
Ariel's lines

Jun 20th, 2016
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  1. Ariel's lines:
  3. Introduction:
  4. So, you're the head of this household, huh?
  5. There's no way I, Ariel-sama, member of the Slyph species is going to like you!
  6. I have al of you humans thoughts.......
  7. Yeeah! This syrup's soooo sweet~!
  8. オマエがアタシの世帯主なのかー!
  9. このシルフ族のエリエル様を好きにできると思うなよ!
  10. 人間が考えることなんて全部お見通・・・・・・
  11. んん~♪ このシロップ、あんま~い♪
  13. Intro (Memorial): Waaah! Don't look, don't looook! Buaaah! きゃー! 見るな、見るなよー! ふえーん!
  16. Home.
  18. Greetings.
  20. Morning:
  21. Afternoon: Huh-?! You have a question? To...today's a bad day, ask tomorrow, would you?
  22. Night:
  23. Early Morning: All nice and shiny! Ariel-sama's here!
  25. Home: Nah? んあ?
  26. -
  27. Stop buzzing around. つんつんするなよ~
  29. Home (¡Ý 10 times): You. Mo-ron!! つんつんするなよ~
  30. Idle: Standing! Games! All of the sweets are welcome!
  31. Profile: For the wise Ariel-sama, knowing your condition is a given!
  32. Refresh: Yay! A break!
  33. Organization: Ariel-sama will be the wise one! 物知りエリエル様の参上だー!
  34. Fusion: What's love? Your body's not prepared for that! 愛って何だぁ!振り向かないことだぁ!
  35. Limit Break: I-It's obvious for you humans to fall in love with Ariel-sama! に、人間がエリエル様を愛でるのは当然だし!
  36. Job (Start)
  37. Job (End)
  38. Meal: Lots of sweeets! 甘いのいっぱ~い♪
  39. Request Complete
  42. Outing.
  44. Outing (Begin): I...when this outing's done...Just kidding! 私・・・このお出かけが終わったら・・・なんちゃってー!
  45. Outing (End): Ariel-sama's baaaack! Give me sweeeets! エリエル様のご帰宅だぞー! 甘いのちょ~だい♪
  46. Item Pickup: Everyone's things belong to me! みんなの物はあたしの物ー!
  47. Encounter: Eeeh? I didn't heard about this. え~!こんなの聞いてな~い!
  48. Encounter (Start): F-F-Follow my lead! あ、あ、あたしについてこーい!
  49. Encounter (Victory): Eh? You're joking, we won? えっ嘘っ!? 勝ったの?
  50. Encounter
  51. (Total Victory): It's all thanks to Ariel-sama! Huh?, I'm wrong? エリエル様のおかげだよね~! ・・・えっ 違う?
  52. Encounter (Defeat)
  53. Attack: What are you worried about? 何が不満なんだー?
  54. You want to talk? 話してみろよー!
  55. Skill: Hey, you realize the mistake you've made? お前、間違えまくりだぜー?
  56. Cheer (Attack): I'll leave them hopeless with thiis! こうなりゃヤケクソだー!
  57. Cheer (Defend): A-alright, Ariel-sama will do her best! よ、よ~し エリエル様、頑張るぞー!
  58. Hit: Why!? なんで!?
  59. I'm scared! 怖いよぉ!
  60. Hit (Critical): Impossible, impossible, Im telling you! 無理無理、無理だってば!
  61. Ca-calm down a bit! ちょ…ちょっと、落ち着けって!
  62. KO: Eeen! えーん!
  64. Care.
  66. Care (Begin): Hoo, you want to serve Ariel-sama? お?エリエル様へのご奉仕か?
  67. Idle: Don't just stare!
  68. Touch (Good)
  69. Affection < 30%: Be gentle. 優しくな
  70. Keep that mood. その調子
  71. Touch (Good)
  72. Affection ¡Ý 30%: Haa~ Right there. ふぇあ~そこそこぉ
  73. So relieving~ ほっとする~
  74. Touch (Good)
  75. Affection ¡Ý 60%: You can do it your way~ どうにでもしてぇ~
  76. So happy~ 幸せぇ~
  77. Touch (Chest)
  78. Affection < 30%: Want me to crush you?! 潰す気~!?
  79. I'm sacred, I'm scared! 怖い怖い!
  80. Touch (Chest)
  81. Affection ¡Ý 30%: I'm telling you to stop. もういいって
  82. Uaaaauuu...... うあっううう……
  83. Touch (Chest)
  84. Affection ¡Ý 60%: Molester... 変態……
  85. Pervert... えっち……
  86. Touch (Bad): I-Im telling you to touch someplace else! ち、違うんだってば~
  87. Hya! ひゃっ!
  89. Hourly Notifications.
  91. 00:00: Still awake? Humans tend to feel bad when they lack sleep, right? まだ起きてるのか?寝不足は人間も体に毒だろ。
  92. 01:00
  93. 02:00
  94. 03:00: I am...monoshiri...heehee...fufu....
  95. 04:00
  96. 05:00: If I stay here...no one will...
  97. 06:00: Fuaaaa. Hm?, it's moring already, huh?
  98. 07:00
  99. 08:00
  100. 09:00: My smarts come from the Sylph species, think you can handle it? あたしの頭脳はシルフ族の英知なんだ!大事に扱えよ?
  101. 10:00: So, isn't there something you'd like to ask the great Ariel-sama? で、このエリエル様に聞きたい事は無いのか?
  102. 11:00
  103. 12:00: You have a question? W-we haven't eaten yet! き、聞きたい事? ご、ご飯を食べてからな~!
  104. 13:00
  105. 14:00
  106. 15:00: T-there's evedince of someone being online? H-hey, there's a sweet smell~! ネ、ネットを使った形跡がある…?あ、甘いにおいがする~!
  107. 16:00
  108. 17:00
  109. 18:00
  110. 19:00
  111. 20:00
  112. 21:00
  113. 22:00: Phew, today was fun! It was a fulfilling day. あー楽しかった!今日も一日充実ぅ!
  114. 23:00: You're going to sleep shortly? Wnat me to fully close the window? そろそろ寝る準備をするか。家の窓は全部閉めろよ?
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