what soul level?
  249. Void: same characters?
  250. Sensui: Are you using a different character?
  251. Sensui: Yes?
  252. Void: alright then
  253. Void: enjoy the 10SL advantage :^)
  254. Sensui: You got a red sign?
  255. Void: yeah I'll drop it in a sec
  256. Void: outside bonfire
  257. Sensui: Yikes.
  258. Void: your idea to turtle
  259. Sensui: That sheild pokes.
  260. Sensui: You're turtling.
  261. Void: I was going to use the katana
  262. Sensui: Fight me without that thing.
  263. Void: and you decided to use turtle, so i did it back
  264. Sensui: I wasn't even.
  265. Sensui: I was trying to get close to you, you however had your sheild up NONSTOP.
  266. Sensui: Despite being No where in your attack radious.
  267. Void: what? I used my thing that prevents damage!?
  268. Void: shocker
  269. Sensui: Yeah..
  270. Sensui: I bet you can't beat me without that thing.
  271. Void: you just don't have any idea how to deal with shields
  272. Sensui: Since you're using to standing about 4 feet away from me poking me with that.
  273. Void: that's it isn't it?
  274. Sensui: Nah.. You're spacing yourself in a way where you can randomly poke at me.
  275. Sensui: And hopefully get a hit on.
  276. Void: because you kept running into it yeah
  277. Sensui: Should I put on mine-
  278. Void: instead of you know
  279. Void: kicking
  280. Sensui: You kept constantly circling.
  281. Void: or dead angling
  282. Void: or ghost strikes
  283. Sensui: Whiffing a Kick would lead into a backstab.
  284. Sensui: I don't have time to dead angle you on that sheild.
  285. Void: or predicting where I'll be and attacking my shield to pressure
  286. Sensui: No.. You're playing VERY defensively.
  287. Void: a turtle
  288. Void: playing defensively?
  289. Void: shocker
  290. Sensui: So you admit you have no offensive skills in combat?
  291. Sensui: Or.. Uh..
  292. Void: so are you admitting you can't handle defensive fighting?
  293. Sensui: Well.
  294. Void: or what?
  295. Sensui: I can.
  296. Void: really? then just do that
  297. Sensui: Not with that.. Specific weapon.
  298. Sensui: You have.
  299. Void: not sure why you keep letting me kill you then
  300. Sensui: Change it.
  301. Void: fine
  302. Void: already did
  303. Sensui: Alright.
  304. Sensui: YIKES.
  305. Sensui: Okay okay.
  306. Void: aggressive enough for you?
  307. Sensui: You found where the R1 button was.
  308. Void: I can mash R1 too :^)
  309. Void: just like you with the GLS :^)
  310. Sensui: I thought you would have uh.. Stopped after the second strike.
  311. Sensui: Not continue to mash FFFF.
  312. Void: why? you didn't do anything
  313. Void: if you had toggled or parried I might have
  314. Void: or rolled out
  315. Void: or done anything
  316. Sensui: I got hit about.. 3 times.. Got staggered and the third I tried to evade but got clipped.
  317. Sensui: I wouldn't mind losing if it wasn't in such a braindead way.
  318. Void: really, so mashing R1 is braindead now?
  319. Void: more braindead then summoning phantoms and mashing R1?
  320. Sensui: WIth a KATANA...
  321. Sensui: A little.
  322. Void: sorry I'll put on GLS :^)
  323. Sensui: PFFFT.
  324. Sensui: You wanna have a test of who can mash harder with the GLS.
  325. Void: why not
  326. Sensui: How reinforced is it.
  327. Void: +5
  328. Sensui: Mine is at a 4+
  329. Sensui: Let's go.
  330. Sensui: Btw.
  331. Sensui: I think I won't be able to get your sign.
  332. Void: some idiot is invading, getting into the sfae spot
  333. Sensui: Nvm. Idunno.
  334. Sensui: Yeah.
  335. Sensui: Look at this walking
  336. Sensui: poise tank.
  337. Sensui: Lol.
  338. Void: I mashed more I win
  339. Sensui: Rip.
  340. Void: hard weapon
  341. Void: what's your build btw?
  342. Sensui:
  343. Sensui: This character doesn't exactly have a build but.
  344. Sensui: It was made more on a bet to see If I could beat the game as a lvl 30.
  345. Sensui: Then I decided I can do some nonstop co op.
  346. Void: for fairness I'll link you my build too I guess:
  347. Sensui: Whoah. Alright, alright. Too strong, I submit.
  348. Void: uses +5 or +10 weapons normally, with a few variants for twinks
  349. Void: honestly I should just get 20 vit since 25 is a better SL
  350. Sensui: I don't have any fully upgraded gear outside of my chaos rapier.
  351. Sensui: Didn't really feel like doing any of that.
  352. Void: I usually only use fully upgraded stuff against people who do shit like spam dark bead with oolicile ivory
  353. Sensui: Ah well. I can't do anything about your invading in the depths, you're free to do whatever you want in there, I won't give you any trouble.
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