
carnelian clout

Mar 20th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Name: Carnelian Clout
  3. Age: 55
  5. Gender: Female
  7. Species: Crystal Pony
  9. Appearance: Carnelian is a mature, thin mare with blue eyes and a ruby mane styled in an elaborate coiffure. She wears a laurel crown.
  11. Personality: Carnelian is a complex and multifaceted individual, shaped by a traumatic upbringing and driven by the desire for power and recognition. She is highly narcissistic, vain, and prideful, often using her appearance and silver-tongued persuasion to manipulate others for her own benefit, which often leads to her behaving shamelessly.
  13. Her need for control and dominance is often at odds with her capacity for empathy and compassion, which she struggles to express. Despite her intelligence and cunning, she's a loose cannon when pushed to her limits and has a violent streak that she's not afraid to indulge. Anyone who crosses her or gets in her way should expect to face her wrath.
  15. Backstory:
  17. Born into the noble House Onyx in the Crystal Empire, Carnelian was the eldest of two siblings. Her family had a dark secret - they were involved in a pact with an ancient shadow being called an umbrum named Malzorath. Malzorath granted them power and longevity in exchange for souls, and when Carnelian was born, her parents marked her soul with the Malzorath's power. As a result, Carnelian gained the umbrum's silver tongue and unaging flesh.
  19. Carnelian's childhood was a traumatic one. As the firstborn daughter of the House Onyx, she was marked from birth as a vessel for Malzorath's power. Her parents subjected her to grueling physical and psychological training that left her emotionally scarred and detached from others. She was taught to view herself as superior to others and was encouraged to be ruthless in her pursuit of power. Carnelian's sister Lapis was the only source of comfort and affection in her early years. However, Lapis tragically passed away during a plague outbreak in the Crystal Empire, leaving Carnelian alone and adrift.
  21. After years of conditioning, Carnelian rebelled against her parents and became the Malzorath's champion. She married a stallion named Flourite Jade and had a foal with him. She had planned to offer her daughter, Lazulia, to the Malzorath but her plan was foiled by her husband. In a reckless move, she murdered him and proceeded to indoctrinate Lazulia much like her own parents had done to her.
  23. Years later, during King Sombra's reign, Carnelian attempted to seduce him to gain power. However, she was humiliated by the king and retreated into the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. She eventually got her chance when Sombra was defeated by the royal sisters, but her daughter fled the empire, leaving her in a vulnerable position.
  25. Despite this setback, Carnelian is still a formidable figure.
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