

May 1st, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. s: &c[SG]&6
  4. command /start:
  5. permission: siso
  6. trigger:
  7. if {game} is true:
  8. send "&c既に開始されています"
  9. stop
  10. set {game} to true
  11. set {timers} to "&63 minutes"
  12. broadcast "{@s} ゲームを開始します"
  13. wait 3 seconds
  14. loop all players:
  15. if {nojoin.%loop-player%} is "on":
  16. send "&cあなたは今回のゲームには参加しません" to loop-player
  17. else:
  18. add loop-player to {allplayer::*}
  19. add loop-player to {member::*}
  20. if {member::*} is not set:
  21. broadcast "{@s} &cゲームを開始できません"
  22. wait 3 seconds
  23. execute console command "/stopgame"
  24. stop
  25. if size of {member::*} <= 1:
  26. broadcast "{@s} &cゲームを開始できません"
  27. wait 3 seconds
  28. execute console command "/stopgame"
  29. stop
  30. loop {allplayer::*}:
  31. execute console command "/gamemode 2 %loop-value%"
  32. delete {map}
  33. set {map} to random element of {map::*}
  34. loop {allplayer::*}:
  35. clear loop-value's inventory
  36. add 1 to {players}
  37. spawn(loop-value)
  38. set {death.%loop-value%} to false
  39. apply potion of saturation 255 to loop-value for 2 seconds
  40. rs(loop-value)
  41. countdown(10)
  42. rs(all players)
  43. set {pvp} to false
  44. wait 11 seconds
  45. set {pvp} to true
  46. broadcast "{@s} ゲームが開始されました。"
  47. execute console command "/difficulty 2"
  48. execute console command "/kill @e[type=item]"
  49. timelimit()
  50. execute console command "/rf"
  51. apply potion of resistance 255 to all players for 15 seconds
  52. stop
  54. command /stopgame:
  55. permission: siso
  56. trigger:
  57. broadcast "{@s} ゲームを終了しました"
  58. set {game} to false
  59. set {pvp} to false
  60. set {death} to false
  61. set {death} to 0
  62. set {players} to 0
  63. delete {timea0}
  64. delete {timea1}
  65. delete {timea2}
  66. delete {timea3}
  67. delete {skip}
  68. delete {pvp}
  69. delete {spawnnum}
  70. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  71. loop {allplayer::*}:
  72. teleport loop-value to {lobby}
  73. clear loop-value's inventory
  74. add 100 to loop-value's health
  75. set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
  76. apply potion of saturation 255 to loop-value for 2 seconds
  77. set {move.%loop-value%} to false
  78. set {death.%loop-value%} to false
  79. command "/effect @a clear"
  80. lvup(loop-value)
  81. rs(loop-value)
  82. execute console command "/menu grab %loop-value% grab1"
  83. if {berserker.%loop-value%} is true:
  84. set rf max hp of loop-value to 20
  85. set {berserkerhp.%loop-value%} to 16
  86. execute console command "/additem"
  87. execute console command "/difficulty 0"
  88. execute console command "/kill @e[type=item]"
  89. delete {allplayer::*}
  90. delete {member::*}
  91. rs(all players)
  92. if {re} is true:
  93. broadcast "{@s} 30秒後に再スタートします"
  94. wait 30 seconds
  95. execute console command "/start"
  96. stop
  98. command /setspawn [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  99. permission: siso
  100. trigger:
  101. if arg 1 is "lobby":
  102. set {lobby} to location of player
  103. send "&6Lobbyを%location%にセットしました"
  104. stop
  105. if arg 1 is "wait":
  106. set {kitselectpoint} to location of player
  107. send "&6待機所を%location%にセットしました"
  108. stop
  109. if arg 1 is "map":
  110. arg 2 and arg 3 is set
  111. if {map::*} do not contain arg 2:
  112. send "そのmapは存在しません"
  113. stop
  114. set {map.spawn.%arg 2%.%arg 3%} to location of player
  115. send "&6戦場&a(%arg 2%)&6の開始場所&a(%arg 3%)&6を%location%にセットしました"
  116. stop
  117. if arg 1 is "dm":
  118. arg 2 is set
  119. set {dm.spawn.%arg 2%} to location of player
  120. send "&6デスマッチの開始場所&a(%arg 2%)&6を%location%にセットしました"
  121. stop
  122. if arg 1 is "death":
  123. set {deathbattle} to location of player
  124. send "&6死亡後戦線復帰の場所を%location%にセットしました"
  125. stop
  127. command /addmap [<text>]:
  128. permission: siso
  129. trigger:
  130. add arg 1 to {map::*}
  131. send "%arg 1%を追加しました"
  132. stop
  134. on death of player:
  135. if {death.%player%} is true:
  136. force respawn player
  137. wait 5 tick
  138. teleport player to {deathbattle}
  139. stop
  140. if {game} is true:
  141. remove 1 from {players}
  142. remove player from {member::*}
  143. add 5 to {xp.%attacker%}
  144. add 5 to {ranking::%attacker%}
  145. add 1 to {kill.%attacker%}
  146. add 1 to {death}
  147. send "&a+5XP" to attacker
  148. set {_deathpoint} to location of victim
  149. teleport player to {_deathpoint}
  150. rs(all players)
  151. set victim's gamemode to spectator
  152. remove victim from {member::*}
  153. if {players} is 1:
  154. set {game} to false
  155. if attacker is not player:
  156. send title "&6Winner&f:&a&l%{member::*}%" to all players for 3 seconds
  157. else:
  158. send title "&6Winner&f:&a&l%attacker%" to all players for 3 seconds
  159. execute console command "/playsound entity.player.levelup ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  160. wait 7 seconds
  161. execute console command "/stopgame"
  162. stop
  163. else if {players} <= 3:
  164. {death} is false
  165. if {skip} is not set:
  166. set {skip} to true
  167. broadcast "{@s} 5秒後にデスマッチに移行します"
  168. wait 5 seconds
  169. broadcast "{@s} 15秒後にデスマッチが始まります。"
  170. delete {spawnnum}
  171. loop {member::*}:
  172. dm(loop-value)
  173. countdown(15)
  174. wait 15 seconds
  175. broadcast "{@s} デスマッチが開始されました。"
  176. set {death} to true
  178. #kit
  179. on death of player:
  180. {death.%attacker%} is false
  181. if {knight.%attacker%} is true:
  182. apply potion of resistance 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
  183. if {ninja.%attacker%} is true:
  184. apply potion of speed 2 to attacker for 15 seconds
  185. if {berserker.%attacker%} is true:
  186. add 1 to {berserkerhp.%attacker%}
  187. apply potion of strength 1 to attacker for 5 seconds
  188. set rf max hp of attacker to {berserkerhp.%attacker%}
  189. if {bigman.%attacker%} is true:
  190. apply potion of absorption 4 to attacker for 60 seconds
  191. if {healer.%attacker%} is true:
  192. apply potion of regeneration 1 to attacker for 15 seconds
  193. #park
  194. on damage of player:
  195. {game} is true
  196. if {cur.%attacker%} is true:
  197. chance of 5%:
  198. apply potion of slowness 1 to victim for 10 seconds
  199. if {poi.%attacker%} is true:
  200. chance of 5%:
  201. apply potion of poison 2 to victim for 5 seconds
  202. if {wea.%attacker%} is true:
  203. chance of 5%:
  204. apply potion of weakness 1 to victim for 10 seconds
  205. if {cri.%attacker%} is true:
  206. chance of 5%:
  207. send "&e敵にクリティカルダメージが入った!" to attacker
  208. damage victim by 2 hearts
  209. if {push.%attacker%} is true:
  210. chance of 5%:
  211. push victim backwards at speed 2
  212. command /buy [<text>]:
  213. trigger:
  214. {game} is false
  215. if arg 1 is "berserker":
  216. if {berserker.%player%} is true:
  217. send "&c既にもっています。"
  218. stop
  219. if {xp.%player%} >= 50:
  220. set {berserker.%player%} to true
  221. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&c&lberserker&6を開放しました!"
  222. remove 50 from {xp.%player%}
  223. rs(player)
  224. stop
  225. else:
  226. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  227. stop
  228. if arg 1 is "bigman":
  229. if {bigman.%player%} is true:
  230. send "&c既にもっています。"
  231. stop
  232. if {xp.%player%} >= 50:
  233. set {bigman.%player%} to true
  234. broadcast "&e%player%&6が&c&lbigman&6を開放しました!"
  235. remove 50 from {xp.%player%}
  236. rs(player)
  237. stop
  238. else:
  239. send "&cXPが足りません!"
  240. stop
  241. on damage of player:
  242. if {pvp} is false:
  243. cancel event
  244. if {game} is true:
  245. set maximum damage delay of victim to 15 ticks
  246. stop
  247. else:
  248. cancel event
  250. on any movement:
  251. if {move.%player%} is true:
  252. cancel event
  254. on walking on diamond block:
  255. if {allplayer::*} do not contain player:
  256. if {game} is true:
  257. teleport player to {deathbattle}
  259. function rs(p: player):
  260. if {game} is true:
  261. wipe {_p}'s sidebar
  262. set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&6MCSG"
  263. set score "&6&lSisoPixel" in sidebar of {_p} to 1
  264. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 2
  265. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 3
  266. set score "Spec: %{death}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 4
  267. set score "Players: %{players}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 5
  268. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 6
  269. set score "Timelimit: %{timers}% " in sidebar of {_p} to 7
  270. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 8
  271. stop
  272. else:
  273. wipe {_p}'s sidebar
  274. set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&e&lしその鯖"
  275. set score "&6&lSisoPixel" in sidebar of {_p} to 1
  276. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 2
  277. set score "Lv: &b&l%{lv.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 3
  278. set score "XP: &a&l%{xp.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 4
  279. set score "Kills: &c&l%{kill.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 5
  280. set score "&b===Your Status===" in sidebar of {_p} to 6
  281. set score "" in sidebar of {_p} to 7
  283. function lvup(p: player):
  284. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  285. if {lv.%{_p}%} >= 20:
  286. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&b&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  287. if {lv.%{_p}%} >= 30:
  288. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&3&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  289. if {lv.%{_p}%} >= 50:
  290. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&d&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  291. while {xp.%{_p}%} >= {nextlv.%{_p}%}:
  292. wait 2.5 tick
  293. play sound "entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.8 and pitch 0.7 at {_p} for {_p}
  294. set {nextlv.%{_p}%} to {nextlv.%{_p}%} * 1.1
  295. add 1 to {lv.%{_p}%}
  296. send "&aLvUP!! &l%{lv.%{_p}%}%Lv" to {_p}
  297. set {send.%{_p}%} to true
  298. if {send.%{_p}%} is true:
  299. send "&6次のレベルまで &5&l""%{nextlv.%{_p}%}%XP""" to {_p}
  300. set {_p} tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%{_p}%}%&6&l] &f%{_p}%"
  301. set {send.%{_p}%} to false
  303. every 10 tick:
  304. if {time.%{timenum}%} is set:
  305. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 120:
  306. if {timea0} is not set:
  307. set {timea0} to true
  308. set {timers} to "&62 minutes"
  309. rs(all players)
  310. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 60:
  311. if {timea1} is not set:
  312. set {timea1} to true
  313. broadcast "{@s} 残り1分"
  314. set {timers} to "&61 minutes"
  315. rs(all players)
  316. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 30:
  317. if {timea2} is not set:
  318. set {timea2} to true
  319. broadcast "{@s} 残り30秒"
  320. set {timers} to "&630 seconds"
  321. rs(all players)
  322. floor(unix timestamp of now) = {time.%{timenum}%} - 10:
  323. if {timea3} is not set:
  324. set {timea3} to true
  325. broadcast "{@s} 残り10秒"
  326. wait 5 seconds
  327. broadcast "{@s} 5"
  328. wait 1 seconds
  329. broadcast "{@s} 4"
  330. wait 1 seconds
  331. broadcast "{@s} 3"
  332. wait 1 seconds
  333. broadcast "{@s} 2"
  334. wait 1 seconds
  335. broadcast "{@s} 1"
  336. wait 1 seconds
  337. if floor(unix timestamp of now) >= {time.%{timenum}%}:
  338. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  339. broadcast "{@s} 15秒後にdeathmatchが開始されます"
  340. delete {spawnnum}
  341. loop {member::*}:
  342. dm(loop-value)
  343. countdown(15)
  344. wait 16 seconds
  345. broadcast "{@s} deathmatchが開始されました"
  346. function timelimit():
  347. if {time.%{timenum}%} is not set:
  348. add 1 to {timenum}
  349. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 180
  350. stop
  351. if {time.%{timenum}%} is set:
  352. delete {time.%{timenum}%}
  353. add 1 to {timenum}
  354. set {time.%{timenum}%} to floor(unix timestamp of now) + 180
  355. stop
  356. else:
  357. send "&cTime limit Error &5Unixnow%floor(unix timestamp of now)% &6%{time.%{timenum}%}%" to ops
  358. #kitselect
  359. command /kit [<text>]:
  360. trigger:
  361. if arg 1 is not set:
  362. send "&cError Kitが存在してません"
  363. stop
  364. set {ninja.%player%} to false
  365. set {knight.%player%} to false
  366. set {berserker.%player%} to false
  367. set {bigman.%player%} to false
  368. set {healer.%player%} to false
  369. set rf max hp of player to 20
  370. if arg 1 is "ninja":
  371. set {ninja.%player%} to true
  372. send "&akit selected &b&lNinja"
  373. if arg 1 is "knight":
  374. set {knight.%player%} to true
  375. send "&akit selected &6&lKnight"
  376. if arg 1 is "berserker":
  377. if {buy.berserker.%player%} is true:
  378. set {berserker.%player%} to true
  379. set {berserkerhp.%player%} to 16
  380. send "&akit selected &c&lBerserker"
  381. else:
  382. send "&cKitを購入してません!"
  383. if arg 1 is "bigman":
  384. if {buy.bigman.%player%} is true:
  385. set {bigman.%player%} to true
  386. send "&akit selected &3&lBigman"
  387. else:
  388. send "&cKitを購入してません!"
  389. if arg 1 is "healer":
  390. set {healer.%player%} to true
  391. send "&akit selected &d&lHealer"
  392. #parkselect
  393. command /park [<text>]:
  394. trigger:
  395. set {push.%player%} to false
  396. set {cri.%player%} to false
  397. set {cur.%player%} to false
  398. set {poi.%player%} to false
  399. set {wea.%player%} to false
  400. if arg 1 is "push":
  401. set {push.%player%} to true
  402. send "&aPark selected &e&lPush"
  403. if arg 1 is "critical":
  404. set {cri.%player%} to true
  405. send "&aPark selected &c&lCriticals"
  406. if arg 1 is "curse":
  407. set {cur.%player%} to true
  408. send "&aPark selected &7&lCurse"
  409. if arg 1 is "poison":
  410. set {poi.%player%} to true
  411. send "&aPark selected &2&lPoison"
  412. if arg 1 is "weakness":
  413. set {wea.%player%} to true
  414. send "&aPark selected &8&lWeakness"
  415. function countdown(number: number):
  416. loop {_number} times:
  417. if {_number} <= 5:
  418. send title "&6%{_number}%" to all players for 1 seconds
  419. command "/playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 2 1.1 1"
  420. remove 1 from {_number}
  421. wait 1 seconds
  424. function spawn(p: player):
  425. add 1 to {spawnnum}
  426. teleport {_p} to {map.spawn.%{map}%.%{spawnnum}%}
  427. set {move.%{_p}%} to true
  428. wait 10 seconds
  429. set {move.%{_p}%} to false
  431. function dm(p: player):
  432. {game} is true
  433. add 1 to {spawnnum}
  434. teleport {_p} to {dm.spawn.%{spawnnum}%}
  435. set {move.%{_p}%} to true
  436. set {pvp} to false
  437. wait 15 seconds
  438. set {move.%{_p}%} to false
  439. set {pvp} to true
  441. on first join:
  442. set {lv.%player%} to 1
  443. set {xp.%player%} to 0
  444. set {kill.%player%} to 0
  445. set {nextlv.%player%} to 5
  447. on join:
  448. if {ser} is true:
  449. if number of all players >= 2:
  450. set {ser} to false
  451. wait 3 seconds
  452. execute console command "/start"
  453. set player's gamemode to adventure
  454. clear player's inventory
  455. broadcast "&e%player% &9Has joined"
  456. teleport player to {lobby}
  457. set player tab name to "&6&l[&a&lLv%{lv.%player%}%&6&l] &f%player%"
  458. apply potion of saturation 255 to player for 2 seconds
  459. rs(player)
  460. execute console command "/menu grab %player% grab1"
  461. wait 1 seconds
  462. loop all players:
  463. set tab header to "&c[SG]" and footer to "&6&lSisoPixel &a%number of all players%&7/15" for loop-player
  464. on quit:
  465. if {game} is true:
  466. if {death.%player%} is true:
  467. remove player from {allplayer::*}
  468. set {death.%player%} to false
  469. else:
  470. stop
  471. remove player from {allplayer::*}
  472. remove 1 from {players}
  473. if {players} <= 1:
  474. broadcast "{@s} &cError -> force stopgame"
  475. wait 5 seconds
  476. execute console command "/stopgame"
  477. stop
  478. wait 1 seconds
  479. loop all players:
  480. set tab header to "&c[SG]" and footer to "&6&lSisoPixel &a%number of all players%&7/15" for loop-player
  482. on respawn:
  483. if {death.%player%} is false:
  484. set {death.%player%} to true
  485. teleport player to {deathbattle}
  486. else:
  487. teleport player to {deathbattle}
  489. on walking on emerald block:
  490. if {death.%player%} is true:
  491. send "&a+1XP"
  492. add 1 to {xp.%player%}
  494. on leftclick:
  495. if clicked entity is player:
  496. stop
  497. event-player's gamemode is spectator
  498. set {_slotnum} to 1
  499. open chest with 2 row named "&5&lPlayer Teleport" to player
  500. format slot 0 of player with ender chest named "&6&lPlayer list" to be unstealable
  501. loop {member::*}:
  502. add 1 to {_slotnum}
  503. set {_item} to skull from skin of loop-value
  504. set name of {_item} to "%loop-value%"
  505. set slot {_slotnum} of player's current inventory to {_item} named "&6&l%loop-value%" with lore "&a%health of loop-value%&f/&d10"
  506. on packet event play_client_window_click:
  507. event-player's gamemode is spectator
  508. name of event-player's current inventory contain "Player Teleport"
  509. set {_x} to "ItemModifier" pinfo 0 of event-packet
  510. set {_s::*} to substring of "%{_x}%" from 42 to length of "%{_x}%" split at " " #カラーコード分の文字も含まれます &6&lで四文字分
  511. set {_tpp} to {_s::1} parsed as player
  512. execute console command "/tp %event-player% %{_tpp}%"
  513. #teleport event-player to {_tpp}
  515. command /nojoin:
  516. permission: siso
  517. trigger:
  518. if {nojoin.%player%} is not set:
  519. set {nojoin.%player%} to "on"
  520. send "&cゲームに参加しないように設定しました"
  521. stop
  522. if {nojoin.%player%} is "on":
  523. set {nojoin.%player%} to "off"
  524. send "&aゲームに参加するように設定しました"
  525. stop
  526. if {nojoin.%player%} is "off":
  527. set {nojoin.%player%} to "on"
  528. send "&cゲームに参加しないように設定しました"
  529. stop
  530. #Chest refill
  531. command /rf:
  532. permission: admin
  533. trigger:
  534. loop {chestloc.common::*}:
  535. set {_count} to random number between 3 and 5
  536. clear {_slots::*}
  537. clear inventory of block at loop-value
  538. loop 27 times:
  539. add loop-number - 1 to {_slots::*}
  540. loop {_count} times:
  541. set {_slot} to random element out of {_slots::*}
  542. remove {_slot} from {_slots::*}
  543. set {_item} to random element out of {c.c::*}
  544. add {_item} to slot {_slot} of block at loop-value-1
  545. loop {chestloc.rare::*}:
  546. set {_count} to random number between 3 and 5
  547. clear {_slots::*}
  548. clear inventory of block at loop-value
  549. loop 27 times:
  550. add loop-number - 1 to {_slots::*}
  551. loop {_count} times:
  552. set {_slot} to random element out of {_slots::*}
  553. remove {_slot} from {_slots::*}
  554. set {_item} to random element out of {c.r::*}
  555. add {_item} to slot {_slot} of block at loop-value-1
  556. loop {chestloc.c&r::*}:
  557. set {_count} to random number between 2 and 4
  558. clear {_slots::*}
  559. clear inventory of block at loop-value
  560. loop 27 times:
  561. add loop-number - 1 to {_slots::*}
  562. loop {_count} times:
  563. set {_slot} to random element out of {_slots::*}
  564. remove {_slot} from {_slots::*}
  565. set {_item} to random element out of {c&r::*}
  566. add {_item} to slot {_slot} of block at loop-value-1
  568. command /additems:
  569. permission: op
  570. trigger:
  571. clear {c.c::*}
  572. clear {c.r::*}
  573. clear {c&r::*}
  574. #食料
  575. add carrots to {c.c::*}
  576. add carrots to {c.c::*}
  577. add carrots to {c.c::*}
  578. add beef to {c.c::*}
  579. add beef to {c.c::*}
  580. add beef to {c.c::*}
  581. add fish to {c.c::*}
  582. add fish to {c.c::*}
  583. add fish to {c.c::*}
  584. add bread to {c.c::*}
  585. add bread to {c.c::*}
  586. add 4 potato to {c.c::*}
  587. #材料
  588. add 6 stick to {c.c::*}
  589. add 6 stick to {c.c::*}
  590. add 3 flint to {c.c::*}
  591. add 3 flint to {c.c::*}
  592. add gold ingot to {c.c::*}
  593. add gold ingot to {c.c::*}
  594. add iron ingot to {c.c::*}
  595. add 3 feather to {c.c::*}
  596. add 3 feather to {c.c::*}
  597. #武器
  598. add wooden sword to {c.c::*}
  599. add wooden sword to {c.c::*}
  600. add stone sword to {c.c::*}
  601. add wooden axe to {c.c::*}
  602. add stone axe to {c.c::*}
  603. add stone axe to {c.c::*}
  604. add bow to {c.c::*}
  605. #装備
  606. #革
  607. add leather helmet to {c.c::*}
  608. add leather helmet to {c.c::*}
  609. add leather chestplate to {c.c::*}
  610. add leather chestplate to {c.c::*}
  611. add leather leggings to {c.c::*}
  612. add leather leggings to {c.c::*}
  613. add leather boots to {c.c::*}
  614. add leather boots to {c.c::*}
  615. #網
  616. add chainmail helmet to {c.c::*}
  617. add chainmail helmet to {c.c::*}
  618. add chainmail chestplate to {c.c::*}
  619. add chainmail leggings to {c.c::*}
  620. add chainmail boots to {c.c::*}
  621. add chainmail boots to {c.c::*}
  622. #鉄
  623. add iron helmet to {c.c::*}
  624. #道具
  625. add fishing rod to {c.c::*}
  626. #その他
  627. add bottles o' enchanting to {c.c::*}
  628. #レア
  629. #食料
  630. add golden apple to {c.r::*}
  631. add golden apple to {c.r::*}
  632. add 3 bread to {c.r::*}
  633. #材料
  634. add diamond to {c.r::*}
  635. add iron ingot to {c.r::*}
  636. add iron ingot to {c.r::*}
  637. add 6 flint to {c.r::*}
  638. add 6 feather to {c.r::*}
  639. add 10 stick to {c.r::*}
  640. #武器
  641. add stone sword to {c.r::*}
  642. add bow to {c.r::*}
  643. #装備
  644. add iron helmet to {c.r::*}
  645. add iron helmet to {c.r::*}
  646. add iron chestplate to {c.r::*}
  647. add iron leggings to {c.r::*}
  648. add iron boots to {c.r::*}
  649. add iron boots to {c.r::*}
  650. #道具
  651. add fishing rod to {c.r::*}
  652. #その他
  653. add 5 bottles o' enchanting to {c.r::*}
  654. #レア&コモン
  655. #食料
  656. add carrots to {c&r::*}
  657. add 2 bread to {c&r::*}
  658. add 2 bread to {c&r::*}
  659. chance of 70%:
  660. add golden apple to {c&r::*}
  661. add golden apple to {c&r::*}
  662. #武器
  663. chance of 20%:
  664. add stone sword to {c&r::*}
  665. chance of 40%:
  666. add wooden sword to {c&r::*}
  667. add stone axe to {c&r::*}
  668. add wooden axe to {c&r::*}
  669. add bow to {c&r::*}
  670. #装備
  671. add chainmail helmet to {c&r::*}
  672. add leather helmet to {c&r::*}
  673. add leather chestplate to {c&r::*}
  674. add leather leggings to {c&r::*}
  675. add leather boots to {c&r::*}
  676. chance of 30%:
  677. add chainmail chestplate to {c&r::*}
  678. add chainmail chestplate to {c&r::*}
  679. chance of 10%:
  680. add chainmail leggings to {c&r::*}
  681. add chainmail boots to {c&r::*}
  682. chance of 20%:
  683. add iron leggings to {c&r::*}
  684. chance of 10%:
  685. add iron chestplate to {c&r::*}
  686. #材料
  687. add iron ingot to {c&r::*}
  688. chance of 30%:
  689. add diamond to {c&r::*}
  690. add 9 stick to {c&r::*}
  691. add 6 flint to {c&r::*}
  692. add 6 feather to {c&r::*}
  694. command /setchest <text>:
  695. permission: op
  696. trigger:
  697. if arg-1 is "common" or "rare" or "candr":
  698. if {scl.%player%} is true:
  699. set {scl.%player%} to false
  700. send "&cチェスト位置記憶モードをオフにしました"
  701. else:
  702. set {scl.%player%} to true
  703. send "&aチェスト位置記憶モードをオンにしました。"
  704. send "&aマップ名:&e %arg-1% &aレアリティ: &e%arg-1%"
  705. set {scr} to arg-1
  707. on rightclick holding stick:
  708. if event-block is chest:
  709. gamemode of player is creative
  710. if {scl.%player%} is true:
  711. cancel event
  712. if {scr} is "common":
  713. if {chestloc.common::*} contain event-location:
  714. send "&c既に登録されています。&a(common)"
  715. stop
  716. add event-location to {chestloc.common::*}
  717. send "&a%event-location% をCommonチェストとして記憶しました。"
  718. if {scr} is "rare":
  719. if {chestloc.rare::*} contain event-location:
  720. send "&c既に登録されています。&b(rare)"
  721. stop
  722. add event-location to {chestloc.rare::*}
  723. send "&a%event-location% をRareチェストとして記憶しました。"
  724. if {scr} is "candr":
  725. if {chestloc.c&r::*} contain event-location:
  726. send "&c既に登録されています。&2(c and r)"
  727. stop
  728. add event-location to {chestloc.c&r::*}
  729. send "&a%event-location% をC&Rチェストとして記憶しました。"
  731. on leftclick holding stick:
  732. if event-block is chest:
  733. gamemode of player is creative
  734. if {scl.%player%} is false:
  735. cancel event
  736. remove event-location from {chestloc.common::*}
  737. remove event-location from {chestloc.rare::*}
  738. remove event-location from {chestloc.c&r::*}
  739. send "&a%event-location% を削除しました。"
  740. stop
  742. command /ea <text>:
  743. permission: siso
  744. trigger:
  745. name of player is "siso_AZ"
  746. evaluate arg 1
  747. command /de:
  748. permission: siso
  749. trigger:
  750. delete {chestloc.c&r::*}
  751. delete {chestloc.rare::*}
  752. delete {chestloc.common::*}
  753. command /despawn:
  754. permission: siso
  755. trigger:
  756. loop 30 times:
  757. delete {map.spawn.%loop-number%}
  758. #sattus
  759. command /set [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  760. permission: siso
  761. trigger:
  762. name of player is "siso_AZ" or "siso_"
  763. arg 2 is "xp" or "kill" or "lv" or "nextlv"
  764. set {%arg 2%.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  765. send "&aあなたの%arg 2%を%arg 3%にセットしました" to arg 1
  766. send "&a%player%が%arg 1%の%arg 2%を%arg 3%にセットしました" to ops
  767. command /ar [<player>] [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  768. permission: siso
  769. trigger:
  770. name of player is "siso_AZ" or "siso_"
  771. arg 2 is "remove" or "add"
  772. arg 3 is "xp" or "kill" or "lv" or "nextlv"
  773. if arg 2 is "add":
  774. add arg 4 to {%arg 3%.%arg 1%}
  775. send "&aあなたの%arg 3%を%arg 4%&e増やしました。" to arg 1
  776. send "&a%player%が%arg 1%の%arg 3%を%arg 4%&e増やしました。" to ops
  777. if arg 2 is "remove":
  778. remove arg 4 from {%arg 3%.%arg 1%}
  779. send "&aあなたの%arg 3%を%arg 4%&c減らしました。" to arg 1
  780. send "&a%player%が%arg 1%の%arg 3%を%arg 4%&c減らしました。" to ops
  781. command /status [<offline player>]:
  782. trigger:
  783. if arg 1 is not set:
  784. send "&3=======&9%player% Status&3======="
  785. send "&6Lv:%{lv.%player%}%"
  786. send "&aXP:%{xp.%player%}%"
  787. send "&cKill:%{kill.%player%}%"
  788. send "&5NextLv:%{nextlv.%player%}%"
  789. stop
  790. else if arg-1 has not played before:
  791. send "&cそのプレイヤーはこのサーバーに参加したことがありません"
  792. stop
  793. else:
  794. send "&3=======&9%arg 1% Status&3======="
  795. send "&6Lv:%{lv.%arg 1%}%"
  796. send "&aXP:%{xp.%arg 1%}%"
  797. send "&cKill:%{kill.%arg 1%}%"
  798. send "&5NextLv:%{nextlv.%arg 1%}%"
  799. stop
  800. command /aip <offline player>:
  801. permission: siso
  802. trigger:
  803. if name of player is "siso_" or "siso_AZ":
  804. send "%ip of arg 1%"
  805. else:
  806. send "&6オーナー以外使用できません"
  807. command /allreset:
  808. permission: siso
  809. trigger:
  810. delete {berserker.%player%}
  811. set {berserker.%player%} to false
  812. delete {bigman.%player%}
  813. set {bigman.%player%} to false
  814. send "deleted"
  815. on chat:
  816. bind hologram message to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 2.5, 0
  817. on packet event play_server_chat:
  818. "%""chatcomponent"" pjson 0 of event-packet%" contains "サーバーについての" or "分からないところが" or "PrisonやMultiverse" or "電車にいる時でも" or "ご存知でしょうか" or "コインをプレゼントしました" or "コインは欲しい" or "no menu" or "This is not" or "You are"
  819. cancel event
  820. on command:
  821. full command contains "sudo"
  822. player is not "siso_AZ"
  823. cancel event
  824. on Skript start:
  825. execute console command "/difficulty 0"
  826. if {ser} is false:
  827. set {ser} to true
  828. set {re} to true
  829. on skript stop:
  830. set {ser} to false
  831. set {re} to false
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