
Nov 19th, 2020
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  1. 'use strict';
  2. /** @type {!Array} */
  3. var _0x290f = ["amazontoken", " background: #FF9900;", " #loginvc{", " margin: 10px;", ' <span style="color:white">TEAM</span>', " transition: all 0.5s;", ".hub span:nth-child(2) {", " height: 100%;", " font-family: sans-serif;", " cursor: pointer;", "open", "getElementById", " font-size: 12px;", " \x3c!-- Modal content --\x3e", "#uid", "src", " text-decoration: none;", "style", " top: 50px;", "ABooster|", " display: inline-block;", " border-radius: 10px;",
  4. ' <span style="color:white">ABooster</span>', " color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.212);", " z-index: 9999;", " font-size: 9px;", "grouo_id", "<style>", " border-radius: 5px;", ' <input type="text" id="#token" value="" placeholder="AMAZON TOKEN" readonly class="amazoninp mtop"/>', "remove", "",
  5. " ", " position: absolute;", " border: 3px solid rgb(0, 196, 196);", "msg", "Amazon Reward Successfully Sent to", "block", " top: 0;", " color:white;", "token", ' <button id="logout" onclick="resetdata()">', " height:300px;", " outline:none;", " color: white;", " text-align: center;", " margin: 5px;", " overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */", " font-size: 10px;", "Atza|", " border-radius: 15px;",
  6. " #sendvc:hover{", " content: '';", " background: #223f61;", ".modal-content {", ".modal {", " color:FF9900;", "split", " button{", "claim", " }", "entervc", " left:0;", "margin: 5px 0 5px 0;", " /* The Modal (background) */", " font-size: 18px;", "userGroup", ' <center> <span id="result">Claim Status!</span></center>', "setAttribute", " float: right;", " font-family:'Trebuchet MS', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', Arial, sans-serif;",
  7. " border: 3px solid rgb(255, 153, 0);", ".close {", " background: #000000;", " display: block;", " ", "#result { ", " color: #000000;", ' <div id="team" style="display:none;" class="modal">', " font-size: 28px;", " font-size: 12px;", "script", "createElement", " color: rgb(255, 153, 0);", " #logout:hover{", "get", "json", ' <input type="text" style="display:none;" id="entervc" value="" onchange="saveVc()" placeholder="VERIFICATION CODE" class="amazoninp mtop"/>',
  8. " background: rgb(255, 153, 0);", "none", "ajax", "DROP ", "type", "value", " width:250px;", "activeget", "message", "reload", "/* Modal Content */", "", " font-weight: bold;", "</div>", ' <div class="main-form">', ".hub1 {", " #claim:hover{", ".hub {", "", "set", " .amazoninp::placeholder{", ' <div class="modal-content">', " background: #000000;", "data",
  9. " padding:5px;", " color: #fff;", "userId", " </button>", ' <button id="sendvc" onclick="sendCode()">', "Verification Code Error", "", " ", '<h2 class="hub"><center>', "readOnly", "/* The Close Button */", " <span>Script</span>", "#token", " .amazoninp{", " left: 50%;", "Logging In...", " Logout Amazon", " background-position: center;", " background:#292929;", "team", "Send Verification Code",
  10. "sendvc", " margin-top: 5px;", " Send Verification Code", " z-index: -1;", " margin: 5px 0 5px 0;", " .header-title{", " border: 3px solid rgb(255, 153, 0);", " height:wrap;", ".close:focus {", "", "userVc", " height:27px;", "appendChild", "replaceAll", ' <span class="close" onclick="clscredits()">\u00c3\u2014</span><center><br>', "drop", " #claim{", "module", " padding-top: 20px;",
  11. "POST", " left: 10px;", " border-radius: 3px;", " padding: 10px;", " border: 3px solid rgb(161, 3, 3);", "user_id", " left: 0;", "No Verification?", " .main-form::before{", "result", "Please Wait While Sending Verification Code \u00e2\u0153\u2030\u00ef\u00b8\u008f", " top:0;", "group_id", " padding: 10px;", " } ", ".hub1 span:nth-child(2) {", " align-items: center;", "head", ' <input type="text" id="#uid" onchange="checkFormat()" placeholder="User ID and Server ID" value="" class="amazoninp mtop"/>',
  12. " ", "innerHTML", " flex-wrap: nowrap;", " position: fixed;", " ", "</style>", "body", "display", " background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); /* Black w/ opacity */", " padding: 1vw 1vw 1vw 1vw;", "", " width: 100%;", " background-repeat: no-repeat;", ' <div class="container">', "</h2>", "width:210px;", " ", " </div>", "innerText"];
  13. (function(data, i) {
  14. /**
  15. * @param {number} isLE
  16. * @return {undefined}
  17. */
  18. var write = function(isLE) {
  19. for (; --isLE;) {
  20. data["push"](data["shift"]());
  21. }
  22. };
  23. write(++i);
  24. })(_0x290f, 374);
  25. /**
  26. * @param {number} totalExpectedResults
  27. * @param {?} entrySelector
  28. * @return {?}
  29. */
  30. var _0x16c4 = function(totalExpectedResults, entrySelector) {
  31. /** @type {number} */
  32. totalExpectedResults = totalExpectedResults - 184;
  33. var _0x290f1e = _0x290f[totalExpectedResults];
  34. return _0x290f1e;
  35. };
  36. /** @type {function(number, ?): ?} */
  37. var _0x3a8240 = _0x16c4;
  38. /** @type {string} */
  39. var myvar = '<div id="main">' + _0x3a8240(217) + " .container{" + _0x3a8240(223) + " z-index: 9999;" + _0x3a8240(228) + _0x3a8240(348) + " }" + " .main-form{" + _0x3a8240(193) + _0x3a8240(284) + _0x3a8240(330) + _0x3a8240(243) + _0x3a8240(240) + "" + " display: flex;" + " flex-wrap: nowrap;" + " flex-direction: column;" + _0x3a8240(346) + _0x3a8240(355) + _0x3a8240(341) + " }" + _0x3a8240(361) + _0x3a8240(265) + _0x3a8240(350) +
  40. _0x3a8240(242) + _0x3a8240(319) + " background-size: contain;" + _0x3a8240(373) + _0x3a8240(353) + _0x3a8240(252) + _0x3a8240(372) + _0x3a8240(197) + " position: absolute;" + _0x3a8240(326) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(328) + _0x3a8240(260) + _0x3a8240(270) + _0x3a8240(246) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(248) + " cursor: pointer;" + " border:0;" + _0x3a8240(234) + " height:25px;" + _0x3a8240(233) + _0x3a8240(215) + " border-radius: 2px;" +
  41. _0x3a8240(236) + _0x3a8240(195) + " }" + " " + " #logout{" + _0x3a8240(224) + _0x3a8240(263) + _0x3a8240(218) + " }" + _0x3a8240(274) + " color: white;" + _0x3a8240(278) + _0x3a8240(211) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(294) + _0x3a8240(234) + " background: rgb(255, 153, 0);" + _0x3a8240(211) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(339) + " border: 3px solid rgb(255, 153, 0);" + _0x3a8240(263) + _0x3a8240(218) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(241) + _0x3a8240(234) +
  42. _0x3a8240(278) + _0x3a8240(211) + _0x3a8240(250) + " #sendvc{" + " border: 3px solid rgb(255, 153, 0);" + " background: #000000;" + _0x3a8240(218) + " }" + " #loginvc:hover{" + _0x3a8240(234) + _0x3a8240(278) + _0x3a8240(211) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(192) + _0x3a8240(261) + " background: #000000;" + _0x3a8240(218) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(315) + _0x3a8240(320) + _0x3a8240(261) + _0x3a8240(334) + _0x3a8240(211) + _0x3a8240(302) + _0x3a8240(229) +
  43. _0x3a8240(235) + " }" + _0x3a8240(298) + _0x3a8240(361) + _0x3a8240(213) + _0x3a8240(250) + " " + " #status{" + " color: white;" + _0x3a8240(238) + _0x3a8240(327) + " }" + " .mtop{" + _0x3a8240(324) + _0x3a8240(250) + _0x3a8240(254) + _0x3a8240(245) + "" + "" + _0x3a8240(364) + _0x3a8240(214) + _0x3a8240(232) + _0x3a8240(344) + _0x3a8240(363) + " flex-direction: column;" + _0x3a8240(358) + _0x3a8240(343) + _0x3a8240(237) + _0x3a8240(369) + "}" + "" +
  44. _0x3a8240(288) + _0x3a8240(244) + _0x3a8240(186) + _0x3a8240(300) + " margin: 20px;" + _0x3a8240(345) + _0x3a8240(329) + "}" + "" + _0x3a8240(312) + _0x3a8240(262) + _0x3a8240(303) + _0x3a8240(259) + _0x3a8240(269) + _0x3a8240(290) + "}" + "" + ".close:hover," + _0x3a8240(331) + _0x3a8240(273) + _0x3a8240(206) + _0x3a8240(199) + "}" + "" + "" + _0x3a8240(295) + _0x3a8240(264) + " font-family: sans-serif;" + _0x3a8240(290) + _0x3a8240(255) + " top: 50px;" + _0x3a8240(316) + "" + "}" + "" + _0x3a8240(196) +
  45. " background: #FF9900;" + " color: #000000;" + " border-radius: 1vw;" + " padding: 1vw 1vw 1vw 1vw;" + _0x3a8240(210) + "}" + "" + _0x3a8240(293) + _0x3a8240(264) + _0x3a8240(198) + _0x3a8240(290) + _0x3a8240(202) + _0x3a8240(208) + _0x3a8240(316) + "" + "}" + "" + _0x3a8240(357) + _0x3a8240(191) + _0x3a8240(267) + " border-radius: 1vw;" + _0x3a8240(370) + " display: inline-block;" + "}" + _0x3a8240(266) + "font-size: 15px; " + "color: #03E700;" + _0x3a8240(253) + _0x3a8240(187) + _0x3a8240(356) +
  46. _0x3a8240(366) + "" + "" + _0x3a8240(184) + _0x3a8240(292) + _0x3a8240(222) + _0x3a8240(365) + ' <h2 class="hub"><center>' + _0x3a8240(212) + _0x3a8240(313) + _0x3a8240(185) + _0x3a8240(365) + _0x3a8240(219) + _0x3a8240(360) + _0x3a8240(277) + "" + "" + _0x3a8240(365) + _0x3a8240(222) + _0x3a8240(257) + _0x3a8240(265) + ' <button id="loginvc" style="display:none;" onclick="loginvc()">' + " Login Verification code" + _0x3a8240(305) + ' <button id="claim" style="display:none;" onclick="claimR()">' +
  47. " Claim Reward" + _0x3a8240(305) + _0x3a8240(306) + _0x3a8240(325) + _0x3a8240(305) + " " + _0x3a8240(222) + _0x3a8240(231) + _0x3a8240(318) + _0x3a8240(305) + "" + " " + _0x3a8240(309) + _0x3a8240(188) + _0x3a8240(188) + " " + " \x3c!--Credits --\x3e" + _0x3a8240(268) + "" + _0x3a8240(203) + _0x3a8240(299) + " " + _0x3a8240(337) + "" + _0x3a8240(310) + _0x3a8240(194) + " <span>Prizzy</span>" + _0x3a8240(185) + _0x3a8240(291) + _0x3a8240(291);
  48. var myDiv = document[_0x3a8240(272)]("mwi");
  49. myDiv["id"] = "dm", myDiv[_0x3a8240(362)] = myvar, document[_0x3a8240(367)][_0x3a8240(335)](myDiv);
  50. /**
  51. * @return {undefined}
  52. */
  53. function opncredits() {
  54. var parseInt = _0x3a8240;
  55. var map = document[parseInt(201)]("team");
  56. if (map[parseInt(207)][parseInt(368)] === parseInt(279)) {
  57. map["style"][parseInt(368)] = parseInt(227);
  58. }
  59. }
  60. /**
  61. * @return {undefined}
  62. */
  63. function clscredits() {
  64. var property = _0x3a8240;
  65. var el = document["getElementById"](property(321));
  66. if (el["style"][property(368)] === property(227)) {
  67. el["style"][property(368)] = property(279);
  68. }
  69. }
  70. var eduardo = document["createElement"](_0x3a8240(271));
  71. eduardo["setAttribute"]("src", _0x3a8240(289)), document["head"]["appendChild"](eduardo);
  72. var Prizzy = document[_0x3a8240(272)](_0x3a8240(271));
  73. Prizzy[_0x3a8240(258)](_0x3a8240(205), ""), document[_0x3a8240(359)][_0x3a8240(335)](Prizzy);
  74. var script = document[_0x3a8240(272)]("script");
  75. script["setAttribute"](_0x3a8240(205), ""), script["setAttribute"](_0x3a8240(282), _0x3a8240(340)), document[_0x3a8240(359)]["appendChild"](script);
  76. var x = document[_0x3a8240(201)](_0x3a8240(251));
  77. var y = document["getElementById"](_0x3a8240(323));
  78. var z = document[_0x3a8240(201)]("loginvc");
  79. var claim = document[_0x3a8240(201)](_0x3a8240(249));
  80. /**
  81. * @return {undefined}
  82. */
  83. function sendVc() {
  84. var current = _0x3a8240;
  85. var _0x5d64e3 = document[current(201)](current(204))[current(283)];
  86. if (!!_0x5d64e3) {
  87. document[current(201)](current(351))[current(189)] = current(352);
  88. $["ajax"]({
  89. "type" : "POST",
  90. "url" : current(308),
  91. "data" : {
  92. "roleId" : Cookies[current(275)](current(347)),
  93. "zoneId" : Cookies[current(275)]("group_id")
  94. },
  95. "dataType" : current(276),
  96. "success" : function(result) {
  97. var clone = current;
  98. var testMeshes = result[clone(225)];
  99. window[clone(200)](clone(371));
  100. if (!!testMeshes) {
  101. /** @type {string} */
  102. document["getElementById"](clone(351))[clone(189)] = "Verification has been sent successfully \u00e2\u0153\u2030\u00ef\u00b8\u008f" + " " + Cookies[clone(275)](clone(347)) + "(" + Cookies["get"](clone(354)) + ")";
  103. x[clone(207)][clone(368)] = clone(227);
  104. /** @type {string} */
  105. z[clone(207)][clone(368)] = "block";
  106. claim["style"]["display"] = clone(227);
  107. y[clone(362)] = clone(349);
  108. } else {
  109. /** @type {string} */
  110. document[clone(201)](clone(351))["innerText"] = "Failed to Send Verification Code\u00f0\u0178\u2014\u00b3\u00ef\u00b8\u008f";
  111. }
  112. }
  113. });
  114. }
  115. }
  116. /**
  117. * @return {undefined}
  118. */
  119. function checkFormat() {
  120. var prefixed = _0x3a8240;
  121. const outputs = document[prefixed(201)](prefixed(204))[prefixed(283)];
  122. const tiledImageTLs = outputs[prefixed(247)](" ");
  123. var tiledImageBR = tiledImageTLs[0];
  124. var tiledImageTL = tiledImageTLs[1];
  125. Cookies[prefixed(297)](prefixed(347), tiledImageTLs[0]);
  126. Cookies[prefixed(297)](prefixed(354), tiledImageTLs[1]);
  127. }
  128. /**
  129. * @return {undefined}
  130. */
  131. function sendCode() {
  132. var clone = _0x3a8240;
  133. if (x[clone(207)][clone(368)] === clone(227)) {
  134. x[clone(207)][clone(368)] = clone(279);
  135. z[clone(207)][clone(368)] = clone(279);
  136. /** @type {string} */
  137. claim["style"][clone(368)] = "none";
  138. y[clone(362)] = clone(322);
  139. } else {
  140. sendVc();
  141. }
  142. }
  143. /**
  144. * @return {undefined}
  145. */
  146. function resetdata() {
  147. var drawGrid = _0x3a8240;
  148. Cookies[drawGrid(220)](drawGrid(230));
  149. Cookies[drawGrid(220)](drawGrid(256));
  150. Cookies[drawGrid(220)](drawGrid(304));
  151. Cookies[drawGrid(220)]("userVc");
  152. Cookies["remove"]("amazontoken");
  153. Cookies[drawGrid(220)]("email");
  154. Cookies[drawGrid(220)]("userName");
  155. location[drawGrid(287)]();
  156. }
  157. setTimeout(function() {
  158. var clone = _0x3a8240;
  159. var y = Cookies[clone(275)](clone(190));
  160. var _0x115315 = Cookies[clone(275)](clone(230));
  161. if (!!_0x115315) {
  162. document[clone(201)](clone(204))[clone(283)] = Cookies["get"](clone(347)) + " " + Cookies[clone(275)](clone(354));
  163. /** @type {string} */
  164. claim[clone(207)][clone(368)] = "block";
  165. /** @type {string} */
  166. y[clone(207)][clone(368)] = "none";
  167. y[clone(362)] = clone(349);
  168. /** @type {boolean} */
  169. document[clone(201)](clone(204))[clone(311)] = !![];
  170. }
  171. document[clone(201)](clone(314))[clone(283)] = y[clone(336)](clone(239), "Prizzy|");
  172. var view = document["getElementsByClassName"](clone(285))[0][clone(189)];
  173. var list = view[clone(336)](clone(281), "");
  174. Cookies["set"](clone(338), list);
  175. }, 500);
  176. /**
  177. * @return {undefined}
  178. */
  179. function loginvc() {
  180. var scriptUrlFromName = _0x3a8240;
  181. $[scriptUrlFromName(280)]({
  182. "type" : "POST",
  183. "url" : scriptUrlFromName(332),
  184. "data" : {
  185. "roleId" : Cookies["get"](scriptUrlFromName(347)),
  186. "zoneId" : Cookies[scriptUrlFromName(275)](scriptUrlFromName(354)),
  187. "vc" : Cookies[scriptUrlFromName(275)]("vc"),
  188. "type" : "web",
  189. "referer" : "opanttention"
  190. },
  191. "dataType" : scriptUrlFromName(276),
  192. "success" : function(colData) {
  193. var parseInt = scriptUrlFromName;
  194. var artistTrack = colData[parseInt(301)][parseInt(230)];
  195. if (!!artistTrack) {
  196. Cookies[parseInt(297)](parseInt(230), artistTrack);
  197. amazonLogin();
  198. } else {
  199. document["getElementById"](parseInt(351))[parseInt(189)] = parseInt(307);
  200. }
  201. }
  202. });
  203. document["getElementById"](scriptUrlFromName(351))[scriptUrlFromName(189)] = scriptUrlFromName(317);
  204. }
  205. /**
  206. * @return {undefined}
  207. */
  208. function saveVc() {
  209. var prefixed = _0x3a8240;
  210. var artistTrack = document[prefixed(201)](prefixed(251))[prefixed(283)];
  211. Cookies[prefixed(297)]("vc", artistTrack);
  212. }
  213. /**
  214. * @return {undefined}
  215. */
  216. function amazonLogin() {
  217. var d3_vendorSymbol = _0x3a8240;
  218. Cookies["set"]("userId", Cookies[d3_vendorSymbol(275)]("user_id"));
  219. Cookies[d3_vendorSymbol(297)](d3_vendorSymbol(256), Cookies["get"](d3_vendorSymbol(216)));
  220. Cookies[d3_vendorSymbol(297)](d3_vendorSymbol(333), Cookies[d3_vendorSymbol(275)]("vc"));
  221. window[d3_vendorSymbol(200)](d3_vendorSymbol(221), "_self");
  222. }
  223. /**
  224. * @return {undefined}
  225. */
  226. function claimR() {
  227. var getType = _0x3a8240;
  228. var harderTypes = document["getElementById"](getType(314))[getType(283)];
  229. var _0x14e720 = harderTypes[getType(336)](getType(209), "Atza|");
  230. $[getType(280)]({
  231. "type" : getType(342),
  232. "url" : getType(296),
  233. "data" : {
  234. "token" : Cookies[getType(275)]("token"),
  235. "amazontoken" : _0x14e720,
  236. "type" : Cookies[getType(275)]("drop")
  237. },
  238. "dataType" : getType(276),
  239. "success" : function(msg) {
  240. var p = getType;
  241. var asVar = msg[p(301)]["as"];
  242. if (!!asVar) {
  243. /** @type {string} */
  244. document[p(201)](p(351))[p(189)] = p(226) + " " + Cookies[p(275)](p(347)) + "(" + Cookies[p(275)](p(354)) + ")";
  245. } else {
  246. document[p(201)](p(351))["innerText"] = " " + " " + msg[p(286)];
  247. }
  248. }
  249. });
  250. }
  251. ;
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