
waterdeep oneshot ideas

Jan 24th, 2019
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  1. 1) In spite of our city's strict patrols and the laws against smuggling, recently smugglers have been bringing in new drugs through the Docks Ward, one with terrible side effects and that has already caused dozens of deaths. Whether themselves malicious or innocent, these smugglers must be stopped. If you are willing to help the less fortunate of the city, please visit our shelter in the Docks Ward as soon as you are able, and may the gods bless you.
  3. 2) After numerous accusations of local baker Credan mixing sand, sawdust, and other elements into the dough for his goods, the Baker's Guild decided to put an end to Credan's work, only for our guild enforcers to find that he has barricaded himself in his bakery and refuses to leave or be taken in. Not wishing to overly damage what is still guild property, and not wishing to allow Credan to sneak away, the enforcers have been camped outside of the bakery for a day now, and are seeking outside help in breaking in and subduing Credan. While the guild is ready to pay a large sum for this job, any unnecessary and/or permanent damage to the establishment will be taken out of the promised reward.
  5. 3) I know that most teams take losses and victories hard, but that's no reason to take it out on my tavern! Last week was their second loss in a row, and their second week of causing trouble here the day after the game. They've lost again, and I don't want to order new glassware already! Please send someone to keep an eye on things here, it's getting exhausting!
  7. 4) My lady wishes to report that her son has been kidnapped and she has been in communications with his kidnappers via letters they are leaving. She also wishes to say that she refuses to pay them for her child's return, but has made the signals that she will be sending servants to the location to give them the money. Finally, she wishes that you make an example of these kidnappers for this attempt to make a fool of her. As such she seeks to hire a group to pose as her servants, and when they arrive to take the money, kill them. The boy will not be there, but he is only my lady's fifth child, so do not trouble yourselves.
  9. 5) My niece and former apprentice has finally shown an ounce of ambition and willingness to work in her life, unfortunately it came too late and is only being used to spite me. I don't want to contact the guild or other officials about the theft, she's still family and so that over-enabling mother of hers would never let me rest if I had the gall to have her arrested, gods forbid she ever face consequences. But I'm a working woman and still need those supplies, I can even tell you what she's done with them, I just can't get the damned things myself.
  11. 6) The only one who lives on my farm is me, but now somebody else is sure trying to live off it. By the tracks they make all through my field it ain't an animal. I don't know the first thing about fighting but I know I need these crops for myself and the money, and my field ain't so big that I can just ignore it like the bigger farms can. If you send people to scare off thief I'll send money.
  13. 7) Not interested in anyone who asks stupid questions or can't keep their hands out of things that don't belong to them, just interested in people willing and able to help move some cargo out of the city. If you're interested head to the tavern any night this week and ask for Lanley. She'll be ready and you better be too.
  15. 8) Urgent! Missing dog! Need help finding her before my brother gets back! She answers to the name "Millimie" and likes apples!
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