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- -- Checking for required components
- local function getComponentAddress(name)
- return component.list(name)() or error("Required " .. name .. " component is missing")
- end
- local EEPROMAddress, internetAddress, GPUAddress =
- getComponentAddress("eeprom"),
- getComponentAddress("internet"),
- getComponentAddress("gpu")
- -- Binding GPU to screen in case it's not done yet
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "bind", getComponentAddress("screen"))
- local screenWidth, screenHeight = component.invoke(GPUAddress, "getResolution")
- local repositoryURL = ""
- local installerURL = "Installer/"
- local EFIURL = "EFI/Minified.lua"
- local installerPath = "/MineOS installer/"
- local installerPicturesPath = installerPath .. "Installer/Pictures/"
- local OSPath = "/"
- local temporaryFilesystemProxy, selectedFilesystemProxy
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Working with components directly before system libraries are downloaded & initialized
- local function centrize(width)
- return math.floor(screenWidth / 2 - width / 2)
- end
- local function centrizedText(y, color, text)
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "fill", 1, y, screenWidth, 1, " ")
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "setForeground", color)
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "set", centrize(#text), y, text)
- end
- local function title()
- local y = math.floor(screenHeight / 2 - 1)
- centrizedText(y, 0x2D2D2D, "MineOS")
- return y + 2
- end
- local function progress(value)
- local width = 26
- local x, y, part = centrize(width), title(), math.ceil(width * value)
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "setForeground", 0x878787)
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "set", x, y, string.rep("─", part))
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "setForeground", 0xC3C3C3)
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "set", x + part, y, string.rep("─", width - part))
- end
- local function filesystemPath(path)
- return path:match("^(.+%/).") or ""
- end
- local function filesystemName(path)
- return path:match("%/?([^%/]+%/?)$")
- end
- local function filesystemHideExtension(path)
- return path:match("(.+)%..+") or path
- end
- local function rawRequest(url, chunkHandler)
- local internetHandle, reason = component.invoke(internetAddress, "request", repositoryURL .. url:gsub("([^%w%-%_%.%~])", function(char)
- return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(char))
- end))
- if internetHandle then
- local chunk, reason
- while true do
- chunk, reason =
- if chunk then
- chunkHandler(chunk)
- else
- if reason then
- error("Internet request failed: " .. tostring(reason))
- end
- break
- end
- end
- internetHandle.close()
- else
- error("Connection failed: " .. url)
- end
- end
- local function request(url)
- local data = ""
- rawRequest(url, function(chunk)
- data = data .. chunk
- end)
- return data
- end
- local function download(url, path)
- selectedFilesystemProxy.makeDirectory(filesystemPath(path))
- local fileHandle, reason =, "wb")
- if fileHandle then
- rawRequest(url, function(chunk)
- selectedFilesystemProxy.write(fileHandle, chunk)
- end)
- selectedFilesystemProxy.close(fileHandle)
- else
- error("File opening failed: " .. tostring(reason))
- end
- end
- local function deserialize(text)
- local result, reason = load("return " .. text, "=string")
- if result then
- return result()
- else
- error(reason)
- end
- end
- -- Clearing screen
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "setBackground", 0xE1E1E1)
- component.invoke(GPUAddress, "fill", 1, 1, screenWidth, screenHeight, " ")
- -- Checking minimum system requirements
- do
- local function warning(text)
- centrizedText(title(), 0x878787, text)
- local signal
- repeat
- signal = computer.pullSignal()
- until signal == "key_down" or signal == "touch"
- computer.shutdown()
- end
- if component.invoke(GPUAddress, "getDepth") ~= 8 then
- warning("Tier 3 GPU and screen are required")
- end
- if computer.totalMemory() < 1024 * 1024 * 2 then
- warning("At least 2x Tier 3.5 RAM modules are required")
- end
- -- Searching for appropriate temporary filesystem for storing libraries, images, etc
- for address in component.list("filesystem") do
- local proxy = component.proxy(address)
- if proxy.spaceTotal() >= 2 * 1024 * 1024 then
- temporaryFilesystemProxy, selectedFilesystemProxy = proxy, proxy
- break
- end
- end
- -- If there's no suitable HDDs found - then meow
- if not temporaryFilesystemProxy then
- warning("At least Tier 2 HDD is required")
- end
- end
- -- First, we need a big ass file list with localizations, applications, wallpapers
- progress(0)
- local files = deserialize(request(installerURL .. "Files.cfg"))
- -- After that we could download required libraries for installer from it
- for i = 1, #files.installerFiles do
- progress(i / #files.installerFiles)
- download(files.installerFiles[i], installerPath .. files.installerFiles[i])
- end
- -- Initializing simple package system for loading system libraries
- package = {loading = {}, loaded = {}}
- function require(module)
- if package.loaded[module] then
- return package.loaded[module]
- elseif package.loading[module] then
- error("already loading " .. module .. ": " .. debug.traceback())
- else
- package.loading[module] = true
- local handle, reason = .. "Libraries/" .. module .. ".lua", "rb")
- if handle then
- local data, chunk = ""
- repeat
- chunk =, math.huge)
- data = data .. (chunk or "")
- until not chunk
- temporaryFilesystemProxy.close(handle)
- local result, reason = load(data, "=" .. module)
- if result then
- package.loaded[module] = result() or true
- else
- error(reason)
- end
- else
- error("File opening failed: " .. tostring(reason))
- end
- package.loading[module] = nil
- return package.loaded[module]
- end
- end
- -- Initializing system libraries
- local filesystem = require("Filesystem")
- filesystem.setProxy(temporaryFilesystemProxy)
- bit32 = bit32 or require("Bit32")
- local image = require("Image")
- local text = require("Text")
- local number = require("Number")
- local screen = require("Screen")
- screen.setGPUAddress(GPUAddress)
- local GUI = require("GUI")
- local system = require("System")
- local paths = require("Paths")
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Creating main UI workspace
- local workspace = GUI.workspace()
- workspace:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, workspace.width, workspace.height, 0x1E1E1E))
- -- Main installer window
- local window = workspace:addChild(GUI.window(1, 1, 80, 24))
- window.localX, window.localY = math.ceil(workspace.width / 2 - window.width / 2), math.ceil(workspace.height / 2 - window.height / 2)
- window:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, window.width, window.height, 0xE1E1E1))
- -- Top menu
- local menu = workspace:addChild(, 1, workspace.width, 0xF0F0F0, 0x787878, 0x3366CC, 0xE1E1E1))
- local installerMenu = menu:addContextMenuItem("MineOS", 0x2D2D2D)
- installerMenu:addItem("🗘", "Reboot").onTouch = function()
- computer.shutdown(true)
- end
- installerMenu:addItem("⏻", "Shutdown").onTouch = function()
- computer.shutdown()
- end
- -- Main vertical layout
- local layout = window:addChild(GUI.layout(1, 1, window.width, window.height - 2, 1, 1))
- local stageButtonsLayout = window:addChild(GUI.layout(1, window.height - 1, window.width, 1, 1, 1))
- stageButtonsLayout:setDirection(1, 1, GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL)
- stageButtonsLayout:setSpacing(1, 1, 3)
- local function loadImage(name)
- return image.load(installerPicturesPath .. name .. ".pic")
- end
- local function newInput(width, ...)
- return GUI.input(1, 1, width, 1, 0xF0F0F0, 0x787878, 0xC3C3C3, 0xF0F0F0, 0x878787, "", ...)
- end
- local function newSwitchAndLabel(width, color, text, state)
- return GUI.switchAndLabel(1, 1, width, 6, color, 0xD2D2D2, 0xF0F0F0, 0xA5A5A5, text .. ":", state)
- end
- local function addTitle(color, text)
- return layout:addChild(GUI.text(1, 1, color, text))
- end
- local function addImage(before, after, name)
- if before > 0 then
- layout:addChild(GUI.object(1, 1, 1, before))
- end
- local picture = layout:addChild(GUI.image(1, 1, loadImage(name)))
- picture.height = picture.height + after
- return picture
- end
- local function addStageButton(text)
- local button = stageButtonsLayout:addChild(GUI.adaptiveRoundedButton(1, 1, 2, 0, 0xC3C3C3, 0x878787, 0xA5A5A5, 0x696969, text))
- button.colors.disabled.background = 0xD2D2D2
- button.colors.disabled.text = 0xB4B4B4
- return button
- end
- local prevButton = addStageButton("<")
- local nextButton = addStageButton(">")
- local localization
- local stage = 1
- local stages = {}
- local usernameInput = newInput(30, "")
- local passwordInput = newInput(30, "", false, "•")
- local passwordSubmitInput = newInput(30, "", false, "•")
- local usernamePasswordText = GUI.text(1, 1, 0xCC0040, "")
- local withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel = newSwitchAndLabel(30, 0x66DB80, "", false)
- local wallpapersSwitchAndLabel = newSwitchAndLabel(30, 0xFF4980, "", true)
- local applicationsSwitchAndLabel = newSwitchAndLabel(30, 0x33DB80, "", true)
- local localizationsSwitchAndLabel = newSwitchAndLabel(30, 0x33B6FF, "", true)
- local acceptSwitchAndLabel = newSwitchAndLabel(30, 0x9949FF, "", false)
- local localizationComboBox = GUI.comboBox(1, 1, 26, 1, 0xF0F0F0, 0x969696, 0xD2D2D2, 0xB4B4B4)
- for i = 1, #files.localizations do
- localizationComboBox:addItem(filesystemHideExtension(filesystemName(files.localizations[i]))).onTouch = function()
- -- Obtaining localization table
- localization = deserialize(request(installerURL .. files.localizations[i]))
- -- Filling widgets with selected localization data
- usernameInput.placeholderText = localization.username
- passwordInput.placeholderText = localization.password
- passwordSubmitInput.placeholderText = localization.submitPassword
- withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel.label.text = localization.withoutPassword
- wallpapersSwitchAndLabel.label.text = localization.wallpapers
- applicationsSwitchAndLabel.label.text = localization.applications
- localizationsSwitchAndLabel.label.text = localization.languages
- acceptSwitchAndLabel.label.text = localization.accept
- end
- end
- local function addStage(onTouch)
- table.insert(stages, function()
- layout:removeChildren()
- onTouch()
- workspace:draw()
- end)
- end
- local function loadStage()
- if stage < 1 then
- stage = 1
- elseif stage > #stages then
- stage = #stages
- end
- stages[stage]()
- end
- local function checkUserInputs()
- local nameEmpty = #usernameInput.text == 0
- local nameVaild = usernameInput.text:match("^%w[%w%s_]+$")
- local passValid = withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel.switch.state or #passwordInput.text == 0 or #passwordSubmitInput.text == 0 or passwordInput.text == passwordSubmitInput.text
- if (nameEmpty or nameVaild) and passValid then
- usernamePasswordText.hidden = true
- nextButton.disabled = nameEmpty or not nameVaild or not passValid
- else
- usernamePasswordText.hidden = false
- nextButton.disabled = true
- if nameVaild then
- usernamePasswordText.text = localization.passwordsArentEqual
- else
- usernamePasswordText.text = localization.usernameInvalid
- end
- end
- end
- local function checkLicense()
- nextButton.disabled = not acceptSwitchAndLabel.switch.state
- end
- prevButton.onTouch = function()
- stage = stage - 1
- loadStage()
- end
- nextButton.onTouch = function()
- stage = stage + 1
- loadStage()
- end
- acceptSwitchAndLabel.switch.onStateChanged = function()
- checkLicense()
- workspace:draw()
- end
- withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel.switch.onStateChanged = function()
- passwordInput.hidden = withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel.switch.state
- passwordSubmitInput.hidden = withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel.switch.state
- checkUserInputs()
- workspace:draw()
- end
- usernameInput.onInputFinished = function()
- checkUserInputs()
- workspace:draw()
- end
- passwordInput.onInputFinished = usernameInput.onInputFinished
- passwordSubmitInput.onInputFinished = usernameInput.onInputFinished
- -- Localization selection stage
- addStage(function()
- prevButton.disabled = true
- addImage(0, 1, "Languages")
- layout:addChild(localizationComboBox)
- workspace:draw()
- localizationComboBox:getItem(1).onTouch()
- end)
- -- Filesystem selection stage
- addStage(function()
- prevButton.disabled = false
- nextButton.disabled = false
- layout:addChild(GUI.object(1, 1, 1, 1))
- addTitle(0x696969,
- local diskLayout = layout:addChild(GUI.layout(1, 1, layout.width, 11, 1, 1))
- diskLayout:setDirection(1, 1, GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL)
- diskLayout:setSpacing(1, 1, 1)
- local HDDImage = loadImage("HDD")
- local function select(proxy)
- selectedFilesystemProxy = proxy
- for i = 1, #diskLayout.children do
- diskLayout.children[i].children[1].hidden = diskLayout.children[i].proxy ~= selectedFilesystemProxy
- end
- end
- local function updateDisks()
- local function diskEventHandler(workspace, disk, e1)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- select(disk.proxy)
- workspace:draw()
- end
- end
- local function addDisk(proxy, picture, disabled)
- local disk = diskLayout:addChild(GUI.container(1, 1, 14, diskLayout.height))
- disk.blockScreenEvents = true
- disk:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, disk.width, disk.height, 0xD2D2D2))
- disk:addChild(GUI.button(1, disk.height, disk.width, 1, 0xCC4940, 0xE1E1E1, 0x990000, 0xE1E1E1, localization.erase)).onTouch = function()
- local list, path = proxy.list("/")
- for i = 1, #list do
- path = "/" .. list[i]
- if proxy.address ~= temporaryFilesystemProxy.address or path ~= installerPath then
- proxy.remove(path)
- end
- end
- updateDisks()
- end
- if disabled then
- picture = image.blend(picture, 0xFFFFFF, 0.4)
- disk.disabled = true
- end
- disk:addChild(GUI.image(4, 2, picture))
- disk:addChild(GUI.label(2, 7, disk.width - 2, 1, disabled and 0x969696 or 0x696969, text.limit(proxy.getLabel() or proxy.address, disk.width - 2))):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP)
- disk:addChild(GUI.progressBar(2, 8, disk.width - 2, disabled and 0xCCDBFF or 0x66B6FF, disabled and 0xD2D2D2 or 0xC3C3C3, disabled and 0xC3C3C3 or 0xA5A5A5, math.floor(proxy.spaceUsed() / proxy.spaceTotal() * 100), true, true, "", "% " .. localization.used))
- disk.eventHandler = diskEventHandler
- disk.proxy = proxy
- end
- diskLayout:removeChildren()
- for address in component.list("filesystem") do
- local proxy = component.proxy(address)
- if proxy.spaceTotal() >= 1 * 1024 * 1024 then
- addDisk(
- proxy,
- proxy.spaceTotal() < 1 * 1024 * 1024 and floppyImage or HDDImage,
- proxy.isReadOnly() or proxy.spaceTotal() < 2 * 1024 * 1024
- )
- end
- end
- select(selectedFilesystemProxy)
- end
- updateDisks()
- end)
- -- User profile setup stage
- addStage(function()
- checkUserInputs()
- addImage(0, 0, "User")
- addTitle(0x696969, localization.setup)
- layout:addChild(usernameInput)
- layout:addChild(passwordInput)
- layout:addChild(passwordSubmitInput)
- layout:addChild(usernamePasswordText)
- layout:addChild(withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel)
- end)
- -- Downloads customization stage
- addStage(function()
- nextButton.disabled = false
- addImage(0, 0, "Settings")
- addTitle(0x696969, localization.customize)
- layout:addChild(wallpapersSwitchAndLabel)
- layout:addChild(applicationsSwitchAndLabel)
- layout:addChild(localizationsSwitchAndLabel)
- end)
- -- License acception stage
- addStage(function()
- checkLicense()
- local lines = text.wrap({request("LICENSE")}, layout.width - 2)
- local textBox = layout:addChild(GUI.textBox(1, 1, layout.width, layout.height - 3, 0xF0F0F0, 0x696969, lines, 1, 1, 1))
- layout:addChild(acceptSwitchAndLabel)
- end)
- -- Downloading stage
- addStage(function()
- stageButtonsLayout:removeChildren()
- -- Creating user profile
- layout:removeChildren()
- addImage(1, 1, "User")
- addTitle(0x969696, localization.creating)
- workspace:draw()
- -- Renaming if possible
- if not selectedFilesystemProxy.getLabel() then
- selectedFilesystemProxy.setLabel("MineOS HDD")
- end
- local function switchProxy(runnable)
- filesystem.setProxy(selectedFilesystemProxy)
- runnable()
- filesystem.setProxy(temporaryFilesystemProxy)
- end
- -- Creating system paths
- local userSettings, userPaths
- switchProxy(function()
- paths.create(paths.system)
- userSettings, userPaths = system.createUser(
- usernameInput.text,
- localizationComboBox:getItem(localizationComboBox.selectedItem).text,
- not withoutPasswordSwitchAndLabel.switch.state and passwordInput.text or nil,
- wallpapersSwitchAndLabel.switch.state
- )
- end)
- -- Downloading files
- layout:removeChildren()
- addImage(3, 2, "Downloading")
- local container = layout:addChild(GUI.container(1, 1, layout.width - 20, 2))
- local progressBar = container:addChild(GUI.progressBar(1, 1, container.width, 0x66B6FF, 0xD2D2D2, 0xA5A5A5, 0, true, false))
- local cyka = container:addChild(GUI.label(1, 2, container.width, 1, 0x969696, "")):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP)
- -- Creating final filelist of things to download
- local downloadList = {}
- local function getData(item)
- if type(item) == "table" then
- return item.path,, item.version, item.shortcut
- else
- return item
- end
- end
- local function addToList(state, key)
- if state then
- local selectedLocalization, path, localizationName = localizationComboBox:getItem(localizationComboBox.selectedItem).text
- for i = 1, #files[key] do
- path = getData(files[key][i])
- if filesystem.extension(path) == ".lang" then
- localizationName = filesystem.hideExtension(
- if
- -- If ALL loacalizations need to be downloaded
- localizationsSwitchAndLabel.switch.state or
- -- If it's required localization file
- localizationName == selectedLocalization or
- -- Downloading English "just in case" for non-english localizations
- selectedLocalization ~= "English" and localizationName == "English"
- then
- table.insert(downloadList, files[key][i])
- end
- else
- table.insert(downloadList, files[key][i])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- addToList(true, "required")
- addToList(true, "localizations")
- addToList(true, "requiredWallpapers")
- addToList(applicationsSwitchAndLabel.switch.state, "optional")
- addToList(wallpapersSwitchAndLabel.switch.state, "optionalWallpapers")
- -- Downloading files from created list
- local versions, path, id, version, shortcut = {}
- for i = 1, #downloadList do
- path, id, version, shortcut = getData(downloadList[i])
- cyka.text = text.limit(localization.installing .. " \"" .. path .. "\"", container.width, "center")
- workspace:draw()
- -- Download file
- download(path, OSPath .. path)
- -- Adding system versions data
- if id then
- versions[id] = {
- path = OSPath .. path,
- version = version or 1,
- }
- end
- -- Create shortcut if possible
- if shortcut then
- switchProxy(function()
- system.createShortcut(
- userPaths.desktop .. filesystem.hideExtension(,
- OSPath .. filesystem.path(path)
- )
- end)
- end
- progressBar.value = math.floor(i / #downloadList * 100)
- workspace:draw()
- end
- -- Flashing EEPROM
- layout:removeChildren()
- addImage(1, 1, "EEPROM")
- addTitle(0x969696, localization.flashing)
- workspace:draw()
- component.invoke(EEPROMAddress, "set", request(EFIURL))
- component.invoke(EEPROMAddress, "setLabel", "MineOS EFI")
- component.invoke(EEPROMAddress, "setData", selectedFilesystemProxy.address)
- -- Saving system versions
- switchProxy(function()
- filesystem.writeTable(paths.system.versions, versions, true)
- end)
- -- Done info
- layout:removeChildren()
- addImage(1, 1, "Done")
- addTitle(0x969696, localization.installed)
- addStageButton(localization.reboot).onTouch = function()
- computer.shutdown(true)
- end
- workspace:draw()
- -- Removing temporary installer directory
- temporaryFilesystemProxy.remove(installerPath)
- end)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- loadStage()
- workspace:start()
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