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Mar 11th, 2016
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  1. // # Ghost Configuration
  2. // Setup your Ghost install for various [environments](
  4. // Ghost runs in `development` mode by default. Full documentation can be found at
  6. var path = require('path'),
  7. config;
  9. config = {
  10. // ### Production
  11. // When running Ghost in the wild, use the production environment.
  12. // Configure your URL and mail settings here
  13. production: {
  14. url: '',
  15. mail: {},
  16. database: {
  17. client: 'sqlite3',
  18. connection: {
  19. filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost.db')
  20. },
  21. debug: false
  22. },
  24. server: {
  25. host: '',
  26. port: '2368'
  27. }
  28. },
  30. // ### Development **(default)**
  31. development: {
  32. // The url to use when providing links to the site, E.g. in RSS and email.
  33. // Change this to your Ghost blog's published URL.
  34. url: 'http://localhost:2368',
  36. // Example mail config
  37. // Visit for instructions
  38. // ```
  39. // mail: {
  40. // transport: 'SMTP',
  41. // options: {
  42. // service: 'Mailgun',
  43. // auth: {
  44. // user: '', // mailgun username
  45. // pass: '' // mailgun password
  46. // }
  47. // }
  48. // },
  49. // ```
  51. // #### Database
  52. // Ghost supports sqlite3 (default), MySQL & PostgreSQL
  53. database: {
  54. client: 'sqlite3',
  55. connection: {
  56. filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-dev.db')
  57. },
  58. debug: false
  59. },
  60. // #### Server
  61. // Can be host & port (default), or socket
  62. server: {
  63. // Host to be passed to node's `net.Server#listen()`
  64. host: '',
  65. // Port to be passed to node's `net.Server#listen()`, for iisnode set this to `process.env.PORT`
  66. port: '2368'
  67. },
  68. // #### Paths
  69. // Specify where your content directory lives
  70. paths: {
  71. contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/')
  72. }
  73. },
  75. // **Developers only need to edit below here**
  77. // ### Testing
  78. // Used when developing Ghost to run tests and check the health of Ghost
  79. // Uses a different port number
  80. testing: {
  81. url: '',
  82. database: {
  83. client: 'sqlite3',
  84. connection: {
  85. filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-test.db')
  86. },
  87. pool: {
  88. afterCreate: function (conn, done) {
  89.'PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;' +
  90. 'PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY;' +
  91. 'PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;' +
  92. 'BEGIN EXCLUSIVE; COMMIT;', done);
  93. }
  94. }
  95. },
  96. server: {
  97. host: '',
  98. port: '2369'
  99. },
  100. logging: false
  101. },
  103. // ### Testing MySQL
  104. // Used by Travis - Automated testing run through GitHub
  105. 'testing-mysql': {
  106. url: '',
  107. database: {
  108. client: 'mysql',
  109. connection: {
  110. host : '',
  111. user : 'root',
  112. password : '',
  113. database : 'ghost_testing',
  114. charset : 'utf8'
  115. }
  116. },
  117. server: {
  118. host: '',
  119. port: '2369'
  120. },
  121. logging: false
  122. },
  124. // ### Testing pg
  125. // Used by Travis - Automated testing run through GitHub
  126. 'testing-pg': {
  127. url: '',
  128. database: {
  129. client: 'pg',
  130. connection: {
  131. host : '',
  132. user : 'postgres',
  133. password : '',
  134. database : 'ghost_testing',
  135. charset : 'utf8'
  136. }
  137. },
  138. server: {
  139. host: '',
  140. port: '2369'
  141. },
  142. logging: false
  143. }
  144. };
  146. module.exports = config;
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