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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. cargo doc -p stm32f1 --open
  2. Documenting cortex-m v0.3.1
  3. Documenting cortex-m v0.4.3
  4. error: `[::task::Poll]` cannot be resolved, ignoring it...
  5. |
  6. note: lint level defined here
  7. --> /Users/billsb/.cargo/registry/src/
  8. |
  9. 11 | #![deny(warnings)]
  10. | ^^^^^^^^
  11. = note: #[deny(intra_doc_link_resolution_failure)] implied by #[deny(warnings)]
  12. = note: the link appears in this line:
  14. [`Poll::Pending`](::task::Poll). The future will *also* register the
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  16. = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, just add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`
  18. error: `[::task::Context::waker]` cannot be resolved, ignoring it...
  19. |
  20. = note: the link appears in this line:
  22. [`cx.waker()`](::task::Context::waker)). Once a task has been woken up,
  23. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  24. = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, just add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`
  26. error: `[::task::Poll]` cannot be resolved, ignoring it...
  27. |
  28. note: lint level defined here
  29. --> /Users/billsb/.cargo/registry/src/
  30. |
  31. 11 | #![deny(warnings)]
  32. | ^^^^^^^^
  33. = note: #[deny(intra_doc_link_resolution_failure)] implied by #[deny(warnings)]
  34. = note: the link appears in this line:
  36. [`Poll::Pending`](::task::Poll). The future will *also* register the
  37. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  38. = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, just add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`
  40. error: `[::task::Context::waker]` cannot be resolved, ignoring it...
  41. |
  42. = note: the link appears in this line:
  44. [`cx.waker()`](::task::Context::waker)). Once a task has been woken up,
  45. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  46. = help: to escape `[` and `]` characters, just add '\' before them like `\[` or `\]`
  48. error: Could not document `cortex-m`.
  50. Caused by:
  51. process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc --crate-name cortex_m /Users/billsb/.cargo/registry/src/ -o /Users/billsb/code/blink/target/doc -L dependency=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps --extern aligned=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libaligned-18c44fcbc4face31.rmeta --extern bare_metal=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libbare_metal-17251b5a01dcb6ec.rmeta --extern volatile_register=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libvolatile_register-177bbca3438482be.rmeta` (exit code: 101)
  52. warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
  53. error: Could not document `cortex-m`.
  55. Caused by:
  56. process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc --crate-name cortex_m /Users/billsb/.cargo/registry/src/ -o /Users/billsb/code/blink/target/doc -L dependency=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps --extern aligned=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libaligned-18c44fcbc4face31.rmeta --extern bare_metal=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libbare_metal-17251b5a01dcb6ec.rmeta --extern untagged_option=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libuntagged_option-dbe4ad389866fa07.rmeta --extern volatile_register=/Users/billsb/code/blink/target/debug/deps/libvolatile_register-177bbca3438482be.rmeta` (exit code: 101)
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