

May 17th, 2022
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  2. <script>
  3. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  4. window.dataLayer.push({
  5. event: 'add_to_cart', // name of the event. In this case, it always must be add_to_cart
  6. ecommerce: {
  7. items: [{ // an array with a product (or multiple products) that was added to a cart
  8. item_name: 'Product 1', // insert an actual product name
  9. item_id: 'product1', // insert an actual product ID
  10. price: '11.99', // insert an actual product price. Number or a string. Don't include currency code
  11. item_brand: 'brand A', // insert an actual product price
  12. item_category: 'Apparel', // insert an actual product top-level category
  13. item_category2: 'T-shirt', // if it is possible to drill down the categories (e.g. Apparel, then T-shirt, then Men), use item_category2, item_category3, etc. Can use from item_category up to item_category5
  14. item_variant: 'Blue', // insert an actual product variant
  15. item_list_name: 'Search results', // if a product is added to cart directly from product list, add the list name here
  16. item_list_id: 'search_results', // if a product is added to cart directly from product list, add the list id here
  17. index: 1, // if a product is added to cart directly from product list, add the position in the list here
  18. quantity: '1' // product quantity of how many products were added to a cart
  19. }]
  20. }
  21. });
  22. </script>
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