

Jul 30th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. wait 3 ticks
  3. set {lastjoined} to "%player%"
  4. on damage:
  5. if {god::%victim%} is true:
  6. cancel event
  7. if {god::%attacker%} is true:
  8. cancel event
  9. command /kontrolpanel [<text>] [<text>]:
  10. aliases: /kontrol, /k
  11. permission: mute.mute
  12. permission message: &4Glem det!
  13. Trigger:
  14. if arg-1 is not set:
  15. open chest with 5 rows named "&6&lKONTROL&e&lPANEL" to player
  16. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lKONTROL&e&lPANEL":
  17. wait 3 ticks
  18. Format slot 0 of player with Orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  19. Format slot 1 of player with Yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  20. Format slot 2 of player with Orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  21. Format slot 3 of player with Yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  22. Format slot 4 of player with Orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  23. Format slot 5 of player with yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  24. Format slot 6 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  25. Format slot 7 of player with yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  26. Format slot 8 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  27. Format slot 9 of player with Yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  28. Format slot 17 of player with Yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  29. Format slot 18 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  30. Format slot 26 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  31. Format slot 27 of player with Yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  32. Format slot 35 of player with Yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  33. Format slot 36 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  34. Format slot 37 of player with yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  35. Format slot 38 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  36. Format slot 39 of player with yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  37. Format slot 40 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  38. Format slot 41 of player with yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  39. Format slot 42 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  40. Format slot 43 of player with yellow stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  41. Format slot 44 of player with orange stained glass named " " to be unstealable
  42. if {fly::%player%} is true:
  43. Format slot 21 of player with 160:5 named "&2&lSLÅ FLY FRA" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6fly&e fra" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol fly fra"]
  44. else:
  45. Format slot 21 of player with 160:14 named "&4&lSLÅ FLY TIL" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6fly&e til" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol fly til"]
  46. if {god::%player%} is true:
  47. Format slot 22 of player with 160:5 named "&2&lSLÅ GOD FRA" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6god&e fra" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol god fra"]
  48. else:
  49. Format slot 22 of player with 160:14 named "&4&lSLÅ GOD TIL" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6god&e til" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol god til"]
  50. if {vanish::%player%} is true:
  51. Format slot 23 of player with 160:5 named "&2&lSLÅ VANISH FRA" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6vanish&e fra" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol v fra"]
  52. else:
  53. Format slot 23 of player with 160:14 named "&4&lSLÅ VANISH TIL" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6vanish&e til" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol v til"]
  54. format slot 30 of player with anvil named "&2&lTP TIL EN SPILLER" with lore "&7&oKlik for at tp til en spiller" to run [ make player execute command "/kontrol tp"]
  55. format slot 31 of player with glowing anvil named "&2&lRANDOM TP" with lore "&7&oKlik for at tp til en random spiller" to run [ make player execute command "/kontrol rtp"]
  56. format slot 32 of player with anvil named "&2&lVANISH LISTE" with lore "&e&oKlik for at se listen over skjulte spillere" to run [ make player execute command "/kontrol v liste"]
  57. format slot 13 of player with redstone block named "&4&lSTRAF" with lore "&e&oKlik for at straffe en spiller" to run [ make player execute command "kontrol straf"]
  58. format slot 19 of player with paper named "&2&lSIG VELKOMMEN" with lore "&e&oKlik for at skrive velkommen til &6%{lastjoined}%&e!" to run [ make player execute command "kontrol vel"]
  59. if arg-1 is "vel":
  60. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  61. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::ejer} is uuid of player:
  62. set {_prefix} to "**"
  63. else if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::admin} is uuid of player:
  64. set {_prefix} to "*"
  65. else:
  66. set {_prefix} to ""
  67. send "&8[%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::farve}%%{_prefix}%%{team::%uuid of player%}%&8]&8[&a%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::lvl}%&8] %player's displayname% &8» %{farve::%player%}%Velkommen %{lastjoined}%, håber du nyder opholdet." to players
  68. stop
  69. send "%player's displayname% &8» %{farve::%player%}%Velkommen %{lastjoined}%, håber du nyder opholdet." to players
  70. if arg-1 is "fly":
  71. if arg-2 is "til":
  72. set {fly::%player%} to true
  73. set player's flight mode to true
  74. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu har aktiveret dit &6fly mode&e!"
  75. Format slot 21 of player with 160:5 named "&2&lSLÅ FLY FRA" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6fly&e fra" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol fly fra"]
  76. if arg-2 is "fra":
  77. delete {fly::%player%}
  78. set player's flight mode to false
  79. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu har deaktiveret dit &6fly mode&e!"
  80. Format slot 21 of player with 160:14 named "&4&lSLÅ FLY TIL" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6fly&e til" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol fly til"]
  81. if arg-1 is "god":
  82. if arg-2 is "til":
  83. set {god::%player%} to true
  84. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu har aktiveret dit &6god mode&e!"
  85. Format slot 22 of player with 160:5 named "&2&lSLÅ GOD FRA" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6god&e fra" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol god fra"]
  86. if arg-2 is "fra":
  87. delete {god::%player%}
  88. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu har deaktiveret dit &6god mode&e!"
  89. Format slot 22 of player with 160:14 named "&4&lSLÅ GOD TIL" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6god&e til" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol god til"]
  90. if arg-1 is "v":
  91. if arg-2 is "til":
  92. set {vanish::%player%} to true
  93. add player to {vanishl::*}
  94. hide the player from all players
  95. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu har aktiveret dit &6vanish mode&e!"
  96. Format slot 23 of player with 160:5 named "&2&lSLÅ VANISH FRA" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6vanish&e fra" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol v fra"]
  97. if arg-2 is "fra":
  98. delete {vanish::%player%}
  99. remove player from {vanishl::*}
  100. reveal the player from all players
  101. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu har deaktiveret dit &6vanish mode&e!"
  102. Format slot 23 of player with 160:14 named "&4&lSLÅ VANISH TIL" with lore "&e&oKlik for at slå &6vanish&e til" to run [ Make player execute command "/kontrol v til"]
  103. if arg-2 is "liste":
  104. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lSKJULTE SPILLERE" to player
  105. wait 3 ticks
  106. set {_n} to 0
  107. loop {vanishl::*}:
  108. format slot {_n} of player with skull of loop-value named "%{onlinei::%loop-value%}%&l%loop-value%" to be unstealable
  109. add 1 to {_n}
  110. if arg-1 is "tp":
  111. open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lTP TIL EN SPILLER" to player
  112. wait 3 ticks
  113. set {_n} to 0
  114. loop {l.online::*}:
  115. set {_beta} to loop-value
  116. set slot {_n} of player's current inventory to skull of loop-value named "%loop-value%" with lore "&e&oKlik her for at strafe &6&o%loop-value%"
  117. #format slot {_n} of player with skull of loop-value named "%loop-value%" with lore "&e&oKlik her for at strafe &6&o%loop-value%" to close#to run [ make player execute command "straf %{_beta}%"]
  118. add 1 to {_n}
  119. if arg-1 is "straf":
  120. open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lSTRAF EN SPILLER" to player
  121. wait 3 ticks
  122. set {_n} to 0
  123. loop {l.online::*}:
  124. set {_beta} to loop-value
  125. set slot {_n} of player's current inventory to skull of loop-value named "%loop-value%" with lore "&e&oKlik her for at strafe &6&o%loop-value%"
  126. #format slot {_n} of player with skull of loop-value named "%loop-value%" with lore "&e&oKlik her for at strafe &6&o%loop-value%" to close#to run [ make player execute command "straf %{_beta}%"]
  127. add 1 to {_n}
  128. if arg-1 is "rtp":
  129. set {_p} to random player out of all players
  130. teleport player to {_p}
  131. send "&8[&6&lKONTROL&8] &eDu teleportede til &6%{_p}%&e!"
  132. on quit:
  133. delete {vanish::%player%}
  134. remove player from {vanishl::*}
  135. reveal the player from all players
  136. delete {fly::%player%}
  137. delete {god::%player%}
  138. on join:
  139. delete {vanish::%player%}
  140. remove player from {vanishl::*}
  141. reveal the player from all players
  142. delete {fly::%player%}
  143. delete {god::%player%}
  144. on inventory click:
  145. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lTP TIL EN SPILLER":
  146. execute player command "tp %name of clicked item%"
  147. remove clicked item from player's inventory
  148. on inventory click:
  149. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lSTRAF EN SPILLER":
  150. execute player command "straf %name of clicked item%"
  151. remove clicked item from player's inventory
  152. on join:
  153. add player to {l.online::*}
  154. on quit:
  155. remove player from {l.online::*}
  156. every 10 second:
  157. clear {l.online::*}
  158. loop all players:
  159. add loop-player to {l.online::*}
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