
6 prompts

Jan 15th, 2015
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  1. If I saw a ghost, I would be skeptical of its reality at first. Once I had proof of the ghost’s existence, I would ask it questions of its physics and such until the dry desserts of man’s knowledge of the afterlife becomes a rainforest, or until the ghost went away.
  2. I fear getting drafted into the army most of all because I feel I would not be good at it. For one, I have irrational fears of these thing: dogs, (although slight) escalators (also slightly) and roller coasters (I never have and probably never will.) I also don’t have any skill with guns, and nor do I want to.
  3. If I was a tiger I would try to stay safer than my prey, even if it means losing a few meals. I would also try to enjoy my existence well still have it, and make the most of it for my family. In all I would like to put my human skills to use.
  4. 5 things that stress my out are: 1, when I think I lost my homework. 2, when I actually lose my homework. 3, doctor\ dentist visits. 4, due dates. 5, being messy.
  5. The thing I wish people would understand about me is that I am not a pawn, I am a knight. You may think now I move sporadic, but you’ll see when something that blocks you is just a jump for me, that well a measly pawn may block your check, they’ll have to get rid of me if they want not to lose.
  6. My idea of a perfect picnic is on a cool summer day by the lake, I get to eat a fancy lunch with all of my friends and family. We would play games, and if the weathers right (which it would be) possibly go swimming.
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