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Jan 27th, 2016
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  1. Minecraft Coder Pack (id: mcp, version: 9.05, authors: [])
  2. Forge Mod Loader (id: FML, version:, authors: [cpw, LexManos, Player])
  3. Minecraft Forge (id: Forge, version:, authors: [LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad])
  4. CodeChicken Core (id: CodeChickenCore, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  5. 1.2 (id: ivtoolkit, version: IvToolkit, authors: [Ivorius])
  6. Mariculture - Vanilla Tweaks (id: MCVanillaTweaks, version: 1.0, authors: [joshie])
  7. MobiusCore (id: MobiusCore, version: 1.2.5, authors: [ProfMobius])
  8. Not Enough Items (id: NotEnoughItems, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  9. OpenModsCore (id: OpenModsCore, version: 0.9, authors: [Mikee, NeverCast, boq])
  10. CoFH ASM (id: <CoFH ASM>, version: 000, authors: [])
  11. ClothingCraft (id: ClothingCraft, version: 1.2.1, authors: [KittyReverant])
  12. Jewelrycraft 2 (id: jewelrycraft2, version: 1.1.4, authors: [OnyxDarkKnight])
  13. MC+ Blowpipe (id: MCP_Blowpipe, version: 1.4.0, authors: [])
  14. MC+ Wheel (id: MCP_Wheel, version: 1.1.2, authors: [])
  15. MC+ Cart (id: MCP_Cart, version: 1.3.0, authors: [])
  16. MC+ Clippers (id: MCP_Clippers, version: 1.1.2, authors: [])
  17. MC+ Collision (id: MCP_Collision, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
  18. MC+ Fossil (id: MCP_Fossil, version: 1.1.2, authors: [])
  19. MC+ GiftBox (id: MCP_GiftBox, version: 1.2.0, authors: [])
  20. MC+ Loom (id: MCP_Loom, version: 1.2.3, authors: [])
  21. MC+ Satchel (id: MCP_Satchel, version: 1.3.2, authors: [])
  22. MC+ Sickle (id: MCP_Sickle, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
  23. MC+ SkullCandle (id: MCP_SkullCandle, version: 1.0.2, authors: [])
  24. MC+ Turtle (id: MCP_Turtle, version: 1.2.3, authors: [])
  25. MC+ Vines (id: MCP_Vines, version: 1.0.1, authors: [])
  26. MC+ WildAnimal (id: MCP_WildAnimal, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
  27. AdminCommandsToolbox (id: act, version: 0.0.2a_1.7.10, authors: [ProfMobius])
  28. AgriCraft (id: AgriCraft, version: 1.7.10-1.4.6-hotfix, authors: [InfinityRaider])
  29. Air Overhaul (id: airoverhaul, version: 1.7.10_1.0, authors: [Mark719])
  30. Ancient Warfare Core (id: AncientWarfare, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45])
  31. CoFH Core (id: CoFHCore, version: 1.7.10R3.0.3, authors: [Team CoFH])
  32. BuildCraft (id: BuildCraft|Core, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  33. Ancient Warfare Automation (id: AncientWarfareAutomation, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45])
  34. Ancient Warfare NEI Plugin (id: AncientWarfareNEIPlugin, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [])
  35. Ancient Warfare NPCs (id: AncientWarfareNpc, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45])
  36. Ancient Warfare Structures (id: AncientWarfareStructure, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45])
  37. Antique Atlas (id: antiqueatlas, version: 1.7.10-4.2.10, authors: [])
  38. AppleCore (id: AppleCore, version: 1.2.1, authors: [squeek])
  39. Aquaculture (id: Aquaculture, version: 1.2.3, authors: [Team Metallurgy])
  40. Baubles (id: Baubles, version:, authors: [])
  41. BetterBeginnings (id: betterbeginnings, version: 0.9.5-R6, authors: [einsteinsci, iLiminate, AnonTheMouse, Leviathan143])
  42. BetterRain (id: betterrain, version:, authors: [OreCruncher])
  43. BetterStorage (id: betterstorage, version:, authors: [copygirl, Vic Nightfall])
  44. BiblioCraft (id: BiblioCraft, version: 1.11.4, authors: [Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair])
  45. Biome Music (id: biomemusic, version: 0.1a, authors: [MrPonyCaptain])
  46. Forge Multipart (id: ForgeMultipart, version:, authors: [])
  47. Boilerplate (id: boilerplate, version: 6.1.0, authors: [])
  48. Red Gear Core (id: redgear_core, version: 2.2.2, authors: [])
  49. Brewcraft (id: redgear_brewcraft, version: 1.3.3, authors: [])
  50. BC Builders (id: BuildCraft|Builders, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  51. BC Transport (id: BuildCraft|Transport, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  52. BC Energy (id: BuildCraft|Energy, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  53. BC Silicon (id: BuildCraft|Silicon, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  54. BC Robotics (id: BuildCraft|Robotics, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  55. BC Factory (id: BuildCraft|Factory, version: 7.1.14, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  56. Carpenter's Blocks (id: CarpentersBlocks, version: 3.3.7, authors: [Mineshopper])
  57. Railcraft (id: Railcraft, version:, authors: [])
  58. Chisel (id: chisel, version:, authors: [tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr])
  59. Climate Control (id: climatecontrol, version: 0.4, authors: [])
  60. Cogs of the machine (id: Cogs, version: 0.1.4pre1, authors: [Deatrathias])
  61. Cookie Core (id: cookiecore, version: 1.4.0, authors: [Ephys])
  62. Dynamic Lights (id: DynamicLights, version: 1.3.9, authors: [])
  63. Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module (id: DynamicLights_onFire, version: 1.0.5, authors: [])
  64. Dynamic Lights Creeper Module (id: DynamicLights_creepers, version: 1.0.4, authors: [])
  65. Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module (id: DynamicLights_dropItems, version: 1.0.8, authors: [])
  66. Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module (id: DynamicLights_entityClasses, version: 1.0.1, authors: [])
  67. Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module (id: DynamicLights_mobEquipment, version: 1.0.8, authors: [])
  68. Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module (id: DynamicLights_flameArrows, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
  69. Dynamic Lights Flood Light (id: DynamicLights_floodLights, version: 1.0.2, authors: [])
  70. Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module (id: DynamicLights_otherPlayers, version: 1.0.8, authors: [])
  71. Dynamic Lights Player Light Module (id: DynamicLights_thePlayer, version: 1.1.4, authors: [])
  72. Enchiridion (id: Enchiridion, version: 1.1, authors: [])
  73. EnviroMine (id: enviromine, version: 1.3.124, authors: [Funwayguy, TimbuckTato, GenDeathrow, thislooksfun])
  74. ExtrabiomesXL (id: ExtrabiomesXL, version: 3.16.4, authors: [MisterFiber, ScottKillen, JLBShecky, allaryin, bspkrs])
  75. Farseek (id: farseek, version: 1.0.10, authors: [delvr])
  76. Flaxbeard's Steam Power (id: Steamcraft, version: 0.28.12, authors: [SatanicSanta, xbony2, dmillerw, Flaxbeard, Zenith])
  77. Mantle (id: Mantle, version: 1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191, authors: [])
  78. Natura (id: Natura, version: 2.2.0, authors: [])
  79. Forestry for Minecraft (id: Forestry, version:, authors: [SirSengir])
  80. ForgeCraft (id: kitsumedievalcraft, version: 2.2.9, authors: [Kitsu Shadow])
  81. Minecraft Multipart Plugin (id: McMultipart, version:, authors: [])
  82. Gany's Surface (id: ganyssurface, version: 1.12.7, authors: [ganymedes01])
  83. Hardcore Darkness (id: HardcoreDarkness, version: 1.7, authors: [lumien])
  84. Highlands (id: Highlands, version: 2.2.3, authors: [fabricator77, Jpresent])
  85. Immersive Engineering (id: ImmersiveEngineering, version:, authors: [BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard])
  86. LunatriusCore (id: LunatriusCore, version:, authors: [Lunatrius])
  87. InGame Info XML (id: InGameInfoXML, version:, authors: [Lunatrius])
  88. INpureCore (id: inpure|core, version: 1.7.10R1.0.0B9, authors: [])
  89. Inventory Tweaks (id: inventorytweaks, version: 1.59-dev-152-cf6e263, authors: [])
  90. MapWriter (id: MapWriter, version: 2.1.8, authors: [mapwriter])
  91. Mariculture (id: Mariculture, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [])
  92. Marine Technlogy (id: MariTech, version: 1.0, authors: [])
  93. Metalforge (id: metalforge, version: @VERSION@, authors: [])
  94. Waila (id: Waila, version: 1.5.10, authors: [])
  95. Falling Meteors (id: meteors, version: 2.14.3, authors: [])
  96. Millénaire (id: millenaire, version: 6.0.0, authors: [])
  97. MineTweaker 3 (id: MineTweaker3, version: 3.0.10, authors: [Stan Hebben])
  98. Simple Mod Lister (id: ModLister, version: 1.0, authors: [Dragon2488])
  99. Mod Tweaker 2 (id: modtweaker2, version: 0.9.5, authors: [Jaredlll08])
  100. Nature Overhaul (id: natureoverhaul, version: 0.10.0, authors: [Clintonio, GotoLink])
  101. NEI Addons (id: NEIAddons, version:, authors: [bdew])
  102. NEI Addons: Developer Tools (id: NEIAddons|Developer, version:, authors: [])
  103. NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2 (id: NEIAddons|AppEng, version:, authors: [])
  104. NEI Addons: Botany (id: NEIAddons|Botany, version:, authors: [])
  105. NEI Addons: Forestry (id: NEIAddons|Forestry, version:, authors: [bdew])
  106. NEI Addons: Crafting Tables (id: NEIAddons|CraftingTables, version:, authors: [bdew])
  107. NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo (id: NEIAddons|ExNihilo, version:, authors: [bdew])
  108. NEI Integration (id: neiintegration, version: 1.1.1, authors: [tonius11])
  109. OpenMods (id: OpenMods, version: 0.9, authors: [])
  110. OpenBlocks (id: OpenBlocks, version: 1.5, authors: [])
  111. Pam's HarvestCraft (id: harvestcraft, version: 1.7.10j, authors: [Pamela Collins])
  112. Plant Mega Pack (id: plantmegapack, version: 4.30, authors: [10paktimbits])
  113. Project Zulu (id: ProjectZulu|Core, version: 1.7.10-1.4c2, authors: [])
  114. Quadrum (id: Quadrum, version: 1.2.0, authors: [])
  115. Recurrent Complex (id: reccomplex, version:, authors: [Ivorius])
  116. libsandstone (id: libsandstone, version: 1.0.0, authors: [x3n0ph0b3, TheMike])
  117. Reliquary (id: xreliquary, version: 1.2, authors: [x3n0ph0b3, TheMike])
  118. Realistic Terrain Generation (id: RTG, version: 0.4.0, authors: [WhichOnesPink])
  119. Ruins Spawning System (id: AS_Ruins, version: 15.3, authors: [])
  120. SGU BetterGeo (id: SGU, version: 1.0, authors: [Nicklas Lof, Mathias Lindfeldt, Kaarina Ringstad, Josephine Biro, Jo Uhlback, Pontus Westrin, Nelly Aroka])
  121. Punt (id: punt, version: 1.7.10-10.13.0-16.1, authors: [])
  122. Whitehall (id: whitehall, version: 1.7.10-10.13.0-16.1, authors: [])
  123. Hoy (id: hoy, version: 1.7.10-10.13.0-16.1, authors: [])
  124. SmallBoats (base) (id: smallboats, version: 1.7.10-10.13.0-16.1, authors: [Awger])
  125. The Spice of Life (id: SpiceOfLife, version: 1.3.0, authors: [squeek])
  126. Steamcraft 2 (id: steamcraft2, version: B5.0.0, authors: [])
  127. Streams (id: streams, version: 0.1.6, authors: [delvr])
  128. Subsistence (id: subsistence, version: Alpha, authors: [])
  129. TooMuchTime (id: TooMuchTime, version: 2.4.0, authors: [])
  130. Trade Booth Mod (id: tradeboothmod, version:, authors: [])
  131. TradeCraft (id: TradeCraft, version: 1.0.2, authors: [])
  132. Traveller's Gear (id: TravellersGear, version: 1.16.6, authors: [BluSunrize])
  133. AtomicStryker Update Check Mod (id: AS_UpdateCheck, version: 1.1.7, authors: [])
  134. Waila Harvestability (id: WailaHarvestability, version: 1.1.6, authors: [squeek])
  135. Balkon's WeaponMod (id: weaponmod, version: v1.14.3, authors: [])
  136. Another One Bites The Dust (id: aobd, version: 2.9.0, authors: [ganymedes01])
  137. Forge Microblocks (id: ForgeMicroblock, version:, authors: [])
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