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Jun 18th, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. # Pi-hole and open road warrior mash-up for set-up only
  5. set -e
  6. ######## VARIABLES #########
  7. tmpLog=/tmp/pihole-install.log
  8. instalLogLoc=/etc/pihole/install.log
  9. setupVars=/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
  10. lighttpdConfig=/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
  12. webInterfaceGitUrl=""
  13. webInterfaceDir="/var/www/html/admin"
  14. piholeGitUrl=""
  15. PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO="/etc/.pihole"
  16. PI_HOLE_FILES=(chronometer list piholeDebug piholeLogFlush setupLCD update version gravity uninstall webpage)
  17. PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/pihole"
  18. useUpdateVars=false
  20. IPV4_ADDRESS=""
  21. IPV6_ADDRESS=""
  22. QUERY_LOGGING=true
  23. INSTALL_WEB=true
  26. # Find the rows and columns will default to 80x24 is it can not be detected
  27. screen_size=$(stty size 2>/dev/null || echo 24 80)
  28. rows=$(echo "${screen_size}" | awk '{print $1}')
  29. columns=$(echo "${screen_size}" | awk '{print $2}')
  31. # Divide by two so the dialogs take up half of the screen, which looks nice.
  32. r=$(( rows / 2 ))
  33. c=$(( columns / 2 ))
  34. # Unless the screen is tiny
  35. r=$(( r < 20 ? 20 : r ))
  36. c=$(( c < 70 ? 70 : c ))
  38. ######## Undocumented Flags. Shhh ########
  39. skipSpaceCheck=false
  40. reconfigure=false
  41. runUnattended=false
  43. newclient () {
  44. # Generates the custom client.ovpn
  45. cp /etc/openvpn/client-common.txt ~/$1.ovpn
  46. echo "<ca>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  47. cat /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt >> ~/$1.ovpn
  48. echo "</ca>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  49. echo "<cert>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  50. cat /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/issued/$1.crt >> ~/$1.ovpn
  51. echo "</cert>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  52. echo "<key>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  53. cat /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/private/$1.key >> ~/$1.ovpn
  54. echo "</key>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  55. echo "<tls-auth>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  56. cat /etc/openvpn/ta.key >> ~/$1.ovpn
  57. echo "</tls-auth>" >> ~/$1.ovpn
  58. }
  59. install_OpenVPN() {
  60. if readlink /proc/$$/exe | grep -qs "dash"; then
  61. echo "This script needs to be run with bash, not sh"
  62. exit 1
  63. fi
  65. if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then
  66. echo "Sorry, you need to run this as root"
  67. exit 2
  68. fi
  70. if [[ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]]; then
  71. echo "The TUN device is not available
  72. You need to enable TUN before running this script"
  73. exit 3
  74. fi
  76. if grep -qs "CentOS release 5" "/etc/redhat-release"; then
  77. echo "CentOS 5 is too old and not supported"
  78. exit 4
  79. fi
  80. if [[ -e /etc/debian_version ]]; then
  81. OS=debian
  82. GROUPNAME=nogroup
  83. RCLOCAL='/etc/rc.local'
  84. elif [[ -e /etc/centos-release || -e /etc/redhat-release ]]; then
  85. OS=centos
  86. GROUPNAME=nobody
  87. RCLOCAL='/etc/rc.d/rc.local'
  88. else
  89. echo "Looks like you aren't running this installer on Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS"
  90. exit 5
  91. fi
  95. # Try to get our IP from the system and fallback to the Internet.
  96. # I do this to make the script compatible with NATed servers (
  97. # and to avoid getting an IPv6.
  98. IP=$(ip addr | grep 'inet' | grep -v inet6 | grep -vE '127\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -o -E '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | head -1)
  99. if [[ "$IP" = "" ]]; then
  100. IP=$(wget -4qO- "")
  101. fi
  103. clear
  105. IP=$IP
  106. PROTOCOL=udp
  107. PORT=1194
  108. CLIENT="mastercert"
  109. #read -n1 -r -p "Press any key to continue..."
  110. if [[ "$OS" = 'debian' ]]; then
  111. apt-get update
  112. apt-get install openvpn iptables openssl ca-certificates -y
  113. else
  114. # Else, the distro is CentOS
  115. yum install epel-release -y
  116. yum install openvpn iptables openssl wget ca-certificates -y
  117. fi
  118. # An old version of easy-rsa was available by default in some openvpn packages
  119. if [[ -d /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ ]]; then
  120. rm -rf /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
  121. fi
  122. # Get easy-rsa
  123. wget -O ~/EasyRSA-3.0.1.tgz ""
  124. tar xzf ~/EasyRSA-3.0.1.tgz -C ~/
  125. mv ~/EasyRSA-3.0.1/ /etc/openvpn/
  126. mv /etc/openvpn/EasyRSA-3.0.1/ /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
  127. chown -R root:root /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
  128. rm -rf ~/EasyRSA-3.0.1.tgz
  129. cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
  130. # Create the PKI, set up the CA, the DH params and the server + client certificates
  131. ./easyrsa init-pki
  132. ./easyrsa --batch build-ca nopass
  133. ./easyrsa gen-dh
  134. ./easyrsa build-server-full server nopass
  135. ./easyrsa build-client-full $CLIENT nopass
  136. ./easyrsa gen-crl
  137. # Move the stuff we need
  138. cp pki/ca.crt pki/private/ca.key pki/dh.pem pki/issued/server.crt pki/private/server.key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/crl.pem /etc/openvpn
  139. # CRL is read with each client connection, when OpenVPN is dropped to nobody
  140. chown nobody:$GROUPNAME /etc/openvpn/crl.pem
  141. # Generate key for tls-auth
  142. openvpn --genkey --secret /etc/openvpn/ta.key
  143. # Generate server.conf
  144. echo "port $PORT
  145. proto $PROTOCOL
  146. dev tun
  147. sndbuf 0
  148. rcvbuf 0
  149. ca ca.crt
  150. cert server.crt
  151. key server.key
  152. dh dh.pem
  153. auth SHA512
  154. tls-auth ta.key 0
  155. topology subnet
  156. server
  157. ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt" > /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  158. echo 'push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"' >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  159. echo 'push "dhcp-option DNS"' >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  160. echo "keepalive 10 120
  161. cipher AES-256-CBC
  162. comp-lzo
  163. user nobody
  164. group $GROUPNAME
  165. persist-key
  166. persist-tun
  167. status openvpn-status.log
  168. verb 3
  169. crl-verify crl.pem" >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  170. # Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward for the system
  171. sed -i '/\<net.ipv4.ip_forward\>/c\net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' /etc/sysctl.conf
  172. if ! grep -q "\<net.ipv4.ip_forward\>" /etc/sysctl.conf; then
  173. echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  174. fi
  175. # Avoid an unneeded reboot
  176. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  177. if pgrep firewalld; then
  178. # Using both permanent and not permanent rules to avoid a firewalld
  179. # reload.
  180. # We don't use --add-service=openvpn because that would only work with
  181. # the default port and protocol.
  182. firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$PORT/$PROTOCOL
  183. firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --add-source=
  184. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=$PORT/$PROTOCOL
  185. firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
  186. # Set NAT for the VPN subnet
  187. firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 nat POSTROUTING 0 -s ! -d -j SNAT --to $IP
  188. firewall-cmd --permanent --direct --add-rule ipv4 nat POSTROUTING 0 -s ! -d -j SNAT --to $IP
  189. else
  190. # Needed to use rc.local with some systemd distros
  191. if [[ "$OS" = 'debian' && ! -e $RCLOCAL ]]; then
  192. echo '#!/bin/sh -e
  193. exit 0' > $RCLOCAL
  194. fi
  195. chmod +x $RCLOCAL
  196. # Set NAT for the VPN subnet
  197. iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j SNAT --to $IP
  198. sed -i "1 a\iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j SNAT --to $IP" $RCLOCAL
  199. if iptables -L -n | grep -qE '^(REJECT|DROP)'; then
  200. # If iptables has at least one REJECT rule, we asume this is needed.
  201. # Not the best approach but I can't think of other and this shouldn't
  202. # cause problems.
  203. iptables -I INPUT -p $PROTOCOL --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT
  204. iptables -I FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
  205. iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
  206. sed -i "1 a\iptables -I INPUT -p $PROTOCOL --dport $PORT -j ACCEPT" $RCLOCAL
  207. sed -i "1 a\iptables -I FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT" $RCLOCAL
  208. sed -i "1 a\iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT" $RCLOCAL
  209. fi
  210. fi
  211. # If SELinux is enabled and a custom port or TCP was selected, we need this
  212. if hash sestatus 2>/dev/null; then
  213. if sestatus | grep "Current mode" | grep -qs "enforcing"; then
  214. if [[ "$PORT" != '1194' || "$PROTOCOL" = 'tcp' ]]; then
  215. # semanage isn't available in CentOS 6 by default
  216. if ! hash semanage 2>/dev/null; then
  217. yum install policycoreutils-python -y
  218. fi
  219. semanage port -a -t openvpn_port_t -p $PROTOCOL $PORT
  220. fi
  221. fi
  222. fi
  223. # And finally, restart OpenVPN
  224. if [[ "$OS" = 'debian' ]]; then
  225. # Little hack to check for systemd
  226. if pgrep systemd-journal; then
  227. systemctl restart openvpn@server.service
  228. else
  229. /etc/init.d/openvpn restart
  230. fi
  231. else
  232. if pgrep systemd-journal; then
  233. systemctl restart openvpn@server.service
  234. systemctl enable openvpn@server.service
  235. else
  236. service openvpn restart
  237. chkconfig openvpn on
  238. fi
  239. fi
  240. # Try to detect a NATed connection and ask about it to potential LowEndSpirit users
  241. EXTERNALIP=$(wget -4qO- "")
  242. if [[ "$IP" != "$EXTERNALIP" ]]; then
  243. echo ""
  244. echo "Looks like your server is behind a NAT!"
  245. echo ""
  246. echo "If your server is NATed (e.g. LowEndSpirit), I need to know the external IP"
  247. echo "If that's not the case, just ignore this and leave the next field blank"
  248. read -p "External IP: " -e USEREXTERNALIP
  249. if [[ "$USEREXTERNALIP" != "" ]]; then
  251. fi
  252. fi
  253. # client-common.txt is created so we have a template to add further users later
  254. echo "client
  255. dev tun
  256. proto $PROTOCOL
  257. sndbuf 0
  258. rcvbuf 0
  259. remote $IP $PORT
  260. resolv-retry infinite
  261. nobind
  262. persist-key
  263. persist-tun
  264. remote-cert-tls server
  265. auth SHA512
  266. cipher AES-256-CBC
  267. comp-lzo
  268. setenv opt block-outside-dns
  269. key-direction 1
  270. verb 3" > /etc/openvpn/client-common.txt
  271. # Generates the custom client.ovpn
  272. newclient "$CLIENT"
  273. echo ""
  274. echo "Finished!"
  277. }
  280. # Compatibility
  281. distro_check() {
  282. if command -v apt-get &> /dev/null; then
  283. #Debian Family
  284. #############################################
  285. PKG_MANAGER="apt-get"
  286. UPDATE_PKG_CACHE="test_dpkg_lock; ${PKG_MANAGER} update"
  287. PKG_INSTALL=(${PKG_MANAGER} --yes --no-install-recommends install)
  288. # grep -c will return 1 retVal on 0 matches, block this throwing the set -e with an OR TRUE
  289. PKG_COUNT="${PKG_MANAGER} -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst || true"
  290. # #########################################
  291. # fixes for dependency differences
  292. # Debian 7 doesn't have iproute2 use iproute
  293. if ${PKG_MANAGER} install --dry-run iproute2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  294. iproute_pkg="iproute2"
  295. else
  296. iproute_pkg="iproute"
  297. fi
  298. # Prefer the php metapackage if it's there, fall back on the php5 packages
  299. if ${PKG_MANAGER} install --dry-run php > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  300. phpVer="php"
  301. else
  302. phpVer="php5"
  303. fi
  304. # #########################################
  305. INSTALLER_DEPS=(apt-utils dialog debconf dhcpcd5 git ${iproute_pkg} whiptail)
  306. PIHOLE_DEPS=(bc cron curl dnsmasq dnsutils iputils-ping lsof netcat sudo unzip wget)
  307. PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS=(lighttpd ${phpVer}-common ${phpVer}-cgi)
  308. LIGHTTPD_USER="www-data"
  309. LIGHTTPD_GROUP="www-data"
  310. LIGHTTPD_CFG="lighttpd.conf.debian"
  311. DNSMASQ_USER="dnsmasq"
  313. test_dpkg_lock() {
  314. i=0
  315. while fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
  316. sleep 0.5
  317. ((i=i+1))
  318. done
  319. # Always return success, since we only return if there is no
  320. # lock (anymore)
  321. return 0
  322. }
  324. elif command -v rpm &> /dev/null; then
  325. # Fedora Family
  326. if command -v dnf &> /dev/null; then
  327. PKG_MANAGER="dnf"
  328. else
  329. PKG_MANAGER="yum"
  330. fi
  332. # Fedora and family update cache on every PKG_INSTALL call, no need for a separate update.
  334. PKG_INSTALL=(${PKG_MANAGER} install -y)
  335. PKG_COUNT="${PKG_MANAGER} check-update | egrep '(.i686|.x86|.noarch|.arm|.src)' | wc -l"
  336. INSTALLER_DEPS=(dialog git iproute net-tools newt procps-ng)
  337. PIHOLE_DEPS=(bc bind-utils cronie curl dnsmasq findutils nmap-ncat sudo unzip wget)
  338. PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS=(lighttpd lighttpd-fastcgi php php-common php-cli)
  339. if ! grep -q 'Fedora' /etc/redhat-release; then
  340. INSTALLER_DEPS=("${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]}" "epel-release");
  341. fi
  342. LIGHTTPD_USER="lighttpd"
  343. LIGHTTPD_GROUP="lighttpd"
  344. LIGHTTPD_CFG="lighttpd.conf.fedora"
  345. DNSMASQ_USER="nobody"
  347. else
  348. echo "OS distribution not supported"
  349. exit
  350. fi
  351. }
  353. is_repo() {
  354. # Use git to check if directory is currently under VCS, return the value 128
  355. # if directory is not a repo. Return 1 if directory does not exist.
  356. local directory="${1}"
  357. local curdir
  358. local rc
  360. curdir="${PWD}"
  361. if [[ -d "${directory}" ]]; then
  362. # git -C is not used here to support git versions older than 1.8.4
  363. cd "${directory}"
  364. git status --short &> /dev/null || rc=$?
  365. else
  366. # non-zero return code if directory does not exist
  367. rc=1
  368. fi
  369. cd "${curdir}"
  370. return "${rc:-0}"
  371. }
  373. make_repo() {
  374. local directory="${1}"
  375. local remoteRepo="${2}"
  377. echo -n "::: Cloning ${remoteRepo} into ${directory}..."
  378. # Clean out the directory if it exists for git to clone into
  379. if [[ -d "${directory}" ]]; then
  380. rm -rf "${directory}"
  381. fi
  382. git clone -q --depth 1 "${remoteRepo}" "${directory}" &> /dev/null || return $?
  383. echo " done!"
  384. return 0
  385. }
  387. update_repo() {
  388. local directory="${1}"
  389. local curdir
  391. curdir="${PWD}"
  392. cd "${directory}" &> /dev/null || return 1
  393. # Pull the latest commits
  394. echo -n "::: Updating repo in ${1}..."
  395. git stash --all --quiet &> /dev/null || true # Okay for stash failure
  396. git clean --force -d || true # Okay for already clean directory
  397. git pull --quiet &> /dev/null || return $?
  398. echo " done!"
  399. cd "${curdir}" &> /dev/null || return 1
  400. return 0
  401. }
  403. getGitFiles() {
  404. # Setup git repos for directory and repository passed
  405. # as arguments 1 and 2
  406. local directory="${1}"
  407. local remoteRepo="${2}"
  408. echo ":::"
  409. echo "::: Checking for existing repository..."
  410. if is_repo "${directory}"; then
  411. update_repo "${directory}" || { echo "*** Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support."; exit 1; }
  412. echo " done!"
  413. else
  414. make_repo "${directory}" "${remoteRepo}" || { echo "Unable to clone repository, please contact support"; exit 1; }
  415. echo " done!"
  416. fi
  417. return 0
  418. }
  420. find_IPv4_information() {
  421. local route
  422. # Find IP used to route to outside world
  423. route=$(ip route get
  424. IPv4dev=$(awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i~/dev/) print $(i+1)}' <<< "${route}")
  425. IPv4bare=$(awk '{print $7}' <<< "${route}")
  426. #-add
  427. #IPV4_ADDRESS=$(ip -o -f inet addr show | grep "${IPv4bare}" | awk '{print $4}' | awk 'END {print}')
  428. IPV4_ADDRESS=
  429. IPv4gw=$(awk '{print $3}' <<< "${route}")
  431. }
  437. verifyFreeDiskSpace() {
  440. }
  443. useIPv6dialog() {
  444. # Show the IPv6 address used for blocking
  445. IPV6_ADDRESS=$(ip -6 route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | grep -v "unreachable" | awk -F " " '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "src") print $(i+1) }')
  447. #if [[ ! -z "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]]; then
  448. #whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "IPv6..." --title "IPv6 Supported" "$IPV6_ADDRESS will be used to block ads." ${r} ${c}
  449. #fi
  450. }
  453. use4andor6() {
  454. local useIPv4
  455. local useIPv6
  456. # Let use select IPv4 and/or IPv6
  457. #cmd=(whiptail --separate-output --checklist "Select Protocols (press space to select)" ${r} ${c} 2)
  458. #options=(IPv4 "Block ads over IPv4" on
  459. #IPv6 "Block ads over IPv6" on)
  460. #choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) || { echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting"; exit 1; }
  461. #for choice in ${choices}
  462. #do
  463. #case ${choice} in
  464. #IPv4 ) useIPv4=true;;
  465. #IPv6 ) useIPv6=true;;
  466. #esac
  467. #done
  468. # -
  469. useIPv4=true
  470. useIPv6=true
  471. if [[ ${useIPv4} ]]; then
  472. find_IPv4_information
  473. #getStaticIPv4Settings
  474. setStaticIPv4
  475. fi
  476. if [[ ${useIPv6} ]]; then
  477. useIPv6dialog
  478. fi
  479. echo "::: IPv4 address: ${IPV4_ADDRESS}"
  480. echo "::: IPv6 address: ${IPV6_ADDRESS}"
  481. if [ ! ${useIPv4} ] && [ ! ${useIPv6} ]; then
  482. echo "::: Cannot continue, neither IPv4 or IPv6 selected"
  483. echo "::: Exiting"
  484. exit 1
  485. fi
  486. }
  490. setDHCPCD() {
  491. # Append these lines to dhcpcd.conf to enable a static IP
  492. echo "interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}
  493. static ip_address=${IPV4_ADDRESS}
  494. static routers=${IPv4gw}
  495. static domain_name_servers=${IPv4gw}" | tee -a /etc/dhcpcd.conf >/dev/null
  496. }
  498. setStaticIPv4() {
  499. local IFCFG_FILE
  500. local IPADDR
  501. local CIDR
  502. if [[ -f /etc/dhcpcd.conf ]]; then
  503. # Debian Family
  504. if grep -q "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" /etc/dhcpcd.conf; then
  505. echo "::: Static IP already configured"
  506. else
  507. setDHCPCD
  508. ip addr replace dev "${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" "${IPV4_ADDRESS}"
  509. echo ":::"
  510. echo "::: Setting IP to ${IPV4_ADDRESS}. You may need to restart after the install is complete."
  511. echo ":::"
  512. fi
  513. elif [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} ]];then
  514. # Fedora Family
  515. IFCFG_FILE=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}
  516. if grep -q "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" "${IFCFG_FILE}"; then
  517. echo "::: Static IP already configured"
  518. else
  519. IPADDR=$(echo "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" | cut -f1 -d/)
  520. CIDR=$(echo "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" | cut -f2 -d/)
  521. # Backup existing interface configuration:
  522. cp "${IFCFG_FILE}" "${IFCFG_FILE}".pihole.orig
  523. # Build Interface configuration file:
  524. {
  525. echo "# Configured via Pi-hole installer"
  527. echo "BOOTPROTO=none"
  528. echo "ONBOOT=yes"
  529. echo "IPADDR=$IPADDR"
  530. echo "PREFIX=$CIDR"
  531. echo "GATEWAY=$IPv4gw"
  532. echo "DNS1=$PIHOLE_DNS_1"
  533. echo "DNS2=$PIHOLE_DNS_2"
  534. echo "USERCTL=no"
  535. }> "${IFCFG_FILE}"
  536. ip addr replace dev "${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" "${IPV4_ADDRESS}"
  537. if command -v nmcli &> /dev/null;then
  538. # Tell NetworkManager to read our new sysconfig file
  539. nmcli con load "${IFCFG_FILE}" > /dev/null
  540. fi
  541. echo ":::"
  542. echo "::: Setting IP to ${IPV4_ADDRESS}. You may need to restart after the install is complete."
  543. echo ":::"
  544. fi
  545. else
  546. echo "::: Warning: Unable to locate configuration file to set static IPv4 address!"
  547. exit 1
  548. fi
  549. }
  551. valid_ip() {
  552. local ip=${1}
  553. local stat=1
  555. if [[ ${ip} =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
  556. OIFS=$IFS
  557. IFS='.'
  558. ip=(${ip})
  559. IFS=${OIFS}
  560. [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \
  561. && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]]
  562. stat=$?
  563. fi
  564. return ${stat}
  565. }
  570. version_check_dnsmasq() {
  571. # Check if /etc/dnsmasq.conf is from pihole. If so replace with an original and install new in .d directory
  572. local dnsmasq_conf="/etc/dnsmasq.conf"
  573. local dnsmasq_conf_orig="/etc/dnsmasq.conf.orig"
  574. local dnsmasq_pihole_id_string="addn-hosts=/etc/pihole/gravity.list"
  575. local dnsmasq_original_config="${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/dnsmasq.conf.original"
  576. local dnsmasq_pihole_01_snippet="${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/01-pihole.conf"
  577. local dnsmasq_pihole_01_location="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf"
  579. if [ -f ${dnsmasq_conf} ]; then
  580. echo -n "::: Existing dnsmasq.conf found..."
  581. if grep -q ${dnsmasq_pihole_id_string} ${dnsmasq_conf}; then
  582. echo " it is from a previous Pi-hole install."
  583. echo -n "::: Backing up dnsmasq.conf to dnsmasq.conf.orig..."
  584. mv -f ${dnsmasq_conf} ${dnsmasq_conf_orig}
  585. echo " done."
  586. echo -n "::: Restoring default dnsmasq.conf..."
  587. cp ${dnsmasq_original_config} ${dnsmasq_conf}
  588. echo " done."
  589. else
  590. echo " it is not a Pi-hole file, leaving alone!"
  591. fi
  592. else
  593. echo -n "::: No dnsmasq.conf found.. restoring default dnsmasq.conf..."
  594. cp ${dnsmasq_original_config} ${dnsmasq_conf}
  595. echo " done."
  596. fi
  598. echo -n "::: Copying 01-pihole.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf..."
  599. cp ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_snippet} ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  600. echo " done."
  601. sed -i "s/@INT@/$PIHOLE_INTERFACE/" ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  602. if [[ "${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" != "" ]]; then
  603. sed -i "s/@DNS1@/$PIHOLE_DNS_1/" ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  604. else
  605. sed -i '/^server=@DNS1@/d' ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  606. fi
  607. if [[ "${PIHOLE_DNS_2}" != "" ]]; then
  608. sed -i "s/@DNS2@/$PIHOLE_DNS_2/" ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  609. else
  610. sed -i '/^server=@DNS2@/d' ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  611. fi
  613. sed -i 's/^#conf-dir=\/etc\/dnsmasq.d$/conf-dir=\/etc\/dnsmasq.d/' ${dnsmasq_conf}
  615. if [[ "${QUERY_LOGGING}" == false ]] ; then
  616. #Disable Logging
  617. sed -i 's/^log-queries/#log-queries/' ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  618. else
  619. #Enable Logging
  620. sed -i 's/^#log-queries/log-queries/' ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location}
  621. fi
  622. }
  624. clean_existing() {
  625. # Clean an exiting installation to prepare for upgrade/reinstall
  626. # ${1} Directory to clean; ${2} Array of files to remove
  627. local clean_directory="${1}"
  628. shift
  629. local old_files=( "$@" )
  631. for script in "${old_files[@]}"; do
  632. rm -f "${clean_directory}/${script}.sh"
  633. done
  634. }
  636. installScripts() {
  637. # Install the scripts from repository to their various locations
  639. echo ":::"
  640. echo -n "::: Installing scripts from ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}..."
  642. # Clear out script files from Pi-hole scripts directory.
  643. clean_existing "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}" "${PI_HOLE_FILES[@]}"
  645. # Install files from local core repository
  646. if is_repo "${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}"; then
  647. cd "${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}"
  648. install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -d "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}"
  649. install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}"
  650. install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}" ./advanced/Scripts/*.sh
  651. install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}" ./automated\ install/
  652. install -o "${USER}" -Dm755 -t /usr/local/bin/ pihole
  653. install -Dm644 ./advanced/bash-completion/pihole /etc/bash_completion.d/pihole
  654. echo " done."
  655. else
  656. echo " *** ERROR: Local repo ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO} not found, exiting."
  657. exit 1
  658. fi
  659. }
  661. installConfigs() {
  662. # Install the configs from PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO to their various locations
  663. echo ":::"
  664. echo "::: Installing configs from ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}..."
  665. version_check_dnsmasq
  667. #Only mess with lighttpd configs if user has chosen to install web interface
  668. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  669. if [ ! -d "/etc/lighttpd" ]; then
  670. mkdir /etc/lighttpd
  671. chown "${USER}":root /etc/lighttpd
  672. elif [ -f "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" ]; then
  673. mv /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf.orig
  674. fi
  675. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/${LIGHTTPD_CFG} /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
  676. mkdir -p /var/run/lighttpd
  677. chown ${LIGHTTPD_USER}:${LIGHTTPD_GROUP} /var/run/lighttpd
  678. mkdir -p /var/cache/lighttpd/compress
  679. chown ${LIGHTTPD_USER}:${LIGHTTPD_GROUP} /var/cache/lighttpd/compress
  680. mkdir -p /var/cache/lighttpd/uploads
  681. chown ${LIGHTTPD_USER}:${LIGHTTPD_GROUP} /var/cache/lighttpd/uploads
  682. fi
  683. }
  685. stop_service() {
  686. # Stop service passed in as argument.
  687. # Can softfail, as process may not be installed when this is called
  688. echo ":::"
  689. echo -n "::: Stopping ${1} service..."
  690. if command -v systemctl &> /dev/null; then
  691. systemctl stop "${1}" &> /dev/null || true
  692. else
  693. service "${1}" stop &> /dev/null || true
  694. fi
  695. echo " done."
  696. }
  698. start_service() {
  699. # Start/Restart service passed in as argument
  700. # This should not fail, it's an error if it does
  701. echo ":::"
  702. echo -n "::: Starting ${1} service..."
  703. if command -v systemctl &> /dev/null; then
  704. systemctl restart "${1}" &> /dev/null
  705. else
  706. service "${1}" restart &> /dev/null
  707. fi
  708. echo " done."
  709. }
  711. enable_service() {
  712. # Enable service so that it will start with next reboot
  713. echo ":::"
  714. echo -n "::: Enabling ${1} service to start on reboot..."
  715. if command -v systemctl &> /dev/null; then
  716. systemctl enable "${1}" &> /dev/null
  717. else
  718. update-rc.d "${1}" defaults &> /dev/null
  719. fi
  720. echo " done."
  721. }
  723. update_package_cache() {
  724. #Running apt-get update/upgrade with minimal output can cause some issues with
  725. #requiring user input (e.g password for phpmyadmin see #218)
  727. #Update package cache on apt based OSes. Do this every time since
  728. #it's quick and packages can be updated at any time.
  730. echo ":::"
  731. echo -n "::: Updating local cache of available packages..."
  732. if eval "${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE}" &> /dev/null; then
  733. echo " done!"
  734. else
  735. echo -en "\n!!! ERROR - Unable to update package cache. Please try \"${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE}\""
  736. return 1
  737. fi
  738. }
  740. notify_package_updates_available() {
  741. # Let user know if they have outdated packages on their system and
  742. # advise them to run a package update at soonest possible.
  743. echo ":::"
  744. echo -n "::: Checking ${PKG_MANAGER} for upgraded packages...."
  745. updatesToInstall=$(eval "${PKG_COUNT}")
  746. echo " done!"
  747. echo ":::"
  748. if [[ -d "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)" ]]; then
  749. if [[ ${updatesToInstall} -eq "0" ]]; then
  750. echo "::: Your system is up to date! Continuing with Pi-hole installation..."
  751. else
  752. echo "::: There are ${updatesToInstall} updates available for your system!"
  753. echo "::: We recommend you update your OS after installing Pi-hole! "
  754. echo ":::"
  755. fi
  756. else
  757. echo "::: Kernel update detected, please reboot your system and try again if your installation fails."
  758. fi
  759. }
  761. install_dependent_packages() {
  762. # Install packages passed in via argument array
  763. # No spinner - conflicts with set -e
  764. declare -a argArray1=("${!1}")
  765. declare -a installArray
  767. # Debian based package install - debconf will download the entire package list
  768. # so we just create an array of packages not currently installed to cut down on the
  769. # amount of download traffic.
  770. # NOTE: We may be able to use this installArray in the future to create a list of package that were
  771. # installed by us, and remove only the installed packages, and not the entire list.
  772. if command -v debconf-apt-progress &> /dev/null; then
  773. for i in "${argArray1[@]}"; do
  774. echo -n "::: Checking for $i..."
  775. if dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "${i}" 2>/dev/null | grep "ok installed" &> /dev/null; then
  776. echo " installed!"
  777. else
  778. echo " added to install list!"
  779. installArray+=("${i}")
  780. fi
  781. done
  782. if [[ ${#installArray[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
  783. test_dpkg_lock
  784. debconf-apt-progress -- "${PKG_INSTALL[@]}" "${installArray[@]}"
  785. return
  786. fi
  787. return 0
  788. fi
  790. #Fedora/CentOS
  791. for i in "${argArray1[@]}"; do
  792. echo -n "::: Checking for $i..."
  793. if ${PKG_MANAGER} -q list installed "${i}" &> /dev/null; then
  794. echo " installed!"
  795. else
  796. echo " added to install list!"
  797. installArray+=("${i}")
  798. fi
  799. done
  800. if [[ ${#installArray[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
  801. "${PKG_INSTALL[@]}" "${installArray[@]}" &> /dev/null
  802. return
  803. fi
  804. return 0
  805. }
  807. CreateLogFile() {
  808. # Create logfiles if necessary
  809. echo ":::"
  810. echo -n "::: Creating log file and changing owner to dnsmasq..."
  811. if [ ! -f /var/log/pihole.log ]; then
  812. touch /var/log/pihole.log
  813. chmod 644 /var/log/pihole.log
  814. chown "${DNSMASQ_USER}":root /var/log/pihole.log
  815. echo " done!"
  816. else
  817. echo " already exists!"
  818. fi
  819. }
  821. installPiholeWeb() {
  822. # Install the web interface
  823. echo ":::"
  824. echo "::: Installing pihole custom index page..."
  825. if [ -d "/var/www/html/pihole" ]; then
  826. if [ -f "/var/www/html/pihole/index.php" ]; then
  827. echo "::: Existing index.php detected, not overwriting"
  828. else
  829. echo -n "::: index.php missing, replacing... "
  830. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/index.php /var/www/html/pihole/
  831. echo " done!"
  832. fi
  834. if [ -f "/var/www/html/pihole/index.js" ]; then
  835. echo "::: Existing index.js detected, not overwriting"
  836. else
  837. echo -n "::: index.js missing, replacing... "
  838. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/index.js /var/www/html/pihole/
  839. echo " done!"
  840. fi
  842. if [ -f "/var/www/html/pihole/blockingpage.css" ]; then
  843. echo "::: Existing blockingpage.css detected, not overwriting"
  844. else
  845. echo -n "::: blockingpage.css missing, replacing... "
  846. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/blockingpage.css /var/www/html/pihole
  847. echo " done!"
  848. fi
  850. else
  851. echo "::: Creating directory for blocking page"
  852. install -d /var/www/html/pihole
  853. install -D ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/{index,blockingpage}.* /var/www/html/pihole/
  854. if [ -f /var/www/html/index.lighttpd.html ]; then
  855. mv /var/www/html/index.lighttpd.html /var/www/html/index.lighttpd.orig
  856. else
  857. printf "\n:::\tNo default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up"
  858. fi
  859. echo " done!"
  860. fi
  862. # Install Sudoer file
  863. echo ":::"
  864. echo -n "::: Installing sudoer file..."
  865. mkdir -p /etc/sudoers.d/
  866. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/pihole.sudo /etc/sudoers.d/pihole
  867. # Add lighttpd user (OS dependent) to sudoers file
  868. echo "${LIGHTTPD_USER} ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/pihole" >> /etc/sudoers.d/pihole
  870. if [[ "$LIGHTTPD_USER" == "lighttpd" ]]; then
  871. # Allow executing pihole via sudo with Fedora
  872. # Usually /usr/local/bin is not permitted as directory for sudoable programms
  873. echo "Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" >> /etc/sudoers.d/pihole
  874. fi
  876. chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/pihole
  877. echo " done!"
  878. }
  880. installCron() {
  881. # Install the cron job
  882. echo ":::"
  883. echo -n "::: Installing latest Cron script..."
  884. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/pihole.cron /etc/cron.d/pihole
  885. echo " done!"
  886. }
  888. runGravity() {
  889. # Run to build blacklists
  890. echo ":::"
  891. echo "::: Preparing to run to refresh hosts..."
  892. if ls /etc/pihole/list* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
  893. echo "::: Cleaning up previous install (preserving whitelist/blacklist)"
  894. rm /etc/pihole/list.*
  895. fi
  896. # Test if /etc/pihole/adlists.default exists
  897. if [[ ! -e /etc/pihole/adlists.default ]]; then
  898. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.default
  899. fi
  900. echo "::: Running"
  901. { /opt/pihole/; }
  902. }
  904. create_pihole_user() {
  905. # Check if user pihole exists and create if not
  906. echo "::: Checking if user 'pihole' exists..."
  907. if id -u pihole &> /dev/null; then
  908. echo "::: User 'pihole' already exists"
  909. else
  910. echo "::: User 'pihole' doesn't exist. Creating..."
  911. useradd -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin pihole
  912. fi
  913. }
  915. configureFirewall() {
  916. # Allow HTTP and DNS traffic
  917. if firewall-cmd --state &> /dev/null; then
  918. whiptail --title "Firewall in use" --yesno "We have detected a running firewall\n\nPi-hole currently requires HTTP and DNS port access.\n\n\n\nInstall Pi-hole default firewall rules?" ${r} ${c} || \
  919. { echo -e ":::\n::: Not installing firewall rulesets."; return 0; }
  920. echo -e ":::\n:::\n Configuring FirewallD for httpd and dnsmasq."
  921. firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http --add-service=dns
  922. firewall-cmd --reload
  923. return 0
  924. # Check for proper kernel modules to prevent failure
  925. elif modinfo ip_tables &> /dev/null && command -v iptables &> /dev/null; then
  926. # If chain Policy is not ACCEPT or last Rule is not ACCEPT
  927. # then check and insert our Rules above the DROP/REJECT Rule.
  928. if iptables -S INPUT | head -n1 | grep -qv '^-P.*ACCEPT$' || iptables -S INPUT | tail -n1 | grep -qv '^-\(A\|P\).*ACCEPT$'; then
  929. whiptail --title "Firewall in use" --yesno "We have detected a running firewall\n\nPi-hole currently requires HTTP and DNS port access.\n\n\n\nInstall Pi-hole default firewall rules?" ${r} ${c} || \
  930. { echo -e ":::\n::: Not installing firewall rulesets."; return 0; }
  931. echo -e ":::\n::: Installing new IPTables firewall rulesets."
  932. # Check chain first, otherwise a new rule will duplicate old ones
  933. iptables -C INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT &> /dev/null || iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
  934. iptables -C INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT &> /dev/null || iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
  935. iptables -C INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT &> /dev/null || iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
  936. return 0
  937. fi
  938. else
  939. echo -e ":::\n::: No active firewall detected.. skipping firewall configuration."
  940. return 0
  941. fi
  942. echo -e ":::\n::: Skipping firewall configuration."
  943. }
  945. finalExports() {
  947. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == false ]]; then
  948. #No web interface installed, and therefore no block page set IPV4/6 to and ::/0
  949. if [ ${IPV4_ADDRESS} ]; then
  950. IPV4_ADDRESS=""
  951. fi
  952. if [ ${IPV6_ADDRESS} ]; then
  953. IPV6_ADDRESS="::/0"
  954. fi
  955. fi
  957. # Update variables in setupVars.conf file
  958. if [ -e "${setupVars}" ]; then
  959. sed -i.update.bak '/PIHOLE_INTERFACE/d;/IPV4_ADDRESS/d;/IPV6_ADDRESS/d;/PIHOLE_DNS_1/d;/PIHOLE_DNS_2/d;/QUERY_LOGGING/d;/INSTALL_WEB/d;' "${setupVars}"
  960. fi
  961. {
  963. echo "IPV4_ADDRESS=${IPV4_ADDRESS}"
  964. echo "IPV6_ADDRESS=${IPV6_ADDRESS}"
  965. echo "PIHOLE_DNS_1=${PIHOLE_DNS_1}"
  966. #-add
  967. echo "DNSSEC=true"
  968. echo "PIHOLE_DNS_2=${PIHOLE_DNS_2}"
  970. echo "INSTALL_WEB=${INSTALL_WEB}"
  971. }>> "${setupVars}"
  973. # Look for DNS server settings which would have to be reapplied
  974. source "${setupVars}"
  975. source "${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/Scripts/"
  977. if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" != "" ]] ; then
  978. ProcessDNSSettings
  979. fi
  981. if [[ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "" ]] ; then
  982. ProcessDHCPSettings
  983. fi
  984. }
  986. installLogrotate() {
  987. # Install the logrotate script
  988. echo ":::"
  989. echo -n "::: Installing latest logrotate script..."
  990. cp ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/logrotate /etc/pihole/logrotate
  991. # Different operating systems have different user / group
  992. # settings for logrotate that makes it impossible to create
  993. # a static logrotate file that will work with e.g.
  994. # Rasbian and Ubuntu at the same time. Hence, we have to
  995. # customize the logrotate script here in order to reflect
  996. # the local properties of the /var/log directory
  997. logusergroup="$(stat -c '%U %G' /var/log)"
  998. if [[ ! -z $logusergroup ]]; then
  999. sed -i "s/# su #/su ${logusergroup}/" /etc/pihole/logrotate
  1000. fi
  1001. echo " done!"
  1002. }
  1004. installPihole() {
  1005. # Install base files and web interface
  1006. create_pihole_user
  1008. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1009. if [ ! -d "/var/www/html" ]; then
  1010. mkdir -p /var/www/html
  1011. fi
  1012. chown ${LIGHTTPD_USER}:${LIGHTTPD_GROUP} /var/www/html
  1013. chmod 775 /var/www/html
  1014. usermod -a -G ${LIGHTTPD_GROUP} pihole
  1015. if [ -x "$(command -v lighty-enable-mod)" ]; then
  1016. lighty-enable-mod fastcgi fastcgi-php > /dev/null || true
  1017. else
  1018. printf "\n:::\tWarning: 'lighty-enable-mod' utility not found. Please ensure fastcgi is enabled if you experience issues.\n"
  1019. fi
  1020. fi
  1021. installScripts
  1022. installConfigs
  1023. CreateLogFile
  1024. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1025. installPiholeWeb
  1026. fi
  1027. installCron
  1028. installLogrotate
  1029. FTLdetect || echo "::: FTL Engine not installed."
  1030. configureFirewall
  1031. finalExports
  1032. #runGravity
  1033. }
  1035. accountForRefactor() {
  1036. # At some point in the future this list can be pruned, for now we'll need it to ensure updates don't break.
  1038. # Refactoring of install script has changed the name of a couple of variables. Sort them out here.
  1040. sed -i 's/piholeInterface/PIHOLE_INTERFACE/g' ${setupVars}
  1041. sed -i 's/IPv4_address/IPV4_ADDRESS/g' ${setupVars}
  1042. sed -i 's/IPv4addr/IPV4_ADDRESS/g' ${setupVars}
  1043. sed -i 's/IPv6_address/IPV6_ADDRESS/g' ${setupVars}
  1044. sed -i 's/piholeIPv6/IPV6_ADDRESS/g' ${setupVars}
  1045. sed -i 's/piholeDNS1/PIHOLE_DNS_1/g' ${setupVars}
  1046. sed -i 's/piholeDNS2/PIHOLE_DNS_2/g' ${setupVars}
  1048. }
  1050. updatePihole() {
  1051. accountForRefactor
  1052. # Install base files and web interface
  1053. installScripts
  1054. installConfigs
  1055. CreateLogFile
  1056. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1057. installPiholeWeb
  1058. fi
  1059. installCron
  1060. installLogrotate
  1061. FTLdetect || echo "::: FTL Engine not installed."
  1062. finalExports #re-export setupVars.conf to account for any new vars added in new versions
  1063. #runGravity
  1064. }
  1068. checkSelinux() {
  1069. if command -v getenforce &> /dev/null; then
  1070. echo ":::"
  1071. echo -n "::: SELinux Support Detected... Mode: "
  1072. enforceMode=$(getenforce)
  1073. echo "${enforceMode}"
  1074. if [[ "${enforceMode}" == "Enforcing" ]]; then
  1075. whiptail --title "SELinux Enforcing Detected" --yesno "SELinux is being Enforced on your system!\n\nPi-hole currently does not support SELinux, but you may still continue with the installation.\n\nNote: Admin UI Will not function fully without setting your policies correctly\n\nContinue installing Pi-hole?" ${r} ${c} || \
  1076. { echo ":::"; echo "::: Not continuing install after SELinux Enforcing detected."; exit 1; }
  1077. echo ":::"
  1078. echo "::: Continuing installation with SELinux Enforcing."
  1079. echo "::: Please refer to official SELinux documentation to create a custom policy."
  1080. fi
  1081. fi
  1082. }
  1086. update_dialogs() {
  1087. # reconfigure
  1088. if [ "${reconfigure}" = true ]; then
  1089. opt1a="Repair"
  1090. opt1b="This will retain existing settings"
  1091. strAdd="You will remain on the same version"
  1092. else
  1093. opt1a="Update"
  1094. opt1b="This will retain existing settings."
  1095. strAdd="You will be updated to the latest version."
  1096. fi
  1097. opt2a="Reconfigure"
  1098. opt2b="This will allow you to enter new settings"
  1100. UpdateCmd=$(whiptail --title "Existing Install Detected!" --menu "\n\nWe have detected an existing install.\n\nPlease choose from the following options: \n($strAdd)" ${r} ${c} 2 \
  1101. "${opt1a}" "${opt1b}" \
  1102. "${opt2a}" "${opt2b}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) || \
  1103. { echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting"; exit 1; }
  1105. case ${UpdateCmd} in
  1106. ${opt1a})
  1107. echo "::: ${opt1a} option selected."
  1108. useUpdateVars=true
  1109. ;;
  1110. ${opt2a})
  1111. echo "::: ${opt2a} option selected"
  1112. useUpdateVars=false
  1113. ;;
  1114. esac
  1115. }
  1117. clone_or_update_repos() {
  1118. if [[ "${reconfigure}" == true ]]; then
  1119. echo "::: --reconfigure passed to install script. Not downloading/updating local repos"
  1120. else
  1121. # Get Git files for Core and Admin
  1122. getGitFiles ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO} ${piholeGitUrl} || \
  1123. { echo "!!! Unable to clone ${piholeGitUrl} into ${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}, unable to continue."; \
  1124. exit 1; \
  1125. }
  1127. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1128. getGitFiles ${webInterfaceDir} ${webInterfaceGitUrl} || \
  1129. { echo "!!! Unable to clone ${webInterfaceGitUrl} into ${webInterfaceDir}, unable to continue."; \
  1130. exit 1; \
  1131. }
  1132. fi
  1133. fi
  1134. }
  1136. FTLinstall() {
  1137. # Download and install FTL binary
  1138. local binary="${1}"
  1139. local latesttag
  1140. local orig_dir
  1141. echo -n "::: Installing FTL... "
  1143. orig_dir="${PWD}"
  1144. latesttag=$(curl -sI | grep "Location" | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}')
  1145. # Tags should always start with v, check for that.
  1146. if [[ ! "${latesttag}" == v* ]]; then
  1147. echo "failed (error in getting latest release location from GitHub)"
  1148. return 1
  1149. fi
  1150. if curl -sSL --fail "${latesttag%$'\r'}/${binary}" -o "/tmp/${binary}"; then
  1151. # Get sha1 of the binary we just downloaded for verification.
  1152. curl -sSL --fail "${latesttag%$'\r'}/${binary}.sha1" -o "/tmp/${binary}.sha1"
  1153. # Check if we just downloaded text, or a binary file.
  1154. cd /tmp
  1155. if sha1sum --status --quiet -c "${binary}".sha1; then
  1156. echo -n "transferred... "
  1157. stop_service pihole-FTL &> /dev/null
  1158. install -T -m 0755 /tmp/${binary} /usr/bin/pihole-FTL
  1159. cd "${orig_dir}"
  1160. install -T -m 0755 "${PI_HOLE_LOCAL_REPO}/advanced/pihole-FTL.service" "/etc/init.d/pihole-FTL"
  1161. echo "done."
  1162. return 0
  1163. else
  1164. echo "failed (download of binary from Github failed)"
  1165. cd "${orig_dir}"
  1166. return 1
  1167. fi
  1168. else
  1169. cd "${orig_dir}"
  1170. echo "failed (URL not found.)"
  1171. fi
  1172. }
  1174. FTLdetect() {
  1175. # Detect suitable FTL binary platform
  1176. echo ":::"
  1177. echo "::: Downloading latest version of FTL..."
  1179. local machine
  1180. local binary
  1182. machine=$(uname -m)
  1184. if [[ $machine == arm* || $machine == *aarch* ]]; then
  1185. # ARM
  1186. local rev=$(uname -m | sed "s/[^0-9]//g;")
  1187. local lib=$(ldd /bin/ls | grep -E '^\s*/lib' | awk '{ print $1 }')
  1188. if [[ "$lib" == "/lib/" ]]; then
  1189. echo "::: Detected ARM-aarch64 architecture"
  1190. binary="pihole-FTL-aarch64-linux-gnu"
  1191. elif [[ "$lib" == "/lib/" ]]; then
  1192. if [ "$rev" -gt "6" ]; then
  1193. echo "::: Detected ARM-hf architecture (armv7+)"
  1194. binary="pihole-FTL-arm-linux-gnueabihf"
  1195. else
  1196. echo "::: Detected ARM-hf architecture (armv6 or lower)"
  1197. echo "::: Using ARM binary"
  1198. binary="pihole-FTL-arm-linux-gnueabi"
  1199. fi
  1200. else
  1201. echo "::: Detected ARM architecture"
  1202. binary="pihole-FTL-arm-linux-gnueabi"
  1203. fi
  1204. elif [[ $machine == x86_64 ]]; then
  1205. # 64bit
  1206. echo "::: Detected x86_64 architecture"
  1207. binary="pihole-FTL-linux-x86_64"
  1208. else
  1209. # Something else - we try to use 32bit executable and warn the user
  1210. if [[ ! $machine == i686 ]]; then
  1211. echo "::: Not able to detect architecture (unknown: ${machine}), trying 32bit executable"
  1212. echo "::: Contact Pi-hole support if you experience problems (like FTL not running)"
  1213. else
  1214. echo "::: Detected 32bit (i686) architecture"
  1215. fi
  1216. binary="pihole-FTL-linux-x86_32"
  1217. fi
  1219. FTLinstall "${binary}" || return 1
  1221. }
  1223. main() {
  1225. ######## FIRST CHECK ########
  1226. # Must be root to install
  1228. #echo ":::"
  1229. #if [[ ${EUID} -eq 0 ]]; then
  1230. #echo "::: You are root."
  1231. #else
  1232. #echo "::: Script called with non-root privileges. The Pi-hole installs server packages and configures"
  1233. #echo "::: system networking, it requires elevated rights. Please check the contents of the script for"
  1234. #echo "::: any concerns with this requirement. Please be sure to download this script from a trusted source."
  1235. #echo ":::"
  1236. #echo "::: Detecting the presence of the sudo utility for continuation of this install..."
  1238. #if command -v sudo &> /dev/null; then
  1239. #echo "::: Utility sudo located."
  1240. #exec curl -sSL | sudo bash "$@"
  1241. #exit $?
  1242. #else
  1243. #echo "::: sudo is needed for the Web interface to run pihole commands. Please run this script as root and it will be automatically installed."
  1244. #exit 1
  1245. #fi
  1246. #fi
  1247. install_OpenVPN
  1248. # Check for supported distribution - LEAVE IN
  1249. distro_check
  1251. # Check arguments for the undocumented flags - CHECK UNATTENDED
  1252. for var in "$@"; do
  1253. case "$var" in
  1254. "--reconfigure" ) reconfigure=true;;
  1255. "--i_do_not_follow_recommendations" ) skipSpaceCheck=false;;
  1256. "--unattended" ) runUnattended=true;;
  1257. esac
  1258. done
  1260. if [[ -f ${setupVars} ]]; then
  1261. if [[ "${runUnattended}" == true ]]; then
  1262. echo "::: --unattended passed to install script, no whiptail dialogs will be displayed"
  1263. useUpdateVars=true
  1264. else
  1265. update_dialogs
  1266. fi
  1267. fi
  1269. # Start the installer
  1270. # Verify there is enough disk space for the install
  1271. if [[ "${skipSpaceCheck}" == true ]]; then
  1272. echo "::: --i_do_not_follow_recommendations passed to script, skipping free disk space verification!"
  1273. else
  1274. verifyFreeDiskSpace
  1275. fi
  1277. # Update package cache - LEAVE IN
  1278. update_package_cache || exit 1
  1280. # Notify user of package availability - CHECK NEEDED
  1281. notify_package_updates_available
  1283. # Install packages used by this installation script - LEAVE IN
  1284. install_dependent_packages INSTALLER_DEPS[@]
  1286. # Check if SELinux is Enforcing - CHECK NEEDED
  1287. checkSelinux
  1290. if [[ ${useUpdateVars} == false ]]; then
  1291. # Display welcome dialogs
  1293. # Create directory for Pi-hole storage
  1294. mkdir -p /etc/pihole/
  1296. stop_service dnsmasq
  1297. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1298. stop_service lighttpd
  1299. fi
  1301. #chooseInterface - CHECK NEEDED
  1302. PIHOLE_INTERFACE="tun0"
  1303. # Decide what upstream DNS Servers to use
  1304. PIHOLE_DNS_1=""
  1305. PIHOLE_DNS_2=""
  1306. # Let the user decide if they want to block ads over IPv4 and/or IPv6
  1307. use4andor6
  1308. #setAdminFlag
  1309. INSTALL_WEB=false
  1310. #setLogging
  1311. QUERY_LOGGING=false
  1312. # Clone/Update the repos
  1313. clone_or_update_repos
  1315. # Install packages used by the Pi-hole
  1316. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1317. DEPS=("${PIHOLE_DEPS[@]}" "${PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS[@]}")
  1318. else
  1319. DEPS=("${PIHOLE_DEPS[@]}")
  1320. fi
  1321. install_dependent_packages DEPS[@]
  1324. # Install and log everything to a file
  1325. installPihole | tee ${tmpLog}
  1326. else
  1327. # Clone/Update the repos
  1328. clone_or_update_repos
  1330. # Source ${setupVars} for use in the rest of the functions.
  1331. source ${setupVars}
  1333. # Install packages used by the Pi-hole
  1334. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1335. DEPS=("${PIHOLE_DEPS[@]}" "${PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS[@]}")
  1336. else
  1337. DEPS=("${PIHOLE_DEPS[@]}")
  1338. fi
  1339. install_dependent_packages DEPS[@]
  1341. updatePihole | tee ${tmpLog}
  1342. fi
  1344. # Move the log file into /etc/pihole for storage
  1345. mv ${tmpLog} ${instalLogLoc}
  1347. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1348. # Add password to web UI if there is none
  1349. pw=""
  1350. if [[ $(grep 'WEBPASSWORD' -c /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf) == 0 ]] ; then
  1351. pw=$(tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 8)
  1352. . /opt/pihole/
  1353. echo "WEBPASSWORD=$(HashPassword ${pw})" >> ${setupVars}
  1354. fi
  1355. fi
  1356. echo "Updating system"
  1357. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
  1359. echo "::: Restarting services..."
  1360. #restart openvpn
  1361. sudo systemctl restart openvpn@server
  1362. # Start services
  1363. start_service dnsmasq
  1364. enable_service dnsmasq
  1366. if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
  1367. start_service lighttpd
  1368. enable_service lighttpd
  1369. fi
  1371. runGravity
  1373. start_service pihole-FTL
  1374. enable_service pihole-FTL
  1378. #download full openroad warrior script for further use
  1379. wget -O
  1380. #and full orignal pihole script for good measure
  1381. wget
  1385. echo "::: Update complete!"
  1387. echo "::: The install log is located at: /etc/pihole/install.log"
  1388. }
  1390. if [[ "${PH_TEST}" != true ]] ; then
  1391. main "$@"
  1392. fi
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