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a guest
Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. 'home_title':'HOME PAGE',
  2. 'home_subtitle':'Featured Items',
  3. 'start_course': 'Start',
  4. 'search_title':'Searching..',
  5. 'continue_course': 'Continue',
  6. 'completed_course': 'Completed',
  7. 'expired_course': 'Expired',
  8. 'evaluation_course':'Under Evaluation',
  9. 'no_reviews':'No reviews found for this course.',
  10. 'year': 'year',
  11. 'years': 'years',
  12. 'month': 'month',
  13. 'months': 'months',
  14. 'week':'week',
  15. 'weeks':'weeks',
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  19. 'hours':'hours',
  20. 'minute':'minute',
  21. 'minutes':'minutes',
  22. 'second':'second',
  23. 'seconds':'seconds',
  24. 'expired':'expired',
  25. 'completed':'completed',
  26. 'start_quiz':'Start Quiz',
  27. 'save_quiz':'Save Quiz',
  28. 'submit_quiz':'Submit Quiz',
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  30. 'marks_obtained':'Marks obtained',
  31. 'max_marks':'Maximum Marks',
  32. 'true':'TRUE',
  33. 'false':'FALSE',
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  41. 'recent':'Recent',
  42. 'alphabetical':'Alphabetical',
  43. 'rated':'Highest Rated',
  44. 'start_date':'Upcoming',
  45. 'okay':'OKAY',
  46. 'dismiss':'DISMISS',
  47. 'select_category':'Select Category',
  48. 'select_location':'Select Location',
  49. 'select_level':'Select Level',
  50. 'select_instructor':'Select Instructor',
  51. 'free_paid':'Select Course price',
  52. 'price':'Price',
  53. 'apply_filters':'Apply Filters',
  54. 'close':'Close',
  55. 'not_found':'No courses found matching your criteria',
  56. 'no_courses':'No courses !',
  57. 'course_directory_title':'All Courses',
  58. 'course_directory_sub_title':'Course Directory',
  59. 'all':'All',
  60. 'all_free':'Free',
  61. 'all_paid':'Paid',
  62. 'select_online_offline':'Select Course type',
  63. 'online':'Online',
  64. 'offline':'Offline',
  65. 'after_start_date':'Starts after date',
  66. 'before_start_date':'Starts before date',
  67. 'instructors_page_title':'All Instructors',
  68. 'instructors_page_description':'Instructor Directory',
  69. 'no_instructors':'No Instructors found',
  70. 'get_all_course_by_instructor':' View all Courses by Instructor ',
  71. 'profile':'Profile',
  72. 'about':'About',
  73. 'courses':'Courses',
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  75. 'correct_answer':'Correct Answer',
  76. 'explanation': 'Explanation',
  77. 'awaiting_results':'Awaiting Quiz Results',
  78. 'quiz_results':'Quiz Result',
  79. 'retake_quiz':'Retake Quiz',
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  81. 'quiz_start_content':'You started quiz',
  82. 'quiz_submit':'Quiz submitted',
  83. 'quiz_submit_content':'You submitted quiz',
  84. 'quiz_evaluate':'Quiz evaluated',
  85. 'quiz_evaluate_content':'Quiz Evaluated',
  86. 'certificate':'Certificate',
  87. 'badge':'Badge',
  88. 'no_notification_found':'No notifications found !',
  89. 'no_activity_found' :' No Activity found !',
  90. 'back_to_course':'Back to Course',
  91. 'review_course':'Review Course',
  92. 'finish_course':'Finish Course',
  93. 'login_heading':'Login',
  94. 'login_title':'Get Started',
  95. 'login_content':'Your courses will be available on all of your devices',
  96. 'login_have_account':'Already have an account',
  97. 'login_signin':'Sign In',
  98. 'login_signup':'Sign Up',
  99. 'login_terms_conditions':'Terms and Conditions',
  100. 'signin_username':'Username or Email',
  101. 'signin_password':'Password',
  102. 'signup_username':'Username',
  103. 'signup_email':'Emails',
  104. 'signup_password':'Password',
  105. 'signup':'Sign Up',
  106. 'login_back':'Back to login',
  107. 'post_review':'Post a review for this course',
  108. 'review_title':'Title for Review',
  109. 'review_rating': 'Rating for this review',
  110. 'review_content': 'Content for Review',
  111. 'submit_review': 'Post Review',
  112. 'rating1star':'Bad Course',
  113. 'rating2star':'Not up to the mark',
  114. 'rating3star':'Satisfactory',
  115. 'rating4star':'Good Course',
  116. 'rating5star':'Excellent',
  117. 'failed':'Failed',
  118. 'user_started_course':'You started a course',
  119. 'user_submitted_quiz':'You submitted the quiz',
  120. 'user_quiz_evaluated':'Quiz evaluated',
  121. 'course_incomplete':'Course Incomplete',
  122. 'finish_this_course':'Please mark all the units of this course',
  123. 'ok':'OK',
  124. 'update_title':'Updates',
  125. 'update_read':'Read',
  126. 'update_unread':'Unread',
  127. 'no_updates':'No updates found',
  128. 'wishlist_title': 'Wishlist',
  129. 'no_wishlist':'No wishlist courses found',
  130. 'no_finished_courses':'No Finished courses!',
  131. 'no_results':'No results found!',
  132. 'loadingresults':'Please wait...',
  133. 'signup_with_email_button_label':'Signup with your email',
  134. 'clear_cache':'Clear Offline data',
  135. 'cache_cleared':'Offline cache cleared',
  136. 'sync_data':'Sync Data',
  137. 'data_synced':'Data Synced',
  138. 'logout':'Logout',
  139. 'loggedout':'You have successfully logged out !',
  140. 'register_account':'Login or Create an account to continue !',
  141. 'email_certificates':'Email certificates',
  142. 'manage_data':'Manage Stored Data',
  143. 'saved_information':'Saved Information',
  144. 'client_id':'Site Key',
  145. 'saved_quiz_results':'Saved Results','timeout':'TimeOut',
  146. 'app_quiz_results':'Results',
  147. 'change_profile_image':'Change Profile image',
  148. 'pick_gallery':'Set image from gallery',
  149. 'take_photo':'Take my photo',
  150. 'cancel':'Cancel',
  151. 'blog_page':'Blog Page',
  152. 'course_chart':'Course Statistics',
  153. 'quiz_chart':'Quiz Statistics',
  154. 'percentage':'Percentage',
  155. 'scores':'Scores',
  156. 'edit':'Edit',
  157. 'change':'Change',
  158. 'edit_profile_field':'Edit Profile Field',
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  160. 'refreshing':'...refreshing',
  161. 'contact_page':'Contact',
  162. 'contact_name':'Name',
  163. 'contact_email':'Email',
  164. 'contact_message':'Message',
  165. 'contact_follow_us':'Follow Us',
  166. 'invalid_url':'Invalid url value',
  167. 'read_notifications':'Read notifications',
  168. 'unread_notifications':'Unread Notifications',
  169. 'logout_from_device':'Are you sure you want to logout from this device?',
  170. 'accept_continue':'Accept and Continue',
  171. 'finished':'Finished',
  172. 'active':'Active',
  173. 'open_results_on_site':'Please check results for this quiz in browser.',
  174. 'show_more':'more',
  175. 'show_less':'less',
  177. 'buy':'Buy',
  178. 'pricing_options':'Pricing Options',
  179. 'pricing_options_title':'Pricing Options (swipe to select)',
  180. 'home_menu_title':'Home',
  181. 'directory_menu_title':'Directory',
  182. 'instructors_menu_title':'Instructors',
  183. 'blog_menu_title':'Blog',
  184. 'contact_menu_title':'Contact',
  185. 'popular_courses_title_home_page':'Popular Courses',
  186. 'popular_courses_subtitle_home_page':'Popular and trending courses',
  187. 'categories_title_home_page':'Categories',
  188. 'categories_subtitle_home_page':'Browse courses via course category',
  189. 'directory_search_placeholder':'Search',
  190. 'featured_courses':'Featured Courses',
  191. 'selected_courses':'Selected courses',
  192. 'markallquestions':'Please mark all questions first.',
  194. 'credit':'Credit',
  195. 'debit':'Debit',
  196. 'wallet_no_products':'Consult Admin to create Wallet Products !',
  197. 'wallet_no_transactions': 'No transactions found !',
  198. 'pay_from_wallet': 'Pay from Wallet',
  199. 'use_wallet':'Use Wallet amount to purchase',
  200. 'pay':'PAY',
  201. 'login_to_buy':'Please Login to Buy this course',
  202. 'login_again':'Please re-login to purchase this course',
  203. 'insufficient_funds':'Insufficient funds in wallet ! Add more funds.',
  204. 'buy_from_site': 'Buy from Site',
  205. 'description':'description',
  206. 'curriculum':'curriculum',
  207. 'reviews':'reviews',
  208. 'instructors':'instructors',
  209. 'retakes_remaining':'Retakes Remaining',
  210. 'open_in_new_window':'Open in New Window',
  211. 'show_notes':'Show Notes & Discussions',
  212. 'unit_attachments': 'Unit Attachments',
  213. 'Adding_new_comment':'Adding new comment',
  214. 'Replying_to_comment':'Replying to',
  215. 'Editing_comment':'Editing Comment',
  216. 'Submit_Comment' :'Submit Comment',
  217. 'Reply_comment' :'Reply',
  218. 'Edit_comment':'Edit',
  219. 'Show_children':'Show Child',
  220. 'Hide_children':'Hide child',
  221. 'Unitcomment':'Unit Comment',
  222. 'No_comment_avail':'No more comments available',
  223. 'Add_comment':'Add comment',
  224. 'Load_comment':'Load comment',
  225. 'Enter_your_comment':'Enter your comment',
  226. 'Cancel':'Cancel',
  227. 'insufficient_content':'Add more text to be saved !',
  228. 'start_assignment':'Start Assignment',
  229. 'upload_assignment':'Upload Assignment',
  230. 'your_attachment':'Your Attachment',
  231. 'your_attachment_comment':'Your Comment',
  232. 'assignment_content':'Assignment Content',
  233. 'all_assignment':'All Assignment',
  234. 'Not_match_size_or_type':'File type or size does not match',
  235. 'Allowed_file_size':'Allowed file size',
  236. 'Allowed_extensions':'Allowed extension type',
  237. 'You_have_2_minutes_remaining': 'You have 2 minutes remaining',
  238. 'file_not_selected_comment_not_entered':'File not selected or comment not entered',
  239. 'Timer_expired':'Timer Expired',
  240. 'start_now': 'Start now',
  241. 'mychats': 'My Chats',
  242. 'members': 'Members',
  243. 'chat':'Chat',
  244. 'start_chat':'Start Chat',
  245. 'start_new_chat':'Start New Chat',
  246. 'chat_message':'Chat Message',
  247. 'chat_email':'Email ID',
  248. 'chat_name':'Name',
  249. 'notification_send':'Notifiaction send',
  250. 'just_now':'Just Now',
  251. 'search_user_from_website':'Search from website',
  252. 'more':'more',
  253. 'is_typing':'is typing',
  254. 'search_user_from_firebase':'Online users',
  255. 'online_user_to_initiate_new_chat':'Start chat from online users',
  256. 'user_from_site_you_can_not_chat':'You can not chat with site users',
  257. 'chat_initialized':'Chat Initiated',
  258. 'Lenght_greater_than3':'Type more than 3 character',
  259. 'type_here':'Type here to filter users',
  260. 'send_message':'Send',
  261. 'type_message':'Type here',
  262. 'back_to_chat':'Back to messages',
  263. 'file_not_valid':'File not valid upload with other formant or size',
  264. 'type_something':'Type something..',
  265. 'file_selected':'File selected start typing..',
  266. 'file_not_selected':'File not selected start typing..',
  267. 'load_new_messages':'Load more ',
  268. 'group_directory':'Groups & Batches',
  269. 'no_batches_in_course':'Batches not exist for this course',
  270. 'batch':'Batches',
  271. 'money_refunded':'Money refunded',
  272. 'money_deducted':'Money deducted',
  273. 'not_enough_money_to_purchase_batch':'Not enough money to purchase batch',
  274. 'transaction_failed':'Transacion failed',
  275. 'money_deducted_joined':'Money deducted and joined the batch',
  276. 'buy_batch':'Buy Batch',
  277. 'login_buy_batch':'Please login to buy batch!',
  278. 'no_access_from_batch':'You have no access from batch to this course',
  279. 'group_name':'Group Name',
  280. 'group_description':'Group Description',
  281. 'total_members':'Total Members',
  282. 'batch_seats':'Batch Seats',
  283. 'start_batch_date':'Start Date',
  284. 'end_batch_date':'End Date',
  285. 'batch_start_time':'Start Time',
  286. 'batch_end_time':'End Time',
  287. 'weekly_schedule_off':'Weekly Schedule Off',
  288. 'now_to':'Now To',
  289. 'not_set':'Not set',
  290. 'continue':'Continue',
  291. 'no_member_found':'No Member Found',
  292. 'no_news_found':'No News Found',
  293. 'groups':'Groups',
  294. 'batches':'Batches',
  295. 'Please_buy_batch_first':'Please buy batch first!',
  296. 'newlyCreated':'Newly Created',
  297. 'lastActive':'Last Active',
  298. 'mostMembers':'Most Members',
  299. 'upComing':'Up Coming',
  300. 'Batches_not_enable_in_app':'Batch plugin not active in App'
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