

Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. command /mi <integer>:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg is more than player's money:
  4. message "&cこの金額はアイテム化出来ません。所持金以下にしてください。(所持金:%player's money%)"
  5. else:
  6. set {%player%.amount} to arg
  7. remove {%player%.amount} from player's money
  8. while {%player%.amount} is more than 9999:
  9. give a paper named "&2&l10000和洋" with lore "&b発行元:&l採掘さば中央銀行", "", and "&aサーバー通貨" to the player
  10. remove 10000 from {%player%.amount}
  11. while {%player%.amount} is more than 999:
  12. give a paper named "&2&l1000和洋" with lore "&b発行元:&l採掘さば中央銀行", "", and "&aサーバー通貨" to the player
  13. remove 1000 from {%player%.amount}
  14. while {%player%.amount} is more than 99:
  15. give a paper named "&2&l100和洋" with lore "&b発行元:&l採掘さば中央銀行", "", and "&aサーバー通貨" to the player
  16. remove 100 from {%player%.amount}
  17. while {%player%.amount} is more than 9:
  18. give a paper named "&2&l10和洋" with lore "&b発行元:&l採掘さば中央銀行", "", and "&aサーバー通貨" to the player
  19. remove 10 from {%player%.amount}
  20. give {%player%.amount} of papers named "&2&l1和洋" with lore "&b発行元:&l採掘さば中央銀行", "", and "&aサーバー通貨" to the player
  21. message "&a通貨のアイテム化に成功しました。"
  22. on rightclick:
  23. if player's tool's name is "&2&l10000和洋":
  24. add 10000 to player's money
  25. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
  26. if player's tool's name is "&2&l1000和洋":
  27. add 1000 to player's money
  28. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
  29. if player's tool's name is "&2&l100和洋":
  30. add 100 to player's money
  31. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
  32. if player's tool's name is "&2&l10和洋":
  33. add 10 to player's money
  34. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
  35. if player's tool's name is "&2&l1和洋":
  36. add 1 to player's money
  37. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
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