
Vee v JFG

Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. "People shouldn't talk about things they aren't educated in"
  2. Then he proceeds to opine on subjects he isnt educated in. And forgets he got schooled by someone "not properly educated" and Layman )who is educated) approved of said video done by a person approved of by JFG. For someone who talks about Western Values he forgets that the more individualistic culture of the West has a soft spot for the person of humble status beating those of higher status.
  4. "I like to look at objective reality"
  5. "Communism failed because it disrupted human nature"
  6. "The solution is to stop being collectivist and shut down collectivist ideologies."
  7. Obvious absurdity aside, I don't think an individualistic ethic could accomplish that.
  9. "there are people who do, but I cant name them because they're just random commenters" t. Vee
  11. Which I dont see myself anyway. Vee, you attribute what nobody important says to the entire altright and you call that a service. Moreover, the people don't have any ability to spread their ideas.
  13. If you want to debate white nationalism, do it with someone important
  15. This really just made me dislike Vee more, since he seems to give no regard with how disingenuous and invidious he was during this whole ordeal or the fact that he was trying to poison the well. And is completely unreasonable and selective when arguing in comments, preferring stale gotchas over anything substantive. He repeated this here whenever he could safely take a petty swipe at the altright.
  16. Despite being, well blown the fuck out Ryan he still has this pretense of wanting credentials from people who opine on subjects, when Ryan is less credentialed than him. As he opines on subjects he isn't credentialed in and his community is led by a guy without credentials himself. This elitism seems not only undeserved but at odds with "Western Values" imo.
  18. To his minimal credit I have heard people say other races are sub-human...from time to time, extemporaneously, out of exasperation with certain behaviors. You can judge this however you like. But it's clearly not a serious position. To then address the entire altright as if it is a serious position just makes you look dishonest.. Which most skeptics are to be quite honest.
  19. If Vee wants to debate white nationalism he should take on Alternative Hypothesis or even me (again). Here he would try to take petty swipes at people with these views (when nobody could respond) so he can't pretend it is a lack of interest or whatever. Remember, he also pretended he lacked interest in coming on this show.
  21. My issue with Vee is I think he is trying to push a narrative constantly and as such takes shortcuts with the ideas of others when nobody is there to talk with him directly. He did this when he defended Kraut by saying his second video was good (it was bad), and critiqued the current snapshot of the comments section for lacking arguments. Which is rich in my opinion. And he continued this here when he'd often contradict himself to make some petty gotcha against the altright, usually by assuming they have no opinion on an issue they assign less importance to and therefore "aren't serious like he is"
  23. Also, I tried explaining the genetic influence on environment to him but he seemed to not accept it because it was from a psych journal (a behavioral geneticist worked on it) despite it being one of the most replicated findings in behavioral genetics. This is what I am talking about here
  25. Like, at the end, he used the hypothetical of some totalizing environment that completely restricts all information, which doesn't happen too often and even then is less likely to change much of your behavior in significant ways, it will mostly affect things which are input sensitive like the range of political partisanship you can choose from. Communist propaganda doesn't make people less greedy, it simply restricts what their ability to acquire wealth to a degree. Instead they value other things like showing loyalty to their communist ingroup and want to demonstrate their loyalty to it by doing their part of providing a vital service to it. Still selfish impulses
  27. Vee's solution is just changing human nature. He likes objective reality you see. He notices that Communism is contrary to human nature which is why it fails... but individualism is totally in line with said nature. Amusingly, around the same time he said that he complimented the same international community he earlier claimed was subverting democracy by promoting immigration. He did this a lot.
  29. Vee's solution is to just end "collectivism". Silly. And no, "individualism" as you define it is not a Western Society. Racialism is more common in Western Thought than deracinated individualism
  32. What do you call someone who knows communism failed because it obstructed human nature, and advocates for obstructing human nature to end collectivism?
  34. Poland is considered authoritarian for not having humans rights institutions also. Worth noting. Democracy isn't just voting, it is used to imply certain institutions because you cant vote on everything. And no advanced civilization has fixed the birth rate question, but it is unlikely a nation which is importing a new people will ever be able to fix it. There won't be as much pressure to do it, the natives' interests will be less represented, other problems will dominate the issue, will be more competition for what you need to raise families. And amusingly, Vee, in order to take petty swipes at the alt-right affirmed JFG's earlier point when he talked about intelligence and wealth depressing fertility. And his ultimate point is the same as the AltRight's: close the borders and let the issue correct itself on its own or with help.
  36. And the correlation between AnCaps and displaced Europeans is certainly high since most ancaps are white
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