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Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. Processing algorithm 1/1...
  2. Algorithm - Splits network by cost isolines. starting...
  3. g.proj -c proj4="+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +x_0=700000 +y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"
  4. min_area=0.0001 snap=-1 input="/Users/arthur/Downloads" layer=Réseau routier output=tmp151629185596 --overwrite -o
  5. min_area=0.0001 snap=-1 input="/Users/arthur/Downloads" layer=Depart output=tmp151629185597 --overwrite -o
  6. g.region n=6519560.77083 s=6192397.02036 e=578658.942662 w=310247.58508 res=100
  7. -s input=tmp151629185596 points=tmp151629185597 out=tmp151629185598 op=connect threshold=50
  8. v.db.connect -o map=tmp151629185598 table=tmp151629185597 layer=2
  9. input="tmp151629185598" arc_type=line center_cats="1-100000" costs="1000,2000,3000" output=outpute72986cd648e4dbcbaf8e3bdae19134c --overwrite
  10. v.out.ogr -s -e input=outpute72986cd648e4dbcbaf8e3bdae19134c type=auto output="/Users/arthur/Downloads" format=ESRI_Shapefile output_layer=TESTESTESTESTEST --overwrite
  11. WARNING: Default locale settings are missing. GRASS running with C locale.
  12. Starting GRASS GIS...
  13. Executing '/Users/arthur/.qgis2//processing/' ...
  14. Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default
  15. Projection information updated
  17. Description:
  18. Imports vector data into a GRASS vector map using OGR library.
  20. Keywords:
  21. vector, import, OGR
  23. Usage:
  24. [-flc2tojrewi] input=string [layer=string[,string,...]]
  25. [output=name] [spatial=xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax[,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,...]]
  26. [where=sql_query] [min_area=value] [type=string[,string,...]]
  27. [snap=value] [location=name] [columns=name[,name,...]]
  28. [encoding=string] [key=string] [geometry=name] [--overwrite] [--help]
  29. [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]
  31. Flags:
  32. -f List supported OGR formats and exit
  33. -l List available OGR layers in data source and exit
  34. -c Do not clean polygons (not recommended)
  35. -2 Force 2D output even if input is 3D
  36. Useful if input is 3D but all z coordinates are identical
  37. -t Do not create attribute table
  38. -o Override dataset projection (use location's projection)
  39. -j Perform projection check only and exit
  40. -r Limit import to the current region
  41. -e Extend region extents based on new dataset
  42. Also updates the default region if in the PERMANENT mapset
  43. -w Change column names to lowercase characters
  44. -i Create the location specified by the "location" parameter and exit. Do not import the vector data.
  45. --o Allow output files to overwrite existing files
  46. --h Print usage summary
  47. --v Verbose module output
  48. --q Quiet module output
  49. --ui Force launching GUI dialog
  51. Parameters:
  52. input OGR datasource name
  53. Examples:
  54. ESRI Shapefile: directory containing shapefiles
  55. MapInfo File: directory containing mapinfo files
  56. layer OGR layer name. If not given, all available layers are imported
  57. Examples:
  58. ESRI Shapefile: shapefile name
  59. MapInfo File: mapinfo file name
  60. output Name for output vector map
  61. spatial Import subregion only
  62. Format: xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax - usually W,S,E,N
  63. where WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword
  64. Example: income = 10000
  65. min_area Minimum size of area to be imported (square meters)
  66. Smaller areas and islands are ignored. Should be greater than snap^2
  67. default: 0.0001
  68. type Optionally change default input type
  69. options: point,line,boundary,centroid
  70. default:
  71. point: import area centroids as points
  72. line: import area boundaries as lines
  73. boundary: import lines as area boundaries
  74. centroid: import points as centroids
  75. snap Snapping threshold for boundaries (map units)
  76. '-1' for no snap
  77. default: -1
  78. location Name for new location to create
  79. columns List of column names to be used instead of original names, first is used for category column
  80. encoding Encoding value for attribute data
  81. Overrides encoding interpretation, useful when importing ESRI Shapefile
  82. key Name of column used for categories
  83. If not given, categories are generated as unique values and stored in 'cat' column
  84. geometry Name of geometry column
  85. If not given, all geometry columns from the input are used
  87. ERROR: Sorry is not a valid option
  88. ERROR 4: Unable to open /Users/arthur/Downloads/aquitaine-latest-free.shx or /Users/arthur/Downloads/aquitaine-latest-free.SHX.Try --config SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX true to restore or create it
  89. ERROR 4: Failed to open file /Users/arthur/Downloads/aquitaine-latest-free.shp.
  90. It may be corrupt or read-only file accessed in update mode.
  92. WARNING: Datum not recognised by GRASS and no parameters found
  93. Over-riding projection check
  94. Check if OGR layer contains polygons...
  95. 0..100
  96. Importing 1 features (OGR layer )...
  97. 0..100
  98. -----------------------------------------------------
  99. Building topology for vector map ...
  100. Registering primitives...
  102. One primitive registered
  103. One vertex registered
  104. Building areas...
  105. 0..100
  106. 0 areas built
  107. 0 isles built
  108. Attaching islands...
  109. Attaching centroids...
  110. 100
  111. Number of nodes: 0
  112. Number of primitives: 1
  113. Number of points: 1
  114. Number of lines: 0
  115. Number of boundaries: 0
  116. Number of centroids: 0
  117. Number of areas: 0
  118. Number of isles: 0
  119. ERROR: Vector map not found
  120. ERROR: Vector map not found in current mapset
  121. ERROR: Vector map not found
  122. ERROR: Vector map not found
  123. Execution of '/Users/arthur/.qgis2//processing/' finished.
  124. Cleaning up temporary files...
  125. WARNING: Default locale settings are missing. GRASS running with C locale.
  126. Starting GRASS GIS...
  127. Executing '/Users/arthur/.qgis2//processing/' ...
  128. ERROR: Vector map not found
  129. Execution of '/Users/arthur/.qgis2//processing/' finished.
  130. Cleaning up temporary files...
  131. Converting outputs
  132. Loading resulting layers
  133. Algorithm - Splits network by cost isolines. correctly executed...
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