
Funfetti Cookie Recipe

May 26th, 2017
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  1. Funfetti Cookies
  2. - makes ~30-36 cookies (depending on how big you make your balls)
  4. What you need
  5. - 1 cup butter, softened
  6. - 1 1/2 cups sugar
  7. - 2 large eggs, room temp
  8. - ~1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  9. - ~1 teaspoon almond extract
  10. - 3 cups all-purpose flour
  11. - 1/2 teaspoon salt
  12. - 2 teaspoons baking powder
  13. - 1 teaspoon baking soda
  14. - 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  15. - 1 cup sprinkles
  17. 1. Whip your softened butter until it's fluffy. I'd recommend using a hand mixer, it's the only way you're gonna get it to have that nice fluff unless you have a stand-mixer. If your butter ended up melted because you rushed trying to soften it, that's okay. Trust me. I've done that. Just move on to step two and you'll be fine. (Probably.)
  18. 2. Mix in your sugar slowly, adding in a little as you go so you don't send it flying everywhere. Once your sugar is incorporated, add your eggs. I'd recommend doing it one at a time, but follow ur dreams.
  19. 3. Add your flavoring. I generally use vanilla and almond extracts, but it stands to reason that if you wanna get wild with it, you're welcome to (ex. mint, cherry, butter). Just keep in mind you're gonna mess with the flavor. I also rarely /actually/ measure how much I'm using, so just. Again. Follow ur dreams.
  20. 4. Add in your other dry things. I'd recommend adding everything but the flour first and adding it one ingredient at a time. When you /do/ add the flour, do it slowly so it doesn't fluff up everywhere and you end up with a white kitchen.
  21. 5. Add your sprinkles. Don't overmix your batter before adding them--when you add the last of your flour, add your sprinkles pretty soon after. Otherwise your batter will get /hella/ stick and you won't be able to work with it.
  22. 6. Roll your cookies into balls and place them on a baking sheet. You can either use a greased one (with butter or cooking spray) OR you can use parchment paper, which I find to be less hassle. (Be sure you use parchment paper and NOT wax paper. Listen. I've been there. Get it right.)
  23. 7. Throw your cookies in the fridge or freezer and let those suckers sit. It's gonna take at LEAST two hours, but I've found it works better if you let them chill longer. You can keep your dough in the fridge for 2 days or in the freezer for 2 months. (Makes it very helpful to bake in bulk, if you've got the time.)
  24. 8. When you go to bake them, make sure your oven's at 350 degrees. I'd recommend ENSURING it's at that temperature, because it makes the cookies bake more consistently and avoid burning. Bake them somewhere between 8-10 minutes. Basically, just try to avoid letting them get hard/crunchy. Use your own judgement, though--you don't wanna be giving people food poisoning.
  25. 9. When they come out, throw some extra sprinkles on those motherfuckers if you feel so inclined. I usually don't bother, but like. If you're feeling festive, be my guest.
  27. Notes
  28. - I generally make these the night before and let them chill overnight. I've had mixed results, but if you pull the cookies straight out of the freezer and throw them on a room-temp baking sheet, they puff up better. But even if they're flat, they'll still taste good so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  29. - I've also found I get fluffier cookies if I use a combination of self-rising flour and all-purpose. You'll be fine if you use all-purpose, that's what the original recipe recommended, but if you've got it on hand, a bit of self-rising won't hurt.
  30. - If your cookies are soft and super pliable when you take them out, that's generally okay, provided you've baked them for at least 8-9 minutes. They're DONE, they're just super soft. Be careful when taking them off the sheet.
  31. - The recipe I use is actually just a doubled version of the normal recipe, so feel free to half this if necessary. I don't recommend doubling what I've written up there, because holy SHIT that'll be a lot of batter to work with at once. Do not put yourself through that trauma.
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