
Making a wild encounter mod for Pokémon BDSP (Yuzu/PC)

May 6th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Requirements:
  2. -A copy of Pokémon BD/SP
  3. -Yuzu/Ryujinx with a Nintendo Switch console's keys installed in order to dump the game's RomFS
  4. -BDSP-Repacker:
  5. -UABEA:
  6. -A text editor
  8. Instructions:
  9. 1) Dump the game's romfs. To learn how, check out this tutorial:
  10. 2) Go to 0100000011D90000\romfs\StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\Dpr\scriptableobjects, and open the gamesettings file therein with UABEA.
  11. 3) UABEA will ask you to uncompress it, either to a file inside your hard drive or to your memory so it can be opened as a temporary file. Do whatever you want.
  12. 4) By default UABEA wll select a package called "CAB-622a63349ae1e87f40fc5a6ca513dba4". Hit the Export button to extract it somewhere.
  13. 5) Open BDSP-Repacker's unpack.exe file. This'll create a folder called "AssetFolder"
  14. 6) Drag-and-drop the "CAB-622a63349ae1e87f40fc5a6ca513dba4" file inside, and then open unpack.exe again in order to extract its contents. Wait until it's done.
  15. 7) Enter the "CAB-622a63349ae1e87f40fc5a6ca513dba4_Export" folder, and modify the FieldEncountTable_d.json and/or FieldEncountTable_p.json files with your favorite text editor.
  16. 8) Once you're done, open BDSP-Repacker's repack.exe in order to pack everything inside a new "CAB-622a63349ae1e87f40fc5a6ca513dba4" file that will be located at "\EditedAssets".
  17. 9) Go back to UABEA, import this file inside your gamesettings by hitting Import, and then save this new file somewhere as "gamesettings".
  18. 10) Put this new gamesettings file inside "Yuzu\user\load\0100000011D90000\MyWildEncounterMod\romfs\Data\StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\Dpr\scriptableobjects". It should go without saying, but create the folders that do not exist.
  19. 11) It should be enabled by default, but do open Yuzu and go to the Properties of your Pokémon BD/SP ROM to double check that the mod is enabled.
  20. 12) Boot up the game and test.
  22. Notes:
  23. -During Step 4, ignore "CAB-622a63349ae1e87f40fc5a6ca513dba4.resS". It's worthless.
  24. -During Step 6, you MUST have the original "622a63349ae1e87f40fc5a6ca513dba4" file that you extracted located at "\AssetFolder", otherwise unpack.exe fails.
  25. -During Step 7, this should be obvious but the "monsno" fields represent the number of the Pokémon, and minlv/maxlv the level thresholds.
  26. -During Step 7, if you don't know the zoneID of the game's maps, check:
  27. -During Step 10, you can name your mod's folder however you want. I named it "MyWildEncounterMod", but you can name it "ChipsAndFries".
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