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- from string import digits
- "one": "1",
- "two": "2",
- "three": "3",
- "four": "4",
- "five": "5",
- "six": "6",
- "seven": "7",
- "eight": "8",
- "nine": "9",
- }
- STR_INT_MAP = {str(i): i for i in range(1, 10)}
- NUM_CHARS = set(digits)
- NUM_STRS = set(NUM_STR_MAP.keys())
- input_data = """..."""
- part_a_test_data = """1abc2
- pqr3stu8vwx
- a1b2c3d4e5f
- treb7uchet"""
- def part_a(data):
- total = 0
- for row in data.split("\n"):
- nums = [c for c in row if c in NUM_CHARS]
- total += int(nums[0] + nums[-1])
- return total
- def make_trie(words):
- root = dict()
- for word in words:
- current_dict = root
- for letter in word:
- current_dict = current_dict.setdefault(letter, {})
- return root
- part_b_test_data = """two1nine
- eightwothree
- abcone2threexyz
- xtwone3four
- 4nineeightseven2
- zoneight234
- 7pqrstsixteen"""
- def part_b(data):
- total = 0
- numbers = [*NUM_STR_MAP.values(), *NUM_STR_MAP.keys()]
- trie = make_trie(numbers)
- for word in data.splitlines():
- word_len = len(word)
- word_numbers = []
- for i in range(len(word)):
- j = i
- current_str = ""
- current = trie
- if word[j] not in current:
- i += 1
- continue
- while j < word_len:
- if word[j] not in current:
- i += 1
- break
- current_str += word[j]
- if not current[word[j]]:
- if len(current_str) == 1:
- word_numbers.append(current_str)
- else:
- word_numbers.append(NUM_STR_MAP[current_str])
- i += 1
- break
- else:
- current = current[word[j]]
- j += 1
- number_str = word_numbers[0] + word_numbers[-1]
- total += int(number_str)
- return total
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print(part_a(data=part_a_test_data)) # 142
- print(part_a(data=input_data))
- print(part_b(part_b_test_data)) # 281
- print(part_b(data=input_data))
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