

Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae made her way inside, getting back from Drew's finally. She'd missed classes because he needed her to make him "feel better" after yesterday. She pulled the jacket up on her shoulders before she came in making sure that the bruises from his hand weren't showing. She really wasn't sure what she should do at this point. But she did know she didn't want Drew to talk to them, because he already said he wouldn't be nice about it. "Hey... is anyone home?" She called out after walking in the door.
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley jogged down the stairs and rose an eyebrow. "Yeah..." She answered with a curious glance. "You haven't been around this whole day?" She asked as she went towards the kitchen.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Adam finished up in the bathroom, washing his hands and stepping out to hear the faint sound of voices coming from downstairs. Drying his hands on the legs of his jeans, he turned and headed down the stairs, stopping behind Hayley. "Hey."-
  4. Covet: "Yeah... I've been busy today." Tae said softly then looked at them both. "I know.. we just talked the other day and it didn't go so well, but...I talked to Drew... " She said then pulled her arm across her body to hold the other, her hand right over the bruise hidden beneath her sleeve.
  5. Tsaaq: She darted her eyes awkwardly. "Okay." Hayley said quietly because she was waiting for the actual Drew reaction, because she knew it wasn't positive.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. I'm glad y'all talked." Adam said a little cheerfully because he's too naive and thinks that automatically means it was a good talk. He walked over into the living room to take a seat on the couch, making himself comfortable. "What did he say?"-
  7. Covet: "Well, he's not very happy with it. He... thinks he should be allowed to do what he wants, so that he's comfortable." Tae started then went to sit down as well. "He was yelling a lot last night... and said he'd talk to you guys, but I told him no, that I'd talk to you." She said then was quiet for a second looking down in her lap. "I asked him if He'd help me pick out which room to move into, and just keep things there, or go elsewhere. He just said for me not to move, and that he wasn't going to stop."
  8. Tsaaq: Hayley darted her eyes awkwardly again and looked to Adam. "Soooo, basically. It was a waste of time and no real decision about what's going to be done was made?" She asked in a montone as she raised her eyebrow, looking to Tae once more.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not following..." He started, his brows furrowing together as he stared at Tae. "Does he feel what he wants and what makes him comfortable is more important than anyone else's feelings or concerns?"-
  10. Covet: Tae glanced at Hayley speaking softly and in an ashamed tone, "Basically." Listening to Adam, without looking at him, nodding her head, "Eli asked me if I could talk to him about what you had said too. The respect thing, but he didn't care."
  11. Tsaaq: "Okay well..." Hayley trailed off. She shrugged her shoulders then threw her hands in the air. "Just try to time your fuck sessions outside of when we're home." She suggested exasperatedly. "Anybody want coffee?" She grumbled as she walked away.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Adam rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, sighing. "Well... Eli isnt wrong. I don't mean to intrude in your relationship, but I think Drew has made it pretty clear that he doesnt respect you or how you feel. Being in a relationship doesnt mean you agree all the time, but you're supposed to respect and care for your partner enough that you're willing to hear them out and let them voice their concerns. You're supposed to at least consider how they feel, not write it off because it isnt how you feel..." He trailed off, his eyes flicking over to Hayley on her way into the kitchen. "I'd love some coffee, thank you Halo."-
  13. Covet: "I don't even want to do things like that here anymore. I know it makes you guys uncomfortable, and you lived here before I did, and he doesn't live here at all. We could easily go elsewhere." Tae said then shook her head, "No thank you on the coffee." She looked back at Adam and nodded, "Yeah... I know. But I don't really have much of a choice, It's not something he wants to change."
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley pursed her lips and turned away from the two as she went to the coffee pot to do coffee things. "Uh..." She whispered before turning back around. "That sounds bad..." Hayley murmured uncomfortably.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "You do have a choice. No one is forcing you to put up with that kind of behavior. You could just as easily choose not to deal with it. If he's not willing to listen to you, why are you required to listen to him?" He asked, pushing up to his feet. "Do you need help with the coffee?"-
  16. Covet: "I... It's.. I don't know. He doesn't like it when I tell him no, or disagree. I just make him angry and that just makes everything worse." Tae said to Adam.
  17. Tsaaq: She went to grab the mugs before beginning to pour Adam's coffee before hers. Her eyes widened as she listened to Tae but she didn't turn around, horrified because that sounded awfully abusive. She heard his voice faintly before realizing she was pouring coffee onto the counter. "Shit. No, it's fine." Hayley answered.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -He was already on his way over into the kitchen when he heard Tae's words, stopping short in his tracks and slowly turning to look at her. "It makes him angry if you tell him no?" He repeated because that's a fucking red flag if he ever heard one. Hearing Hayley swear, he looked over at her and saw the coffee on the counter, quickly moving to grab a paper towel to push over the liquid because hot.-
  19. Covet: "Well, it's Drew, so he kind of gets angry about a lot of stuff, so it's probably not because it's me, he just doesn't like being told no." Tae said trying to justify the actions. "It's okay though. He still does a lot of nice things for me too, everyone just has their days."
  20. Tsaaq: Hayley pursed her lips as she tried to clean up her mess as well. "It's okay. I have tough man hands." She tried to say lightly so Adam wouldn't worry about it. "Uh..." Hayley trailed off again in response to Tae. "I mean... Drew is a fuckface with a short temper but that doesn't mean it's okay. Tell him he has to grow up and that he can't always get what he wants." She began to say angrily.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Saying everyone has their days isnt exactly the same as him rage quitting everytime someone tells him no. That's called entitlement, not having a bad day. And that doesnt make it any more acceptable even if it was just a bad day." He pitched the wet paper towels into the trash, putting his hand on Hayley's back. "Part of being in a relationship with someone is being able to talk to them about the things that bother you. Everything you're saying, sounds like you can't do that and are trying to justify that by telling us he's nice to you sometimes."-
  22. Covet: Tae frowned and dropped her head, " Yeah.. I guess I can tell him that. But... what if that doesn't work... there's nothing I can do....I've tried." She said mumbling the last part of her statement to herself as her shoulders slumped down and she felt her jacket slip off her shoulders, to which she scrambled to pull it back up so that they didn't see the bruise on her arm.
  23. Tsaaq: Hayley turned as she looked back at Tae, her eyes focusing on her arms before looking away again. "Then what's the point of being with him if you're scared to say what you need to say or have him listen?" Hayley said before wiping off Adam's cup and handing it over.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -He took his cup from Hayley, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Thank you." He said quietly to her, taking a small sip before looking at Tae again. "Exactly. It's a partnership, not a dictatorship. If you tried and it doesnt work and you feel there's nothing you can do, just remember you don't HAVE to be with him. It's a choice and if that choice is no longer working for you, it's okay to break up. Something detrimental doesnt need to happen in order for you to break up and you're allowed to leave whenever you want. He doesnt control you."-
  25. Covet: "Yeah.... I know..." Tae said softly. "I'll just make sure he doesn't come over. I don't want him to come yelling at you guys, like I think he wants to do. You guys don't deserve that." She stood up biting the inside of her cheek, "Thanks for listening, and the advice." Tae told them, "I'm kind of tired from my busy day, so I'm going to go get in bed. I'll see you guys in the morning."
  26. Tsaaq: "You're welcome Ab.s' Hayley tried to smile but she found herself frowning while listening to Tae. With morose eyes she watched Tae get up and say she was finished for the night. "We'll talk in the morning or something." Hayley said as she picked up her own mug and took a sip.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "He's more than welcome to come in here yelling if he wants to. It's not going to change a thing. He's still not going to get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I don't really care." He said to Tae, taking another sip of his coffee before looking down at Hayley. "I'd prefer if you werent home when that happens though."-
  28. Covet: "I know.. but I do." Tae said then looked at Adam, knowing Drew would easily knock his ass out. "Yeah that sounds good. Thanks Hayley." She said softly giving them both a smile, " Goodnight guys." She told them then made her way up the stairs to her room, curling up in bed, feeling a little helpless and hopeless.
  29. Tsaaq: Hayley sighed. "I can handle yelling humans. I'm from New Jersey." She said softly to him before giving Tae a weak wave as she went upstairs. "See you in the morning." She called out before turning to Adam and letting out a sigh because her mouth couldn't form the words she wanted to say.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "It's the fact that I suspect he doesnt stop at yelling..." He said in a mumble, sipping on his coffee and moving to take a seat down at the kitchen table so he could brood over Drew being a douche while finishing his delicious coffee.-
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