
The Element of Laughter (First Person Oneshot)

Feb 10th, 2013
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  1. >It was a cold, misty morning in Equestria
  2. >I had woken up early due to a restless sleep
  3. >The same dream had been recurring night after night
  4. >Rolling hills over a great expanse of grass
  5. >A beautiful meadow of tulips, orchids and daffodils.
  6. >All of which surrounded a lonely tree, sat atop the largest hill in sight
  7. >At first I walked slowly toward the hill, then started to run.
  8. >I sprinted as fast as I could, but I felt as if I were standing still.
  9. >I would run until I could run no further, then wake up panting like a wild dog.
  10. >Wiping a cold sweat off my brow, I went through my morning routine and swiftly exited my house.
  11. >Ahh Ponyville, such a peaceful place.
  12. >In the day it bustled with the activity of ponies going about their business.
  13. >At night it slumbered like an infant, silent and blissful.
  14. >One felt true serenity walking the streets whilst bathed in the glow of the ethereal moonlight.
  15. >The cold winds whipped against my face as I strolled through the empty streets
  16. >I decided rather than simply sitting around before dawn I would go for a walk
  17. >The direction nor the destination mattered, The journey is what I cared for.
  18. >I spun on my heels and walked, landmarks passed left and right.
  19. >Town Hall, Twilight's Library, Sweet Apple Acres.
  20. >I soon found myself at the edge of Ponyville, overlooking the rolling meadows of green.
  21. >The resemblance they held from my dreams were uncanny.
  22. >With my lungs full of air I began walking, absent purpose or conscious thought.
  23. >I had forgotten the number of days I had been in Equestria a while ago.
  24. >Along with my naive notions of hope of finding a way home.
  25. >This is home now.
  26. >The blue mirage on the horizon gradually changed to a dark purple, then red
  27. >The sun was rising.
  28. >My legs groaned in reluctance as I forced myself over another hill
  29. >Then I saw it
  30. >The tree
  31. >The one from my dreams
  32. >With a new lease of energy my pace quickened in tandem with my heart.
  33. >One hill passed, then another and another.
  34. >After what felt like an age I found myself at the foot of the hill
  35. >The tree, surrounded by flowers rested on the peak.
  36. >After struggling up the hill, a very familiar voice flowed through the air
  37. >PP: "Nonny!"
  38. >My eyes squinted as I looked up, the tree stood between me and the sun.
  39. >Pinkie Pie was perched on one of the lower branches.
  40. "Hello Pi-OOF!"
  41. >Pinkie Pie had taken it upon herself to tackle me into the ground and lock me in one of her signature hugs.
  42. >I returned the gesture in kind.
  43. "Nice to see you-"
  44. >PP: "To see you nice! teehee!"
  45. >She eased her embrace and bounced back up, her mane tussling lightly in the wind.
  46. >She extended one of her hooves, I locked my hand around it and picked myself up.
  47. >PP: "So Nonny, whatcha doin?"
  48. >My hand rubbed the back of my neck, I honestly had no idea.
  49. "I don't know, I felt drawn to this place I guess."
  50. >PP: "But you don't draw silly!" She giggled
  51. >Pinkie's head tilts quizzically, accompanied by that beautiful smile.
  52. "That's not what I- Pinkie what are you doing here?"
  53. >PP: "I come here as much as I can to watch the sun rise! You get the nicest view and the warmest sensation and the loveliest feeling it's so great I can't begin to describe how nice it is to-"
  54. >My hands went up in surrender
  55. "Alright alright! So, when is it going up?"
  56. >PP: "Really soon! Nonny, do you wanna stay and watch it rise with me?"
  57. >I felt a slightly nervous tone in her voice, I still don't know why.
  58. "Sounds good to me."
  59. >I stretched weakly, still tired from the hike up to here.
  60. >Walking towards the tree, I turned around and set my back against it.
  61. >Pinkie trotted over and plopped down next to me, her head next to my right shoulder
  62. >I leaned back and gazed at the first sliver of gold, rising from the oceans afar.
  63. >It's light cut through the mist, dissipating it entirely
  64. >Pinkie didn't seem as enamoured as I, she seemed distracted by my presence
  65. "Are you okay?" I asked anxiously.
  66. >PP: "F-fine Nonny... Can I rest my head on you for a minute, I feel party pooped which is weird because I haven't partied since last week!"
  67. >I glanced over at her with a smile
  68. "Of course you can."
  69. >Her face beamed as she rested her head against my shoulder, she looked uncomfortable.
  70. >I promptly raised my arm and placed it over her head and on her side, letting her slink down onto my lap.
  71. >PP: "Th-thanks Nonny."
  72. >My hand gently caressed her mane as the sun rose further, now at a semi-circle.
  73. "Beautiful"
  74. >PP: "It sure is."
  75. "Wasn't talking about the view."
  76. >Pinkie snorted, that was pretty corny
  77. >PP: "Such a charmer Nonny."
  78. >We could now see the line at which light met shadow
  79. >The waves of sunlight quickly advanced over the pools of darkness, pushing them back.
  80. "Thank you Pinkie."
  81. >Pinkie's ears perked as her head lifted from your lap, looking up at your eyes
  82. >PP: "What for?"
  83. "For being there, for me. I don't think I would have been able to live here if it wasn't for your selflessness. The other ponies would have feared and shunned me, or worse. You gave me a chance, you let me in. For that I owe you everything I have now."
  84. >Pinkie just smiled as her nose lightly booped mine.
  85. >PP: "That's what friends do silly!"
  86. >She nuzzled into my chest
  87. >The sunlight began it's advance on the hill, illuminating the flowers scattered around it.
  88. >PP: "Hey Nonny... Don't forget me, please?"
  89. >Pinkie's eyes began to shimmer as her eyes wandered up to mine.
  90. "Never, Never ever ever. Pinkie promise."
  91. >Her eyes lit up as she beamed with a heart warming smile.
  92. >PP: "Thanks... Listen, I gotta go now. I'll see you around okay?"
  93. >The sunlight touched my feet, and as it worked its way up my body, Pinkie began to fade away
  94. >I looked over to my left, at the bright marble headstone, reflecting the brilliant rays of the sun.
  95. >"Here Lies Miss Pinkamena "Pinkie" Diane Pie. Element of Laughter and best friend a pony could ask for."
  96. >"Never stop smiling."
  97. >Standing up, I placed my left hand on the stone.
  98. >The cold smooth surface sapped the warmth from my fingers
  99. >I felt the nurturing heat of the sun on my back, now in the sky, shining with all of it's glory.
  100. >I smiled
  101. "See you around, Pinkie."
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