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Sep 20th, 2022
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  1. What defines "being", when does something start "being", when does a "cup" become a "thing", what is all "this"??? These are all questions which we have to investigate before we continue forwards, so let us do that, for something to "be" means for it to be actualized, realized by an individual, therefore something which is outside the individual's consciousness cannot be by any stretch of the imagination real, even Kant's "thing-in-itself" is something because it is realized, but because he says we cant know/realize it, wouldnt that make it not "be"? But to that i have to say no, and no, for one very simple reason, even if we cannot know/realize it as it is, we can still know/realize it as "X", which actualizes it and makes it real, the search for that "thing-in-itself" which Schopenhauer continued after Kant, is but the search of what we can realize outside time, space and causality because this world as a product of the subject, and therefore time, space and causality even tho "real" to the subject is only an illusion created for him by his mind, because all of our phenomena have to come from somewhere, and that is their origin, the true nature of reality,"but would the thing-in-itself no exist had we not named it?": to that i say NO! for everything is a phenomena of the thing-in-itself, therefore realizing the phenomena which one cannot NOT do is also realizing the thing-in-itself, one could very well say i just pulled that out of my ass, and you'd be right, but a better argument for the existence of the thing-in-itself is your own self-consciousness, as your "inner world" is very much irrational, i.e. does not follow time,space or causality, thus making it the thing-in-itself, we arrive that one by realizing one's self realizes the thing-in-itself, he comes to find that is the "will" which is irrelevant, currently, but comes to show that even the unknown is something that "is", because we make it "be", and since everything is one (absolute), by realizing one part of the it we recognize the whole thing, the subject, therefore, actualizes itself just by being, as it is what makes things "be" it must therefore be the ultimate being, i.e. it is eternal (as he outside of time and space and our best bet is to say that because we cannot determine how something outside of space came to be or when it came to be) and is self-actualizing and self-defining, as nothing besides him can define him, for he is what defines everything else, also it is worth mentioning that since the subject make the everything "be", then everything that is "being" is his property, as it is his alone, so we arrive at egoism. Ok, but now, when does something become "something"? That of course would be when it is labeled, we'll come to find that if we strip all the labels away the world suddenly becomes one almost Godly unity, where everything is interconnected and dependent on the other, which all of that is then placed upon the shoulders of the subject (individual) for him to deal with and phenomenologically experience, to make it easier for himself he then categorizes everything by labeling it, a tree only becomes a "tree" once i give it its name based on its resembles to other things which look like it does, before that, like everything else it is a part of the universe, dependent on it just as much as the universe is dependent on it, we come to find (once again) that since words' primary purpose is to make things seem divided when they are in fact unitary, they suck balls at describing the world, when it can clearly be describes only outside of words' prison. Now comes the third question, "what is all "this", all "this" is the absolute, a phenomena of the thing-in-itself, which is one, as outside of time and space there cannot exist more than one thing, our job, then is to learn and discover as much as we possibly can about this "absolute", as it is the only thing that can possibly be imagined to exist, we are a part of it, making it so that we are dependent on it, as a part of it, and it is dependent on us, as "being" happens only when it is recognized by the individual, the absolute, thing-in-itself, phenomena, everything that is and can be simply VANISHES if the individual subject does.
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