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a guest
May 23rd, 2017
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  1. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ;
  3. ; D2BS Version: 1.3.1
  4. ;
  5. ; Boolean values:
  6. ; 't' or 'T' or 'true' or 'TRUE' or 1 for true/enabled
  7. ; 'f' or 'F' or 'false' or 'FALSE' or 0 for false/disabled
  8. ;
  9. ; ScriptPath // Set this to the name of the folder where your scripts are located (relative to d2bs).
  10. ; MaxGameTime // Set to 0 to disable, otherwise this is the max length of the game in seconds.
  11. ; BlockMinimise // Set to a boolean value to disable/enable minimize blocking.
  12. ; QuitOnHostile // Set to a boolean value to disable/enable quitting on hostile.
  13. ; QuitOnError // Set to a boolean value to disable/enable quitting on errors.
  14. ; StartAtMenu // set to a boolean value to disable/enable starting at menu (has no effect for users, developer toggle).
  15. ; MemoryLimit // set to 0 for default(50MB), otherwise the number of MB to limit memory to.
  16. ; // ## Don't change MemoryLimit unless you know what you are doing. ##
  17. ; MaxLoginTime // Time in seconds to wait for logging in.
  18. ; MaxCharSelectTime // Time in seconds to wait for the character select screen to load.
  19. ; GameReadyTimeout // Time in seconds to wait for act changes, etc. before the core reports a failure.
  20. ; DisableCache // Setting for developers to test loading scripts, defaults to false
  21. ; UseGamePrint // Set to false to use only the console for printing, or true to print to the console and the game buffer
  22. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [settings]
  26. ScriptPath=scripts-ntbot
  27. MaxGameTime=0
  28. BlockMinimize=true
  29. QuitOnHostile=false
  30. QuitOnError=false
  31. StartAtMenu=false
  32. MemoryLimit=0
  33. MaxLoginTime=5
  34. MaxCharSelectTime=5
  35. GameReadyTimeout=5
  36. DisableCache=true
  37. UseGamePrint=false
  41. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. ; These Settings are for the OOG Function: login()
  43. ; Example: login("My SP Character");
  44. ;
  45. ; [My SP Character] // Replace "My SP Character" with your characters name
  46. ; Mode = // Possible Modes: single,, other multiplayer
  47. ; Username = // Your Battle.Net Username/Account (the one you login with)
  48. ; Password = // Your Battle.Net password (for the Username/Account you entered previously)
  49. ; Gateway = // The gateway your account resides on, Possible Gateways: U.S. East, U.S. West, Europe, Asia, Classic Beta
  50. ; SPDifficulty = // Possible difficulties: 0 = Normal, 1 = Nightmare, 2 = Hell
  51. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. Mode =
  54. Username = ACCOUNT NAME HERE
  55. Password = PASSWORD HERE
  56. gateway = Europe
  57. character = CHARACTER HERE
  60. Mode =
  61. Username = ACCOUNT NAME HERE
  62. Password = PASSWORD HERE
  63. gateway = Europe
  64. character = CHARACTER HERE
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