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Feb 28th, 2019
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  1. /^Remember when we thought trump was going to deport all the illegals and we laughed at this kid\? Well he won I guess\. We lost\.$/
  2. /^>>204205502\n>>204205485\n\nDaily reminder that Trump and \/ptg\/ have always supported foreign regime change\. Don't let the shills fool you\.$/
  3. /^Fuck this orange cocksucker\. \n>finish the wall!\nListen to yourselves$/
  4. /^Hi based pedes\. I assume that PTG is the_donald of POL, right\?$/
  5. /^Why do people here get offended when you point out that under the Trump administration there is incredible Israel dicksucking from Washington like never before\?$/
  6. /^>Trump backtracks on Syria withdrawal, hundreds of troops will remain and who knows how many contractors\n>Trump going full neocon on Venezuela, planning to import refugees\n>will inevitably cave on Afghanistan next\n\nSo much for "America First"\. Same old boomer policies\.$/
  7. /^fag enabler\nsold his children to kikes\nshe's been through enough\nDACA still in effect\nwe have to take the guns first, due process later\nstill in syria, afghanistan, etc\. now gearing up for venezuela and iran\nwe have to be replaced legally\nMIGA$/
  8. /^look, goys! I mean, guys, we need to stop talking about the jews! they're our friends, nothing wrong with supporting israel right\? \n\nMIGA!$/
  9. /^Ever notice how none of the beaten wives in \/ptg\/ can never argue why they think people are wrong\? they rely on character assassination, blind faith and\/or outright ignoring reality\.\n>almost exactly like SJWS$/
  10. /^Can't wait for those Venezuelan refugee qts MAGA$/
  11. /^>Trump promised no new wars\n>Trump couldn't Lock Her Up\n>Promised to appoint Special Counsel for CF\n>Trump couldn't stop the caravans\n>Trump didn't end DACA\n>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act\n>Trump promised EO to end Birthright Citizenship\n>Trump didn't make E-Verify a law\n>Trump granted amnesty to illegal aliens \(ms13\)\n>Trump wants more immigrants than ever before\n>Trump cares more about fag rights in other countries than Americans safety\n>Trump b& bumpstocks Obongo didn't even do this\n>Trump didn't make Mexico pay for the wall\n>Trump won't build the wall\n>Trump can't build the wall now\n>Trump couldn't repeal Obamacare\n>Trump barely defunded Planned Parenthood\n>Trump couldn't invest \$1 trillion to improve national infrastucture\n>Trump didn't drain the swamp \n>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban\n>Trump didn't raise the taxes on the rich\n>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes\n>Trump didn't put price controls on prescription drugs\n>Trump didn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election\n>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria\n>Trump couldn't pull the U\.S out of NATO\n>Congress passed Anti bds law\n>Gave israel 38 billion of our tax money\n>Increased the National debt\n>Increased immigration\n>Increased Israel military aid\n>Increase the deep state swamp\n>Never replaced Obamacare\n>Didn’t stop jobs from leaving\n>Employed more foreigners than Americans\n>Betrayed America’s NATO allies\n>Raised taxes for the middle\/poor class while decreased taxes for the rich\n>Never rebuilt the crumbling infrastructure\n>Divided the nation more than ever before\n>Never withdrew troops from the Middle East\n>Started tariff trade war with everyone\n>Fucked over So\. Dakota Farmers\n>Increased trade deficit with China\n>Omnibus bill\n>Amnesty bill\n>Bill prohibits building wall\n>Gave his daughter away to the Antichrist\n>WINNING & 4d chess!!!!\nTRUMP FUCKING PLAYED US\n\nWhy don't you faggots just go\? I know kuschner pays you niggers\.$/
  12. /^has there been president who has lied more overtly than president trump\?$/
  13. /^nice fence$/
  14. /^Looks like a skinny beaner could slide right in between the beams\. Also its not aesthetic at all\. More like an upgraded fence than a wall\. I'm not happy with it\.$/
  15. /^Rebuilding \/ replacing existing fence\*$/
  16. /^God is about as real as my waifu\. Change my mind$/
  17. /^Has there ever been a weaker, more hated politician in the United States\? I sure as hell can't think of one worse than faggot Trump\.$/
  18. /^Real Americans wear this bad boy\. ;-\)$/
  19. /^I was thinking the other day how Obama got called every racial epithet in the book for eight straight years and never once went on Twitter to cry about it like a giant fucking baby\.\n\nReply$/
  20. /^If a 3rd grade teacher came in to class and went "Ok, I know we all have potty issues sometimes but can we please use the toilet like big boys\?"\n\nTrump would respond with "BASELESS ATTACKS by this liberal union loving teacher\. Nobody poops as good as I do\. Everyone says so! Everyone was super impressed by the dump on the floor!"\n\nThat's because Trump is a 12 yr old girl\. I can't wait to read Spike Lee's Tweets today\.$/
  21. /^Trump got bashed at the Oscars\n\nHow can anyone think that he will be re-elected after that\?$/
  22. /^You know Trump was just on the edge of the bed in his jammies for the whole oscars, chewing his hamberders, waiting for someone to say something so he can make the whole night about him\. The ultimate faggot snowflake\.$/
  23. /^Trump is actually an illiterate racist\.\n\nThe projection tells all\.$/
  24. /^Things just didn't work out for Trump\. Democrats are just superior leaders\.$/
  25. /^>>204368493\n\nThere aren't that many Trump supporters on this board, dude\. Probably 3\/4 are Russians\. I never see more than 80 posters in these threads\. Call it 60 farm shills and 20 deluded KKK whites\.$/
  26. /^When will Trump help White working class people\?$/
  28. /^When will Trump help the white working class\?$/
  29. /^When will Trump help the white working class Americans\?$/
  30. /^>>204375661\npresident trump is campaign jeb tier\. Every nationalistic aspect of his mandate was purged and replaced with democrat dick sucking \(pointless as they will always hate him\)\. \n\nOh well america becomes browner every day, but at least it had a guy who went on twitter and made some funny jokes\.$/
  31. /^This is your god now\. This is who you pray to\. This is who your president prays to\.$/
  32. /^The manufacturing jobs aren't coming pack you opioid addicted MAGA populists\.\nYou need to enlist and go fight in and nation build a foreign shithole rather than helping your own country$/
  33. /^Make america nonwhite again!$/
  34. /^donaldstein "make israel first again" trumpowitz$/
  35. /^When will Trump go out of the way to help working class whites in the same manner he goes out of his way for Venezuelans, Israelis, or Black Americans\?$/
  36. /^\/ptg\/ fears China\n>Ethnostate\n>Nationalism\n>Strongest in Asia\n>Cultural center of Asia\n>Can surpass America\n>Intelligent demographics\n\nWhat's there to hate\? A strong China means all Asians benefit\. This isn't up for debate\.$/
  37. /^“The reason why we’re not close to war is because the North Koreans know Donald Trump has capitulated, and he’s basically given up, caved in, and now the North Koreans know,” Scarborough said\. “They’re going to have those nuclear weapons, and Donald Trump is going to have the legacy of being the president of the United States that allowed North Koreans to be able to deliver a nuclear weapon to Seattle, to Oklahoma City, to Charlotte, North Carolina\.”$/
  38. /^Who'd trump rape now\?$/
  39. /^It's time, \/ptg\/\.\n\nThis is not my America\.$/
  40. /^Psst, hey, Drumpftards, how's that wall going\?$/
  41. /^When is Trump going to do something about pizzagate\?$/
  42. /^LOL Trump is getting fucked on national TV right now\. Fucked right in the asshole\. He's going to have to stay in Vietnam or else he's going to be handcuffed the moment he steps off Air Force One\.\n\nIT'S OVER$/
  43. /^are you ptg faggots really cheering a gun control bill\?\n\nwhat the fuck is wrong with you$/
  44. /^It's a shame republican voters keep electing gun grabbers\.$/
  45. /^>>204612473\nTrump is a Zionist who is pushing for unprecedented numbers of legal, illegal, and H1B immigrants\.\n\nHow does this square with his campaign promises\?$/
  46. /^this Cohen testimony was the last straw\.\.\.\n\nCohen wasn't lying, otherwise he would have said yes to the Prague story\.\.\. so everything he just said was true\.\.\.\n\nI don't know if I can vote for Trump in good faith in 2020$/
  47. /^MIGA$/
  48. /^MFW ptg think Trumps wants them armed$/
  49. /^>GUN CONTROL BILLS ARE A GOOD THING\nWhen did \/ptg\/ become so full of cucks\?$/
  50. /^Where were you when Blumpf got totally BTFO by based Cohen\?$/
  51. /^Concessions to NK already\?\n>art of the kneel$/
  52. /^>\/atg\/ threads spreading like an absolute fucking brush fire\n>\/ptg\/ butt-blastingly apoplectic about the whole fucking thing\n\nIf only all of you fucking niggers would literally kill each other already$/
  53. /^>\/atg\/ threads spreading like an absolute fucking brush fire\n>\/ptg\/ butt-blastingly apoplectic about the whole fucking thing\n\nIf only all of you fucking niggers would literally kill each other already$/
  54. /^BREAKING: COHEN'S TESTIMONY PROVEN 100% TRUE\. TRUMP FACING 175 YEARS IN PRISON \(this does NOT include charges for treason or sedition which have yet to surface\.\)\n\nPSA on #CohenTestimony \n\nSpecial Counsel to court: “The information he has provided has been credible and consistent with other evidence obtained in the SCO’s ongoing investigation\.” \n\nOn campaign law, tax crimes: cooperating witnesses include Weisselberg, Pecker, Howard, AMI, etc\.$/
  55. /^North Korea belongs to the kikes now\. Well done\. \nAnother day, another regime change\. If only venzuela had nukes\.\n\nTrump would be flying over there every month to kiss that gorillas ass begging them to make a kike bank at their capital\.$/
  56. /^>Blumpf pretends LARPing in vietnam with Kim Jong Un will distract Americans from the bombshell Cohen hearing\n\nThe worst part is: all the retards will schlop it up like the dogs they are\. Sad!$/
  57. /^>NO WALL\n>NO LOCK HER UP\n>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya\n>No repeal and replace Obamacare\n>Trump couldn't stop the caravan\n>Trump couldn't end DACA\n>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act\n>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship\n>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law\n>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood\n>Trump couldn't invest \$1 trillion to improve national infrastucture\n>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban\n>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes\n>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs\n>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election\n>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria\n>Trump couldn't pull the U\.S out of NATO\n>Anti bds law\n>Gave israel 38 billion\n>Increased the National debt by \$2trillion\n>Gave the 1% a tax cut\n>Farmers bill\n>Omnibus bill\n>Amnesty bill\n>Crime 'reform' bill\n>No unclassified FISA\n>No Awan indictment\n>No Uranium One investigation\n>No voter fraud investigation\n>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation\n>Sessions did nothing\n>Pedogate has vanished\n>Assange has vanished\n>55k sealed indictments went nowhere\n>Hired a bunch of neocons\n>Continued middle eastern wars\n>Ramping up for even more wars$/
  58. /^trump is a criminal$/
  59. /^>>204701719\nIf Hillary won:\nNo wall\nNo mass deportations\nNo drain the swamp\nNo lock her up\n\nTrump:\nNo wall\nNo mass deportations\nNo drain the swamp\nNo lock her up\n\non the 4 main reasons to vote for Trump, he is hillary$/
  60. /^Has Trump finished sucking fat kid's cock for diplomacy cred\?\nWhen I heard him say "Un did nothing wrong, he was unaware he even HAD American hostages" I laughed so hard I nearly drove into a ditch\.$/
  61. /^TIME'S UP\nPresident Trump on Otto Warmbier: "I really believe something very bad happened to him, and I don't think that the top leadership knew about it\.\.\.\(Kim Jong-Un\) felt very badly about it\.\.\.He tells me that he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word\."\nyeh\.\.\. something very bad happened to him, he got ded\.\n\nTrump took Vladimir Putin at his word on Russian election interference\. \nHe took MBS at his word over the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi\. \nAnd today in Hanoi he took Kim Jong Un at his word over the death of Otto Warmbier\.\n\nA reporter asked Kim about human rights atrocities in his country, Trump took the question and said everything was under discussion\.$/
  62. /^\.\.the 'greatest infomercial in political history'\.\.\.\n\n“The sad fact is that I never heard Mr\. Trump say anything in private that led me to believe he loved our nation or wanted to make it better\.”\n- February 27, 2019 Michael Cohen Testifies Before House Oversight Committee \n\nMy\nAss\nGot\nAss-raped again$/
  64. /^>no 3% GDP growth\n>no NK peace deal\n>cornered by investigations\n>no wall\n>no trade deal signed\nIs Trump NOT a failure on anything\?$/
  65. /^Dumb fucking amerimutts sucking zion don's cock$/
  67. /^>claim to be an expert deal maker\n>can't make a single deal$/
  68. /^I was once like you, a corrupted deluded fool under the spell of Drumph\. It's not too late to change your ways$/
  69. /^The only people still defending Trump's miserable presidency are boomers, Fox News \(see boomers\) and kikes still keen to get more shekels for Israel\.\nThere's probably a few legit magatards but they only shill this board when their girlfriends are in the next room getting railed by hispanics in red hats\.$/
  71. /^Miller is failing\.$/
  72. /^>instead of Trump touting the construction of a border wall or a denuclearized North Korea in his bid for reelection, we're going to be hearing all about the lowest levels of black and Hispanic employment levels over and over again$/
  73. /^These threads are more anti-Trump than Pro-Trump\. What's the point of shilling for him anymore\?$/
  74. /^America will never be great so long as a zionist jew slave like Trump is at the helm\. He's done more damage to our rights than obama could have ever dreamed and this jewish dump defends it\.$/
  75. /^LOL nice "wall" drumpftards$/
  76. /^could you just faggots go back to blumpf\?\n>No one gives a fuck about Trump, really$/
  77. /^Things are looking VERY GOOD for impeachment and convictions! Keep up the assault on Trump's BITCH ASS, America! Drive this treasonous snake fucker into the DIRT along with his shit-tier crime syndicate family !!$/
  78. /^Trump shills working for NOTHING on 4chan pol all day\. For NOTHING\.\n\nTrump has taken up space in your empty skulls RENT FREE and YOU PAY TO WORK FOR HIM\.\n\nSpergs be spergin!$/
  79. /^>magatards think the cohen hearing was a win and waste of time\nLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL\n\nThe cohen hearings derailed trumps negotiations and he got nothing\. Bigly owned by the dems\. This is what 4d chess looks like\.$/
  80. /^Here's my two cents on Trump\.\n\nThe Clintons should hang, be gassed, death all the way\. I'm anti globalist\. So I get why you went Trump\. Not for the reasons people are saying, but it was a play\. Why\? \n\nTrump wanted to secure a legacy, a legacy like the Bushes, the Kennedeys, more recently, the Clintons\. All of these families are far more established\. All the crimes of previous came after they had established their legacy\. We aren't there with Trump yet, but the support from somewhere is coming to him, Russia is the smoke screenl\. He is in the process of establishing the Trump name in to History and over the next few years, I promise you, the "trumps" will carry on to push the same crimes you say the Clintons deserve death for in the name of Israel\n\nI'm on no ones side at this point, and once again you lucky burgers have the chance to start again \n\nTrump is compromised$/
  81. /^Thank god the Trump Crime Syndicate is imploding\. Best thing to happen to America in a long time! NOBODY on earth except maybe Putin deserves a long prison sentence like Dickless Donald! \(And you Trump shills please just shut the fuck up\. We're done with your shit\)\.$/
  82. /^who hired all these criminals into trump's campaign\?$/
  83. /^Yang will win$/
  84. /^>weiselber\n>kushner\n>cohen\nhmmmmmmm why does ptg still support this man\?$/
  85. /^TRUMP CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE\n\nYou are president trump\. You find yourself sitting in the Oval Office and you have \$38 billion dollars to spend\. Do you:\nA\. Build a border wall\nB\. Strengthen the military\nC\. Spend it on US infrastructure updates\nD\. Give it back to taxpayers\nE\. Send it it Israel \n\n>\nTRUMP CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE PART 2\n\nYou are President Trump\. You find yourself sitting in the Oval Office and you receive news about a horrific mass shooting\. After tweeting out your "thoughts and prayers", do you:\n\nA\. Forget about the statistical anomaly and get back to work\nB\. Launch a mental health initiative\nC\. Defend the 2nd amendment\nD\. Enact gun control and ban a gun accessory by Executive fiat\nE\. Endorse federal background checks and raising the rifle age to 21 \n\n>\nTRUMP CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE PART 3\n\nYou are President Trump\. You find yourself sitting in Air Force One, about to give a rally in Montana\. Do you:\n\nA\. Attack the Democrat candidate\nB\. Attack the fake news for their anti-white racism\nC\. Praise Sean Hannity\nD\. Claim the Wall is being built, but we need funding to build the wall that Democrats are preventing from being built but that is also being built and Mexico is paying for\nE\. Praise low black and hispanic unemployment \n\n>\nTRUMP CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE PART 4\n\nYou are President Trump\. You find yourself sitting in the Oval Office after having concluded your meeting on Drug and Human Trafficking\. Do you:\n\nA\. Ask Congress to stiffen penalties for traffickers\nB\. Use Executive powers or DOJ rule finagling to achieve the same\nC\. Sanction Mexico and Central American countries\nD\. Tax remittances to Mexico and Central America\nE\. Endorse and sign into a law a bill lowering Federal criminal penalties for drug related offenses$/
  86. /^This Jew rat gave all of Trump's personal and financial information to the SDNY\. Trump and his family are getting what they deserve by surrounding themselves with Jew rats for decades\.$/
  87. /^Is Blimpf back home to his beloved land of Amerifat yet, \/ptg\/\?\?$/
  88. /^why the fuck did he get a security clearence$/
  89. /^im fully black pilled\n\nis there literally any reason to believe trump isnt a kike anymore\?\n\nplease, give me hope$/
  90. /^Where the wall where the wall where the wall at\nStupid pedes in the thread, where the fence at \nOh them pedes gettin hungry\? Where da jizz at\nYou betta SAGE that if they gonna pull that$/
  91. /^Kushner and Trump are fucked$/
  92. /^Trump is a kike shill$/
  93. /^THE ART \nO\nF\nT\nH\nE\nFAIL$/
  94. /^After reading this thread I Feel genuine pity for you all\.\nnot because, or even related to your political beliefs or associations\.\nI pity you for the way you communicate with eachother, I mean its painful to read\.\nI feel like I can tell exactly what you look like, because of the vernacular you use and things you think are a good idea to actually type out\.\nThere are a lot of things you are not 'wrong' about, but jesus christ, look at this thread and think about who you are and what you are saying\.\.\nare you not disgusted by any of this\? the conditioning here frightens me more than most types of the lowest common denominator that you represent\.\nYour real lives come off as nightmare fuel\. Hideous lives escaping a horrible reality\.\nbodies and homes as neglected as your minds\.\nA sickening waste of an undeveloped soul\.\nno sense of control at all\. \njust reading your stuff gives me a deep and real chill\. its indicative of extreme horror smeared with mayonaisey denial and cheesey escapism\.\nthe pictures you choose, the way you talk\.\.\.\nI hope you find the peace of permanent non being as soon as possible\. \nreally these threads are a rock sane and balanced people should never look under\.\nthe ammount of red flags is incredible\.$/
  95. /^Trump is such a faggot cuck LMAO\. get ready for more BASED SPICS$/
  96. /^Why is trump abandoning his base by pushing for gay niggers\?$/
  97. /^Generals are cancer$/
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